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Shotas still #winning

Last Genshy: >>3898714
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Mika won
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shotamouche feet
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Thot dog
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Shota daki...
It’d be covered in stains.. poor Mika.
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>reposting the same NSFW image that appeared on the bans list around a day ago
If he were better why'd his thread just get nuked off the board lol
Clean him up
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You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
She always ban dodges, nothing short of a rangeban will get her mental illness out.
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All dog shotas are good.
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Molesting shotas.
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Dog booba removal was a success
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It feels so wrong but so right...
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cute cute cute
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me on the left.
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He's literally me
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An artist I follow on Twitter is making an online convention with Razor as his avatar. I made this when I saw his Razor Animation.
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I'm the Dog.
Now convert it to .swf and upload it to /f/.
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Based. Enjoy living for eternity!
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Uuuuuuoh, Benny tummy, uuuuoh. So woof cute.
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They knew what they were doing when they gave him a tummy window.
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Twink tummies.......................
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Venti needs some cum cum glazing that shota tum tum.
>she's calling the canon 14-15 year old body 'twink' too
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Hey whatever helps her to post more shotas
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Why is this bitch trying so hard to justify children as consenting adults, nobody cares it's 4chan.
I'm a guy friend, I just got to this thread.
No there isn't. They're both pubescent and have no frontal lobe.
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>actual pedos ITT
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>What else would you call them
Young boys (少年), young teens, jailbait, children, etc. Nobody calls a little boy a twink except recently with retarded terminally online twitter users- it's a term for 18+ year old gays that look youthful and lithe.

Of course it's actual 3dpd pedophiles that sperg about shota semantics. Disgusting cunt.
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I hope the anime will give them a lot of scenes.
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more like this bleez
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I’ve been busy with work aince yesterday. What did I miss?
There’s no way a Chinese cartoon from Japan would miss the Hina affair
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>>bitches don’t realize he’s the average samurai height

And that is why an ordinary Ashigaru peasant will beat an ordinary samurai and eat him for dinner too.
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>bitches don’t realize he’s eaten hundreds of Narukami Ashigaru
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I love genshin twinks so much, venti is beautiful!
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>a gay or bisexual young man with a slim build and youthful appearance.
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>young man
>not child/adolescent
He's a cute shota based on a kid he met though!
>99% of the thread is shotas
love to see it. mindbroken roasties are gr8, keep it up
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He's training to suck adult cock.
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venti's based for taking a shota form
he knew how much sloppy stinky fujo women love little boys and wanted to bang them all
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shota supremacy
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Do you imply he lost his twink status after fujo-Chan groomed him to trooooooon?
Average shota height* which makes sense as a canonically 13 year old boy
He never had it, children can't be twinks and aren't troons. These are simply cute little boys
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Shotas are pure and not for mutilation fetishes/grooming.
>never had it
Balls? He and Nari did and are adult canines. They just probably were neutered
>taller than average pre modern Japanese man
Good thing Fujo-chan is only targeting feminine twinks
They are both as tall as an average shota, and are canonically shotas in-game as well so yes, little kids. I know they're cute little kids and all, but please refrain from applying your mutilation fetishes to characters that are canon children
Calling little shotas whatever you want doesn't make them not shotas, it's weirder that you deny it than simply admitting that you love cute little underage shotas
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i lub shotas
>she's mobile bannu-evading again
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She also got hit
for saying 15 year old irl boys are fuckable men who've been breeding kids since 10. (She'll say it's not her but the seldom used buzzwords thrown out and speed at which these threads go when she's tantruming make it too obvious)
Her obsession with calling even canonically underage boys twinks is kinda hilarious tbqh. Like it *really* bothers her that they're shotas.
I don't understand cancel-culture twitter foids at all.
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Sex with underage boys
i prefer the adult male characters desu but i support shota posts too.
esp because she’s been so butthurt she can’t even keep up the ‘im not bothered i like trolling le moidz’ angle anymore since she’s too busy defending her shota fetish and just comes across as really upset and emotional.
it’s entertaining.
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What about shotas loving and sexing each other
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I honestly think she secretly likes it and is doing a reverse psychology bit, but then again she also seems a little challenged- so maybe that's giving her too much credit.
Either way, all the gensho art's been enjoyable.
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That isn’t me you stupid pedo. You’re getting all triggered over some other LC anon when you’re honestly just as degenerate and deserving of going on a cross.
>"not me!", she cries
>while it couldn't be more obvious it is
Stop ban evading btw, closet pedo fujo.
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Uohh.. shota tummies... need to be cummed on
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Nari sexo.
Why do all little genshin boys have such cute exposed tummies and/or thighs?
because the female shota market for gachas is huge and profitable and women love boy legs
just look at arknights shota designs like arene or leonhardt
shota legs for days
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>arene or leonhardt
For me it's Mephisto
Xinqiu is best genshota for similar 'reasons'
Cute shota, his butt will get soggy like that though.
egpytian shotas uoh..
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>genshin but it's /girlysho/
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sho legs
Intercrural sexo.
Mephisto not being playable is the main contributing factor as to why I dropped that game, what a waste of an amazing design
It has a more than a few cute playable shotas now but he definitely is the best of the lot.. a shame.
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Imagine Alejandro Saab reading
>“Traveler, I don't have to tell you this
but degenerates like these belong on a
cross. However, I will settle for other
methods of termination, be creative.”
And it’s about a daily commission to exterminate cm and lc
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i want to sexo the brown sho
is that the eng va? i play in cn idk what he sounds like, post a link
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He’s really good https://m.youtube.com/shorts/jqZCXcBbsKg
yeah that’s not bad at all
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He’s had too many impossible whoppers from Inazuma!
Stop him before he ends up like the dogs.
Sis that’s just a female rule 63 pic
sho invitation.. uoh.. he’s too innocent to rape though
Cute bulge.
I don’t think so, it didn’t have any tag like that
she’s doing it on purpose lol just r&i
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She's been mindbroken by shotas like Gorou.. poor thing.
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Jokes on her I'm bi.
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>all these r63 mommies here to groom the shos
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and a cute sho tummy pic
have fun brehs
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Venti zerking his shota pp to the idea.
Pedophile Yae
noooo venti :(
No in the sense that Yae is an adult woman lusting after an underage teenager (like you)
Nooo don't hypnotize vulnerable shotas!
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wtf is goin on in these threads
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What do you mean? I have keywords filtered and my thread looks fine.
>implying that it wouldn't be Venti hypnotizing every other shota in the game to build his harem
Do little boys make for good hypnotists?
If they are Gods, then yes
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The suffering never ends
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Yae is a Fujo not shotacon. That’s why her scheme is cross dress him and get burly men to hump him and watch and laugh as it happens.
Also doggy general isn’t a teenager, he’s the average height of a samurai and looks his age when made to dress like an Ara-Ara
you think gorou is an accurate representation of the average mid 20s male?
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Of an Asian manlet who’s kinda underdeveloped and so could pull off crossdressing yeah. Basically irl otokonoko but it’s instead that ww2 war criminal who had to cross dress for years to hide from the Allies
do you know anything about men at all?
You just got banned on another mobile IP, stop evading just to talk about grooming shotas.
just about hating them
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cute shota
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Posting boys isnt against the rule
They’re just look maxing to get straightoid chads
You were on the bans page for this, just saying!
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>wanted brown shota
>pull fatham instead
Oh well.
reminder that the boobschizo lolcow trapschizo posting rule 63 seethes so hard she even gets banned on her tranny lolcow site which is why she hates spelling it out
cute shotas
She's essentially dedicated her life to malding about a small subsect of threads on a dead board on 4chan, so I'm not surprised by that.
She’ll also never be male.
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i checked her banned posts out of curiosity, that is some mentally unwell stuffs
her hatred of males controls her entire life desu
i can't imagine saving this many images of stuff that triggers me
cute shotas
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Tbf everyone in LC is even more insane and autistic and uses weird buzzwords like nona and seethes posting how x gets them so angry so this is quality shitposting by comparison

Also half the people there are unironic literal pedos
Nice job acting like them
Where did this male hatred thing even come from? Feminine men are cool and should be protected from extreme basedjaks. That’s it.
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bennett's stinky sho feets
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Yeah desu I also used to dislike traps and shotas until I realized how mad they made normalfaggy troons and femcels. Now they’re just kinda based. It’s odd that they can’t calm down and keep in their own spaces- nobody ever even posted traps or shotas here, except for her, until she kept spamming tranny fetish male genital mutilation garbage for months because her home lolcow banned her for shota posting. Reap what you sow.
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Cute and must be protected from the stinky schizo roastie.
cute shotas
and true we must protect them from whores
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Gas da roaster.
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Someone control Venti, he’s thinking about boobaschizo’s festering pootang again..
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>a sho will never look at you like this
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Gross, he would never think about some filthy snatch.
He's looking at you like that right now bro.
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Pup neutering isn’t mutilation. It happens to almost all doggies. It isn’t tranny either since nobody ever says they aren’t still boy doggies. It’s just liking pup bullying.
>cringe draw a lolicallitaboy
That’s what you always post, and just posted in an ugly western style, albeit.
fr kek
venti only thinks about giant floppy dicks and nutsacks
>all these cute and slutty little boys
File deleted.
Do what must be done.
She’s a shotacon and gets wet to little shota traps just like you!
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Whoops, fixed. Forgot only the lolcow tourist can post actual cocks and women's tits here.
i’ve seen way risque-er in the other threads i think you were fine
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Yeah probably.
impending rape
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thigh rape
This Aether outfit..... erotic
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>more deleted shitposts
gee, maybe you should stop posting r63 women and pushing male/shota mutilation/trans-ing fetishes on a board for cute males
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You did use the prettiest genshin 5* to clear floor 11 in the abyss, right?
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He’s literally obviously male here and has no booba and broad shoulders
It’s a big male and smaller male without any foid traits like booba in a dress
I’ve posted no such thing other than bullying Kaveh for acting like a hysteric insane troon. Femboys don’t get fooled into thinking they’re suddenly women. Except Kaveh.
>ban evading and reposting offtopic shit that was deleted already
She touches herself to the male attention she gets here. She’s addicted.
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>off topic
It’s literally 2 men and zero boobs.
The rules say it’s okay.
cute shota
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no, fremi isnt that good gameplay wise
I still don't think the characters people are calling shotas are shotas, they're Shonen they have the same body type like Deku or Tanjiro. We have loli models and characters for girls which are distinct from the shorter females, If we had a male version of that I'd call it a shota (like Teucer). Think these are just shonen boys
Fox booba
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Also some characters are called teens, others they don’t explicitly mention age, others like Gorou and Itto are called “young men”. So some of them are explicitly adults
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this normalfag roastie take got old 2 threads ago.
the toddler looking chibis aren't lolis they're deformed midgets and have adults canonically
venti is a canon pubescent shota and the rest have older shota designs even if they're adults in canon.
Cute puppy sho.
>Shonen males
Most of which are shotas.. Deku and Naruto and whoever else.
You don't even watch anime or read manga.
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I love these cute kemonomimi shos
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what is the specific age range for a character to be considered a shota? to me, shota has always just meant "underage male", so that extends from toddlers (yuck) to around 13-15 (peak) with the following years being a sort of grey area transition into adulthood
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Most of the Inazuma boys are closer to Kenshin Himura. Which fits since most are even Japanese civil war veterans.
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i mean yeah, 少年/shounen literally means young boy around 8-15
i don't know where this amerimutt mistranslation of it meaning young adult came from
left is an adult, what you call an 'ugly basedjak'
right is a shota
cute shos
It's funnier considering it comes from children's publications.
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He canonically looks like a cute boy
Kazuha is him but canadian
"Teyvat has its own laws"
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while you guys argue with the pedofujo i must say that shorts and knee boots/socks are the most based shota combo in existence
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Adult genshin shotas are pretty cursed
He’d be alright with a different hairstyle. Still cuter as a shota.
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That one is just poor design on the part of whoever aged him up.
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I wish he was a 5*
The shos don't have very adult-friendly designs tbf, their silhouettes and outfits are crafted for cute boy appeal.
As it should be. Genshin is really the only game of its kind that has this many cute boys with actual boy designs. Even hoyo's other games focus more on older guys which is a shame
The lion shota in Wuthering was cute, but he's the only one out of a dozen of adult male pulls. Don't really have high hopes for them adding more.
Chong POV:
Probably 4-15, any younger is toddlercon and any older is seinen/young adult.
Yeah this, pretty much. Genshos having the bodies and faces of early teens is why they're called shotas.
I guess seinen would more accurately be 18-25 to start off, but lookswise 16-17 year olds usually look closer to that.

That and Venti being, canonically, a 15 year old’s body-snatcher who shares the same model with all the other shota characters solidified it. It also depends on where you grew up, westerners have a strong “groomer” culture and tend to call “femboys/twinks” for what Japan accepts as shotas and young boys.
Yeah WW is a return to the usual formula of these games, only 1 or 2 cute boys and they always make them really weak in combat otherwise people start malding. Just look at HSR for example, there are only 3 boys in the game for over a year and they all suck. I'm glad at least Genshin has a ton of them and many are very good.
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Pup boy has the biggest downgrade after twink death: becomes a funny looking hairy manlet too masc to be boyish (which is the only winning aesthetic manlets have
> femboys/twinks
Otokonoko is a literal Japanese analogue and it’s supposed to be adult men who can pull off looking like women.
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>retarded lolcow weeb who doesn't watch anime or read manga and seethes about jp traps babbling about her trans fetish again
Did you get your citations from wikipedia or some other western asspull?
Otoko no ko was from school aged boys who look like girls and popularized to the mainstream with 2000s videogames/vns/manga, the most popular example being Bridget who was a child in GGX2- it means male daughter, not adult. The word itself comes from little boys.
Otoko no ko is analogous with a young trap, not twinks/femboys/trannies, and has nothing to do with genshin boys who are just shotas anyway. You're the same stupid cunt that calls otokonokos mtfs when she's shitting up other threads. Ywnbam.
My pov.
I love shotas..
cute sho
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Rubbing his little boy pheromones all over me
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> Otoko no ko was from school aged
There’s a real life demographic that uses the label retardped, they predate western femboys by a few years but apparently are pretty much the same thing nowadays.
>calls mtfs
They deny it and would seethe just like western femboys at the label. Also lol at the irony of you shilling some sho shit character that trooooooned.
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>she's still going and making up shit while spamming her tranny fetish
imagine being her and saving 1000 pictures of a character you hate just to own le moids
cute shota groomer pedo-chan
cute shota
For someone that obsesses about it she sure knows nothing about japanese culture.
He’s ugly as an adult jfc
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All the shotas are, they need new outfits and hairstyles if aged up
Bennett’s receeding hairline..
Who do I hate?
>Retard thinking your guilty gear and Chinese cartoons are Japanese culture
I meant (cute) 3dpd Japanese culture
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>she still thinks she knows anything about ANY Japanese culture
>cultural exports are not culture
Retarded bitch lol. Japanese people are extremely proud of anime and manga.
oh so you're a real pedo
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Berry cute shotas.
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Shota Zhongli agrees
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squishy cheeks
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Dumb projection Bridget fag.They’re adult men, they just do shady stuff to keep feminine looks. Dog booba artist (male bl artist) pretty much draws his bottoms like thems
>using the most prolific example of something
>ad hominem latching onto this is the only argument she has
Pathetic. They're shotas.
>male bl artist
these are notorious for loving shotas!
You brought up liking Bridget, I brought up what a funny group of Japanese adult men do.
We hit a nerve boys, keep pushing.
>brought up liking Bridget,
Nobody did that. Perhaps you're projecting because you like him and see yourself in him. Except instead of being groomed as a shota, you're the groomer & shota molesting/mutilating tranny that will never be your desired sex.
she loves the idea of trooning underage boys for some reason, childhood trauma or whatever
desu the funny part of Bridget is that he's still called by male pronouns in the japanese versions of his entries and official figures
only you americans call shotas and traps as twinks and trannies
His creator called him a tranny so sneed https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2022-10-31/guilty-gear-strive-developers-bridget-was-always-meant-to-be-transgender/.191273
> he's still called by male pronouns in the japanese versions
Obviously: Japan thinks of mtfs as interchangeable with femboys. That’s why Fujo are known to harass Thai troons by asking them to larp as anime boys.
> only you americans
Only thirdies from shitholes like Britain and Europe seethe about Americans being based. Probably because everything worth doing is banned in your tinpot dictatorships ban everything worth doing. The median income in shitholes like Britain is much closer to Mexico than America and it shows.

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