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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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A thread for posting traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus. No women, or boobs- fake or real. Crossdressing is also acceptable, but not drag queens/ambushes.

Trans/boobs/hrt/twinkdeath posts are off topic/contrarian to the spirit of the thread and should be reported and subsequently hidden along with anyone who replies to them.

Previous thread >>3891087
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>Hasn’t converted to the wonders of dog booba
Reminder to ignore and report troll posts
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Shota bussy ToT
made for older men
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young boys are a blessing on mankind
“Degenerates like you belong on a cross”
Genshin is literally
>draw a shota
>call it a 30 year old
but I guess they had to pander to the closet peds somehow.
Are the source material for either of these actually any good or just fanservicey? How much focus is put on the trap?
Lmfao true.
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black souls is garbage
There are lots of short baby faced men with svelte builds.
Would they lose the right to be called adults by your book?
Name one with the build of a genshin shota
Modal 4chan femboys
senpai wa otokonoko? I really like it, it's my favorite manga of all time. but it's shojo and there's no ecchi/sex if that's what you want. but it's a good dramatic emotional story for sure.
>can't name a single one
I accept her concession.
i want to stuff ciel’s ass full of cum
Based me too
You get mad when I link examples since they tend to have gyno. Also basically any that troll other boards.
>You get mad when I link examples
Not your boogieman + you have literally never linked or named a single example of an adult male that looks like a genshin shota.
I accept your concession that genshin shotas are in fact
>draw a kid
>call it an xxxx year old vampire
It's okay that you're a shotacon btw, so is 80% of /cm/.
Slut’s showing off for Sebastian.
nta but story >>> ecchi, if you want trap smut you can always just go to a hentai site
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I mean it’s been forever since I checked lgbt or 3dpg but https //lolcow farm/snow/res/1144047.html had a decent thread. Some are obvious jokes, others do pull it off.
Also this Japanese BL artist is oddly good at drawing the femboy on hrt body type.
>lolcow and 2d drawings
Neither prove her argument anyway.
It's not a provable argument because there's no such thing as an adult male that looks like a genshin shota like Cyno or Goro.
>no such thing as manlets who look much younger than actual age
I mean that’s basically the more capable hrt femboys.
For sure! Also there's an anime for it airing on July 4th, I hope you will al check it out!
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I put up the wrong image... whoops.
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It's cringy when normalfags are so afraid of being labeled as pedos. The genshin bodytype all the boys use is definitely shota. They share the same proportions as Ciel or any other anime 10-12 year old.
Worked up over drawings. Just wank to their cute shota asses, baka.
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Do you ever just envy the Amish
Life must be placid and unperturbed when you don't know about femboys and say gex and the internet
Not really.
>don't know about gay sex
she's just really self hating and doesn't want to accept that she's into lil boys ig
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>trolling outside of /b/
Ignore and report roastie shitposts, mate.
why is it always genshin roasties being perpetually angry, mentally ill attention whores
The game's utter shit made for 10 year olds to daily farm, that might contribute.
Just report her spam melties.
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>it must be a girl if someone doesn't want trans characters on /cm/
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Why are you sexualizing a little boy.. Venti’s body is based on a child.
Gross paedo.
she likes em young don’t judge her
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Cute boy
Ugly boy
Kinda mean, he's cute too.
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Only 'cause Vivian's actual form is so pudgy you can't even see his peen until he lifts it up.
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Otokonoko gang, same artist.
who’s the kemono
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twink tummy..
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Not when his penis is inside your anus
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Omameko, Japan's Air Self-Defense Forces' mascot:
https://www.mod.go.jp/asdf/omaezaki/1/kichishoukai/index2.html https://automaton-media.com/en/news/20230923-21665/
you gotta be fucking kidding me with the japanese air forces genuinely choosing a furry femboy to be their mascot, right? It's a meme, right? You're just lying, right?
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They also created a trap mouse to complement him.



>Cat (Omaneko)
>Motif: Omaezaki City tourist attraction 'Cat Mound'.
>Member of the Nya Nya Police Unit. >Belongs to this sub-base because he wants to play in the radar dome.
>He is 176 cm tall, or 40 m. He is good at sports, but not good in water.
>He is a male.

>Ham Chun Chun (????).
>Motif: Rats Mound, a tourist attraction in Omaezaki City.
>Belongs to the Chu Police Squad. He has a sense of justice and protects the base.
>Small in stature and good at espionage, but not very athletic. He is not fond of cats.
>He is a male.
need ham chun chun bf.
>japanese tom and jerry
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Cat boy BOOBA
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Wait until you see Chinese Tom & Jerry.
'jeet pitted.
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>be jsdf designing new mascot (male)
>make cat boy
>give cat boy marked boy booba in all official art

What did Japan mean by this?
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he cute
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Jerking to his tiny girly shota feet.
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Based boyfeet enthusiast
Ever heard of fake breasts
it's chest fluff like that faggot spider from the edgy teenager show with like 20 threads up
neko kemono have 4-10 breasts
The dog boy likes using them, even in works where he’s tagged as an otokonoko/crossdresser https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101220576
Maybe it’s an armed furfag thing
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Yeah lolcow bobaschizo's just trying really hard to get atttention, it's kind of sad. She fell off hard.
Seek medical help
it’s funny to laugh at her
but still report and ignore her samefaggotry
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shotrap sexo
slutty boybellies made to be cummed on and in
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I want to molest the blonde boy
me too
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I want to severely bully dog boys
>Seething this hard
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me three, he needs to be cummed in like all good little boys
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Bnnuy pp needs a good mouth teasing....
This sho gave me a foot and thigh fetish.
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His thighs were definitely designed by a man of culture who likes femmy sho cushions wrapped around his cock. A true patrician, if I say so myself.
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the only thing that’ll be bullied is your slutty fujo womb when I deposit my uncut smeggie chunky spunk inside of you.

i want a fujo gf like you into traps so bad. just imagine we masturbate together to girly boys before I nut deep inside you and you give birth to a healthy baby boy you can doll up and touch.

you will soon be mine whether you like it or not, my thick, big titty, girlyboy-obsessed gf.
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btw my captcha was J0YY and it signifies the glowing elation you’ll feel with our future girlyboy growing in your womb
Am I stupid or is this not the non-shota trap thread?
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Thread has degenerates like them who belong on a cross
it’s the non boob thread but you’re spamming tits
this is the general trap thread, stop trying to play thread police
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caesar’s legion would’ve thrown you in the sex cages for being born with a vagina..

but i love you.. i kiss your lips with the tip of my cock

i can impregnate you while you flick your bean to traps and you can escape misogyny in my loving cumstained embrace my darling. let’s make some trap doggie neutboys together ^^

please be nice to my cute fujo wife
Older boys with nee-san disguises will use them sometimes. Deal with it
>posts the porn from mobile
>doesn't reply to these posts
Oh yeah she's seething kek
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Our resident lolcow boobafujo gets really triggered by shota and mentions of male genitalia in any other context than mutilation, for whatever reason.
>underage pixels
>go to a shota board on a male site to get triggered
Really gets the ticker tockin dunnit.
she probably smells horrible
my fujoshi ex did
don't be a faggot and share with us starving anons
Make some yaoi for her to get wet to
cute angry girl
inb4 the shitposter behind 90% of the mentally ill posts ITT says some shit about troons
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Imagine being plapped by the first.
Imagine hearing his cute little prepubescent moans while he gets plapped*
stop you're gonna make her horny
I'm not affiliated with this if anything
based, shotas and traps are for plapping not being plapped by
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Ngl that story where Gorou is male but uses magic to become a cuntboy so Itto can get him boy pregnant was hot for some reason. Also he’s a degenerate cross dresser.
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Imagine bullying him and calling him a tranny
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none of these posts are on topic, take your weird cuntboy & ugly dogshota fetish to the chinese gacha threads
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>first Chinese otokonoko dog boy
>off topic
Extremely onions-pilled take
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lel why did my post asking about the inane posting in this thread get deleted. did someone take that much offense
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guessing there wasn't a pic attached
you can basically shit this board up as much as you want if you attach a pic even if it's wildly off topic if you haven't already noticed
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What is it about genshin impact that causes this mental sickness?
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Shitty mobile games for kids attract mentally deficient adults who were abused as kids.
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Cute and fuckable.
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Isn’t he lore wise something like 50 and just immortal because flames renewing him?
They say in film that the government has been trying to catch Lio for decades.
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He actually looks his age if forced to crossdress as “Hina”. This means Yae isn’t a degenerate.
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built for cock slapping
sex with ambush
his pussy leaks grease
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why was 'non shota' removed from the op? the whole point of that was to make it distinct from the girlysho thread
Who cares, thread gets dumped by the schizoid lolcow fujo anyway.
Cry about it, they get posted either way.
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Fuck I love traps.
new >>3898453

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