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Hero of Cybertron edition

Prev >>3913506
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This shit isn't being screened in my country yet why is Sentinel so popular? Is he just the chad funny asshole like Adam from HH? I save most of his fanart because it's pretty but I have no idea why twitter gets flooded by it.
They've been describing this version of him as "cybertronian Homelander"
He's apparently a massive asshole (main villain) and also very handsome. The perfect recipe for a rapebait character
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Thanks that explains it. Still a bit surprised how quickly everybody got into this and participated. I expected my timelines to be flooded by MegOp (which is also great). But maybe many just want something new. I love MegOp but drew and obsessed over other bots and pairings for years now. Though maybe it's just my timeline.
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Sex https://x.com/lykostherium/status/1838997243400970389
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>pulled from nippon theaters because soundwave's jap VA did...something? I'm really not sure
This movie is cursed.
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And people say the west loves cancelling. I cannot imagining caring about this. If he killed someone he would be in jail and not profit from the success anyway, so what's the problem? Hope that everybody that wanted to see it already watched it so that it won't hurt the movie too much.
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>go to target
>no sentinel toys
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Such stores don't even exist here so I am wondering where I should even order it from. The only "nearby" store (neighboring country) that has him only releases him in April 2025.
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Fucking based I was waiting for pics that show all of them
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Saw the movie again. Still want to fuck Sentinel. Perhaps even more now.
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Also I noticed an error, at the end of the movie Starscream speaks again and his voice isn't fucked up anymore. I sure hope somebody got fired for THAT blunder.
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The animators had to have known what that tentacle scene would unleash
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Also, why do none of his toys come with his sword? It's odd considering how much he uses it.
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I wonder if they notice how obsessed most of the fandom is with this guy it would be very funny. It's such a hype within the fandom and new fans that I even see comic related posts doing numbers since there are obviously new fans that weren't aware or how hot or gay (or both) robots can be.
Well damn I thought he had one. I saw it but then it might have been the sword of another toy. I also let my Sentinel Prime (the orange one) have the a red sword from another bot (think Nova Prime but not sure) since it fits so well to his color. I prefer it when they have a gun or a sword or just both as extras.
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Why is he designed to look like such a whore
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Fanbase noticing Sentinel absorbs all the porn, sparing Pax and D16
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Finally watched the movie, the first part was much better than anything I was expecting, and the second half was only slightly worse than the first
Some things felt very rushed to me, like how quickly Megatron permanently changed his demeanor, the reveal of the Decepticons, the whole big good ending and the Quintessons plot line
But it was good all in all, really liked all the characters
Now I understand why everybody wants to see Sentinel raped to death, and the pictures of him and Megatron
>Sentinel absorbs all the porn, sparing Pax and D16
He's the true hero of Cybetron, the defender of the innocent
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Get grabbed idiot
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I am glad that Sentinel or at least one Sentinel finally managed to get the love (and porn) he deserves. Also it's crazy how much the movie is revitalizing the fandom I got like 1000 notes for ages old pre-war or Megatron themed shit I drew and every TF artist I know returning from hiatus and drawing again.
The fans have been craving sauce
Having cartoony drawable designs again os definitely more welcoming to new artists and less tiring for old artists to indulge in compared to the overcomplicated live action CGI models
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I learned a new term today, "メカリョナ"
Megaryona sounds like someone trying to be extra edgy
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It's "Mecha ryona"
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hasbro pulse
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Finally watched it too. Now I get why people like this guy. I guess I will never encounter a Sentinel Prime I don't like. Didn't watch Bay stuff but he's always great in every comic/manga/movie/cartoon series he appears in I hope they will use his role more often or adapt one of the Sentinel interpretations that already exist.
Unrelated, but there is a storytime for the newest EU comic right now, for those interested.
There are Transformers x Naruto collaboration figures coming out
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I somehow like this specific universe crossover, I would love to see senator Shockwave and Proteus interact with Sentinel ONE
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Another Burcham IDW Nova.
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Lots of great art but not nearly enough Sententacle porn fics yet I hope that will change in the future.
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Sex https://x.com/ifoundmyshirt/status/1845208233457148178
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