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A thread for posting older-looking (pubescent/post-pubescent, no prepubescent shotas!) crossdressers, traps, otoko no ko, etc. Ignore, hide, and report all bait and tranny/tranny-adjacent posts. No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.

OC content is generally preferred if you can dig through the X mines to find it.

Previous: >>3898018

All traps: >>3898453

Shota traps: >>3902485
Remember to ignore and report the genshin hrttranny and her spam.
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give manga recs
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>Lol troooons
There’s an artist that draws him with obvious gyno but also blatantly male (dick bulge and dick in nsfw art)
Maybe all the phyto-onions in beer is trooning him
what in the name of femto are you talking about
Off topic, go away.
If you're open to manhua, Circle by Wang Ziying is a decent read in my opinion. It's a BL that follows two couples with one of them involving a crossdresser. It's a comedy but there is also a healthy dose of melodrama.
It's unfortunately unfinished (apparently something the author does frequently with her(?) work) but there are 108 chapters to enjoy.
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It’s funny because Femto sounds like a troon name
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>can't remember the pixiv id. but you can iqdb it
I can't. I think I've posted this before. Does anyone have it?
What's up with this new captcha?
Is this nazi thread?
Can't be nazi with one of these flags
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Mmmmmmm warmcrimes
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I guess I'll dump some yukitoukou boys then
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Be Femboys Commit War Crimes.
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When u realize scaramouche is literally that
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I really liked the story of that IRL Japanese officer who tortured his prisoners and then had to hide from the allies by pretending to be a woman for years on end.
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please watch this show. 2nd ep comes out today.
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that art is surprisingly faithful
Forced drama shit.
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>>le ebbin red pilled femboy
Kys tranny
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>no genshin impact
>some obese old roastie hag spams genshin impact
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How am I supposed to know if drawings are 14+?
There's a shota tag on your art nigga
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If I freshly saved the image, I would've noticed.
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Could've used your eyes to see it looks like a child.
Old enough for EVROPA.
Stop replying to her you dipshit.
>landwhale seething
Funny how you call gaychads troons
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>He decides he's a straight boy that just likes crossdressing
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Reminds me of the hilarious straight femboys who complain about not being able to get a gf after castrating themselves.
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>Why do you troons always use female as an insult?
Self hating women like to spam threads with anime men cuter than them, idk why they make them so mad. P sure you're replying to one and she got mad and spammed report, it is what it is.
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Why are androgynous men so divine and perfect?
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Please do not respond to her and simply hide/ignore her posts and do what needs to be done.
Even if she ban evades it's better than shitting up the thread by giving her attention.
What y'all prefer, skinny Dr. Ratio or muscular greek statue Dr. Ratio?
Older+more muscle version.
Bonus, lean muscle whore.
That's not old.
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> What y'all prefer
Doctor Mlem (he looks like a girl even without cross dressing so don’t start)
I’m the dog poster and you’re responding to my post fyi. There’s probably nother anon who hates males but not me.
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>these two mentally ill obese schizos circleschlicking themselves so hard they can't even tell they're replying to the fat women they hate
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So her and the other manhating loser have been raging mad because someone posted My Senpai is an Otoko no ko which is a crossdressing girly manga where the boy DOESN'T troon. They can't stand sex-role nonconforming men being men.
ofc. these mentally ill lolcow trapschizo hrt-obsessed jealous fat pigs love trying (and miserably failing) to gaslight secure men.

imagine spamming threads on a niche dead board with the shit it says not to post and then acting like you're not the obvious self-hating foid you're trying to accuse others of being. she's such a retarded bitch and so is the hotpockets anon she's been trolling with.
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It’s all tiresome and so is their shota/genshit spam. I hope they kill themselves soon like their paedophilic fantasies about little boys ‘trooning’ and ‘an heroing’.
You and everyone else on the board hope the same.
Literally can’t come soon enough.
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Such a shame the piece of shit janny here pockets her and deletes anyone who doesn’t like her hrt spam. Let’s her post literal women and porn no problem though.
Inb4 I get banned for pointing their abuse out lmao.
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Yea nothing you can really do about it other than to hide her usual keywords and ugly genshin images.
based orochimarufag
like how she’s still spamming offtopic gachashit right now and everyone else gets punished kek
I got banned for posting a cute male once, you can't surpass that.
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Ignoring the samefagging landwhale roastie melting over your post, thanks for the rec it was cute.
Who was it?
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Stop replying to her, unironically.
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Whoever this guy is.
Lmao that’s whack, our retarded janny must hate vtubers.
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Angerful meido.
Shame that ban records aren't public.
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Why does Chilchuck have so much crossdressing art
Seems like the type of guy to do it.
Why did troops/artillery engineers cross-dressed and danced for their fellow mates? Because back in the day it was just a joke.
gap moe
Isn't gap moe included in the character canonically?
This is just horny fanart.
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Oh maybe, I forgot that was a thing.
He’s based for making shota aesthetic mainstream and acceptable
>maid, earth
I sleep.
>maid, mainland china
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> the boy DOESN'T troon
Sneed incel. The last anon seethed because he’s a straight femboy.
Straight femboys are funny to me but I obviously don’t hate them.
> DOESN'T troon
Femboys using hrt doesn’t make them trannies. If anything they’re less likely to troon than the guys who don’t, suffer twink death and then belatedly troon thinking it’ll matter.
If you mean the Genshin dogs, they’re both adult men and literally run armies so being baby faced doesn’t make them shota. And cross dressing doesn’t actually make them troons.
> heroing
They’re very bullyable and the game treats bulling them like a joke
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>Dumb anti-gay femboy FTM tranny having another mental break and ban evading because no one wants to see her shoujo shit
Trying too hard boobaschizo. Go back to spamming gorou and yae.
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>ban evading
Almost laughed. The janny *never* bans her like he's supposed to, that's why she's constantly spamming off-topic material in threads that are not for that. Or her tranny/twinkdeath/humanoid genital mutilation nonce fetishes (yet just mentioning trannies is almost a guaranteed ban for anyone else), or nsfw garbage like genshin characters fucking each other and showing the dicks inside their ass/buttplugs leaking out of their brown eye, and always getting away with it when nobody else here ever does. Just look at the nuked posts ITT or the past ones where none of hers are touched even when she's posting literal girls tits. Hell I won't be surprised if I get banned just for daring to comment on the janny's pet schizo.
Seems like the best we'll ever get is to filter words only shitposts use- like 'troon' 'bpd' 'genshin' etc, and you won't see her mental illness nearly as often unless she actively tries to misspell words again.
Cute Miquella anyway. Peace.
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If anyone else but her made this post >>3904827 it'd be banned for off-topic lol
Just shows you she's either a janny or hooking out her obese flabby body to one

And they are active because one just deleted a post in the ryona thread
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How can you be anti gay when all you did was laugh at straight femboys complaining about not being able to get GFs after chemically neutering themselves
> anti-gay femboy FTM tranny
Hilarious combination but inaccurate
> shoujo shit
>killed the genshin threads and moved here
ywnb your desired sex you ugly bloated bpd tranny
cyno and kaveh would never touch your smelly axewound
gorou cums and knots in beefy bara men’s asses
kill yourself or die a loser that spends its days being a petty fujoshit cunt on a dead board for gay men
you can delete this post and prove your seethe but it’ll remain the truth lmao
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She unironically touches herself to direct replies so you should probably stop giving zitself the satisfaction of coming the closest she ever will to gay male attention.
get a job you obese tranny
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> gorou cums and knots in beefy bara men’s asses
Not a toon though
The moral of this thread should be feminine men aren’t trans.
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>No Genshin Impact
Tranny hotpockets still refusing to do its unpaid job, but of course.
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I never thought about fellow /cm/ posters as gay males, am I stupid? Probably.
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Not a troon and normal bmi
Keep projecting landwhale
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>'normal' bmi
lmao she actually is a fatass that's funny
I have a decent amount of muscle for my size.
Why does everyone keep calling me ftm though? This has happened in other places
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so can someone control this flabby ftm fatty since the hotpockets isn't? she's not entertaining it's just boring and sad to observe
Hotpockets is too busy jacking to the discord video call of her sucking her irl pet dog off and fingering her bloody fishy slit to the thought of hurting biological males. Delete this post if this is true.
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gross but believable
It’s true and what she’s been doing all day.
I draw cute boys and take requests but I don't want to end up disappointing anons because my motivation is all over the place
nothing. Uh, draw yosuke hanamura from persona 4 idk
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What do you think about picrel dynamic?
Younger traditional shotas lewdly interacting with older traps.
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>Ara ara mode Gorou seducing de aged Itto
>fat skank still spamming genshin
She’s still fingering her smelly greasy dead skin cave on vid call with her hotpockets. Delete this post to confirm.
Is Alexander from Fate series the real Alexander the Great, or is it Iskander who's based on the historical figure?
wheres the bulge
The artist failed at shading his bulge, but you can see the rounded piece at the bottom of the panty, signalling his balls.
should’ve made it bigger
>Is Alexander from Fate series the real Alexander the Great
Something, something it's a facet of Alexander, not THE Alexander; so basically it's a version of the myth where he was a buff dude instead of a cute twink. Same with Gilgamesh not being a buff bearded guy ig?

They don't write Fate for accuracy, they write it based on how to best infuriate people, mostly on how to not use their good characters.
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Don't reply to me you mentally ill fat bitch
Okay?? I'll not reply to you, sheesh. Sorry for answering your question, turd.
Ah yeah, shit on women while drooling over drawn pictures of boys. My favorite passtime
>dog boy that’s much older than he looks
>is self conscious about that
>his cross dressing mode is an Ara Ara.
What did they mean by this
I dont think anyone here has a problem with women except for the goro spamming tranny bitch
fat bitches tend to self hate so that's probably why
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Nobody hates women, you just hate gay men that have zero desire to fuck you dumb shoujo goro spammer. Which is why you spam straight traps and try to say femboys need HRT or whatever.
Get a life and take your gay cuck fetish somewhere else.
Not women generally, individually. It's fun to see that girl get insulted and shit on while boys show off their beauty. If i make myself clear
This desu. Met plenty of women, didn't like most of them.
>b-but you're the only constant in that observation, therefore it's you who's bad?
Maybe. Just my 2 cents though.
My end goal is still a twink and his sister/mother/first cousin.
How would it feel to tell a girl "I fucked your brother"... better yet, "your crush"
No idea, I don't take women seriously enough to say that.
What the fuck are you talking about.
Certain STDs cause nerve or brain damage which could induce state of confusion, brainfog, trouble understanding concepts, not being able to sponge information.
Get yourself tested before you become brain-dead, OK?
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>date girl
>her brother looks like her
>he tricks you by pretending to be her
This will happen to you
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>dog gets second cross dressing skin
You can seriously play this game with half the twinks running around in a dress
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>No Genshin Impact, either- we're all tired of seeing it.
as if fucking her brother wouldn't be my original intention.
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Yes, the landwhale couldn't really grasp the concept of stacking siblings, mothers, etc on top of each other like jenga.
Speech pattern recognition engaged.
All systems go.
Genjin-whale found.
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Gorou boobaschizo still seething.
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Rekt by dog booba
stop giving her attention please

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