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All growed up! Edition

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>un-shotas your shotas
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Speedrun twank deddening
Poor Cyno needed Itto to guide him
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He was too busy playing with Gorou
The same kind of playing Hatham does with Kaveh’s mooobies
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He got hot. It’s a good thing Miko didn’t neuter him like the general.
>tfw Miko taught the Oni to be a sadist bully
Verification not required
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He makes a better eternal shota for sure.
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Prevent melties by petting your BPD demon in a timely manner
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Stop a melty by giving the BPD demon his basedburger
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Look at that mlem boi
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Someone gave the pup boy an Arisaka rifle
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Kaveh had a schizo episode and is now the Pyro Archon.
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Needs to have his head smashed in.
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That’s mean. He’s literally the weakest (not counting his good support abilities) character available so you shouldn’t pick on him.

It’s like bullying the small dog at a dog park
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Kaveh’s trip to Natalan
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twink booba

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