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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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1) Be polite to the drawfriends - they're drawing for you, after all.

2) Specifics, details and references pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled.

3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it.

4) Stick to fictional characters.

5) No nsfw requests. Stuff like that belongs in >>>/y/drawthread

6) Please limit image posting to references and request fills. We don't need a bunch of reaction pictures and such killing the thread early.

Previous thread: >>3706182

BOORU LINK: http://cm-drawthread.booru.org/

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Currently Fireden archive isn't working and Archived.moe doesn't save full images, so be sure to upload all deliveries to the booru before the thread archives! As a precaution I also recommend saving images of any deliveries you like so they aren't lost forever if they somehow don't make it to the booru.

Happy requesting and drawing, folks!
(Please reply to this post when making deliveries)

(Also, I made a mistake-- the actual previous thread is >>3763089 , sorry!)
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Requesting a full body draw of Tsuji Kirihito from Hinomaru Sumo wearing just his glasses and mawashi belt with a bulge and a cute smile. Keep it SFW please.
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Requesting this unfinished art to be remade your own different art styles, if that's okay of course
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Requesting Aoi Ootori from Heroic Complex with a flower wreath on top of this head, bonus if he's blushing :)
we were supposed to be archiving these ;-; ?
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>I woulf never ask something like this, when sobber... but.

Draw Gwyndolin from DS1 like in Himmler's TNO portrait
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reference idk i guess
Requesting an anime style humanoid male robot OC based off this description. He has a human face and hair and a silver robotic body. He is in his 20's with short brown hair and brown eyes and wears glasses. His robot body is entirely silver with silver boots and humanoid hands, and with a groin piece. I would like to see him standing, in a full body draw smiling and keep it SFW.
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Requesting barefoot Percy Jackson wearing his classic Camp Half-Blood shirt and blue shorts
requesting marulk from MiA drawn in this pose. possibly with a shortened version of his maid uniform with bloomers peaking out underneath
Thats a girl, tard
I don't know, requesting Kurapika from HunterxHunter along with Pikachu next to Hideyoshi from Baka to Test along with Yoshi
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So my new years resolution is to get better at drawing cute boys. Lets start.
marulk is a boy. watch the show dumbass
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pretty difficult pose but I gave it a try
not OR but that is beautiful
original requester. This is so cute!! Thank you for taking my request, I absolutely love this :)
Do drawanons have fun with drawing these (or is it just an excuse to practice... or both)? It looks like fun
That is very cute. NTA, but it is great. Thanks
thanks glad you guys liked it :)
>Do drawanons have fun with drawing these
of course.. I get to improve my cute boy drawing abilities and anons get art of their fav boys. everyone wins
Sounds nice
requesting (you) (yes you anon) hugging saika totsuka from oregairu :>
cute! great work drawfren
I could use a hug
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Requesting Gon with his hair down making a heart with his hands
he looks adorable. keep up the good work
Might be hard to improve upon great, but good luck. I wish I could
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Requesting Neku from the world ends with you wearing a playboy bunny costume
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Requesting uh,
this ...fortnite character, sunspot.
But one caveat before you do, could you make him a bit meatier? like around where the legs are, specifically, a touch. Not in a perverted way. Thank you in advance.
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Requesting Yuukoku from inazuma eleven doing a cute pose while blushing
Not OR but cute!
New cute dropped
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requesting my husbando clear from dramatical murder nonchalantly in a weird pose
Requesting the amputee in picrel sleeping cuddling with his kidnapper. The amputee has bruises on his face, but is still smiling because he loves his boyfriend
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I need to try really really hard to my goals this year haha.
I probably won't be around anymore to see, but good luck on your journey to get better
cute! love the paint style. great work!
sorry for replying so late anon! *hug* ^-^
Things weren't better so thanks. At least there have been some posts since then. I look forward to more
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OR here. Holy shit that's 10/10, thank you so much anon!
Does being cute give you an advantage in the reaper's game (is that what it is called?)?
not or, but i always wanted to see embarassed neku in lewd clothes, great work anon!
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Requesting Inferno Cop wearing a playboy bunnysuit
that is way too cute of a design to be wasted on a fortnite skin wtf
>that is way too cute of a design
not really. looks like the average AAAslop shiter character
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Requesting Pinocchio in a cute donkey onesie, his mechanical arm should be exposed.
i know,
i saw like one(1) image and immediately fell in love
OR here, I just remembered that I left a request here ^^;
Thank you very much for this cute drawing! Sorry I'm giving you thanks nearly a month late ahaha
Someone draw Geert Wilders as a cute shota
honestly anon you're cute just for trying
10/10 would be your older brother and put on the fridge and stroke your hair
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Requesting anything with Reo Miyao from Bokutachi no Ikita Riyuu. I'm the only person who's ever drawn him excluding a few drawings I've requested elsewhere. I prefer solo/straight if you plan to do pin-ups, I'm not interested in gay stuff sorry
I can also doodle something back for you if you draw him but don't expect too much quality here's some art examples;
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manga looks cool might check it out
Omg.. You made my crazy little loser so handsome thank you anon... Is there anything you'd like drawn in return? The barbed wire scene was one of my favorites, your rendition of it is awesome
Series itself is a short read, bit less than 65 chapters and the pacing is really bad but Miyao carries it on his back with his autism I didn't feel attached to any of the other characters as much as him and maybe Ryusei. Really like the series' art style though, wish the author did more
glad u like it !! seems its worthwhile to read just for Miyao hes cute. If you want to, here’s poseidon from athena complex would love to see him blush ^^
requesting Chilchuck from Dungeon Meshi in this outfit and similar posing.
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Mordred shitposting on the internet
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requesting gilbert from to be honest
no particular idea in mind, i just think there should be more fanart of him
something angsty probably i guess but please draw him if you want
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Requesting Young Cricket from Warioware doing the pose from the Get It Together cover
The other board said it wasn't NSFW enough
captainkirb... nice
>wasn't NSFW enough
I mean could've said they they could draw him naked or something.
But I hope this gets filled, I like the idea either way.
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>could've said they they could draw him naked
Very valid, but the true beauty is what is unseen, not what is seen. If one was to ask for him to be buck naked, you may see more, but it wouldn't be as exciting as the mind cannot wonder what could be there

Or something like that
this request is nijiEN but despite my vomiting i hope someone fills it for you I guess
Clothed is very hot for this exact reason (plus I have a huge thing for cute clothes)
not sure if i am allowed to ask (im new here) but are any drawfriends still here
threads on this board dont 404 as fast as on other boards
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Yes I understand perfectly
original requester here! he looks perfectly smug lol and I really dig the sketchyness. thank you for taking my request:)
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Make him a catboy
Requesting butters and his dad kissing each other!
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Requesting Klonoa wearing swimming trunks/briefs and gear diving underwater.
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OR here, TYSM~
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Requesting Makoto Yuki(Persona 3) sitting on Anon's lap(Anon's is very happy while Makoto has his usual indifferent expression)
Thanks in advance!!!!!
hi guys. I didn't know where else to post this so im gonna post this here. these are my two ocs, viktor and igor. it's draw related since i drew it lol.
Anyways, what should I draw them doing?
draw them
on the edge
of the crater
Draw them in monarchist AU
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Didn't know which crater you were talking about so I did a random one I found on Google
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Anyone want a drawing of a cute male character in a sailor outfit in my style? I feel like drawing sailor outfit boys.

I know I don't have a super cutesy anime style, but hey it's free art and I want to draw haha.
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Lyserg from Shaman King?
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Here you go, anon! I hope you like it!
he's cute! thank you for drawing him!!
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I know this request has already been filled, but the character made me curious ( I really love how he looks ) so I went and read the manga.

Sadly, wasn't the great death game I first imagined seeing so many characters stuck together in the same place, but even though wasn't interested in most of them, I liked Miyao.

Wish he was a dangaronpa character instead, so he'd have more content. Here's my contribution
cute, i like your take on his hair
best boi, good job on this anon
that crotch detail is insane. or maybe im just a pervert focusing too much on that spot lol
insanely high quality, miyaofag is lucky
i think it's not a bad thing to deliver for stuff that's already been filled. everyone deserves a chance yeah, but more drawings and more drawfriends are always good for the request:delivery ratio. do you post anywhere? those are some very clean lines
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(seriously though here you go for real this time, OR)
i'll draw this if you tell me what he has under his clothes. is it just bones in there?
I feel like drawing a cat boy.
fuck fuck fuck i need me as a small cute anon with his head firmly in your artist lap if there’s anyone out there please please please i haven’t had physical contact in a week and i’m feeling touch starved.

it’s just i’m tired and boys are the only pillow i can actually rest on, it’s practically necessary for my health at this point so i’m pleading you, do this for me please— :(
Requesting Leon s Kennedy crossing his arms and wearing Kamina's glasses from Gurren Lagann
Cute! Anchoring!
Seconding This!
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Requesting Reo and Nagi sleeping together like in the reference comic, with Nagi waking up midly annoyed because of Reo getting horny.

They are both beefy boys btw:

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This is my OC, Yevgeniy Zhenin. He's a Russian boy who strives to be cute and pretty, at the expense of being ostracized by his environment. Still, he does not give in!
I would like to request Yevgeniy doing some kind of skincare routine, taking his time to apply some lotion or maybe green clay on his face, no matter. Just one requirement: he must be pretty!
im the OR holy shit i really love it! thank you !!!
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Requesting these two kissing romantically and cutelly.
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requesting the boy in a cute nurse outfit, simply chillin
Grabbed the wrong pic last time, sorry.

Anyway, can I have some art of this guy working on a Guncannon (iron cavalry type) or at least, looking more like a Gundam spacenoid civilian?
Anyone around?
I would like to request a scene of Elliot and Quatre together in a similar pose as Cyno and Lyney.
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First timer here
Requesting Mafia AU Iruma and Asmodeus from Mairimashita! Iruma kun, lighting a cigarette together pretty please!
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Requesting Archibald playing his guitar in the nude (can still be wearing his mask and hat) while giving a playful grin, with his instrument covering anything too scandalous.
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Requesting a fullbody of this picrew I made with a new outfit (see post below)
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notice hiw only shota requests were fullfilled
Blatantly false. Why am I replying to bait? whatever
It's false, but only by a smidge. The overwhelming majority of fulfiled requests are shotas/kids.
shotas are easier to draw
draw yourself or stop complaining
Actually, I'm not sure if I want the scarf gone or not. If anyone is generous to do this, can you make two versions, one with and one without it? Also, don't forget the earrings.
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hey anon ik its not the best but i saw Homie's art and just had to do this
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requesting vocaloid oliver looking irritated while giving the viewer a backwards V sign (he's british)
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Not OR but that's so fucking cute!
OR here! Thank you! Perfectly rude boy
Requesting that somebody draws a mouth on this AI generation that blends with the drawing. Serious expression like Scaramouche >>3888536
(apologies in advance for poor references, this character is from Lost media so there's not a lot to work with)
requesting crazy boy from breakfast monkey! can't think of any specific scenarios or poses, I'm just looking for any kind of art because he's so obscure there's nothing out there
Requesting Roronoa Zoro (pre or post timeskip I don’t care) looking angrily embarrassed wearing the mega milk shirt. Make his pecs BIG please
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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Requesting Raptin from Fossil Fighters going on about how superior Dinaurians are to humans. Only to be stopped by Hunter holding his hand, making him blush and get all flustered.
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Requesting anything of Iceman from Streetpass Mii Plaza. Maybe him blushing and acting embarrassed/tsundere?
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hey i vaguely remember seeing something about that a few years back

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kinda got lazy finishing this but hope you like :thumbsup:
Ngl, can't tell if this is a female-only sense of humor or you're just really unfunny.
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Requesting Bartz Klauser from Final Fantasy 5 tugging at his tank top from sweating, as though it's too hot out.
Nta but he's precious.
not OR but your style is very unique. I hope to see more of it sometime
NTA but that's beautiful!
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I don't have any experience with drawing Blue Lock boys, but I tried.
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Miis are very moe
Thanks :)

I drew this while high and based him on Finnian from Black Butler. Do you like him?
very cute!
OR here, this is super cute!! Thank you so much!
Man you have a great clean, bright art style. Always love to see artists like you in drawthreads!
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Requesting humanspamton in a nice casual formal outfit please. i think he look pretty nice and charming in it.
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I want to practice drawing different shotas if anyone has any shota requests
Ciel Phantomhive please
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Requesting my boy toby dressed up as a cute little prince.
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This alien boy from Mr. Villain's Day Off.
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OR here. Super cute, thank you!
Cute! That’s the same outfit my plushie has. He looks so small and lovely, I just wanna pick him up and squeeze him. Thanks anon you are very good
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Requesting Ben Tennyson transformed into either Goop, Upgrade, or an Anodite. And for these transformations to be specifically shaped like Ben.
So if it was Goop, Ben would basically become a slime boy, as an example.
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i really oughta learn how to use a drawing tablet
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the boy from the summer sale is pretty cute if anyone wants to make art of him
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requesting choso from jujutsu kaisen wearing a maid dress or little ribbons in his pigtails (don't remove the pigtails)
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You must buy
Amazing job
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Heres my oc
hes a Afghanistan war vet and former cia glowie who abuses drinks and smokes.
atleast he has a good fashion sense
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Requesting Chilchuck from Delicious in Dungeon telling me everything is going to be okay, anon
>abuses drinks and smokes
"Abuses drinks and smokes" or "Abuses, drinks, and smokes"?
Also, you're telling me THAT thing is a war veteran?
i meant to say he abuses alcohol sorry my keyboard was behind my drawing tablet
and yea
looks like a jojo character
He's cute
I like his outfit
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Would Zoro's milk taste like beer? I wonder
Forgot to anchor
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Requesting Mii Brawler from SSBU saying faggot in affectionate way with smug smile
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Hey there /cm/!
I wanted to invite you guys for this year’s Summer Scramble! Summer Scramble is 4chan’s version of Artfight, and the two teams are Sweet and Spicy. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, this is your chance to shine. Bring your unique style and compete with fellow 4chan users. It's an opportunity to show off your OCs, get new art, improve your artistry, and most importantly, have fun! https://discord.gg/vFcVN9Zn
does anyone actually draw anything?
what, you want anything?
this sounds pretty fun
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>Requesting Naruto in more underwear

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