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A thread for posting (non-shota) traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. Can also be a general "crossdressing" thread.

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden.

Previous thread >>3887758
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i didn’t mean to take up the last image with south park lol sorry
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Sorry for what
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not sure if it counted as shota
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I don't care for streamers, but that's a cute design. Thanks for sharing.
beautiful op art

what’s the @
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The piece is from https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/93132226
and their twitter is @three9moon
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As an Oni, how do you keep your femboy dog BF from falling down the dreaded pipeline?
Would slapping him if he Hina modes work?
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>she's still at it
Ignore and report, instead of giving her the attention daddy didn’t.
I mean /v/ is both gay and furry, you can have cute boy threads there too.
You just can't post Bridget because the dreaded alphabet mafia shows up to call him a girl, because they're cunts.
Wasn’t his character arc basically getting black pilled till he thinks he wants to be a girl? That’s pretty dark.
boobaschizo is really desperate for replies
look at how she replies to every post with bait
too bad these newfag retards take it
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In the new game where they rewrote his lore, yeah.
In the original few games his arc concludes after his best friend tells him he doesn't have to be manly to be a man, just to be himself because he's still a dude.
Bridget quickly goes 'Oh shit you're right lol' and thus is happy being a trap.
The new game then bashes that over the head and rewrites it so he gets groomed into being a girl, which was a reason why he left his village in the first place because they wanted him to be a girl to avoid an ancient superstition.
It was extremely retarded to do what they did, but then again the alphabet mafia is extremely retarded as well.
It'll likely be that we won't get a new GG game for several years, and hopefully by then they'll have reverted it. He's still a trap in Japan, it's only in the west that they changed him.
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>only in the west
That’s cope, the creator confirmed it himself
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Pretty sure it's just her replying to herself at this point, nobody's this stupid.
Yes, for the west.
He's still a trap in Japan.
Blazblue and Jin are better anyways
Bullying till he has a breakdown is kinda funny tho
Isn’t ciel like 12?

i know you're shitstirring but shota means prepubescent, retard
everything posted itt looks shota
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His lore says he’s an adult and he runs an army. Short, baby faced men exist and were especially common in samurai times. They probably would also look good if bullied into crossdressing.
Uh the OP says no forcefem, ma’am

I mean she just ban evades anyway.
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So if they manipulate him like Bridget into “voluntarily” doing it it’s okay?
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Nice bro.
This one too
their expressions made me basedjak

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I hope this isn't to risque.
I've seen way worse here, you should be ok.
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*Can* boys be thots?
these 2 aren't even otokonoko
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Kaveh is a thot by default. Other boys are also thots but only if they’re thot modding.
give it a rest, boobaschizo is only here to troll
can she at least post relevant images
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Thanks to your whining the dog had to be forced to Hina mode
I hope you’re happy
ask the jannies (there aren’t any)
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Booba(tea)Schizo kaveh
>women get annoyed at men drooling over them
>be me
>drool over boys instead
>women still annoyed
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Let me know when you see that. People enjoying male characters in their own way isn’t mad. It shouldn’t bother you, it just proves they’re way more interesting than the girls
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he'd be perfect if it weren't for the bowl cut
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she has, at length, sperged about women into traps too, so it's not really male-specific hatred/a gender war thing
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You’re mixing me up with the fujo who said she hated male bl fans and femboys and wished their dicks get cut off
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one last gretel for the road
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Those are just straight bangs... Cute pics though.
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Has she? I know she talks about castrating that genshin kid and transing men and lies about it but I don't think she's ever said anything negative about women.
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>A woman say anything negative about women when she's seething about traps
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>says the retarded roastie posting a female character on a male-only thread
These are her.
This isn’t reddit, (You)s are not currency.

She gets away with whatever she wants since she sucks the janny cock irl.
Not a woman, women are whores.
I just like talking to people.
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>She gets away with whatever she wants since she sucks the janny cock irl.
She ban evades regularly when getting knocked for NSFW HRT tits, so there's no point in them banning her anymore. One of her posts was literally on the /bans page a day ago.
Your smegma laced fish taco will never be male.
so a woman is addicted to male attention and will do anything to get it?
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True. I have a dick. Because I'm not the shitposting femoid.
Try and calm down and keep posting cute shotas and traps.
This thread isn't for shotas, retard-chan.
Gb2 lolcow.
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>castrating that genshin kid
He’s an adult samurai general and runs an army. Also he’s part dog and guess what happens to most dogs?
Okay maybe being feminized is kinda funny given his job and that he’s embarrassed about lacking masculinity. But you only want characters you really like to be traumatized.
>transing men
When? Males are more interesting than females and feminine males are rare and potentially the best characters.
This is not an otoko no ko.
just ban genshin from the threads at this point, she’s the only one spamming it
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Oh, damn, I guess I went into the wrong thread.
I shall adjust my posting accordingly.
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See >>3891236
Trap shota thread is >>3878372 idk why it's not linked in OP.
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kill yourself
He’s supposed to be pretty androgynous even when not cross dressing
Don’t complain if his bitch mode gets posted then since it’s not against the rules.
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Just stop making the threads for like a month. She'll get bored and move back to /v/ eventually.
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Ran-chan so kyoot
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feels like the threads are going a little fast
It's not fair, I want to hug him so badly
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reminder that neuterfag is a lolcow rostie and not to engage with her
lolcow farm/m/res/383328 html#384696
Knew it. I will fuck her fujopussy irl some day and make her my wife.
Post your pussy, princesa, I bet you look muy cute with big jiggly tits like the fujo in your image…
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>Genshin thread completely unusable.
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polad aph
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Why are you on /cm/ of all boards
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Love this creature. Not sure if he counts.
Isn’t he a shota
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anyone seen a cute trap in a show or manga lately
>when his character arc is literally getting bullied till he thinks he wants to be a girl
Sadly not.
I think the last thing I saw a trap in that was semi-recent but it wasn't called attention to was Tokyo Ghoul with Junko.
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i've never been fond of his stitches honestly
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He’s a cute shota.
I wanna sniff your fujo pussy so bad.
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Sauce on this boy?
Don't you can get better pussy or ass than that roastflapoid.
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Midare Toushirou from tourabu
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I want more Gorou bullying where they gaslight him into thinking he wants to be a dog girl https://archiveofourown.org/works/38613261
>captcha SPRMS
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July 4th
Ciel is so fuckable.

Bro what, an actual trap on Jewflix? What's the angle?
This is a girl, also literal tranime.
That's Minato not Mahiro, and he's drawn as a male in that pic.
Oh I see. My mistake.
Still tranime though unfortunately.
It got the #1 spot in a "manga we want to see animated" contest. Hopefully we get more femboy shows.
*trap shows
A femboy is a twink that crossdresses.
A trap is a boy that's so feminine you can't tell he's a guy until he says so or whips his dick out.
This protag qualifies as the latter for he is 2D.
But yes I agree.
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He is a twink that crossdresses, I've read the manga and a lot of it is about his crossdressing struggles. Also the author started this because she had difficulty drawing male characters lul.
The trailer i posted was from crunchy roll not netflix, that's were painoko is gonna be streamed but i jsut pirate everything. Also that netflix thing is terrible, first ototsuku and now this, why they always hating on femboys.
he's straight, which is why she's spamming it here.
Nothing wrong with posting 'canonically' straight guys here. At least it's an actual male unlike this off-topic shit >>3894949 posted by the lolcow roastie.
>Also the author started this because she had difficulty drawing male characters lul.
that's funny considering most bara porn is drawn by women and most traps by men
She's only posting it BECAUSE it is straight. Not in spite of it, she did the same thing when she starts spamming ankoman astolfo shit.
It's so obvious.
Yeah idk, the more attention you give her the more she spams, so.
It's just annoying, I'll go back to ignoring her.
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Well not this artist, she draws pretty boys and also did a comic that /lgbt/ misinterpreted as being a troon. If that happens to my boy Makoto imma be so mad.
Go back dumb roastie.
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It reminds me of how tttt constantly calls femboys trannies
off topic, take this pedo lactation shit to your genshit thread
ignore and report her trolling
I’m not the one into ciel and underaged characters, you are. It’s kinda wrong desu.
you're right mb
How much fungus do you store in your pussy, sis? Can we dig it out with our cocks while you troll the troonz?
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Tbh a lot of these

Are sexualized despite being obviously under age. Isn’t that kinda wrong for real
Meant to reply to
Since scara is just a little puppet man designed with high androgyny
traps are for cute not lewd (ideally)
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She GYATT a whole cave down there
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Is okay when older characters get lewd or abused tho
ewgh we only dig cute boyholes here, you can talk for yourself
lmao I triggered her by pointing out she was spamming the straight trap shit so now she's just spamming.
Loser life.
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You realize there are multiple shitposters
>straight trap
Does that mean something like this?
Imagine the humilliation he felt. Damn, I hate it. That's why you'd approach them like a bro first.
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>Imagine the humilliation he felt.
That’s part of what makes his Hina arc enjoyable.

Also there’s an extra twist the knife moment in that his in game lore says he hates how his body is underdeveloped and feels embarrassed being around men that dwarf him. So here’s Itto not only doing that but also making him feel emasculated.
for sure
>doesn't ignore and report the spam
>just feeds
this is why she continues to fuck with you and shlick off to your responses
isnt itto only like 5 foot 10
He’s 6’2 which isn’t that big but Gorou is a 5’4 manlet so he still stands almost a foot taller.
Stuff where they exaggerate Itto’s height by making him a 7 foot tall demon with glowing eyes is fun tho.
It’s best with his Japanese voice lines where he credibly talks like a soldier and it sounds like he’s making himself sound aggressive so he can sound like a samurai commander and keep the respect of his men. Sure he’s oddly effeminate (he wears a hair bow and eye makeup in his normal outfit and is motherly)
Forcing him to be a waifu would make him lose face so utterly if you remember he’s actually a Japanese war criminal.
ok but how wet do you get dreaming of itto putting gorou’s boy balls inside of your pussy
what a gooey mess
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Anon pls, he’d be very depressed without his doggie balls. If you don’t confiscate his weapons post neutering he’d an hero.
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Cut them off and stick them deep enough into your womb that you get pregnant and make cute new dog traps
Detachable dog booba
Hiura is 5'1, the perfect height for a huggable, snuggable, portable femboy.
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Better snip him and dose him with the 'mones to close his growth plates before he gets taller and hits twink death
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Listen to this, he needs to stay cute!
WTF... you are disgusting! Cute boys don't need estrogen to be cute
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kirara from jjk kinda looks like an older version of him
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Pls don’t write degenerate things while similar style to me
Older characters getting neutered so they don’t lose the aesthetic is okay tho
friendly reminder femdomniggery is the source of this humilliation fetish bullcrap
Hiura doesn't need estrogen. I'm literally a femboy as short as him and I pass for a girl in my 20s not bc of estrogen but bc I'm Japanese so fuck off
you fuckers made me so mad i forgot to include a cute boy. sorry everyone.
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I never said he needed estrogen lolz that was all you how funny
Give Itto a call before you get old and ugly from that testicular poisoning!
Knew that for awhile, it's very obvious some /d/cord femdomcord has been shitposting for the past year or two.
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>Better snip him and dose him with the 'mones to close his growth plates before he gets taller and hits twink death
I was responding to whoever said this. CUTE BOYS DO NOT NEED HORMONES. Also I mog the entirety of /tttt/ into oblivion even tho i'm an old man relatively, and cis women find me cute so fuck off.
What is it with modern 4chan and posters always talking about themselves
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Maybe that’s how the Manlet-general can plausibly pull it off especially because he grew up in famine. Caucasoid puberties are probably so early and strong in part from burger diet.
Turbomanlets are ultimately cursed once twink death hits since they can’t pivot to another aesthetic. Maybe thats why Yae is trying to neuter him.
Not otokonoko and offtopic. Too bad the tranny janny lusts after her overweight axewound.
I was about to type out a long angry response but then i remembered i'm arguing with two anons that I'm way prettier and richer than. Stop trying to get femboys on hrt. Have a nice day
>all these mentally ill women shitting up the thread because of their penis envy
baka they need rape correction by FUBs
All lesbians can be made not lesbians by a very good dicking.
they’re not lesbians they’re salty straight whales who can’t get attractive men and hate gays because of it
C’mon jfc. Stop replying to her.
> Not otokonoko
Multiple posters. Also you bitch when the dog boy is posted in his disguise since fake booba are usually part of the disguise .
yeah yeah, i won't.
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I want to fuck your greasy oozy fujo pussy while Gorou watches and humps a pillow imagining impregnating you
hotttt i wanna fuck him
You’re a girl harry
i wanna fuck that one too uoh TToTT
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Hinamode Gorou is very good at delivering Bonks
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He’s also good at plapping your slutty womb full of his potent doggy seed!
Plap plap goes his full doggy balls on your pussy before he knots inside you and you have a dogboy with fake tiddie stuck inside you for 2 hours
haven't been on this board for a year. wtf has happened
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> Plap plap goes his full doggy balls
>and you have a dogboy with fake tiddie stuck
Make him do that to itto
Are shotas not normally allowed ITT? I only like traps when they’re shotas
>baka they need rape correction
Don't threaten them with a good time, you'll just attract more
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Could rape correction cure the pup boy of his crossdressing habit?
attention seeker from lolcow, she posts the same shit on their fujo threads apparently
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Yae’s natural woman tits look very full and bouncy there
What would you do if Itto fucked your tits and Gorou tagged your pussy while you shitposted and owned the troonz
I hope this idea made you wet
I'm amab...

Awhat?.. Oh shit tranny term.. an actual tranny, fuckin disgusting.
So just say male then.
Or are you a troon?
Can a dog get a knot if he’s lost his doggyballs?
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You in a nutshell
Lost them where? Inside your v? Just wait for him to pull out, dummy.
>she keeps reposting her tranny lolcow image every time it gets deleted
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She likes posting about herself, that's her on the left side of the image.
Because it’s a hilariously accurate roast.
The guy on the left is male. He’s just a femboy on tranny pills.
of you
Her boobs are huge wtf..

I'm a man, i was born a fucking guy and became a femboy in college. i am not trans at all. if you take off all my clothes i look like picrel.
she is biologically female so they should be
I hope you know the last 2 you replied to are the same lolcow DID/bpd fujo that wants to cut off male children's balls.
They both like the attention, they’re fit for each other.
You mixed me up with other anon who posts over the top copies of my shitposting. I don’t even like it when people post underage characters here.
I said it’s fair game to neuter twinks to prevent twink death. And that’s it’s funny if it happens to ones with a fragile self image like the dog boy.
nobody believes this
try your space out your schizo spam if you want to fool anyone
>still going at it
I bet your fujo pussy reeks
Like vinegar fish n chips
Idgaf. Not the same person but I don’t care if you don’t believe me and stay triggered.
Deal with it.
How will you stop twink death tho
Clean your stank pussy
> I don’t even like it when people post underage characters here.
You guys know what to do to trigger her now
Image limit >>3895388

Remember to ignore/report her offtopic shitposting and those contributing to it.
damn alright. whatever i'm a guy and femboy and always has been/will be. also damn image limit... sadge.
>always will be
Until twink death.
at least he has a penis unlike you lol
good genes + skin care means I got a while till then, 2 decades at least. you'll probably die before i hit twink death. see you in the new thread
Well, those vile filthy women won't be laying a finger on a single boi as long as MEN like us are here to defend them!...
And yeah I can't post a reaction picture because of image limit. I just bumped this thread for no reason. Great, actually.
>I just bumped this thread for no reason
there's a feature that prevents that
what is with all the newfags
Yes and it happens once the thread reaches 300 replies. You idiot
..newfag retard lmao
>troon summerfags don’t even know what saging is
I know perfectly what saging is but i didnt mean to use it
>inb4 "i was just pretending to be reta-
no, i actually thought he meant the bump limit.
and suck it up your asses, not saging this, here another bump
sure retard
that doesn't explain why people keep talking about themselves and real life men. this is /cm/, the first sentence of the pinned post reads
>/cm/ is for 2D male
who fucking cares about irl
So, new thread at some point soon?
We've hit max images and I wanna share images.
Otherwise we're a while a way, unless the intent it to let this thread reach 10 and die before making a new thread.
I don't lurk /cm/ much so I don't know how it works, on /v/ and such else the thread will hit 500 replies and go into autosage long before the mex image limit is reached.
i'm too lazy to link, search the catalog there's been one for ages
Oh, strange it didn't get linked here.
god I hate women so much

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