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Military guys and robots. prev >>3897264
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sumiisa as narumitsu is a based af. i saw ppl draw the parody already but swapped roles
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I thin smith fits as naruhodo better since naru is crazy enough to become a fucking lawyer to see mitsu instead of just trying to get in touch with mitsu like a normal person
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>ywn lick Smith's abs
Why live
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BBQ themed collab and to the surprise of no one, open mouthed Isami with a phallic shaped object but he's clothed this time
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Not sure if its just me or Smith's tits seems nerfed in this illustration
modest isami erotic vs gonna get bbq sauce on his tits sumisu
What happened to Smith being shy about his pits?
>modest isami wearing a tight white shirt in a place most likely to get said shirt wet and translucent
Fucking incredible. It's like he can't help himself but be erotic each time no matter what...
he's not showing pits, sadly
this is very cute, even the girls swimsuits are so pretty.
and of course bbq themed merch, if inside bravern there wasn't a american man kek
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Isami has such a cute small mouth
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isami going out of his way to make curry on the beach because his bf can't eat bell peppers, he's so accommodating.
no regular speedos can contain all of that and stay in place
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the jpn comments on isami's plain clothes are funny, they say he wears old man clothes
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He kinda does lol only needs that belly warmer for the full ojisan look
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not a huge fan of speedo on 3D men if they don't have a sculpted body (like pro athletes) but sumisu looks cute
i hope to see fanart of suburnt sumisu and isami and lulu taking care of him
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Ever since the afterstory dropped the bravern neighborhood has been garbage, so much hipocrisy, shitflinging and people being assholes. Afterstory was a mistake and I want to go back to before it came out.
Brave... bulge...
who's being an asshole? because the only ones I read being mean is the usual side.
https://x.com/dkqthf/status/1815434126042034389 too lewd for here but it's funny so I'm sharing anyway. Having Isami holding a meat skewer near his virgin small mouth while also having Smith wearing nothing but flip flops and a small speedo in the same batch sure is a choice.
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CUTE need sauce
casually found it on bsky, there are a bunch of artists who exclusively post there, like the artist of the ism cuntboy dj or picrel
(they also posted on pixiv a lot of sumiisa, you might want to check)
They have reason to celebrate and be assholes because you can read the afterstory as Isami thinking of Smith and Bravern separately and picking Bravern over Smith knowing that. I really hope that wasn't the intent, but there's no way of knowing at this point. And because of this, smisa fans basically split into two: the people who were disappointed by the story, and those who liked it and say it's100% smisa if you read between the lines.

And because the positive side kept complaining about how they get sad and irritated seeing negative interpretations, many of those disappointed fled to bluesky.
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Here's what's going to happen in the sequel
honest talk, without shipping bias, i think one side is very malicious but pretend to be innocent and using the "it's my preference/it's my headcanon" as shield.
they way for them one characters doesn't exist at all, and now act offended because a big chunk of fans who bought an expensive af BD have legit complains about it it's ridiculous
and about the novels, so far all the comments i read are never about shipping but consistency (and quality) in the writing of the main characters. thank god the fandom as a whole is not blindly eating it up, in my opinion was a terrible choice to let a screenwriter write a novel instead of hiring someone like they do with the lulu's spin-off.

anyway, it's fair (and good imo) that some decided to still post and talk about bbb but in a SNS that is less crowded so they can be more straightforward
the jpn uniform is so cool, the american would look much better if was full black
i hope one day to see them wearing their uniforms for a pinup in a magazine or merch, but i doubt that this can happen
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Bless you anon thanks
Sus anus...
What about it...
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btw ass-out (they actually scuplted his ass nicely lol) isami figure is up for preorders
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to be the esthetician who shaved his virgin hole
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>isami sitting on the tricolor shirt with a dramatic light
man, they are really committed to that
list of the circles with the cp tags
not sure it's 100% accurate but doing some ctrl+f search
>スミス×イサミ 107
>ブレイバーン×イサミ 28
>サタケ×イサミ 14
>イサミ受 9
>ブレイバーン(人外)×イサミ 9
>イーラ×イサミ 2
>スミス中心 1
oh sorry, forgot to search for seme isami (and other minor tags), kek

>イサミ×ブレイバーン 6
>イサミ×スミス 5
>サタケ中心 2
>スミス×イサミ+ルル 1
>スミス×ルル 1
>ルル×スペルビア 1
>ルル×イサミ 1
>ペシミズム×ヴァニタス 1
>セグニティス×イーラ 1
>イーラ×セグニティス 1

as for characters
>ブレイバーン 53
>イサミ 189
>スミス 116
>サタケ 17
>ルル 5
>スペルビア 1
>イーラ 3
>ペシミズム 1
>ヴァニタス 1
>セグニティス 2
>デスドライヴズ 1
>ブレイバーン(人外)×イサミ 9
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Plumman shaved his 'stache...
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Ryoma has a cute design ngl
Sumisu's squad is full of cuties
put it back
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anyway now i remember what isami's white shirt remind me of, OP's zoro.
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I am thankful for all the wet shirt/accidental boner fanart
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Since this is a very active thread and no one bother making a /m/ thread
Mirai senshi Lulu novel episode 3 full for a limted time, episode 4 will be released to next HJ issue (tomorrow)
Special Web Radio that will broadcast at the event (4th Sunday), they are asking for fan letters about pretty much anything, from "love letters" to feedback on merch and other content related to Bravern
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Less than 2 weeks left and they haven't cancelled Suzumura's appearance at the event... there is still hope.

I also saw some peole looking to fund a flower stand for suzumura/azakami/suzuki for anisama another which is cute (it's a thing fans sometimes do apparently).
it's called frasta (fl(a)wer stand) if very often used during concert or events to congratulate the person on stage (im personally saw it displayed in the halls of idol concerts), it was 1500 yen so not that expensive but no idea how it works (and since i have to vpn to look at anything hosted on yahoo jp it's a bit tricky).
about suzuken we will see if the bravern event will be his official comeback after the hiatus or anisama.
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i'm nutting in my pants
anyway seems like last chapter of lulu spin-off novel is good, satake fanservice (he get a lot of screentime in the novel and an illustration done by kamo, if i didn't misunderstand) and other interesting things but for sure the bv=sms is more clear-cut here than the bd novel
if anyone is interested to translate/look at the comments i can post the fusetter
Do post em please, and sauce for your pic as well
about the fusetter
i got the gist of what's happening but don't wan to misunderstand so im waiting for translations (and the chapter being fully released like the previous ones)
>https://fusetter.com/tw/jehPiNG7#watchword (pass: 0214)
not fusetter but related to the previous chapter
Oh nonono this is not gonna be a good spin off world for them.
technically this timeline, "the good end" as they called it, was deleted by lulu going with her consciousness back in time to save isami and smith.
I actually didn't read the spin-off novel comments yet, I meant the picture. Speaking of smt though I think it's funny smtvv ended the exact same way as Bravern with one of them going "tadaima", a hand hold off the ground and everything. Either Japan is creatively bankrupt or they watched Bravern but it's still funny as fuck to me.
ah lol my bad
well, coincidence exist. afaik was the producer the person behind the idea of bv=sms, smtv is way older than bravern but dunno when smtvv was written (if it's recent or was planned during the development of the main game but got cut because covid).
I dunno if a person coming back and saying "tadaima" at the finale is a common used trope or not either. That could also be part of it.
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it's a common trope but it's also meaningful for smith in particular since his parents died but he was able to come back since it's something you say to your family
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except it was all ruined in the afst since nobody even bothered saying okaeri and they all wanted to meet bravern instead
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not to defend the writing, because it wasn't the best but would you meet peter parker or spider-man if you knew that spider-man was dead/couldn't use its powers and went missing?
i think the concept was that but handled poorly, smith went mia and everyone expected lulu and isami to try to find him but seems they knew something fishy was up, which is why isami is not pushing to ask him to live together.

the lulu's spin-off is a proof that whatever the scriptwriter wanted to write it didn't work well, since you see the difference of him supervising someone who knows his job and him trying to do that himself
also I have a strange feeling that the second part wanted to make us wonder that what happened was real, some unreliable narrator thing going especially because how strange was the ending with the "really?"
Isn't it just something you say when coming home in general? I don't know Japanese enough to know if there is any particular way he said it or cultural meaning I don't get.
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it can be used to mean "presently" in very corporate settings, plus there's other meanings, but those are part of a larger sentence, when it's used as a standalone it's definitely "I'm home" and nothing else. he's "home" in a metaphorical sense.
i know that rewatching the whole show is more obvious how he saved lulu because to him she looked like an abandoned child and kind of resonated with him (also the little scene of "going back home on xmas" and he looks sad, probably thinking that he and lulu have no home or family to come back).
i don't mind subtext so him not talking explicitly about his struggle is fine, we get episode 9 for that but one of my wish was to see smith in the bd novel to talk about this with isami
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if anyone is interested they released the tickets for the streaming of the matsuri event for overseas viewers
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aside few memember of the staff posting it, a bunch of people got the otsukare book and from the spoilers seems like there are a lot of lulu and drawings of the girls and sumiisa doing a hand heart
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password イサミ
but from their comment on their twitter seems that in the middle there is something very やばい so can't tell if it's good or bad lol
"spoilers" from the otsukare book I've seen so far:
-sumiisa heart hands w isami blush
-cute isami worried about smith after he's puking from getting superbia'd
-onsen, bbq, sauna drawings
-slutty isami pinup (!)
I wish I could see this book... all the premises sound so good...
ordered a copy with the cute chibi keychain and smith acrylic.
they are also selling it at the venue, so even if it's sold out now on cygame store, you might find it post event sold by scalpers

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