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In this house, Tsukasa posting hours are 24/7
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Me and my BF
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Mika Mika
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Shu Shu
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I have like a bajillion enstars pics, if I don't hoard art I will die
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El chico de limón. muy lindo, lo quiero
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I believe in Ritsukasa supremacy
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New hiyori outfit. Thoughts?
Why the f. a man should wear a bra
It's not a bra lol. It's a sailor swimsuit outfit from the "sports festival" event
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source please?
It's a thing in Japan for gay men to call themselves women/oneesan regardless of actual gender identity
>Source: my ass
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I have no memory of posts from twitter artists that I save, so sorry anon, if you pop up on my timeline again I'll be sure to post
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if it pops up*
It's over.
Wipe the slate clean.
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I know this is a game targeted at women but I'm a straight guy and find Rinne and hiyori super hot, what does this mean for me?
You have good taste?
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Arashi... canon tra-ACK
That mean enstars is (or well be) yours gateway drug to yaoi and you're are least bi-curious. Congrats dude !
I love this artist so goddamn much. They're Mao x Shinobu arts are really cute.
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I will, however wear the sailor swimsuit (セーラー水)
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New wallpaper aquired
Why are you engaging with a mentally ill shitposter? She doesn't want actual conversation she's just trolling and doesn't know what 陰間/オカマ is. Let her samefag and just post Arashi if you want since it's a male board and he belongs here.
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>>acktually gay women call themselves women all the time
As an ethnic Japanese who was raised in Japan: yes they do. Transgenders in Japan have better rights than homosexual male do, similar to Islamic countries, so a lot of gay men will turn to it. It is required so that homosexual couples can get married and receive marriage benefits. Forced sterilization of transgenders is overturned last year, something most states in Amerika still force. So, Japanese gay men can now pretend to be women and have more rights! But, they are still gay men.
It's ok just a troll, but this was to clear up. Men calling themselves women is to escape judgement. Men are not women.
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Hoping for some good art of the new boys soon, but for now have Midori FS2 story art.
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I just think Esu is cute
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smelly porn-addled boy
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no ironically enstars a couple of years ago helped me realize how fucking gay I am

Oh and I know this is fucking autistic but I LOVE that my birthday falls between Tetsu and Shinobu's this month.
He def goons to shota
Lmao must be the Genshin spammer.
>he will NEVER be a woman
lmfao based
same autism about twink death so almost certainly >>3876940
It just needs to go to tranny corrective camp and it’ll be right as rain.
Circlejerking will not make Naruneechan a man. I highly recommend everyone itt read Beasts!
Older transgender women, much like otokonoko refers to young transgender girls
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>posting a man on cute male
It just makes sense! Trannies will never be women!
I wish the English game would #GiveArashiHerProunounsBack
Look at the "tr*p" and "femboy" boards. Anons post canon transgirls all the time
And Gelbooru, danbooru and every doujinshi site. Rule34.xxx still respects her identity, at lest
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What’s with the tranny textspamming?
an unmedicated shemale has the summer off from school and is currently ban evading from like 10 other deleted posts
File deleted.
That isn’t me you stupid coomerpedos
I haven’t posted in this thread and think what makes femboys specially is that they’re feminine MEN
They’re actually femboys (if photogenic) and femboys are boys. They can pretty much do anything and teleologically be boys.
Didn’t see what this is about but sounds right. If you neutered the doggy general and fed him basedburgers he’d still be a dog boy.
This is why Yae knows you can neuter to prevent twink death without losing your yaoi fodder.
Idk and idc who you are but keep your offtopic shit out and gtfo back to wherever you came from, retarded tranny.
some other (probably the same, let's be honest) ban evading autist obsessed with hrt and trannies
Sad that a board for cute males attracts all this mental illness.
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Not a tranny, schizo
Femboys using meds to cheat twink death doesn’t make them trannies. They will even tell you they’re men.
can you retards ignore and report
he's the type of nigga to jelq
Reporting does nothing, mods sanction it.
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How bad would the scandal among his fans be if they realized he wants to be a girl?
The tranny got banned earlier and is openly evading now.
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You mean the other anon right? Because I only came here after getting tagged, find “misgendering” to be funny and bullying by calling them troons funnier. For all I know it’s you’re the troonoid.
No but your posts are equally pathetic with how you post female-fied images and pretend not to know better. Only reply you'll get from me.
i don’t use the genshin threads but are you retarded? he obviously means the tranny itt admitting to being banned
heshe’s just a disingenuous bpd tranny who got raped as a baby
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It’s not female-fied he’s just basedfied because their managers have to pander to fujo that like boys who look like women
I can’t be a tranny since I totally believe I’m my birth sex and like it
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