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VERY fast waka running at incredible hihg speed

Last thread: >>3912860
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I wonder if Matsui is one of these mangaka that are aware of the fanart their series get even if he isn't active on socmedia.
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Part of me wants a game of this series with the possibility of different outcomes and routes.
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It's a shame i can't bring myself to like the MC's design. This qt is top tier however.
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Just discovered this artist with like 10 followers. Not a fan of Akiie but this is some cool art and I am a sucker for cool art
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Modern day pop up store AU
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WARNING: Strong feels.
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The comics and art with the brother are kinda kino.
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Kunitoki deserved better. may the uncle burn in hell forever amen
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Watchman is my favorite rando of the series. Would list Moriyoshi too, but I assume that Moriyoshi will eventually and hopefully do something important.
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>cute shotas
>pretty traps
>old man yaoi
This series really has it all. It's fun seeing the variety of characters all getting posted in the same thread
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why is there so much art about his armpits
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they're his charm point
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>pretty traps

where?? no tokiyuki does not constitute
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Post timeskip Tokiyuki definitely counts as a trap. I sometimes mistake him for Ayako.
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>I sometimes mistake him for Ayako.
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Forgot to link the post I quoted afterwards, sorry anon >>3917738
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>even Munehiro is getting art
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I saw this too, we are cursed. I guess the new fans are catching up with the manga. Funny how every crazy killer gets some fans. Some anon in one of the old threads mentioned Kazuo Henmi once and yeah that's basically it and he also has fanart. Though Munehiro is scarier in my opinion.
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Glad that the puppet bondage scene in the manga (and now also anime) inspires adequate art
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this show is incredible
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Glad you like it Anon!
I am not only saying "I like it", if you get my drift.
I mean, emphatically, this is an important show.
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>this is an important show.
I know. I genuinely love this series since the first chapter of the manga in 2021. Just very glad to see other people appreciate the series properly as well. It tackles a lot of topics and themes that stick in my mind along with having a varied cast of protags and antags.
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Yeah it sometimes says something quite important that sticks and it does it casually and just moves on to the next act that focuses on the characters themselves again. It's a very varied series and not just regarding its characters. And the themes it has are handled well and get brought up again instead of being forgotten together with the premise at some point, which actually happens in a lot of other manga I read.
The anime even enhances all of that by dialing up the visual metaphors and creating an appropriate atmosphere with its directing. Best new example would be the dialogue between Tadayoshi and Takauji and how they cut it and positioned the characters.
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More people should watch it.
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Probably the setting or the clash of comedy and dark content that filters them. Personally getting the impression that it's the first since most seem like they haven't even tried it yet.
Oh well I forgot it might also be the designs. Sausage fest anime are always like that unless the designs have the mainstream look like Free. The rest needs time to be noticed, if it gets noticed, that is.
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There's a youtube channel that translates /a/ episode threads into Japanese so that the Japanese audience can see what westerners are saying about certain shows. One of the nicknames that anons gave Tokiyuki is "takoyaki" and this Japanese artist thought it was so cute he drew fan art of takoyaki tokiyuki
>There's a youtube channel that translates /a/ episode threads into Japanese so that the Japanese audience can see what westerners are saying about certain shows.
racial slurs included?
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I want to know how Japan translates "fag".
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Kinda expected this, there aren't many options I think. It's weird to imagine calling other anons okama to insult them or use it as a neutral suffix as we with fag.
maybe "homo" or "gei(gay)"? idk much about jap slurs
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God I wish this was two cours.
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No. One time he used one of my posts but took a sentence out of it to avoid using the word fag. And I don't remember seeing him using any posts with stuff like nip or nigger.
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In our defense, the TES threads are surprisingly civil so far. Fag aside. But fag can't even be considered a slur on 4chan. I'm a TES fag myself.
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All the boys are cute, but him and masky thief are top
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Best antagonist in a while IMO
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Sorry anon above, didn't mean to quote here >>3918810
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I wonder what kind of role he would have had if he survived. Dammit Godaiin.
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What a lightweight
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Ichikawa deserves better.
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i jinxed it by saying i liked the show's politics before it was over.
Critiquing the the samurai ethos is something that has to be done with laser precision - because it *is* worthwhile to be willing to die for a cause, and people *do* remember it when people do this. Although discussing this is beyond the scope of /cm/.
But even just as a matter of pragmatism, a warrior who is willing/hoping to die gloriously in a battle is more likely to survive, and win, compared to a coward who fights half-heartedly.
There are valid criticisms of samurai spirit, and convincing a bunch of bullheaded samurai to make a tactical retreat which will help win a battle later, instead of dying as pointless martyrs is one thing.
But I'm not sure I liked Tokyuiki and Kojirou's horseback conversation. The reasons for this are too complicated to get into here, but it's worth posting here anyway.

The intentions of the show might be good, but this last episode felt a bit funny to me. Possibly just fumbled the intended message. I was wondering where they could go after 10 was such a strong episode, so maybe what they meant to say suffered from being rushed into one of the last two episodes. At worst, there might be some bad intentions mixed with the powerfully good intentions shown in the last episode.

Interested to see how it comes together with the final Ep.
Of this season, at least, any news if this is getting a season 2?
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I am not sure. There is a difference between bravery and the acceptance of a possible death and blatant daredevilry. Seeking a glorious death isn't bad, or at least do I prefer it over people that abstain from having principles in favor of opportunism. But there are times where it means a lot and times where it doesn't. They didn't plan to win the war, they outright wanted to run into it to die. Again, not bad per se. But they would have gotten their families killed with them, whether they want or not.

Nothing would be gained from it and whether an audacious person will be remembered for their death heavily depends on a lot of circumstances. We know the popular heroic deaths, but I can assure you that there are thousands, millions more that nobody remembers the name of, let alone the cause of death. Even for soldiers and courageous civilians of our current times.
In this specific case it was way more reasonable to retreat and join forces with the other rebels to participate in a future battle where they can actually kick Kiyohara's ass and get what they want.
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>Critiquing the the samurai ethos is something that has to be done with laser precision
No it isn't. Almost every culture has had some kind of warrior code. But most of those codes didn't result in teenagers feeling obligated to disembowel themselves at the first sign of defeat or suicide bombers becoming official military doctrine.
These two things are completely different and cannot be conflated.
>compared to a coward who fights half-heartedly
And this is precisely the false dichotomy the series is rejecting. Dying isn't courageous and retreating isn't cowardly. I'm pretty sure this is even the main reason for Matsui making Tokiyuki a dangerslut; to make it abundantly clear that he isn't motivated by cowardice. He wasn't mad at Hoshina because he was afraid and thought everyone else should be too. He was mad because he knew better than anyone else there how utterly pointless and wasteful their sacrifice was going to be. And the conversation at the end is about the same mindset. He's telling Kojiro that he is never going to be the kind of lord that will intentionally seek out and lead his men to a "glorious" death and wants to know if he's OK with that.
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>But I'm not sure I liked Tokyuiki and Kojirou's horseback conversation
My brain didn't even process anything from that conversation, I was too busy UOHing over their cute friendship.
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They made the chibi Sadamune too moe in the new episode.
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I want a full doujinshi about this
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Need S2
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I just need to know if we're getting another season and when. I hate not knowing.
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Hope we're getting one too but no idea. It's hard to even estimate success nowadays. BDs usually don't sell anymore and there are various other variables that determine success like the viewer numbers on every platform it's airing on.
Speaking of it. I have never once seen the seasonal viewership charts this season. Is /a/ so dead that they don't even post that anymore or did I always miss it? You can usually consider the top 5 on these charts to be pretty successful.
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TES will have an event at Jump Festa focused on the anime. That's the perfect place and time to announce a second cour/season.
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How hard will we cope if they just announce some new nendo or pachinko like with Fate back then?
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I wouldn't get my hopes up. They will probably just talk about the anime. Season 1 I mean, the anime we have. Probably some shit where they have the three most prominent voice actors and the director talking and answering questions of the audience. Someone will ask about season 2 and they will give the generic "we cannot promise it yet, but we would love to do one!" which is honest but desires don't play much of a role in a money-driven industry.
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I have faith in season 2. Less popular manga with lower rating and sales got second and even third seasons, so anything is possible.
It depends a bit on how expensive it is and which people it involves. A lot of series that get multiple seasons look like ass so they are cheap to make. But yeah you are still right, some do get it regardless even if they look good. I hope, but I don't get my expectations up to see it anytime soon if we get it at all.
Wish we had proper tv ratings and stream service numbers.
>stop! I'll defecate here and now with this body if you come any closer!
>got it?
>Oh I will cut you to pieces!

>You really like me don't you, Ishikawa-dono?
>*there he goes with his drunken rambling*
>uhh, y-yeah
>what about me do you like huh, just spill it out *won't let you go untill you answer*
>pull yourself together already!
>what part about toying with a young boy's pure feelings are you having fun with!! *I love every part of you btw*
>hah, started crying *not really a boy though, are you?*

>that was nice, waka!
>*too close*
>Sorry, Kojirou. I have to go early, good luck with on your club!
>y-yeah (he's happy)

>I love war episodes as waka and kojirou's interactions increase

>too bad I can't go personally because of this swollen eye
>*grr.. aren't you simply closing your eye!!!*

>Kojirou, AD 1337-1338. His body grew impressively and looks really cool. <- probably due to his training
>still in growth period so his neck is still thin

>I'm getting hungry, let's hunt
>*he puts it too plainly*
>you have anything you want to eat, Ishikawa-dono?
>*even giving me the option*
>I'll leave it up to Sadamune-dono
Thank you!
I love you anon.
I like that the artist headcanons Ichikawa as the guy that would kill a fake Sadamune without a second thought instead of feeling conflicted about it. The honor has to be protected at all costs.
Whose cock must I suck for a s2? Why are there so many horrible series nobody watches that are two cours or split cour from the start but not the ones that deserve it.
S1 really ended with a mini arc that is made to be the mid-point of the series. That's even more obvious to me after reading the manga. Adapting twice as much would might have made them end it after the great fight, it would have gotten us to the perfect point to conclude the anime and a good paradigm shift. It's not fair.
I made a new thread: >>3921504

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