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Shotas playing vidya edition.
Previous thread: >>3902731
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He won
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>You're a mercenary hired to kill the young lord and he gives you this look
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Hurting or killing children would be my only rule as a mercenary/hitman tbdesu.
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short shorts are the best for shos
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Currently playing through Kid Icarus uprising and my god Pit is so fucking cute. Half the time I'm just gushing over how cute he is.
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Where do you guys look for sho art these days?
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>/cm/ + reverse image search to get the original source and discover new artists
>Pixiv with tags like #ショタ (shota)
>Twitter if you already know the artist (check their retweets to find more artists)
>Baraag (works like Twitter but focuses on loli/shota)
>Gelbooru (must enable loli/shota in the settings page)
>ATFbooru (and maybe its forum if you don't mind discussion of pedophilia)
>Sankaku (requires an account)
>Paheal (for older stuff that may not be in other boorus)
>TBIB (it scrapes from different boorus)
>e621 (for furry/cub)
>Twibooru (for ponies, including shotafied ponies)
Pixiv, gelbooru, Twitter, Pinterest surprisingly has some good sho art
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what shota could dogde a headshot
imagine coming home to this after a long day of work
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Maybe killua
It's beyond misery to come home to nothing and no one, labouring pointless over a flavourless meal. I want to cuddle with a boy.

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If I'll ever have a son he will only be allowed to wear long pants in winter.
Why dodge a headshot? Kabane. He's already proven that headshots can't keep him down.
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Something tells me that's not a very good idea
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Shos aren't exactly known for having good ideas
especially that one rinsing food he's eating in a river, lilnigga just gave himself worms
Need... Sho... BF...
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This lil fella here could.
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Ness could probably just stop it with his psychic powers
Better version.
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Also stop posting feet. This thread already turned me into a thighs+legs fan, I don't want to become an obnoxious footfaggot too.
Being a shotacon and a legs fan is the same thing
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Need smooth sho thighs on my face!
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Same. I want to rest my head on a shota's lap (and bulge).
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better pic
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The sweetest and most pure form of love <3
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Somebody get this tub of lard some dumbbells and a personal trainer.
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That's your reflection in the screen, you retard.
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No, being rude would be making fun of him, not pointing out that he could easily improve with a little work and a little help.
Calling him a tub of lard is just going to hurt his feelings :(
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Young boys are allowed to be a bit squishy, they should focus on having fun and not on their appearance.
>not wanting your sonfu to be a super model
This. Those shos are slightly too fat tho.
1. You don't say that to his face, you encourage him by taking up the hobby yourself if it isn't one already and show him how to do it so he can choose to join in.

2. As if kids don't say WAAAY worse to each other every day at school.
If you're his boyfriend you can't say such a mean thing
They are, but I still think they're cute.
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post FUNdoshi

I've never understood why that underwear was ever a thing or why it's so popular. It just looks uncomfortable, impractical, and kinda gross. I guess maybe in older times when it was harder to make clothes it might have been practical for field workers and such to remain decent with a rectangle shaped cloth in a way to cover themselves because it's a basic shape, but in modern times? Why?
I wouldn't really call it "popular" today, it's typically only worn during festivals and certain sports because it's traditional. I do agree that it looks super uncomfortable, though.
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It's cute
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I'd want my sonfu to be an athletic sho but i wouldn't mind my lil brotherfu being slightly pudgy
obese children make me sad
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They knew what they were doing with this figure...
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brat detected
correcting program started
You think he’s fat? There’s definitely way fatter shos dude
If you can't count the ribs by sight not touch, they're fat. If you aren't a spooky skeleton, you're a whale.
Geez. Who knew the world of shota beauty was so cutthroat?
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Not sure why, but I love bandaged shos. Makes me want to take care of them.
Boys be sabotaging each other's costumes at pageants and spreading vulgar rumors about each other to ruin their reputation. Anything to win. There is nothing more cold blooded and ruthless than a cute boy.
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Definitely little heartbreakers
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Anyone here have a sho figure collection? I only have 3 figures of shota characters and want to get more.
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>images that make you want to die and live at the same time
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Holy shit, finally a based take from these threads
So skinny Shos are the most desirable?
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They're so rare that I can't help but love them. But to be honest I love normal and chubby boys too.
So all of them
I mostly just meme shitpost about spooky skeletons, but I do feel a special connection to them because I was one as a sho, it took a long time and a lot of help from others to get over my eating disorder and get healthy, so I find them cute in a sort of paternal way sort of like "I don't know why you are the way you are, if you want to tell me, I'm here, but I won't push it, but you aren't alone." sort of way if that makes sense.
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Athletic shos are objectively the most desirable but you do you.
I've always been skinny, but those shos are seriously malnourished.
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>cheeky sho smiles
Give me LIFE.

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