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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Shotadoge Edition

Last Genshy: >>3898714
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Baby Tart
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KING of shotas
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chong POV.
Post more subby shotas like Gorou and Mika
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All shos are subby if you're grown
My cum in his tiny underdeveloped boy hand.
he wouldn't have hearts in his eyes for any other sho
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If they male fail but instead of trooning dress and act like men then yeah they basically have, not counting side effects like gyno which they can cut off
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venti soft shota belly uohhh must blow raspberries
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>still has not posted a single example outside of filthy troons that look grown and busted like her
They don't exist.
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Sex with all of these young boys.
Not these though, ew.
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How are femboys troons when they say they’re men? The ones who were twins to begin with can pull it off. Usually
Cope for having taken the onions-jak pipeline
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>changes the discussion from adult men who look like kids similarly to Gorou not existing outside of shota to her tranny fetishes
The thread accepts your concession yet again.
Have some muscle sho to get you moist.
post your pussy on catbox
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Cheating twink death without getting caught up in gender ideology is based and redpilled
You’re being onions pilled
>verification not required
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ywnbam and adults that look like kids will never exist
i wanna see it glisten with excitement and gender euphoria
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Almost threw up reading that..
yeah hers probably smells like fish rot ngl
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>only shotas posted
I'll fix that!
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adult genshins are always welcome even though shos are the best
Lucky bastard gets to pound Teucer every day..
AND Aether's developing ass.
Ahhh giwtwm.
boobaschizo just needs a good plapping desu
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They fuck.
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>shotas (left) and the anti-shota(s) ((right))
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Holy shit, slow down you assholes.
There are 10 previous threads full and the last one isn't even one day old.
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Not our problem, bitch.
Tell the other threads to post faster.
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>Listen, Alhaitham, if you're approached by a suspicious person, just pull the string of this security buzzer I made.
>Oh wait, wait, don't pull out now
>What? Am I the suspicious person Ahahahaha you damn kid
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>13 genshin threads
>15 hazbin threads
Not a troon and just because you’re ugly doesn’t mean everyone else is
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Yeah. the threads took a massive nosedive. What the fuck is this shit?
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What? You don't enjoy threads being spammed with XQ/mika/teucer?
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People got triggered by dog booba chad and then claimed to be pedoids to try and get even which ofc backfires since doggies eating impossible whoppers is now the most wholesome part of this thread
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calm down you ugly troon here's some cute little boy for you
>calling characters she personally dislikes spam
>calling herself a chad
Mental status: BROKEN
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What, you don't like the threads being spammed with the same shitty reposts and tranny fetish she always spams?
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Lmao 2real
i can’t believe shotas like gorou actually triggered her this hard
i know what i’ll be posting into the far future
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More Gorou? Based. I love shota doge.
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The Spam is unironically the only civil part of the threads. It's everyone else trying to outschizo each other that drives me mad.
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The one thing actual pedophiles like her can't stand is 2d shota/loli.
Samefagging pretty hard there.
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Wtf? Pre-twinkdeath Kaeya?
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>I get mad at discussion on a discussion imageboard
Yes we know and nobody cares
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Thanks for proving my point, I guess.
by roastie standards yes that’s a twink.
I wonder what her endgame is with this tantrum
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hating shos
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Who the hell gets mad at shotas on /cm/
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What she pretends happens:
>anyone but her being a schizo
What actually happened:
>throw an aspergers tantrum over something pedantic after months of spamming the same ugly twitter images with manhate shitposts and reposted banned porn images
>reply to every post angrily even though she was screeching about how discussion is off-topic and telling people to not reply to posts she doesn't personally like
>shocked.jpg when everyone makes fun of her for being a retarded normalfag and everyone continues posts the stuff she cries about while she seethes and kicks harder
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Sexy toddler. He needs a mouth full of cock. I still prefer older shotas like picrel
Don't forget
>screeches about how shotas aren't shotas unless they're toddlercon
She'd flip if she saw the shota threads and how many similar '''''''twink''''''' characters are in there.
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Yeah you're right. Normalfags calling shotas twinks and femboys in recent years is weird af.
Thighsex shota
Nice manlet
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He'll have to fight Freminet for the title of thighsex shota.
Nice bleeding vag lmao. Juice it to their shota butts.
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Shotas get in the way of posts talking about how much she wants to castrate Gorou and we can't have that, can we?
Black Butler season 2 and Dungeon Meshi mindbroke closeted shotafags.
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They can fight with their thighs on some adult cock.
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Dungeon Meshi is so based, it allows for tons of elf and chilchuck shota posts on /y/.
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>Black Butler season 2
Alois needs correction
that’s hot.. I need art of that
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Live, laugh, love, shota.
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If /y/ wasn't a barafag shithole, I would go myself and check it out. I'm assuming the usual /y/ troll excuse of underaged characters didn't work on Chilchuck because he's pushing 30.
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Chilchuck was deleted for a bit because shota is technically a bodytype but the mods stopped when his age got mentioned in the OPs/posts.
It's wild how easy the normalfag moralpolice are to condition.
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Kaveh needs adult correction
Purest boy in genshin
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Sleepy sho.
Art of Shota Kaveh and Adult Alhaitham is surprisingly rare.
Teucer probably
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It makes girls uncomfortable. Gotta commission/request 'twink' Kaveh and 'taller adult' Alhaitham
Shota on shota is cuter anyway desu
Mika isn’t pure
CN fujos like it
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Joel and Ruu are tied for 2nd place
1st place goes to Teucer
He's the purest buy in Tevyat!
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He's pure of body and heart.
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Don't think I like shota Itto.
He's very pretty and VERY cocky, I like him
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He looks like he's gonna challenge me to a pokemon battle.
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He's not horrible, off a little maybe.
The more I look at him the less weird it looks, I think it was the hairstyle making the face look wide.
He looks so innocent. Hat is probably imagining breaking his spirit. Fucked up.
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I’m not the irl basedjak tho onions boy
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No you're just a smelly NEET troon with too much time on her hands.
>done spamming
>shitpost mode engage
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The joke is Itto is most likely younger than Gorou, and he’s certainly less mature
>gets triggered and starts claiming characters that the official profile says are adult men are children
yeah you showed them ped
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>lolcow roastie still seething
>Gorou remains a cute shota
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So nothing changes huh.
She’s stuck on a seethe loop, it’s funny how mad Genshin boys being shota makes her.
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Yeah p much
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These are the best threads in /cm/.
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What if Itto forces Gorou to Hinamode so that people stop thinking he’s dating a kid.
Also this was tagged crossdressing so it’s fair game.
Not a troon, I just like meeming it up
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She should go post on a safe space like twitter or lolcow then.
No the shota threads are but she’d seethe in those too.
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Ugly kaveh shota, he just looks like a midge
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She was earlier
Ugly like you, irl soijak!
Shotaveh and Shothat are cute.
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Needs his braid
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Cute cat toddler shota..er I mean turbo twink Ham
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Troonveh is older and groomed haitham
He’s canon a Christmas cake femboy. That’s why Haitham will dump him for sand dog
Redpilled artist.
bored of your posts desu, choke on your hrt, shemale.
She will now engage her samefag mode
No he's not, he's a literal shota and it says so ingame. Keep seething and learn to admit to enjoying little boys it makes your life easier
Twink aka shota Ayato
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Not one. I’m based.
ywnbam troonie, choke on your pills while you mald and get uglier from the stress lmao.
Cuntboys go on /d/.
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At least you're posting actual shotas instead of manlets
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Shota Kaeya..
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Actually they're the same exact size as the other genshin shotas like Gorou now. Thank you for conceeding and exposing your pusseh like this.
Uoooohhhh. He belongs with the canon ingame shota Xingqiu.
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Wrong, Xingqiu's shota ass belongs to Chongyun's shota dick.
He’s male and it’s not that, schizo. It’s just Haitham trying to get another man (male) pregnant.
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The fujo would go crazy over his art if he aged up Gorou not to be his canon shota form. Alas.
>AI shart
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>t. Onions jak
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His Gorou art is cute. Idk why roasties obsess over shotas and then cry when they're called shotas. I remember when fujochads used to openly jerk off to Kuroshitsuji and not care. Twitter tourists are a disease.
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That artist who likes to draw total twink death Gorou
She’s a lolcow poster, they all sperg about shotas.
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Nobody grows like that after 15. That's just Gorou after he becomes an adult and loses his shota body/face.

Makes sense.
gorou crying is so cute
sad shotas make my cock diamonds
captcha: NMHAG
OG fujos are the biggest shotacons of all, they used to openly sperg out about their obssessive love for little anime boys and it was refreshing. The new breed of tranny mindbroken western fujos can't compete
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Erotic underage Gorou,
I mean if you want to call a 27 year old man who runs an army a shota go ahead.
nestor makhno but it’s a dog boy
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Headpat shotas
This unironically.
Sex with these shotas.
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Shotas and lolis being powerful is a very common anime trope, 1/10 for effort.
She hates anime, she said so earlier.
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Cancel culture really fucked an entire generation of women lol.
Gross, must be fat old and jelly of all the cuties in it.
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Made for consensual lovemaking.
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I love shotaposting hours.
Who’s he hugging?
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Yae has been poisoning Inazuma’s dog men with impossible whoppers since before the war so it won’t happen.
ITT fox fujo war crimes
>I mean if you want to call a 27 year old man who runs an army a shota go ahead.
I wouldn't, luckily Gorou is canonically placed at 12-13 years old making him a pure pubescent sho
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All shotas deserve consensual lovemaking.
perfect age to start developing boysmell
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Same. Shos will save /cm/.
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What do you think each shota smells like?
Fujochads defecto ruling Inazuma had him neutered because they don’t want their cute boys to go to waste
An era of based.
Bennett like burnt rubber.
Mika like cream soda.
Gorou like boy pheromones.
Teucer like sugary fruits.
Straight couples belong on /c/.
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>Bennett like burnt rubber.
Yeah probably.
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Stop posting manlets
Well.. Maybe a hint of sweat, but nothing offensive.
God I just want to worship Bennett's socked feet imagine the smell unnnnnnn
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Continue posting shotas.
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>posts an actual adult manlet that looks like a stocky ugly bara
She almost got it.. neofujoshits are dumb as hell.
That’s not a couple. That’s just a fujo harassing feminine men
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Perfect size shota package to be mouth warmed.
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>post shotas
>posts man_lets
It never ends
A pedo harassing a little boy*
>all tagged as shotas
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She’s a broken western roastie not a fujo, just ignore her spam and continue to shotapost.
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Stop posting m*nlets
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Cute shotas
I think it’s reverse psychology ngl, she obviously gets off to shotas.
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manlets and sneed
Cute dog shota.
This shota smells like pumpkin spice.
This shota smells like Egyptian spices.
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M anlet love...........
Thanks for posting cute shotas even in your utter meltdown status, sis.
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Awww, scara with a cute shota!
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Aww, older shota babying smol shota
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Its amazing scara hasn't reached twinkdeath
Both of those are shota, twinks and trannies are ugly and old like you lol.
We already knew you were the dogbooba schizo, you don't have to go full mask off sis.
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How would a puppet boy without a penis reach twink death anyway
Make shitposts make sense
the utter mindbreak ITT
roastie will never recover from shota rape
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Who? I'm just posting scara (my fave twink)
Best shota, eternal shota from lack of real parts.
I’m loling this is great
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Cute sho
Nobody in their right mind would look at this shit and call it an adult male
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It’s a literal 600 year old Eldritch animal spirit making a mortal dog boy that probably has youkai blood or something as a plaything so yeah.
Basically the power gap.
I’m not the wolf poster. Imagine being so triggly you think it’s all one anon
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What a cute little shota, I hope nothing bad happens to him and ends up mindbreaking scara
>I'm not x and y
Yeah you are, dual post a little better next time sis.
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Shota getting mindbroken as a shota himself is really tragic..
I’d rape both these shos.
Gently love* both those shos in bed
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shota sexo
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god I love genshin manlets (ignore collei)
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Yae had him neutered
Chill out
Cute shos
Naughty shota
Wet shotas
Those shotas are wetter than the fujo ITT when she sees them, damn.
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Please don't rape the shos.
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Muscular virialized shota.
Sorry I’ll control myself, it’s hard around all of these shos
It's okay, I understand.
kazuha? is that you?
is a slut for adult cock
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Here is the objective genshos smell tier list
Morax grooms an innocent dog boy
Mika tummy....
Why does Albedo have no smell?
Hetero pics belong on /c/.
He's an artificial being made of chalk through alchemy
It’s males
Hmm.. I kind of want to roll him now.
Sniffing Xiao and Razor
Rule 63/self labelled troonshit isn’t male.
All his lore is locked away in past limited events might as well just watch youtube videos of those events
Why does Hoyo do this to us.....
Not everything is about you. Cross dressing is allowed and Hina is by far gorou’s most popular alternate design. Obviously still a dog boy.
>Cross dressing is allowed
says the troon spamming it in threads where it wasnt
>b-but i can post whatever i want
yeah you'd spam a spongebob thread with genshin if you could, freak
A very little underdeveloped dog boy shota. Uoh. No wonder he looks good crossdressing, the adults could never pull this off.
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I want genshin shota thighs in my face
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>t. Seething tranny projecting
>spam a spongebob thread with genshin if you could, freak
He suffered from pup neutering and is very sensitive about being underdeveloped
Pls don’t bully him for being noballed
He might an hero
>>t. Seething tranny projecting
But enough about you, sis.

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