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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Sweaty butler edition
Old >>3887400
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New thread!
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What is /cm/ opinion on photoshopped male-ified characters? Going to post male version (photoshopped by me).

Source: https://twiman.net/user/826333422/1495000387199242240
Is the game worth playing? It looked like a dungeon thingy.
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It's a similar game to The binding of Isaac, and it followed the same marketing strategy so it's getting more and more free expansions as time goes on. I didn't play though, I just like the cute characters.
if it's male nobody will complain. Just remove the boobs
I did in fact remove the boobs.
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I haven't played binding of Isaac either, so this does not help me unfortunately.
Nice edit, I like it.
It's just a girl with shorts now.
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So do a better job. I also removed boobs and eyelashes and added freckles (personal taste).
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Sadly I don't have butlers but here's another sweaty boy
God I love Teo so much, I just wish he wasn't stuck in a dead mobile pinball gacha
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you like pawn patrol now

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