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Shotas bring me happiness edition.

Previous: >>3918548
Girly shota: >>3914429
Kemoshota: >>3913600
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Noeyebrow is so based
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He's texting his bf
Need... Sho... BF...
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I love shota and loli so much
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Thanks a lot Anon!
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yeah no problem bro, enjoy the game and let me know if you want anything else
We all do friend
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He's cute. Too bad his game is made with AI, but I knew it was inevitable that people and companies would use it.
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Everyone itt needs this!
I need this so bad!!!!!

Why won’t I get it? Which god must I excoriate?!
What are those boys doing...?
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What game
Yo-Kai Watch Holy Horror Mansion
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Is that why his ankles are skinnier than his wrists?
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Shota nipple simulator?
Preparing for coition (up the butt).
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I need to rewatch Astro Boy 2003 now.
Christ this is a (lovely) lewd pic.

>in mouth
>demure eye-glance
>chest thrust forward
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Do you like his Pluto redesign?
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Yeah, he's a real cutie in Pluto.
What a lot of men want to do with them
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It's possible, but I can't say for sure. The backgrounds are very clearly AI though, and there's a document they published months ago where they were talking about using AI for characters, both visually and for coming up with ideas. So I wouldn't be surprised unfortunately.
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I find him cute but the full charm isn't there for me.
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Absolute cuties
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Love these two with every fiber of my being.
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Shos are so cuddly :3
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>becomes a professional illustrator by drawing half naked little boys
How did she do it?
Cute! I want to caress the nerve bundle behind a sho's ear with my fingers as I palm his cheek!
There was a VN that got passed around on sharing sites back in the early 2000s, something Ototo, which involved a demon girl and a shota's sister running him through different trials. Any guesses? I'd love to check it out now that translator apps are easier to come by. Back then, I just clicked every button till I got a new CG.
You're thinking of Ijitte!! Otouto
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Tiny <3
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I wish i could make my own shota game
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whats he doin
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Showing you his tum <3
show me more MORE
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Imagine being a shota's plushie.
“She” didn’t.
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Squishy squid boys
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Why are lolicons but specially lolicons so pseud about it? They can't just be pedos in shame they have to be life affirming bataille mishima pilled pneumatics who look down on lowly normie homos
*Specially shotacons
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Sho wants to be held by u
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What are you talking about?
I'm too sleepy to understand what you're trying to say here.
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Just ignore the retard
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you god
What a talented sho :3
Not quite my tempo.
I don't know why but I understood what you mean. They're just hiding the fact that they like little girls eewwww I mean, understandable, they have to safe face(?), but they should just shut up and demonstrate that they aren't c molesters instead of yapping/preaching about it
>they have to be life affirming bataille mishima pilled pneumatics who look down on lowly normie homos

Well because that's exactly what we are. Liking shota is truly a pratrician taste, fit for an aristocrat of the soul elevating his spirit above the dwelling masses. Don't deny it, since you are even aware of who Bataille and Mishima even are, I suspect you harbour such refined sensibilities yourself. Let's ride the tiger into the sunset, friend
I'm not that annoying anon and idk if I like those writers but Link is a cute shota
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God I'm so miserable. I wasn't cut out to be an adult/alive; I wasn't raised/born properly for it.

I wish I could be a sho. Not like my shitty childhood, but some kind of charming idyll. Birds chirping, camp-firing, giggly lake-skinny dipping. That sort of thing. How pleasant. I hope some boys have experienced that, and know well enough how to cherish those memories as they deserve.
Sounds like a french philosophist of cold war.
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You are now this sho anon. Enjoy it!
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I'm right with you anon. At this point the only thing I found that helped is finding God, unironically. What else do we have at the end of all things.. I understand that people's life trajectories don't always lead there but oh well

Anyways I wish you the best anon, I wish I could give you a hug and tell you everything is going to be alright
How’d you find god, anon? I’d fucking love that. My favourite authors are Milton and Dostoevsky and I’ve spent the last twenty minutes in reams of tears.

I’ve read all the holy books and apologists but nada. The only sense I can see would be the free will / evil thing plus an afterlife. Yet any god which made this hell world must surely be evil.

I’m lost and wish I’d never been born honestly. But ironically obv. I wouldn’t be this pathetic seriously lmaooooooooo
Not that anon, but try praying every night before you go to bed. Make it a habit to pray for the protection of your family, your friends, your loved ones, and lastly yourself. Try to always exercise kindness even to the most insignificant things like spiders or ants. Try to never kill a living thing intentionally unless you have to, and when when you do, feel the weight of that burden because you acted as god to end a life before its time. Anger is a thing that is already inside us, it's just waiting for an excuse to escape, but it is only a reaction, not an action, it's already there inside us. If you make a habit of praying, and make a habit of exercising the most difficult thing there is, kindness, you'll find salvation, but it will be a long and arduous journey.
God didn’t make this world the way it is. People did that. According to religious folks anyway, I’m not one of them.
Smells Like Preteen Spirit
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>>3920646 said it more beautifully than I ever could. It is within your grasp to find peace even in perfect solitude.
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Funny how you say god is evil. As if there's a moral code for god.
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I understand how you feel. I'd give anything to be a cute sho going on adventures or just living a cozy, carefree life. Maybe in another life.
I never said anything about evil, but it's funny that you got Satan trips while saying that. The message I was trying to convey is that a man's heart isn't easy to destroy, that we all have the strength for kindness, and none of us have the right for cruelty or needless killing. Basically, god is in all of our hearts, we only have to try to find him.
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Need sho to snuggle with
Nobody can be mad at you for that.
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First sho you ever fell in love with? For me it was shota link from oot/mm
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Mine was The Little Prince. I read the book when I was 7, immediately fell in love with the Prince's innocent and curious personality (I was completely unaware of the concept of love, but I had a "funny" feeling and a strong desire for meeting him and traveling through planets with him), and became depressed for an entire week when the Prince "returned to his world. Even today I still feel a void inside me for remembering how the story ends.
Thinking about it now, I think the Prince's implied death broke me to the point of feeling miserable for reading/watching/playing stories where little boys suffer and die. I have many unfinished manga, anime, cartoons, comics, games and books that I don't want to finish because I'm afraid of the feeling of emptiness caused after finishing any story I find good that appeared for the first time when I read The Little Prince.
I never read that, how did the little prince die? What's the story about?

For me I never fell in love with a shota, my first love was my college aged babysitter. I cried for days when he had to quit to go to college.
That’s sad. Not every sho meets a sho that they like, so they think they only like older guys until they’re older.
There weren't any other boys my age where I grew up, my best friend that was my age was a girl. She's even the one that gave me the sex talk, and took my virginity. It was not an enjoyable experience.
That’s even more sad.
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im gay
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>There weren't any other boys my age where I grew up
In what type of environment did you even live in?
Probably a very lonely one
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I love sho heroes
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Haven't read it but some of the fanart I've seen is insanely cute. I do want to read it someday but I'm afraid of the emotional damage it would do to me.
Only for lovely boys tho?
Not him

The cancer that is modern life. Boys are endlessly denied the company of fellow boys in favour of f*males in this gross feminised world.

We need to fight for a world where boys can spend as much time as they want with boys and girls as they choose (whose results would be, respectively, All/None, ideally).
god forbid men have hobbies i guess??
<3 shos belong with shos
Yeah, it's a shame when a boy naturally falls for another boy, but feels like he can't do anything about because of the pressure of others. Even though those others had/have the exact same feelings. Totally ridiculous.
A very small town.
Sometimes it's just part of the design. Goh also had skinny ankles.

I doubt they used AI for the character design and only for the background.
>I never read that, how did the little prince die? What's the story about?
Without spoiling too many details, is a story told from the narrator's POV. He is a small plane pilot who gets stranded in the desert and meets the little prince, who claims to come from space and tells the narrator about his life on a small asteroid, his encounters on other asteroids and how he ended up on earth.
It's a short story with a bittersweet ending that you can find for free anywhere and read in a couple of hours.

Thinking about the ending still makes me sad to this day, but the story is a must read.
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Ironically that pic is from a manga (Sabi no Yume) involving the abuse, rape and mutilation of the boy on the right. At least the boy gets to live happily with the guy on the left at the end.
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So what was it like the first time you met another sho?
Gon or Killua?
well fuck man, he doesn't look mutilated, did he die and go to heaven or something or is it hidden mutilation that I don't want to hear about?

First time was in 8th grade when we moved to a better location and I went to a new school, was weird having feelings for two boys my own age instead of only adult men.
kill as bf, gon as son
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The boy is a prototype of a line of sex robots created by the man's father. Originally he was an orphan with a sick younger sister who agreed to become a test subject in exchange for curing his sister (supposedly they did, but the story doesn't mention her again), however, the poor guy was brainwashed into forgetting his entire life, “reprogrammed” to only think about sex, and replaced parts of his body with robotic prosthetics.

The story itself begins with the man being assigned to "train" a new "sexbot" shaped like a little boy to give it a personality beyond being submissive during sex, but since the man felt no sexual attraction whatsoever he instead tries to ignore the boy (eventually other employees are tasked with "testing" the boy's sexual capabilities since the man refuses to touch him), but as days pass by he begins to interact with the boy and teach him things like talking and dreaming. Eventually the man grows fond of the boy and discovers his macabre origin, makes a deal with his father to give him away (the father quickly agrees with this, since his original idea was to destroy the prototype or letting every employee use it as a cum bucket after finishing the tests), and spends the last few chapters of the manga helping the boy adapt to a life where he can be more than just a sex toy (although the boy keeps trying to have sex with the man because of his “programming”). The man teaches the boy to cook and clean while he works, buys him clothes and toys, and basically treats him like a son. The end.
Both, together, obviously
Honestly, that isn't nearly as awful as I thought it would be, I've seen way worse from manga and even anime.
So adorable
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I really want to write a story that's all about boys one day
What's stopping you? Time? Talent? Fear?
Mostly time and talent
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No surprise he'd lose while playing like that, the tendons in his arms are extended, it'd slow down his finger dexterity.
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Agree. It’s a wholesome relationship that has less retractors than all of the alternatives
It’s still cute!
I wish I had/was a sho…

I had a really nice fantasy about leading some Boy Scout type things… Racing competing fighting bathing playing. Ah! Life’s so awful…
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toshio kun is so adorable i wanna hug him and pet him and protect him aaaaaaaaaaaaa all boys deserve to be treated nice
I found this cool graph, but I’m not sure really what it’s supposed to measure? It’s evidently about boys, as it says.

Anyone know?
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Pretty sure that's a measurement of boyhood by age in cm with the three lines representing three points on a population bell curve (bottom percentile, middle percentile, and top percentile). I assume the measurement is for flaccid, not erect.
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Beautiful sho
But anon, how does one measure a ‘boyhood’, and what is it? If it’s the duration of a boy, then surely it should be measured in time, not length? How would one even set about spatially quantifying an abstract duration like ‘boyhood’? What tool would one use to asses such a sometime-span, elongating and shrivelling arbitrarily by our own positions on the Essence of ‘boyhood’?

Ah! Most of this artists stuff I have is too large/naught to be posted here! Boo.
>Supposedly slightly above 9th decile
>Still inadequate
Boys are just too demanding these days.
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Come now, need to be coy. You know exactly what anatomical item that I was referencing.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
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It's the part that is referenced in the phrase "Wild and sILLY".
Illyw? I don’t get it. Is it loss?

I think there’s some gross inferential distance between us, since I really don’t get what you’re talking about.
(Lmao I really want to post naughtier stuff
But won’t
Life is so sad without a shota boyfriend :(
It’s good knowing that others suffer as I do.

Life is so pointless.
what's written on his butt?
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I recognize those markings. That's how Japan does tallies. Each stroke is counts as "one", so it looks like a total of 20 (note sure if the two marks that looks like a falling guillotine mean). Based on the location, that likely has something to do with the number of friendly rectal protein injections he has received in a row. He's certainly growing up with that much liquid love injected straight into his body.
He doesn't look thrilled about it :( Also, his pants seem a bit dry for something like that to be true.
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>when you and your boyfriend sit one behind the other in class
My ultimate fantasy is making a depressed sho happy by making him feel loved
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I'm obsessed with this boy Donburako draws
It’s definitely not flaccid, the average for adults ends up at 5.5” on this chart
>5.5 inches
It's more like 6 inches to 6.5ish if you want to round it up.
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That's the top end. Median is around 13.5 cm.
What I want to know is how they got these measurements. Did someone from this board get a grant?
I want this but I always feel bad. I shouldn't want shos to be depressed just so that I can more easily swoop in to comfort them: they should be naturally so happy that they don't 'need' me; I can make their happiness greater, but am not a prerequisite for its existence.

I feel the same with the whole 'boy who lacks a paternal figure' thing. They're so desperate for male attention, but it just feels so wrong. I mean I guess you're just helping him feel better. But you know if he'd been raised properly with a worthwhile father he'd never have sought you, or that general male attention, out to start with.

How to differentiate filling a void, versus keeping a wound open for your own benefit? I'm probably being too cynical, but I think about these things.
greek-love (dot) c o m/index.php/general-non-fiction-pederasty/brongersma-edward-loving-boys

God pasting links sucks on 4chan

It's from here I think.
Yes, he's hot and a slut.
Oh he enjoyed it. I just can’t post the pic which shows it :)
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Handsome shos!
Pretty boys or boyey-boys,

They do need you, though. Depressed shos will exist whether you wish it or not. Such is life.
I know. I guess I’m just an idealist. I imagine a heaven and see boys with their fathers - not lovers. I get the real world Is shit and we have to have stopgaps and bodges to make it bearable. Yet in the (wholly hypothetical) case where such a relationship does form, or even one with a lesser degree of intimacy, it seems to me a failing, a falling short of that paternal ideal which the boy should naturally enjoy.
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I think you're thinking too hard about it.
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Boys are an inextricable maze;
Like glue they hold the transitory gaze.
Here Theodorus’ carnal charms attract
You, limbs so round and firm and fully packed;
Here golden-skinned Philocles, who is all
Heavenly grace, although not very tall.
If on Leptinus’ form your eyes you cast,
You cannot budge, your feet will be stuck fast
As adamant; that youngster’s looks are so
Ardent they’ll kindle you from top to toe.
Hail, lovely boys! May you attain your prime,
And live until your hair turns white with time.
Probably. But there's little in my life to distract me from circuitous thinking.
Hmm. Everyone’s view is different, particularly of heaven. I’d say the boy is naturally going to want so what’s to be done about that?
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<3 boys rock!
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>changed the overall style, making them look goofier and more cartoony
>removed Icarus as a genki red haired older teen pilot
We cant have nice things, he was so cute in the comics though!
for me it was these bad boys, SPECIALLY the films goddamn
Imagine my shock to learn femoids apparently get off to the idea of being stranded in an island with 30 underage half naked boys, what a world (look up in character.ai). They should stick to their dark romance shit and leave this to the right audience
Why would you say that?
>Imagine my shock to learn femoids apparently get off to the idea of being stranded in an island with 30 underage half naked boys,
You dont?
Imagine how Lord of the Flies would have turned out if somebody was there to give Jack and his brats some much needed correction!
They were in their early to mid teens and in some sort of military camp, an adult would not be able to take them even if just 2 or 3 of them ganged up. Just saying, if you tried, you'd just end up being dead, or their bitch.
You say it like its a bad thing
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>tfw ywn wake up next to this
its all over
Which of the 2 would you choose? (both are virgins)
I mean, it kind of is because the most likely outcome based on how they behaved in the story is death considering they killed at least one of their own and tried to kill the main character.
Left for sex right for cuddles
Shotabros I think it might be over for me. The fever is burning my head for hours and the fucking plaques in my throat hurts every time I swallow. I don't think I will make it through the night. I wish I had a shota to give me the strength to make it.
Go through alcohol detox and come back to me when you've actually felt like you were doing to die.
I think the thing he was referring to there was females having anything to do with shotas. Ick.
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Please post a vidya recommendation list with shota protag
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>You can do it anon! :D
There's a image that's been posted multiple times of vidya with cute shota protagonists.
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Yeah I need that one
Why are so many of these ??????
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Played half of them, Fuga looks interesting.
For more shota games we can add Naruto games, he is 12-13 in the part 1 and South Park Snow day. And maybe Sims? You can play as a toddler and a kid. Among the sleep?
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I want to cuddle and breastfeed Naruto
kys foid
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I'm guessing those are the games that whoever made this has literally zero knowledge about. That's my only guess, even if it make no sense for stuff like Ape Escape Kingdom Hearts.
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On the topic of shota games, took a good amount of time to make a tier list maker for ShotaxMonsters 2.
Though I figure it'd be best to use like, catbox or imgur to share tier lists as to not take up image posting.
Do you know if there is a book series or something about a teenager or young adult who has or wants to make a shota fall in love?
>or their bitch.
if we go by what they did to that poor sow (and how it was worded) then we're talking about Cannibal Holocaust type of execution after most likely gangrape
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A Plague Tale (Hugo). its criminal how little he's known outside of straight shota circles of all places, sheesh
Hnnnng this sho looks yummy
I only watched the movie not read the book, we had both mandatory books to read and mandatory movies to watch when I was in school and lord of the flies was one, but they showed the movie they didn't assign the book. The movie didn't suggest anything about gangrape, was that book only? As far as I remember, sex was never really mentioned or implied in the movie, but maybe it just went over my head?
>"The scene where the screaming sow is killed with sharpened sticks is written as a gang-rape. The scene where the kids reenact this, using Robert as a replacement pig, is even worse, what with lines like "Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh."
there is also a scene in the first movie where a little boy gets roughly spanked for disobeying Jack's gang
I think there must be multiple versions of the movie and they showed us the more "kid friendly" version of it as close to kid friendly can be, because in the one we had to watch in class no one got poked with sticks and there was no mention of sex or rape.
Yeah that was really bothering me, I never read the book, and only watched one movie in school a long time ago, but I really have no recollection of what you're saying, and I just a pretty detailed plot for the book and all 3 versions of the movie, and in none of them was anyone stabbed to death with spears, one was beaten to death when he was mistaken for "the monster", and one had a boulder dropped on his head.
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can't you just catbox it? it's what all the /vg/tards do lol
>be shos captive for a few weeks until you are all saved by bara sailor boys
Sounds good to me
all boys are cute boys as long as they look like boys!
What about boys that look like girls but don't want to look like girls and dislike their own appearance and just want acceptance?
I mean, even if you have a girly appearance, if you dress boyishly you'll at worst look like Hatchin from Michiko and Hatchin, who I initially mistook for a boy from some of the pictures I saw before watching the anime
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man who the fuck said anything about troons you niggas are so fucking MISERABLE
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