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Post muscular big buff feminine men.
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These 2 above were AI upscaled by the way. Wanted to use them as character art in Cyberpunk Red but decided to use the first 4 instead. This was also one of the options, but it was considered too *suggestive*
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The hair was always this fucked on the Trauma Team boy btw. It's not the AI.
Now start the less buff ones because I ran out
This was my first choice. Unfortunately he was deemed too small for a character with 12 in the BODY stat.
Isn't this >>3860521 ?
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There's overlap but i think they're different enough to warrant different threads, at least by my definition.
To me, An Ambush is basically a bodybuilder with a woman's head, while a muscular femboy can be very vague in terms of musculature and femininity.
Anyway, wish my boy Gale Wind from one-punch man got more art. Would love to see him give Sonic a Pec-job.
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This is probably more “muscular femboy” though
No, but this is >>3881193
The other thread is more muscular traps even though it says femboy. Ambushes are too masculine to be traps.
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an ambush is a muscular man with feminine body proportions facial features and fashion/styling and IMO must have all three. having only two out of three is just some flavor of twink/twunk
Who is that?
Nikaido Ren from Kengan Ashura
>big buff feminine men
I've been obsessed with this lately and idk why? But I'd never thought I could finally find the type of buff men I'm attracted too
Androgyny is god's divine beauty. According to the Bible, god made man and woman in accordance with his image. Which means god exhibits both masculine and feminine characteristics, while asking humanity to refer to himself as a he. Therefore we make the conclusion that god could be depicted as a big buff feminine man.
I never thought about it that way but hey keep posting more
Suprise no one posted an image of Shen from Undead Unluck
i NEED nikaido ren oiled up bouncing on it all day all night until I'm drier than the sahara fucking desert
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This guy? World's greatest ambush. This isn't a contest, you simply have to accept it
These are just regular bishonen
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>nikaido ren oiled up
well shucks guess its fappin time
who is this
who cares straggot
go back to your roastiecave
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Griffith in the newer anime is definitely an ambush, his face freaks me out a little.

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