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I don't know what the fuck just happened but every thread on /cm/ and /a/ just got deleted. Kojiro Armpits edition
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I hope they do some kind of recovery. /cm/ is extremely slow and most of the threads here were several months old, it's fucked up that they all got deleted like that
I think some of the threads were over a year, maybe even over 2 years old
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tugging on kojiro's hair danglies...
Genba's bratty Tokiyuki impersonation is too much for me.
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It's a double edged sword. It's extremely cute/hot, but it is also contributes to there being very little fanart of Genba as himself.
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Does he really get that much armpit focus? I might have to pick this up then
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Mods are doing retarded shit again like always
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Why is Kojiro such a pitslut? Needs a serious correction.
was there a bunch of cp that got through or something? I posted a bunch of link pictures that I gotta redo now :[
No idea, the only thing we've heard from mods is "woops teehee we did a fucky wucky sowwy :( :(" >>3912881
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The characters in this show are very fun in my opinion
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>even Nitta is getting fan art
Thanks plan A.
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I hope to see more of him in the future.
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I am too stupid to click on Youtube links.
I like the boycunny samurai
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I love the retarded antagonists of this
Sadamune-dono did nothing wrong in his entire life, and he is graceful, well educated and a great tactician
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Spoken like a true rat man.
It is pure unadulterated truth. Only H*jo sympathizers will try to tell you otherwise.
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I like him, he deserves better than being the bullying victim
Sorry, but femboys like him were made to be bullied.
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my boy...
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>When he gives you this look
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Total Kojiro Appreciation
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Wish there was a corruption arc
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Me too, I want an althist fanfic where Takauji adopts Tokiyuki and see where it leads from there. Mixing the Ashikaga and Hojo techniques and methods would be quite interesting.
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Oh god yes please
Wish there was any good fanfic of them, most of it's in Japanese and aged up/hetero genderbend/or wattpad yandere-tier stuff
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Otherfag but same. The series has basically no western fanbase so excluding Chinese fics you get maybe 14 on AO3 which isn't much, especially if half of them are badly written. I only read a few on pixiv so far to be honest (with the help of google trans since I suck with kanji).
Funny because for once in my life I wouldn't even be mad if 30% of the fics were modern AU again since it would be hard to blame them considering the ED the anime has.
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I love the style of this artist. It reminds me of 00s shoujo. Back when I was still capable of finding shoujo that I considered good and well drawn.
Delete this. Such amount of cuteness is going to kill me.
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I love those homos so much. I cant wait for them to raise a mushroom baby together.
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male chest ToT
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I simply love their relationship. Ichikawa isn't a typical follower or a brainless cheerleader for Sadamune, but this makes it more genuine and cute since you know he's solely there because he wants to be.
shota abs TOT
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Genba shortly after brat correction
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Will we see his face in this cour? Anime only (for now)
I don't know, I'm an anime only too
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I already own the first three volumes but I don't want to read yet, want to experience the anime knowing nothing. Hope the rumors are true and this is actually a split cour. Or that it is at least successful enough to get more seasons.
No, not until the season 3
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I love shota with long black hair.
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Please don't penis the shos.
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Please penis the shos.
Bratty little boys are literally built for it
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they might penis you if you're not careful
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haha oh noooo that would just be the worst
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Finally the gay guard dude is getting some fanart as well. I like him.
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>the newest volume of the manga is promoting the anime using "that" scene
lmao, they totally know
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There are PV images out for episode 9, for those interested.
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Genba is just the best.
I believe you mistyped Fubuki, sis.
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sure did
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I ca fix him
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fix what? hes PERFECT
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>when he sees your dick
>Pfffufufufu, only that big, anon-san?
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We need more of him dressed in the most girly outfits out there.
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I am still waiting for the present-day doujin, with all the characters living a happy life.
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Same. I like h-doujinshi like the next guy but the happy and funny ones that star a whole group of characters always end up being my favorites.
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he eats alot
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Yorishige is cute and underrated in the west
A god to believe in

Is this the best fujo/cm media since Free?
This show feels pretty special
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I hope it's popular, Golden Kamuy feels like the only really big fujo or fujo adjacent thing from the last decade. Ousama Ranking had top tier males, but wasn't fujo (despite being 90% male) and the hype died quickly and well, there is Bravern, which was luckily a hit. But they are rare.
I am glad that TES has gotten the good adaption it has and more than everything I love that it's one of the even rarer anime with varied types of shippable men.
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This pic is sick as fuck.
It feels good to get a truly chaotic character like Takauji whose thoughts and actions are impossible to predict. Every "chaotic" character in the past 15 years has been a copy of Invader Zim's "lul so randum XD" style (that only worked in IZ because it was new). Similarly, I'm glad for seeing irredeemably evil enemies (and allies) that eventually get rekt for being evil after years of "poor misunderstood guys that only did evil things because they had no friends and therefore should be forgiven by the MC".
I wouldn't say there were none, Ogata is the best example for a well done chaotic dude who is maybe not completely devoid of morals but pretending to be and backstabbing the MC as well as his friends and family without a warning. Maybe good chaotic characters are rare because many conflate "chaotic" with "funny". This might be where all the laughing psychos, over-reacting MCs and mad scientists come from. Not only are they overused by now, they have no depth either. Ironically, chaotic mindsets are usually the result of inner conflicts and alienation, so chaotic characters should be the opposite of one-dimensional. I also dislike the association of chaotic with "loud".
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I can't believe I am saying this, but for the first time in my life I am actually okay with modern AUs of a series I like.
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How many are too much?
I really hope we get lot of fanfics
Yes... MORE pits!!
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I noticed that google translate is pretty decent for reading pixiv fics of this series as long as they're Japanese (if you don't understand it naturally). But they still suck ass for Chinese and AO3 doesn't have much variety yet and only a small number of fics to begin with.
Maybe more people will pick it up once the anime ends. Or when they release the dub. I can't stand dubs, especially not for series with a voice acting as fantastic as in TES, but I feel like the majority in the west doesn't touch subbed series anymore sadly. As long as it attracts more talented fans I am fine with it I guess.
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Apparently 11,000 Tokiyukis was the limit. The next episode will be a recap of everything shown so far because the previous episode required 11,000 frames and the animators became spent (and to make it worse the typhoons are causing a mess in all of Japan).
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There should be horses and riders again, I hope they can use the time to make them look good
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I will miss this ending once the series is over
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Best/worst boy needs more art
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doppel sexo
What exactly is going on? Server purges? Memory wipes? Failing equipment?
we shrimply don't know, mods just deleted all the threads from half the boards on 4chan one night and all we've heard from them is "oops we did a fucky wucky teehee"
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>oops we did a fucky wucky teehee
I wouldn't be surprised if in all the random boards, there was some government information that was dangerous to some politicians future or a bankers future interests. I bet it was on purpose. Nothing is an accident.
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They would have just deleted the offending material. Deleting entire boards just draws unnecessary extra attention and some of the boards that were deleted have third party archives anyway. Also, there's no chance whatsoever that someone posting something like that doesn't post in on /pol/ and /v/ who were both spared the purge.
I'm guessing they were messing around with something that they were planning on doing as some kind of joke and fucked it up. And now they can never admit what it was because everyone would be even more pissed knowing everything was deleted for something so stupid.
The true photo of the alien was posted. I was there.
The cloudfire captcha when you enter for the first time is no coincidence though
>image of him around 〇y/o
>runs away in embarrassment after 2 seconds

>118th page is exteremely satisfcatory

>*heavily drunk*
>wheet beer.. delisiouss..
>you drank too much!
>*drip* *drip*

>there is (no) yes way my brother is this cute (wordplay on 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない)

>ideal boss number 1
>*sexy thank you*
>stop pointing that finger you bastard!

>*evening probably isn't a good time*
>*small letters are too hard to read*
>*sadamune-dono's reading with aging eye gestures*
>so cute!
>*dropping formalities?*
Idk why japanese love the same gag between these two.

>fubuki, who would probably make a name for himself as a speed-eater if he lived in current times

>I thought he was this kind of character when I first saw him

>what's it, fubuki? changing your appearence?
>kojiro, nice timin-
>stop! fubuki-kun is receiving his punishment for snatching food! *I'll tie him a rapunzel hair*
>r-rapu? say again?
>*I just can't.. I'm gonna fall in love*
>*Tokiyuki, as he is passing by*

>tojirou-kun blinking eyes at the corner of the screen in 4th episode (love)

>now now..
>it's fine
>*dropping formalities?*
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Thank you, anon. It's funny how my Japanese skills are improving the fastest whenever I am getting my ass up to translate fanart. Because of this it's good to have some quality control coming from someone that properly understands Japanese.
Guess the lack of AI support for drawn text helps, since I am actually forced to search for the kanji myself instead of feeding it to google trans. Helps remembering kanji and grammar and since it's fanart about shit I already like my motivation to translate it higher than with a random untranslated manga.
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I want to see how older Tokiyuki would look like with the style of the anime, it must be fantastic.
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There is some new popup store merch and it modern day motifs of Yorishige and the kids. Him and Tokiyuki have gotten a bunch of fanart. Can't post yet we filled the thread already lel. Well it's nice seeing so much fanart for this series
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