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Previous thread >>3902317
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Cluster B blonde men
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Alhaitham's husband is so beautiful... So thoughtful of him to prepare a surprise birthday party with Tighnari, Collei and Cyno for him in their shared household.
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>Gorou, you are not only patient but also very beautiful.
Fun fact the other male example is the Genshin that gets force femed so perhaps being called beautiful is a dubious honor
gorou being beautiful makes him superior to other men, not inferior to them
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In game his arc is mostly just getting bulled by a crazy who thinks he’d make a cute dog girl when he just wanted to be more masc looking. Is kinda dark.
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What ugly art jfc
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Praise the light of kshahrewar as he cleanses new yokers of their sins
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those are age-ups, not whatever mutilation fetish you have
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Me in the back (I'm wearing the jeans and hoodie)
Uooohh... my slutty boywife Cyno..
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aged up genshotas
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Mmh. Grown up Goro is rapebait.
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don't care keep your mutilation fetishes to yourself
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Holy moly.
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>hidden 45
Comfy thread
You keep bringing them up unprompted which makes it seem like (you) are the one who wants it.
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Shota tootsies
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Sensitive little pedo crybaby
Need to suck on BPD schizo Kaveh mooobas?
Squeeze those fat dogboy boobies, Itto!
Disgusting pedo.. urgh
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This guy's art is great.
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Reminder, new boy should be announced on monday
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sneed >:3
> fat dogboy boobies
They’re fake breastforms it says so in the text.
It’s from a verse where Venti raised him and Gorou thinks it normal to cross dress for simp bucks.
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Is Tart going to dose and neuter his brother to make sure he avoids twink death?
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We all know Itto forces Gorou to say that because his boobies got so big he can no longer boymode
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It’s over… Snezhnaya has fallen! Billions must die!
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BPD cockless puppet nazi
Meet BPD schizo Kaveh
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An easy way to test would be to sucker punch a “booba” should come off if fake
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Liking little kids is a disease
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Truly the Patrick Fillion of Genshin art.
would either way
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>a dog boy wearing fake booba knots in you
>now have dog w fake booba stuck on you
DESU scara is much older than his look. They made him without a dick so you can’t blame him for it
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Someone made a second Hina skin for the doggy. I kinda like this one better desu since the other one put makeup on him but this one didn’t do anything to his face other than stick longer Kaveh like hair on him. Also costume looks better.
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Thankfully that’s not the same poster as me
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Bunny boiler Kaveh
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He needs to fill up his hrtitties so he can wear a bunny suit without his boymoder nipples exposing in front of TERF nazi bully Scaramouche
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me on the right.
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How does scara avoid getting called a troon?
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Himbo itto is far better looking
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What's your point?
Husky Booba hits different than shibie booba
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Punch those himboobas and make them squirt milk
um venti and aether arent dogs...
Why would you do that? Itto is such a good boyfriend that he protects Gorou’s modesty by covering him up.
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HRT is leeched into breast milk and Gorou can lap up his dose from the ground after Itto gets punched
Leave the Manhusky alone!
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His moobs will be milked with blunt trauma so that future generations may avoid twink death, inshallah
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What does “lumpless stumpless doggo” mean anyways?
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The cutest architect
>verification not required
that's not boy booba he's just skinnyfat, and plants in a diet don't have enough estrogen in them to cause gyno
but to answer your question i would break up with a guy if he started hrt to avoid aging, being afraid of a natural process is cringe
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> break up
If you do that Yae is going to groom his vulnerable mind to troon
it's something you regularly talk about so it's implied
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Delaying twink death through impossible whoppers isn’t the same thing as taking HRT
They aren't afraid of the process, they're afraid of you leaving them.
Why do you reply so many times? Kys.
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incorrect but i'm not arguing with a troon
No need to project, sis.
you first electionfag troon
kys troid.
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stop spamming you tranny
>takes tranoid pills to bc fears Haitham leaving him over Twink death
>haitham chad leaves Kaveh because he sees cracks in Kaveh’s mask of sanity
>kaveh despair
Like poetry
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I haven’t been here till RN and now I come back to you all sneeding and calling each other trannies
U so crazy
KYS, you unhinged retards.
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Who’s worse? Haitham for leaving Kaveh when he’s realizes he’s getting worse? Or Itto for grooming his BF into getting neutered since he only likes feminine guys?
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Uh oh BPD troon meltie
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This is what happenes when Sumeru restored the internet
Actual anemo twink
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Fuck off dogfucker.
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That isn’t me. I like the mean cat and ship him with the wimpy doge
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What's wrong with it?
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August. Just a month away.
>attention whoring retards bumping the old thread because some posts got deleted

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