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Sleepy shos edition.
Previous: >>3900868
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cute op
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He's one sleepy boi
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I wish the genshin threads weren't plagued by looney troons. The boys are top cute.
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Boys are inherently lewd.
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Cute pits
Need... Sho... BF...
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Wearing a collar, confirmed he does anal.
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Fable 1 cover art boy a cute
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What's the correlation?
Anyone who wears a collar voluntarily takes it in the ass. This applies to real life, so it also applies to shota art.
Where did you hear that from?
Everyone I've ever known that wears a collar.
Why do you spend so much time sodomising dogs, anon? Is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the shotas here?
Not in to beastiality, and funnily enough, my dogs don't wear collars.
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>ywn be reborn as a cute sho and go on all sorts of adventures.
Why live?
>Fable 1
Man I oughta replay that sometime.
[spoiler]Too bad the in game model isn't as cute.[/spoiler]
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I too wish i was a cute shota hero
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Smol gay shota says hi!
How do you know he's gay?
>tfw no 1000yo yandere shota elf obsessed with you
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Uchōten Kazoku
The Eccentric Family
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Slow thread
Cute boy :3
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>dinosaurs are so cool!!
I have a shirt like this except it's with a bear, it says bear hug? on the shirt and when you flip it up there's a grizzly bear face
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I ToT'd.
In my pants as well.
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can western shotas be saved ?
>tfw had a really cute little step brother that I never saw again after my dad's second marriage fell apart in like 2 years I constantly lay awake thinking how I could have been nicer to
He was obviously lonely hungry for love and I tried to help him but I was a typical 'too cool for kids' teen and I only sometimes played with him and didn't hug him when he obviously needed someone to hold him. I wonder how much of me browsing these weird threads is my guilt and wish fulfillment.
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So cute!

How would he react if I kissed his bare tummy when he did this, though? :3
I've never had any boys to interact with. Kinda sucks. I think my liking is from sublimating my own childhood loneliness.
I think it would be best to move past our traumas instead of salivating over cartoon boys but they're so cute.
I'm not a regular here or anything, but I saw a crazy ass dream today and I just have to post it somewhere, probably here.
So in the dream I was playing some online game, before the other player completely beats me and starts making fun of me. I go to another room to smoke for a bit, before I see a light outside the window. I open the window and look down to see a young boy, who's probably 10-11 or something. He says something about beating me in the game and laughing about it, I realize he was the player and I get a little ticked off, considering how young he is and still beat me.

It's a bit blurry how, but he somehow comes into the room afterwards. The room is dark since I didn't bother to turn the light on, but we can still clearly see each other just fine.
He starts making fun of me, teasing me, and it kinda pisses me off. He's also pretty physical during it, like patting my chest, trying to push me (but he’s too weak to) I try to break contact a few times, but he's insistent.
I let out a loud sigh and lay down on the small bed in that room, acting leisurely, trying to signal to him that it’s time to leave. I tell him to leave too, expecting him to have lost interest by now. But he doesn't. In fact, he lays onto the bed next to me, still looking at my face all smug, touching and teasing me about the loss, trying to tickle me. At this point I’m over it since it’s just a videogame, but he’s a kid so he must be thinking highly of his win. When I think about it like that, I notice how cute he really is.

I finally lose patience and respond back to his touching. Nothing sexual btw, more so just putting my hand on his shoulder or cheek and trying put some distance between us.
But he starts blushing like crazy. He starts getting quieter as I start to get physical, and at some point he goes silent entirely, but won't break contact. I start to feel his breath on me, I start to notice how he's reacting to my touch and just kinda go "What the fuck holy shit" internally.
He turns completely submissive on a dime.

Then there was a moment where, for some reason I bring my face closer to his? But then I realize it’d be weird to kiss him since he’s a kid, so I end up going lower and kissing him on the neck. He made the cutest sound I ever heard.
After that I began to kiss him around there a bit more. For some reason that spot felt safe, maybe it was because I wasn’t seeing his face, and kinda pretending that I was just playing with him. You know like tickling your little brother or something? Nothing sexual about that.
I look up to his face for a sec and notice he’s blushing like crazy, his eyes a little watery. In that moment I realize that I’m feeling pretty hot too, and realize what I was doing. I stop immediately and stand up, apologize to him, and in that moment my mom calls out to me from another room.

I tell him to stay quiet, because my family doesn’t know there’s a little boy inside lol
Not too long after I come back to the room, and see him completely naked.
“W-What are you doing? Quick put your clothes back on.”
He complies quietly, but he’s really slow, so I crouch down and help him put them back on.
While I’m nervously trying to dress him back up, he puts his weight on me. Let’s his body turn limp against mine. The first thing I notice is how soft and warm his body is, his face is beet red, and he’s breathing heavily like some animal in heat.

I finally lose it, and start kissing him again, starting from his neck, to his chest while listening to him moan cutely. I was asking him questions at this point like “How old are you?” He goes “8” and I internally say to myself “Yeah I ain’t going to heaven.” I softly caress his cute tiny little body, his ass is really soft. I’m super nervous about what I’m doing, there’s all sorts of conflict happening inside my mind, yet I can’t stop loving him because he’s the cutest fucking thing.
And then I woke up.
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I was kinda relieved when I woke up, but also heartbroken that he wasn’t real lol. I tried going back to sleep to give him more kisses but it didn’t work.
He was fair skinned and had messy brown hair with brown eyes. His smug face was something else, he was giggling so much at the beginning.
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No, BlackRock has to make them awful. Japan will protect them.
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Those commercials were so cute. I wish there were more of them just with the boys.
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Elio will save us
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I trust him; I hope he doesn't let me down. Btw do sho bros have any cute manga recommendations (ideally that don't immediately devolve into /ss/ material)
>Ewwww! *Runs away*
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i love shotas with their elders
I love this artist, too. Boys belong with older boys and men <3
who is the artists name?
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Watch The Elusive Samurai
Is he from a series or an OC?
It's an older boy's duty to make shos feel safe and protected while sleeping so they won't have any nightmares
>Those freckles
He was the perfect boy... Adorable, cheeky, easily excited, shy. He had fluffy hair, big round eyes, perfect skin, and he was ever so slightly plump, everywhere I touched was super soft.
Aaaaa I'm so mad I didn't get to spend more time with him, goddamn that mosquito that woke me up.
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Better pic.
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Safe bois ToT
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>Be cute boi
>Attract older boi for proteccs
OC, @_cookio on xitter
It's an older brother's duty to merciless torment their little brother, but make sure they're the only one that does it, and beat the crap out of any bullies that try to do it.
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I read a good amount of the manga and find it strange nobody in the story ever openly shows any desire to pound his bussy.

They're ballsy enough to show children getting killed and mention a little girl getting raped and murdered for the sake of historical accuracy, but never once touch on the fact that many samurai from the time would want to catch him for very different reasons from the villains in the story.
A big reason boys were often raised as girls until they were older was because enemies, mostly the Chinese, would kidnap the sons of notable families as political hostages, which almost always ended with them being turned in to eunuchs.
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What commercials? I couldn't find it.
Some Macdonald's japanese commercials iirc
Gingers have no souls, but this ginger is still cute.
pick your boy, /shota/
Just look at him
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Bro this is kinda weird.
There were some animated McDonald's commercials a bit back, those boys are from that.
he has a really cute voice in English. Made to be fucked into submission
Top 5 favorite shotas?
there's nothing gay about having long (by boy standards) hair, and having clothes that are too big is pretty standard as a kid because they grow so fast
He's going to be kissing other boys soon enough
His voice actor is obviously a child
Kill yourself weirdo
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Happy birthday!
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anybody have that video games with cute shotas picture?
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Is a this a fake AI article?
thanks! too many good games here i dont know where to start. any suggestions?
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Close. The site is a parody of BuzzFeed and similar clickbait websites:
>From January 31, 2022 through February 3, 2022, the website rebranded itself as KidHole
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Majora's Mask is one of my all time favorite games and Young Link is a qt shota that just wants to make people happy. One of the most useful masks are bunny ears that make Link look even cuter.
Been so long since I've played that game I don't remember what the bunny ears even did? I'm gonna throw a guess out that they let him jump further?
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Yes, and also lets Link run faster.
I hated Majora's mask as a kid. It was just depressing to me, so I never actually beat it because I just didn't play it. Ocarina of time is goat.
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Majora's Mask is better because Link is a shota the entire game
Someone needs to do one of these with manga
How many times did sensei do him while he was in coma?
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All the time.
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It's amazing how much the bandana completes his look. I would definitely want the bandana to stay on, if you get what I mean.
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This is the real reason Satoru couldn't walk when he woke up.
Anon not being able to walk after getting fucked is a meme.
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look at this virgin over here lol
I wanna be topped by my sho bf :3
Xingqiu pls
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Yeah, he's a truly perfect 10/10 shota imo
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Your shota’s physical performance is high right?
Where's he from?
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Megaman battle network
Of course! We need strong shos to protect the smaller weaker shos
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It’s also fun to tease them when they try to look cool
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What’s this anime? Twitter doesn’t shut up about it
Japanese twitter users are losing their minds over him.
I didn't realize there were this many shotacons out there.
The Elusive Samurai. Is an historical manga about a shota version of Hojo Tokiyuki and his quest to get revenge on Ashikaga Takauji for overthrowing his clan with his circle of friends and his top-tier evasion skill as his only weapons. It's made by the author of Assassination Classroom and the humor is very similar, although this mamga is way more violent for being set during a period of war.

Yeah. A comment that said "I'm not gay but..." got 100k likes and retweets and even people from other countries were commenting on it.
Should i watch this?
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I enjoyed the show enough to watch it 3 or 4 times. But I have a lot of free time because of the nature of my job.
The story is the complete opposite of what fanart depicts. The characters in your pic, for starters, are enemies that want to bring each other down.

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Post heartwarming images.
Nothing warms my heart more than seeing shotas being happy and enjoying life
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someone buy me a book
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I'd buy even a shota doll if customs wasn't apain in the ass to deal with in my country because of something isn't in their list of taxes (and lewd stuff rarely is) it gets stuck with them until a specialist hired by you convinces them to finally give you your stuff.
Would you go to that japanese shota convention?
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everyone should
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His mom let's him have 2 Scaracats?!
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Flexible shotas.
I wish i could so badly
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Shos are such wonderful beings
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Is there an /a/ version of this?
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He's the protagonist. He can do whatever he wants, and he wants BOYS.
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*Pinches thigh*
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Drunk shotas
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>Instinctively kicks you in the face
Imagine if shota cats were real. How many would you have?
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Shota drip
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Me when I see a shota (this is why I'm not allowed to be near them).
Only 1. Wouldn't want him getting jealous of other cat shos.
You'd have to get at least two. There has to be two so they can play fight each other to learn how to fight for real when you let them outside to hunt.
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Cute feets
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This looks like he peed himself
why does your brown pee have black lines in it..
He has liver failure and worms that decided to come out the urethra instead of the anus?
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I want to suck on that tongue so bad..!
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I hope the person that invented these side-windows lived a long and fulfilling life.
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Post the gayest image you can find.
One that would make even the Village People scream "GAAAAAYYY" after seeing it.
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Any pictures of shotas could work because shotas are extremely gay
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when shotas enter in a horny haze state after a hug
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shame the anime sucked
Which one? This scene is so cute ToT
Don't remember what it was called, tried watching it like 10 years ago, it just wasn't good.
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Zetsuen no Tempest: The Civilization Blaster, or at least this is what SauceNAO says.
I wish I could figure out how to make reverse image search work, it just never does for me.
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4chan has buttons for searching images on Google, Yandex and SauceNAO, and there are multiple add-ons to have reverse search images everywhere.
From personal experience:
- Google is the best for recently created media and stuff from Twitter (since it crawls the site every hour)
- SauceNAO is the best for images that would belong in a booru or hentai site and for uncropped/non-edited screenshots of anime
- Yandex is the best for cropped images and real photos, and for finding other resolutions of the same image
- Google and Yandex have "safe search" enabled by default and it cripples the quality of your results
- At first it looks like you need an account to change Yandex's search settings, but you can access them on https://yandex.com/tune without an account
- Google has two search modes: the new "Google Lens" that only suggests similar images and takes an additional click to see sites containing the image you are searching, and the old search that can be used with https://www.google.com/searchbyimage?sbisrc=cr_1_5_2&image_url= the_url_of_the_image_you_are_searching.format_of_the_image (there are add-ons to simplify this)
- creating an account on SauceNAO increases your daily search limit to 100 searches per day
- 4chanX, an advanced userscript for 4chan with hundreds of settings, allows you to customize the list of image searchers and even go to the source for files with specific filenames (like Pixiv's 1xxxxxxxx_p0)
I know anon, I know all about clicking the arrow next to a post and clicking image search, the problem is that for some reason unknown to me, they just don't work when I use them, don't know if it's my browser, or an extension I'm using, or what
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Searches with the buttons on 4chan use the thumbnails of the site, which are low-res and may yield different results. Also Google and Yandex's safe search hide a lot of stuff even if the pic isn't sensitive, and require HTML Canvas to be enabled to work. Browsers like Firefox in strict privacy mode disable the canvas, and advanced ad blockers like uBlock can tamper with searches too.
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shotas be like...
File: FYjxQrlaMAEPwiw.jpg (207 KB, 2048x1534)
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File: 22.gif (432 KB, 278x250)
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New bread >>3904695
Sauce pls?

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