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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Sports shotas edition

Previous: >>3887020
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3860331
Shota manga: >>3844997
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Personally I consider the middle of May to be the beginning of Summer, and Summer is shota season.
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Yep, it's usually when the most shota/shota romances start.
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This is what heaven looks like
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He cute
Sweaty shos passionately making out <3
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swimming is fun

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The cutest bisexual shota into older nerdy guys.
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truly one of the great artists of our generation
would you help him cool off?
VERY based.
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Should've been fully gay
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this is true for all cute shos
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NOEYEBROW is getting bolder.
Imagine if one day she says fuck it and starts drawing lewd shos
Onlyfans with grave_kk
Is detective Conan worth watching?
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Need... Sho... BF...

holding hands before marriage is a one way ticket to hell, do you want your boys to go to hell?
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Shos just getting so caught up they start kissing in front of the entire team
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As if being gay with someone is not bad enough according to the Bible.
That's one reason why I want a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend.

Also I don't get how most people aren't bi. There are way more cute boys than pretty girls. How can someone look at a good looking guy and not think that he's hot or cute?
Boys are biologically inclined to be gay, so….
I don't think most guys think the same way though. You're telling me everyone is either gay or half gay?
No. Im telling you that everyone is gay.
Idk man it's pretty hard to believe.
nah only the cool kids
It is. But that’s because everyone’s acting every day. The whole world is one big lie.
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Joshua so cute.
Only the cool kids aren’t afraid to be open about it. I’m not one of them
There are very few cute guys that are *real*, plenty of hot ones though.
Do you think they ever? ... Y'know
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At least once a day everyday until Joshua got too old.
Then Joshua became the top
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They're very real, we just are not allowed to say they're cute.
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Being bibis fucking gross. Why would anyone be inclined to a roast beef and a female brain that only serves to auto sabotage or sabotage everything. That's the only reason why I would like about "gay" FtM they're not inclined to women only the ones looking for men are based. Oly people liking male are based. The male beauty is superior in any way
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Being bi is the best thing on Earth. We're surrounded by beauty wherever we look.
Cope. You're just a rapist
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>girl bad
>delusional girl that calls herself a boy good
im gay
I'm not.

Same sex attraction is the only way.
Sure, bud.
I've seen cute guys as old as 30 before. Sadly at some point there is just no coming back from age and you have to transition from cute to hot / handsome.
This must be mandatory
Yes. We can’t be kids forever.
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Real people are not important, or relevant to this thread.
Stop talking about real people here.
Spaghetti sauce robot with noodle arms isn't a sho either. Post him in a bonedad rape thread.
Stop ruining the discussion.
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Only you matter.
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Anyway, boys belong with boys.
Women are cringe.
Hetfags/bifags are cringe.
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Needs Vatnik cock up his ass
Needs a kindly G.I to offer him free chocolate if he comes with him for just a moment.
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I'm lonely. I hate life in a world without (myself having) a shota.
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Me too, I want to kill myself, but sometimes I want to become a mindless psychopath that doesn't feel any pain
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Here's your sho. Take good care of him.
Then go get one

To the vet's office to get the tip of one ear snipped so others know he isn't a stray and to get him neutered so he won't go missing every time he smells a catgirl in heat.
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Peak body
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What would you do if a shota offered you his chest and nipples?
cover them up slut
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Friends, how do I cope with not being a little boy any more. I moved heaven and earth to try to stay one--my body is a smouldering wreck--but nothing will bring it back.

My soul cries out for me to accept myself as who I truly am--but when I see my reflection, my vanity demands I keep up the impossible.
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Create or acquire little boys and ensure they enjoy their youth to their full extent.
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Shos are the best
Yes. Those relationships are very wholesome.
What was that anime called? I wanted to watch it but the subtitles were just lol, lmao even. It should have good subs by now.
Yuzuki-san Chi no Yon Kyōdai.
Was it any good or just cute bait? I only watch anime that are at least interesting enough for me to waste time with if I have nothing else to do, I don't go just off cute.
I only read a couple of chapters but it seemed like cute boys doing cute things slice of life type stuff. I thought it was pretty comfy.
Thank you. How do I hold him close, ensconced in my warmth, cuddling all night? He feels a bit cold and unyielding, even wobbly, if I push too hard.
(He means masturbation.)

Be consoled by the fact that others suffer equally from living in this shitty shotaless world.
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Become a mad scientist that turns everyone into shos
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and rob shos of their older bfs? heresy
Well it’s not shotaless, but we are.
>sho's older BFs

I want to cuddle with a boy...
I just want more romance movies where boys kiss a lot. Is that so much to ask for?
is there even one
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There’s probably a bunch of shorts, but now that you mention it, no, there probably isn’t even one
There are lots if you can't anime.
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I think we’re talking about younger shos here. If we ever got to see Gon kiss Killua like he should’ve you’d be right.
You did get to see exactly that example though...in the hunterpedia. Also with greed island and the pregnancy stone card, I guarantee you there is at least one mpreg doujin with Killua. No mpreg is not my cup of tea, it's gross, but I do think that's hilarious that Ging invented that whole system with the real possibility of his own son getting pregnant.
Well hunterpedia isn’t really them though, so they couldve done more
We need a thread for MegaMan boys
How do I summon Tulpa sho? How to even start
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You're just going to become schizophrenic
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Shota bros this might be something to look forward to.
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Cute. I hope the mandatory female character doesn't ruin the chemistry between these two.
What is this even supposed to be?
Thoughts on little brats?
That he needs to let the cute little mouse go and pick on the zoobats instead. Fuck zoobat.
Yeah. Too bad we can only have thinly veiled shota romance
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what any sane man would
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>japanese westaboo
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Should've drawn Ben 10 or some other cuter western shota
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some are cute, others are a huge "what the fuck"
also good
Is Dandi actually Japanese? I thought he just lived there
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why would anybody live in japan to draw characters from your homeland?
were the boys actually gay in this movie or was it just baiting?
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just gay bait
why not?
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The boys are always actually gay. It’s just whether or not it’s obvious that’s the question.
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Canonically not gay but absolutely everyone but the director (because the main characters were inspired by him and his childhood friend, lol) wishes they were gay. Even the director of a short that acts as a sequel made gay art of them.
Cute bfs
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I recomend it if you care about the boys
It's cute
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The next thread had better be Summer themed or I’m gonna shit.
We need more stuff where
>absolutely everyone
Wishes they were gay. Love that quote
I'd prefer stuff with shotas who are actually gay, but that works too.
Here's the "official fanart" I mentioned earlier, in case you haven't seen the pics:
They were made by McKenna Jean Harris, director of the short Ciao Alberto.
Well yeah so do I and, like I said earlier, they are
Are there any Anime with actually gay shotas?
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super lovers
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>he didn't watch Sarazanmai with /a/
I want a sho :(
To be fair, only one of those boys is confirmed gay, despite the other two tending to do some pretty gay stuff.

If he wanted like a gay relationship or something, he wouldn't find it there. though I personally prefer stuff like Sarazanmai where the shota has a secret crush on his best friend.
RIP to this artist
All shos are gay until proven abominations unto their kind.
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did they die?
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Right. The old I just like kissing guys but I’m not gay at all excuse. Love that one
>Fantasizing about being held by an older man
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I get that, but moments like the main boy crossdressing to impersonate a celebrity is something that can happen in any old anime. There's a world of difference between cheap fanservice like that and outright showing his hormonal repressed gay best friend breaking into his locker to sniff his gym clothes once the puberty starts kicking in. Normalfags can easily write off the first one as a simple gag, it's impossible to look at the other one as anything else.
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Toddler Hiro is specially adorable.
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It's important to take care of the younger ones.
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>killed off tadashi in the first movie
we could have had it aaaall
how get hiro bf?
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be tadashi
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People call lolis "Lolis" even if they're adults just because they look like lolis but when it come to shotas if they're adults people not longer call them shotas, underage shotas are way better but adult shotas are still shotas!!!
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Yeah have to appease the lying normies
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western art makes me projectile vomit
On it
New thread: >>3891826

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