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Previous: >>3861393
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Last thread have been very LawLight heavy, so I think I'll start this one out with some Mellos.
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Hello nearanon.
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>explicitly white characters by lore
>draw them like korean pop idols
every time
Mental isn't it
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so happy these death note threads are still alive and well
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Love never dies
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doin my part
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Thank you for your service!
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is it gay if im a guy and i like L
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Honey, it's gay if you're a girl and like L
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L has the power to turn us all gay
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holy yaoi hands
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I wanna suck L's toes
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The fact that people are still drawing high-tier lawlight fanart consistently in 2024 is a testament to how good this shit is.
their toxicity it's scratching the horny itch in your brain too good just to be easily forgotten
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They just don't make toxic yaoi like they used to
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I think the exact moment i became a homo was when at a very early age i accidentally stumbled upon an image of Light and L kissing.
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That's awesome, anon. Do still have the image?
No, but it was Light and L kissing on a bed if i remember correctly.
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love how this suppose to be Mello thread but it came back to LxLight again lol
truly all roads lead to Lawlight
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I think it discourages participation to tie a slow thread too closely to a specific theme or character, which is why I went back to posting new finds. But I can throw a few more Mellos into the mix for variety.
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This artist's DN bloodborne AU is peak. I don't know shit about bloodborne, but I'm sold
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i dream to have kurosaki akanes artstyle
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There are no words to describe how much I love L
Autism man is a gift
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I don't understand why, but everything related to this anime makes me feel incredibly melancholic and a bit nostalgic. Perhaps it's because of the 2000s setting, it reminds me of my of childhood and simpler times.
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w-whats he saying?
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If the person who keeps bumping the old threads and then deleting their posts is in here, please knock it off and allow them to fall off of page 10. There is no need to keep bumping a maxed out thread, and it pushes off other threads that have not reached the image limit.
Just making little creature noises
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Cutest autist
Why do the previous threads keep getting bumped
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Who fucking cares, do you have aspergers? You're probably the one doing it since nobody else gives a shit- post DN images or keep it to yourself.
Jeez, are you ok?
stop replying to retards
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Yeah my mistake.
Some autist who doesn't understand how the board works or wants to cause problems. You can see in the fireden archive that they keep bumping and then immediately deleting their posts. Let's hope the mods take action and auto-sage the threads. I don't want them to become an issue for the board.
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fr fr
I like it when L
Good shit
Berserk art style Light is the cutest
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I literally don't know who would top because both of these twinks are so bottom.
They both bottom for me
I guess that's one way to solve it.
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I get the feeling that L is really bendy. You know how a lot of autistic people also have hypermobility for some reason?
The reason is biological. Autism is correlated with hypermobility and auto-immune disorders. The theory is that whatever genetic snafu messes up the brain development in-utero also fucks up some other body systems.
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What's your weird obsession with autism? It's creepy.
>posts the most autistic character while asking this
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Fascinating. Do you think L can autofellate?
There it is again, why are you like that?
NTA but what's wrong with appreciating cute autists?
they're not even autistic stfu retards
You're acting really autistic right now ngl
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