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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Pure Boylove Edition
Previous: >>3896879
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Now look at this sharply dressed chocobo rabbit!
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I need a pic of Mika seductively sucking a ___
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Shota abs
Ok I looked
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Have a picture of Mika eating your meat.
So where’s the study like the high t=short telomeres? All I found says estrogen boosts telomeres
Also we’re talking about HRT femboys not creepy middle aged married men who troon like that Jeopardy creep.
Protein slut.
Nobody cares about your little female spergout, just keep posting shotas.
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The artist for this piece blocked me on Twitter.
He's disgusting and deplorable, but very well dressed.
I wanna..
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You can have one UND PRECISELY VUN Mika!
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another RARE sho, razor (muscle sho)
I’ll take the one on the left
Razor is one of my favorite and most played Genshins. Not-Oktoberfest sits as one of my favorite events for giving him character development and introducing Mika.
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this one
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Unrealistic: kokomi had him neutered so he wouldn’t shove his doggy balls in other people’s faces
Who are your top 5 favorite genshotas ranked?
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Imma let you all know riight now that I will flood every Genshin thread on August 11 with Mika.
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Scaramouche, Lyney, Chongyun, Mika, Gorou
In that order
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1. Xingqiu 2. Scaramouche 3. Mika 4. Freminet 5. Heizou or Gorou, idk
This is a good thing
Scara’s so popular..
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Mika/Razor (don't make me choose)
and I guess Freminet
Little Yue
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That’s the average samurai height too. So does that mean any male 5’6 and under is no longer a man?
He’s a Twunk, obviously, twink needs some androgyny
basically a tranny
>verification not required
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He's moe and bratty and needs to be corrected
Maybe Teucer #5 if we're counting nonplayable
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Scara has some of the worst fans I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. I've spoken with terminally online retards that were more composed and less hypocritical than Scarafans.
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10/10 looks and personality, well deserved
If I went off of these threads I’d say the worst were Kavehfujos.
They're not shotas because they're short, they're short because they're shotas. Do the math sweaty
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Uoh.. Scara molesties
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Forgive me as I have sinned; I forgot to include Teucer on my list. I guess put Teucer in the 2nd spot and get rid of Timmie.
She’s busy doing mental backflips bro.
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Fremi gets #1 best legs award
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Good. The schizophrenia is a defense mechanism for gatekeeping our Scarafandom
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Kavehfujos just want to see Kaveh humiliated and them nake him feel better so that they can humiliate him some more. Typical fujo behavior, but not the worst I've seen.
Scarasisters are never gonna beat the schizo allegations.
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that's just the one-woman manhating ftm circus we have terminally online here
you learn to laugh at and ignore her whining
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Very based and thighpilled
Cute tummy
extremely good image
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Mika and Xingqiu are both sopping wet!
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They should take off their clothes and cuddle for warmth.
shota on shota is the best kind of love
prove me wrong- you can’t

kino thread and shota fanart dumps btw
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trrainer Mika Challenges you to Battle!
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In no particular order:
Chongyun and Xingqiu (they must be together)
Teucer (specially when he's with his brother)
Tighnari (specially when he's with Cyno)
Mika (I know you said 5 but whatever)
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The loser buys the winner a beer!
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Shota w/ older brocon is based. Is it better? Probably not
teucer is my favorite gensho
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Yes. He gets angry when other people get close to his man.
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Although he's not the only one who can get jealous from time to time.
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This is already the best thread we've ever had, and all it took was banishing the adult men. Shotas really are the answer to all the world's issues.
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moe possessive sho
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I want to lick his malnourished emaciated ribcage.
>Bennet x Razor
>Chongyun x Xingqiu
>Cyno x Tighnari
Any other notable shota x shota ship?
Who deserves to win the Aetherbowl in your opinion?
Aether x Scara
Venti x Xiao is a thing. Sethos x Scara is being pushed since this patch.
Lyney is the male character who flirts with Aether the most by far, so him. Scara in 2nd place.
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lil bro needs a chiropractor for that severe lordosis
This is the face of an addict.
genocidal war criminals belong on a cross
need this on my face please, bros.
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Imagine you’re Itto and imagine you let “Hina” top you and now you have a dog boy with glued on fake boobas stuck on by knot
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shota daki
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shota tum
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chong and xing in their natural environments
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New childe!
Teucer at perfect bj height
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Lucky Tartaglia
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Tartaglia's shota harem!
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It isn't what he originally expected, but it still is great!
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What a thot dog
uoh 14 year old bodytype bussy ToT
God this shota is so damn cute, perfect ripe young boy age
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Best boy ToT
Gay marriage and homosexual acts with Bennett.
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Yae plucked his doggy balls out so he’d always look like a pup
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Shota with in tact balls and cock.
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No balls dog
i wanna hurt gorou.
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Does the thought of abusing vulnerable shotas get you moist sis
i am a male.
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>i wanna hug gorou.
Sorry, typo.
germany after ww1 and cold war
trans man
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I demand crossover srt of Genshin Impact and Pokemon Right Neow!
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You responded to two different posters. Pretty sad
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Its Venti's birthday today! Say something nice about him!
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lol nah
2 different women, answer his question
venti's butthole.
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Happy father's day
I want to see itto get him boypregnant
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KYS immediately.
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Schizo meds onions-jak
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Don't reply to the dog poster
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>t. Onions boy
Venti is one of the reasons Genshin is so popular in the west. Mihoyo owes him a lot.
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>ftm projecting her cuntboy fetish again
she'll 41% eventually
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Sho doge
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any love for wrio?
he's my favorite non-shota but I can't find any good fanart
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Does she have a pussy like you or is he a man with a penis
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Mika eating Amber's meat.
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9. fuck, i love niggers
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How black is sand doggo
Built for cumming on
I want to paizuri their underage-coded shota chests
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Don't reply to the dog poster
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Estrogenized femboi coded chests
Why do you women love to estrogenize little prepubescent boys wtf
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Being the humanization of a manlet dog and being neutered doesn’t make him prepubescent. Your dog is still a pup by that logic.
Based pedophile slut loves her shota so much she’s gone and dissociated from reality
she already ban evades and samefags who cares just jerk off to her knowing she’s fingering to genshin boys
Because they subconsciously love little girls more than they love little boys, they don't want to admit it is all. So in truth they're a closet lolicon pretending to be a shotacon.
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He’s older than Itto and definitely more grown up.he’s just a little guy
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I love shotas like Gorou when they're drawn like their in-game canon shota models.
>realistic looking westoid child
weird pedophile fetish
>he’s just a little boy
Fixed. Yeah yeah shotas are cute and hot, we know. But wanting to remove their balls just makes you a lolicon, not really the right board for lolicons
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removing the 2nd best part of a shota is some top tier fujo male-envy bullshit
but I suppose she does it to cope with being a shotacon
'he only looks 12 because my weird mutilation headcanon'
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>implying HRT femboys = child
Also cats and dogs lose their balls
Deal w it
i wanna hurt gorou.
Trolling fujo scum is all well and good, but don't go calling anyone who is under 5'2 a shota. Adult characters still use the teen model.
nobody cares
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post more of scara's underage chest
im finna bust a fat load to your posts soon
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Well I do. My culture is NOT your accessoryy!
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Yeah.. adult. *wink wink*

The normalfags feel safer this way..
being a terminally online tumblrina twitteroid isn't a culture
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There's a certain irony seeing a post like this on this website.
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Alright. Now let's poast actual shotas.
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What's triggering me is the lack of shotaposting in the supposed GenShota thread.
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Ooga booga virtual culture. Outdated too.

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