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Shotas that could kick your ass edition.
Previous thread: >>3904695
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Who’s this qt? Naruto?
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I love them do much it's unreal
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Rex could kick your ass but would likely apologize afterwards.
On the topic of shotas who could kick your ass, why do (You) guys think shotadom is so rare? At least when compared to something like lolidom.
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I imagine it is because the trap and shota genres are seen as a male equivalent of femdom and lolidom where the relationship of domination and submission is reversed. Just as femdom/lolidom is a subversion of traditional relationships where the typically submissive partner (the woman) takes a dominant role, traps/shotas for the most part are also a subversion where the typically dominant partner (the man, or in this case the boy) takes a passive and submissive role.
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I want a loving top sho bf..
Also shota x femboy/trap is highly underrated
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Cute but deadly bois <3
Is his jap voice cute? His English dub voice sounds awful.
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>Can be both your lovers and your bodyguards
Are robo shos the most powerful type of shos?
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Need... Sho... BF...
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Very much so. I love Hiro Shimono's work, and Rex is one of his best roles. I couldn't find a concentrated collage, but this is a all cutscenes in Japanese compilation which showcases Rex in Japanese if you skim around a bit.
i think lots of women / some men like shota as a way to deal with trauma or bad experiences with men
making men little boys disarms them physically and mentally
so putting shotas in a dominant position is kind of against the whole point of shota in the first place (the point for some people anyway)
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Shotadom only really just a thing for /ss/, in which case the shota is either a pervy brat, or speaks like basically like an adult midget.
Other times you might get shotas bullying other shotas, but as the other anon said, there's not that subversion or extra humiliation factor that comes with lolidom.
idk about other anons, but i had some crappy stuff when i was a boy and seeing art of boys being happy or having someone who loves them feels nice bc it's not really something i had, so i look at this thread sometimes so i can live vicariously through the experiences of imaginary characters who exist in a fantasy world where they're not neglected or abused, or if they are they end up finding someone who does love them and things turn out ok
it's very rare for them to just exist purely for suffering, and even that can be cathartic in a re-living experiences kind of way
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i see you ligger
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my husbando Rex, I want to suck his little bulge so much
Anon, are you me? That's almost word for word how I would describe why I like this stuff.
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I mean, it's actually more common than yaoi if you count the faceless ugly shotas with 3 foot dicks fucking hags.
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happy shota sex
I mean feet summer
I mean furry shota
I mean...
Why is that dog wearing shorts
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Sorry for changing the topic, but stuff like that is why I feel so disappointed whenever I see a good artist draw /ss/. You just know the majority of /ss/ readers couldn't care less about how cute or well drawn the shota is considering how much /ss/ porn is as you've described: faceless bald shotas who may as well just be dwarves. Why put the effort in drawing shota for people who won't appreciate it? In my opinion, all shotas and all shota art should be gay.
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More shota is always good. Stop being so autistic.
It’s unfortunate because bratty dom shotas are so fucking good. It’s just the case that most people prefer disarming feminine shit like femboys. Probably because it makes it easier for them to deny that they’re gay.
I mean, too dom can be equally unappealing to me. Just a kid that doesn't know how sexy they are but wants what they want even if they're in way over their head is perfect.
nah, a lot of them are over the moon when the shota is drawn and characterized with as much cuteness and care as the woman. But it is rare some times because they know people just self insert as the shota so he has to pretty much be a 40 year old midget
Nah, he's right /ss/ will always be shit.
If they’re very unrealistic and basically act like an adult dom yeah, but if they’re bratty and dominant in that crude, cute, inexperienced kind of way than it’s perfect.
Don't get me wrong, Summer shos are top tier but there's something special about Winter shos. Just thinking about snuggling with a sho to keep him all warm and cozy while there's a blizzard outside makes my heart melt!
how is a grown man being dominated by a small boy not humiliating for him?
>showing off his legs even in negative degrees
I didn't mean to say there was no humiliation involved in shotadom. Just not to the degree that there is with lolidom.
Why are sho legs so perfect?
Well that’s a given since foids holding power is inherently contradicting. Even a smol sho will always be more powerful.
Name a part of a sho that isn't perfect
is it cuter if a sho is proud or embarrassed to be growing his first hairs
Embarrassed for sure
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Proud and he tells everyone about it
I'm trying to be normal and not look at smols but I can't
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why is Naruto a 20th century Yugoslavian separatist child soldier? like I'm not complaining but that's a weird mash up.
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Super cute!

Anyone have more like this? Boys looking at their (out of view) naughty bits?

I want to give him a kiss :3
It isn't if the "shota"s characteristics are only that he's short.
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I bless the times an /ss/ artist actually puts effort on a shota
Meant to reply to >>3906925
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why does he wear a mask
New OMORI chapter.
fuck off
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Wish I was the plushy
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The appendix gives us an excuse to put them under general anesthesia >:3
Do you not how painful a burst, ruptured, or even just inflamed appendix is? You want them to go through that while they're on their way to the hospital?
They're too powerful!
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I want to pinch his thighs!
Haven't been swimming since school, but I never understood why anyone, especially clearly not fat people like in your picture, would bother wearing a shirt, especially a white one. If they're fat and embarrassed by it, do they not realize it's not hiding anything once it gets wet? I guess maybe if they had scars or something they didn't want others to see?
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Doctor here. Shotas have a fully functional appendix that processes ingested semen into nutrients that make their skin soft and give it that characteristic smell of powdered-milk.
Maybe he just doesn't want creeps staring
If that's the case I guess I'd say good on his parents for teaching him that bad people are out there that want to do bad things to him. Mine taught me about pedos without actually explaining sex or pedos, just that they were dangerous and to avoid certain places / times.
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Too bad wet shirts are erotic as fuck.
As the sho int he picrel, I can confirm my skin indeed has the soft milky smell.
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Is there anything more erotic than short shorts?
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Short shorts worn on top of bike shorts
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Speedos. They're small as panties, tight as spats, always mark the shape of the bulge, and even its use is encouraged in competitions.
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shota briefs
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this trigger weebs
Tank top with one strap down
Cute tan lines
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Are they actually gay in the movie?
Not really. People ship these two due to how close they become, how Alberto (the tall boy) becomes jealous of a girl Luca (the short boy) meets, and how a big part of the plot of the movie revolves around Alberto's fear of being abandoned by Luca and the sacrifices both boys make for each other, but in truth it's a movie about male friendships and comfy SoL in Italy.
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Telling your sho that you care about him and love him more than anything!
Left sho is cute, right sho is kinda ugly
So you guys like little boys, huh?
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shotas were made for corruption
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Hell yeah we do
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Oh my god is that what shota is? Is that what I've been posting all this time?
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Only in fiction, they cute.
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Choose your muscle sho
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This is what Bluesky thinks about shoya. This is why Twitter will never die
I like the bald japanese hairstyle on shotas. So Kakeru
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Of Leeksaltboys baseball OCs, I like Haruki, Shiou, Hayato, and Kenta.
It's inuhiko and haruto for me
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Forgot image, whoops.
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About 3% of the shotas posted have trouble staying dry at night and need plenty of extra love and support. They shouldn't have to start the day feeling sad.
imagine picking only one twin and not both. Pleb
Should all shos have a cute twin brother they can practice kissing with?
This. Don't separate brothers!
they should so each can worship one of my feet
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Cute feets! Also where can i find all of 50%off's art?
I have a preference, sorry.
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Kotobuki Mairo draws beautiful shotas engaging in /ss/ with pretty ladies. Same for Higuma Yuuna
W-whats going on here?
lol growing up poor this picture resonates with me, so many pairs of my boxers were hand me downs instead of new and I was not as big as my older brother was at my age, I had to do exactly that with clips to keep them from falling down
If there weren't child labor laws I would be broke tipping cute shos...
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