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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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teucer catbussy edition

Previous: >>3897452
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Feed shos lots of meat
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Big brothers have the most nutritious meat.
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Rape genshotas
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Kind of wish Qina made more Isak drawings.
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Nice couple. Post cute gay genshin couples....
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Holy moly
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A Happy Belated Birthday to Venti!
oh hey it's the nsfw pic that regularly gets deleted
She posted literal penis in image porn already
and had pics deleted last thread.
She’s a phonefag and dodges bans. No use.
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that is some peak mental ilness but i could expect nothing less from a fujo that posts on 4chan
This is some peak fem4fem https://i.4cdn.org/cm/1716924366674414.jpg
nobody's clicking your bandodging cuntboy porn links
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Not a thighfag but good god
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Mika is irresitible!
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Squishy Squishy Cheeks!
is tighnari considered a shota
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good i will make many neuter posts about him
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Don't mutilate little boys!
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Does this look like a shota to (You)?
None of the playable boys are shotas unless hoyo adds a potato model for boys
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They have one, it's the smaller male model which all the genshos are
What a brat, Childe needs to correct him.
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Those are just NPC models which hoyo reuse for all the shotas sadly
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He hired Narukami shrine as crisis counselors after the grooming cyno scandal.
They talked him into trooning as a get out of jail card. It worked really good since general mahatra proposed.
Sasuga Miko.
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Don't reply to the dog poster
yeah lol
That's toddlercon my normalfag friend.
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Reminder that 'troon' shit is off-topic on /cm/ and belongs on /d/
Maybe irc needs to be talked to if the janny won't do her job
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Any discussion is off topic and should be ignored, these threads are not a general
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Shotas mindbroke her.
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No don't you get it, Ciel Phantomhive is the penultimate example of genshin boy bodytype, and he isn't a shota because he's too tall. Only toddlers and chibis are shota. That's what my roastie friends tell me, because they get horny for taller shota-.. erm 'twinks'. It's irl canon.
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>Any discussion is off topic
That is not how /cm/ works, sis.
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This image was tagged shota and so are a lot of genshin boybody images what does that mean for coping fujos?
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Don't reply to dog or shota posters
she's a retarded wannabe janny on par with the dog booba spammer desu
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So was this one... 160k views it's so fuckin' over.
I wanna fuck his shota bussy
cute sho
Women need to be expelled from 4chan stg.
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Disagree, the non psycho ones are fine.
also cute sho, he belongs to xinqiu tho
Where are the shotas? These are just manlets or teenagers
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Very true. Here's some more shota postin.
Just ignore the twitter spammer
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Ciel Phantomhive is a grown manlet.
A taste of her own autism huh
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Best shota duo.
Post shotas
this is what twitter and tumblr closet shotacon normalfags would have you believe
Isn't discussion off topic sis? See >>3898820
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we get it dogbooba schizo you call little boys mutilated manlets
it got old 5 threads ago
Manlet sexo
>spams off model shit to cope
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They're average height for being barely pubescent, anyway.
>man mutilator schizo uses words like ‘manlet’ to further stigmatize shotas
Why does she hate males so much.
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Does that mean all the genshin hebes are lolis then?
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Weenie envy.
If the shoe fits, fujo-chan.
They’re the same height and proportions as the shotas. That is not how dimorphism works in humans.
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>replying to the twitter fujo
don't you know discussion is le offtopic
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Wait WTF they tagged that as shota too.
ACK im gonna be cancelled for fapping
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I wish the dogbooba shotasaretotallymanlets schizo would post better art.
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Westoids are the only ones that feed her delusions.
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None of these are shotas
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Rare armpit shota.
God I want to fuck Freminet’s shota thighs.
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The irony of posting Kaveh while crying about that
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I love armpit manlets so much, please post more
>all of these popular artists are wrong in tagging
>it is I, the angry boobaschizo american who is right...
>Ciel Phantomhive is an ADULT
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Who's Ciel Phantomhive? I don't watch anime slop, also post shotas
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Ironic innit.
These are also tagged as a shota, LOOK AWAY.
Cute armpit shota. Don't look though, this one is also tagged as shota.
roasties having absolute mental breakdowns over being closet shotacons
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>still crossdressing even while topping
Chinks are fuckling cruel to kaveh
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It's pretty funny im ngl
Chill with the racism outside of /b/, boobasamefag.
I like how she went from crying about replying to it to replying to it because she wasn't getting her way.
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Does /cm/ have a hidden tagging feature? Why do you keep bringing it up? Also stop posting manlets
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Crossdressing shota.
Women are too mentally fragile for 4chan
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actual newfag lol
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Oh no, look away fujos..!
Cumming to shota pits rn
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The artist could tag it as a women, does that make a heizou women then? Also nice looking manlet
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>All of these JP artists are wrong, not me!
Pixiv bans if you abuse the tags that much.
Cute shota post btw
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God I love heizou
>tags, manlet, armpits, Shikanoin Heizou
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boobaschizo lost to shotas
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We all lost to shotas.
Boobaschizo loves that word, emasculation fetishes are really indicative of mental illness
Billions died.
Losing hard.. uoh.
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They're type to try and hit up 12 year olds on the street and use the defense 'I thought they were manlets'.
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Please post actual shotas, not a single boy in this thread (expect teucer) is a shota
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Very cute shota, boobaschizo. Don't let him get attacked like Scara.
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Stinky man let armpits.....
I want to cum on that underage shota belly
>man let
trying too hard to dual post
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>500 years old
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Lickable shota pits...
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>1000 year old vampire shota
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Bros I don't feel so good.... are we really.... shotacons.....
Of course the roastie doesn’t watch anime while posting daily on an anime website.
normalfags be like that
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>But the tags
Please stop posting man lets
>anime website
You mean a video game website? I mostly see video game boards on 4chan
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Sleepy genshota
Tired from a day of mindbreaking roasties.
Uoohhh.. brown shota... so exotic.
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Roasties where? Women don't browse 4chan
Fucking lol’d. Too obvious it was her on her phone again. Shotas broke her so hard she shitposted herself to try to get rid of discussion.
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Can I join your discord?
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Ywnbam, sorry sis.
you even type like a female
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No roasties allowed.
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Are these women in the thread with us right now?
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Holy based.
you guys actually mindbroke her jfc
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>spamming about manlets, boobs, hrt, twinkdeath, etc for years
She was already mindbroken before she found this website on tumblr.
Normalfags like her don’t belong on 4chan.
This desu
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Bunnyboy shos.
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Ummm.....wheres the shota? That's not a shota
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I’m quoting her
You could easily quote all her posts ITT, here's another >>3898920
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Shotas rule this thread and live rent free in roastie heads.
No bitch.
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God bless shos
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Post dog shota
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Sho bless.
shota thigh sexo
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Its sad that genshin lacks any real shotas
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You just posted one sis. A very offmodel one, but still. Good job!
She’s doing “post-twink death” mode Heizou. Aka adult.
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>posts a canon shota
what did she mean by this
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6million year old vampire
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What a beautiful manlet! I love heizou
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but still a shota body
>Closet pedophiles would havd you believe this shota is a mutilated adult male
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Even most of her normalfag ilk know Venti is obviously shota, she's just seething desu.
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Shota pits!
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Why are you posting screenshots? Have you ran out of art to post?
It’s enjoyable if you realize this causes her legit mental distress.
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Have an AI shota for being a cute schizo.
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Post shotas
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so does breathing though
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Very cute shota Fremi
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>posting AI slop
How sad
I love aether too! Such a cute manlet
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That artist draws shos cute, the one from twst is very nice.
He's average height for a shota, I know you like humiliating little boys though.
What is it with shota-hating roasties and femcel buzzword spam
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All the shota pit posts are very good posts
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AI sloppa shota.
Licking Heizou’s little boy armpits!
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Be careful he's ticklish
Tickling shota armpits and feet..
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Thanks bwo.
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Bunny shota.
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Nice bulge
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Shos need big nuts for molesting adult genshins.
shota-owned threads desu
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Kaeya is shota-owned tbbqh
Owned by my Xingqiu as a brown freezeslut.
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Based, ChongXing needs more slaves
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Shota slavers.
They take turns milking him.
king shota
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Shota thighs.
Man, not again.. I just finished.
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Get to crankin'.
Already am, to Scaramouche’s feet currently.
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now that's based
You replied to someone else lol. Also, Asians have less dimorphism and more neoteny than caucasioids, especially before they went into western life styles. so it’s not hard to imagine a samurai commander who looks younger than his actual age, at least by western standards.
>t. western weeb that's never been around a single asian male in her life
She probably touches herself to our kids and this is her new cope.
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Scarasho feet.
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Found one in your style tagged shota just for you.
Trying too hard.
its always amusing to me when people use words like "asian" or "caucasioid" as though they actually meant something genetically speaking
respect her neutered asian blonde haired green eyed dogboy shota manlet headcanons you caucasoid racist
They’re not even ethnicities that exist in Genshin anyway
>t. western weeb that's never been around a single asian male in her life
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There's nothing androgynous about little boys that look like little boys. Go back to twitter.
>pedophile male mutilation fetish roastie is also a racist white girl pseud yellow fever fetishist
sweaty shota
He works up a sweat triggering the lolcow roastie with his sexy shota body
And our dicks.
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You look like soijak, other countries are less soijak like.
>verification not required
Androgyny is neoteny. Any high level version of femboy aesthetics needs neoteny. Some adult men retain it.
Avoiding post filters is another bannable thing you’re doing newfag.
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>Androgyny is neoteny.
tfw even Kaeya is shotacoded in her mind.
Based and shota obsessed.
Neoteny = childlike
Based fujoshit admits to having attraction to child features. She wants to mutilate men to make them look 12. LOL
she could almost be /ourgirl/ if not for the mutilation manhating tranny obsessed parts
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what’s wrong about some adult men using medical black magic to not turn into onions-jaks
That’s pretty based and makes them more manly than all the numales
There’s a reason the only thing she could do when asked to provide examples of irl men with those proportions she only doubled down and linked a tranny thread on her site full of ugly grown men in wigs.
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What's wrong with coming to terms with your shota addiction? There's nothing wrong with posting little anime boys and accepting the fact that you do, sis. You're on 4chan not twitter.
>posts child body shotafied fanart of hazbin too
Holy based, pedofujosama I kneel.
>using medical black magic to stay physically as children
>this is not shota, though, I'm not attracted to kids- I swear
Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
I’d fuck shota Anthony too.
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Shos are love.
Shos are life.
Children are children and you’re being disgusting
Adult men are adult men and even if they chemically neutered themselves it doesn’t take that away. If anything they’re showing more agency than normal men.your fault for deciding you can only be a man if you look like a onions boy
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Shotas are fictional and it's okay to fap to shotas like Gorou. Or shlick, or whatever you roastoids do.
Your headcanon of chopping little boys balls off to keep them as shotas is not real. He’s just a shota. Cope and seethe :3
I mean the 4chan strain of femboy pulls it off just fine. It’s your fault for looking at kids rather than adult men.
>still can't provide a few photo examples
not even one because she’d have to post an ftm, heavy photoshops, or kids
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And she never will because adult shotas don't exist.
> He’s just a
“Young man” according to his official bio
Also he’s half dog and guess what happens to most boy dogs?
>He’s a 2000 year old vampire loli for normalfags like me
Why do you shlick to mutilated little anime boys? Why not the adult men like Kaveh?
She's simply not attracted to adult men.
Oh yeah I forgot, actual adult prettyboys are ugly basedjacks to her lmfao.
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Dog booba artist probably uses this as refs https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/21223365/#23148474
They get mistaken for ftm a lot despite being male.
Kaveh has a lolcow personality so he’s for bullying.
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>links ugly adult looking trannies again
We accept your concession, shota pedosister.
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saw it coming, because no amount of mutilation makes adults look like kids outside of anime fantasy (shotas)
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Go back to lgbt and stay there, cunt.
How’s that possible when some of them malefail/get mistaken for being ftm?
Take your dickless puppet there first
take your dickless self there first lmoa
Noncon with Lyney
Wrestling with Lyney
Sniffing and licking Lyney

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