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How are we feeling, /cm/?
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Last thread >>3868109
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remember what they took from you
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to be perfectly honest, miquella does not do it for me

sweet little omens, though...
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they could never make me hate you Radahn
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Lothric/Lohrian >>> Miquella/Radahn
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>going through sadpanda favs
>realize zako literally predicted the miqella type of controlling wannabe god 3 years ago
I'm in awe
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Is Radahn the demi-god we know the most about in terms of personal interests?
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you call it fighting Messmer the Impaler, I call it a Lover's Quarrel with My Beautiful Wife(male)
I preferred Mohg when he was a femboyfag
That Mohg is quite dead.
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and whose fault is that...
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He must be Miyazaki's husbando
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Not my fetish and on non-fetish level it's really meh.

As someone who has siblings, I find wholesome brotherly bond charming, endearing and relatable (therefore, cute). And Mohg and Miquella, well, it's just a fetish fodder.
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you sound really creepy
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any of you anons know a good guide for a femenine femboy sexy bodybuilding guide
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Yeah, I know.

Not liking Miquella/Mohg Rape Club Wacky Adventures is creepy. And sus.

I'm probably a serial killer or sth.
Stop talking like you just came from Twitter, faggot.
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No, you dumb troon.
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please more mohgott
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oh, mohgott, not morgott, sorry
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cute goat man
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>types like a twitter tranny
>calls others troon out of nowhere
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this game is so fking overrated
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So let me get this straight, Miquella is a shota-shaped femboy god that rejected and abandon his f*male counterpart, and as a 100% male boy wants his ultra chad half brother to marry him?
God damn son, Miyazaki is based as fuck
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M: Brother Radahn, I want you to restore the movement of the stars.
R: I'm sorry, I cannot grant that request, Miquella.
M: Why?
R: We cannot allow this place to be destroyed by the stars. Even if this is your plan, I will maintain my protection of this land.
M: (thinking) Ah, as expected of a lord-to-be. I've fallen in love with you again, brother.
R: Miquella?
M: Anyway, I can't help it despite your words. Sooner or later my blade will touch Caelid.
R: Hoh, I'll be waiting.
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