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No archived/old threads. Sorry.

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Artist: @suikaels
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Florian finally got his figure
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Cute! I want to start a shota figure collection so badly
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I started mine last year, though that means that there are quite a few that I can't really get. For example, I would love to have the one for Ethan they did years ago, but I really missed the boat on that one, and all secondhand sellers have really marked up the price. As far as I can tell, they never did one for Hilbert. If they ever do, hopefully I can catch it in time.
Rei looks so cool in his loincloth!
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Cute thread! I'm thinking about getting into the tcg and I really want to eventually get a binder full of all the cute boy trainers
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Top 5 Pokeboys? Mine are
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artist: @ohr_cn on x
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I like Allister, Florian, Kieran, Bugsy and gen 8 youngster, in no specific order
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Cute boys
What figs do you own?
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Controversial opinion: I think Kieran is kinda mid.
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I currently have Hikaru from Hikaru no Go and Boruto. Not shota, but I have a fig for Hinata from Haikyu and Ed from Full Metal Alchemist.

I don't have a top five since I am a bit picky. My top three are Ethan, Hilbert, and Hop. I like what I have seen for Crispin, but I haven't played Gen IX yet. I stopped Day-One'ing the series when Dexit hit and am years behind. I just played Arceus earlier in the year.
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I only have a couple of Gon and Killua figures, a toon link nendo and albw link figma. Definitely need to make my shota collection more varied.
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source: @sofaisu on xitter
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Terrible taste
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The problem is you two are wearing each other's shirts!
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Mine is that Ash is actually a top tier Pokeboy. No one seems to care about him.
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i love him
Probably cause he's the blandest and most generic shounen protagonist of all time, and made him as retarded and unlikable as DB Super Goku.
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I think the issue is that Satoshi has too many variants for what is meant to be a singular character. The OG through Diamond and Pearl was pretty consistent, but it's practically a different character for each series after that. Personally, I only really like XY Satoshi and the reboot movie Satoshi. While I am not as hot on him for Pokemon 2019, I do like him with Gou. Similarly, I don't care for Gou by himself. They operate as a singular unit to me.
To be honest i don't even watch the anime, i was mainly just talking about his design.
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Pokeboys underwear..
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Any Amethio enjoyers in this thread?
He is cool and cute
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Big boys…
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VERY cute thread.
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Requesting either red or youngster pics please!
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Do you have the other 1 too? Bratty boys are the best! Thanx anon
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Favorite pokeboy?

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