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Desu Noto
Previous: >>3855934
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Even if I'm the only one posting for a while, I'm going to keep maintaining this thread. Give requests if you have them, I have a large folder.
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I finally read the L.A.B.B. light novel. Mello sure talked a lot of shit about how the story would prove that Kira wasn't worth a speck of dust on L's shoes, but in the end L did literally nothing and was barely in it. Kind of disappointing. Looking to get my hands on the L: Change the World LN next. From what I've heard in these threads, it sounds promising. I'm confused, though. I know the L.A.B.B. LN was written by Nisioisin, and it was narrated by Mello, but the only author I can find listed for L: Change the world is "M". Who wrote it?

Anyways, here's some B
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Light and L kissing please! <3
L in lingerie or girl's clothes if you've got it
Okay, I think I can do that. Forgive me if I post a repeat from one of the last threads.
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I'm really sorry, anon, but for some reason cross-dressing L just isn't a subject I have many images of. I have a ton of catboy L's, but very few in women's clothing. Give me a few minutes and I'll see what I can dig up.
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Sorry basically all I've got is maid uniforms
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Probably the closest image I have to "lingerie"
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Few more lawlight kisses for good measure.
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Cheers for all the maid Ls there can never be enough
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fuck yeah, Light in bondage
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Thread needs more Near
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...he's my boyfriend
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>Tfw no autistic shota bf
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I hope you an your autistic boyfriend are very happy. What is your opinion of his new hairstyle in the A-Kira story?
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There is a surprising amount of shipping fanart out there of Near and Gevanni. Is that a think people are into?
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NTA but i prefer the shorter hair personally
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I see. More shota-ish that way?
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I want to squeeze his little autistic face
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what are they feeding those orphanage kids?
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He looks like an angel~
Walks like an angel~
Talks like an angel~
But I got wiiiiise
He's the devil in disguise!
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I think I'm coming around on Light Yagami.
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I cannot get over how insane the foot washing scene was. They did not have to do that. It wasn't in the manga. But they did it anyways.
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My kingdom for this doujin of L in a ballgag that was published in 2004 and probably only exists hidden in the closets of maybe 6 now-middle aged Japanese fujoshi ;_;
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The thumbnail made me think Light was breastfeeding from L
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Anon, maybe some thoughts are better left on the inside.
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I can't stop thinking about them. I love them so much.
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Happy Death Day, Light Yagami
nah let them cook, I don't think is there single person who could resists milkers from pale twink himself
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I guess eating all that cake and coffee creamer is bound to have some physiological effects.
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Sorry I haven't been keeping this thread bumped, I've been entrenched in the "Those Who Stand For Nothing Fall For Anything" fanfic, and it's so insanely good. I wasn't going to give it a chance at first because I usually hate alternate setting AU fics, and desu L is completely unrecognizable and basically an OC, but the story and the character writing more than makes up for it. It's probably one of the funniest and most suspenseful fanfics I've ever read. Should be a novel.
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good posts
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"gotchu, Kira"
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I found another maid picture. You guys like those right?
yeah whatever i guess
Anon your heart doesn't seem in it. What's wrong? You can tell me.
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Anon being such a tsundere lol
>You guys like those right?
YESS!! me me me me ^^
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That handcuff bit got us so much good stuff
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Seriously, like the red thread of fate but kinkier. And they wore it for like 6 fucking months. Show us the sleeping arrangements, you cowards!
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Does L like vidya??
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Unknown, but it is canon that Light and Ryuk play Mario cart together.
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some of my fav old pics
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I love both of these weird freaks so much.
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Why did the old threads get bumped?
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Happy Birthday Raito-kun!
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I want to make him pay for his crimes.
How would he be treated in prison?
Get stabbed in the heart
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Unlikely that they would put him with the general population, because everyone would want a piece of that. Death penalty would probably be a mercy, desu.
He literally dindu nuffin at the start.
it sort of was the red thread, bounding those two souls together that wish to end each other and have unfortunate chance to meet under doomed circumstances
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Ah~ he looks so good like this.
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Imagine a footjob from L
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Any bottom Light is appreciated, he's such a little bitch
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I feel like I've been delivering on that front pretty well, but I need to close out the thread anyways, so what the hell?
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New thread: >>3875261
any near x wammy??

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