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The waka has been captured. Repeat, the waka has been captured.

Previous: >>3917162
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Glad this one episode aired and even upped the bondage content compared to the manga, I enjoy the fanart it inspired.
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Buying the manga/BDs/merch and spreading the word is the only thing that can be done, I think. Just proving to Shueisha, Aniplex, and CloverWorks that the series is worth investing into.
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They need to hurry up and sell me the soundtrack.
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I converted the original ugoira (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/122945006) into a webm.
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I am buying the manga at least. Thinking of getting the BD too since ~36 EUR per volume isn't that much depending on the money I will get starting next month since the merch isn't for me so far. I also believe that the Tokiyuki figures will sell well even without me. Hoping they will outsell quickly so that we might get figures of other characters too one day.
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Seeing that guy animated is one of the reasons for why I am hoping for a s2
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im not gay but i like hanging out in /cm /
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I hope you preordered him.
Not lewd enough
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The future is bright again!
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I love when I have something to look forward to.
Do you have a mason jar ready for him?
I am not that kind of anon.
Neither am I, it was a joke, don't have any figs. I do wonder how that sort of thing even started though.
me neither, but i guess it changed me
bros is it gay if you only like anime boys ?
Cute things are cute
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I hope the OP and ED of s2 will (somehow) be as catchy and creative as those of s1 or follow a similar theme. Though I like the ED even better than the OP. I have a weak spot for scenes where enemies are acting like friends.
: 0
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the straw doll is so lucky...
Okay so I watched the entire anime and loved it but where was the bondage? How did i miss it?
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What makes it especially dumb is that the supernatural and afterlife is an accepted part of the setting, I even remember the mythical boar dying in battle and then becoming a spirit and it was happier after dying. The samurai who want to die are just presented as caricatures.
>With his only allies being a shady priest and his followers, the young lord must seek revenge and regain his glory, with his only weapon: a superhuman ability to flee and hide.
I guess the bondage is to counter his superpower [spoiler]for correction[/spoiler]
But he has to be caught to be put in bondage... people were saying it happened in the anime... I did NOT see it...
>But he has to be caught to be put in bondage...
That must mean he enjoys being put in bondage
>people were saying it happened in the anime... I did NOT see it...
You could say it... eluded you
is it a double standard if i find bitchy boys acting like this adorable but bitchy girls acting the same way make me want to hit them with a hot metal bar
Thats in the show? literal fetish stuff lmao
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he's just like me fr

having different standards for different things is basic logic, don't let feminist sophistry get to you

Yes, and that is literally the joke
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There's bondage gags in the 10th episode but Tokiyuki himself was never tied up. I think people like doing it in fanart because the whole idea is that he is evading capture which puts the idea of him being captured in their head.
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Was Tokiyuki's father able to do anything for Kunitoki from the afterlife? No. And neither would Hoshina and his men have been able to do anything for their families had they fought to the death.
Tokiyuki's father was a literal retard who couldn't do anything when he was alive either. Second, we have no way of knowing what influence people may have have from the afterlife in the context of the story, except the boar which seemed to join as a protective spirit.

Hoshina and his men would obviously be able to do things for their family IF they took them with them to the afterlife... but I don't even remember their families being a primary motivator in either them wanting to die or later wanting to live, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Whether dying or not is a good decision depends on what happens afterward and the motivations of the individuals involved, this is only addressed in the story so far from the side of the world of the living and it's concerns, so is only ever a one sided argument or a caricature, basically a strawman that Tokiyuki is BDSMing like >>3922891
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>Tokiyuki's father was a literal retard who couldn't do anything when he was alive
His son wasn't beheaded until he was dead. Had he managed to flee with Kunitoki then Muneshige would be in no position to turn the boy in.
>we have no way of knowing what influence people may have have from the afterlife
Even divine spirits have been repeatedly stated to be weakening. And there has been nothing to suggest that spirits of deceased humans have even that much power. Neither Hoshina nor any of his men acted as though they thought they would have any way of influencing the world after their deaths as spirits. And Yorishige who is both a god and can see the future and so would have more knowledge about all of this than the average person fears for Tokiyuki's life.
>but I don't even remember their families being a primary motivator in either them wanting to die or later wanting to live
The entire second battle is about buying time for their families to retreat.
>IF they took them with them to the afterlife
Ah yes, killing your own family. The true peak of a warrior's honor.
>The entire second battle is about buying time for their families to retreat.
That was after they made the decision to live, so not a primary motivator
>Ah yes, killing your own family. The true peak of a warrior's honor.
Not an argument,
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>The blobfish from the popular meme image only looks miserable and plump because it has been torn from its home and suffered devastating tissue damage due to the rapid depressurization as it was dragged to the surface
Well I just wanted to google another related funny fanart reference to this and learned something new I didn't really want to know. They need to treat Takauji with more care.
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God I love oodachi (and Ichikawa)
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Love it when fans are drawing dad and son antics with these two. It's cute.
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Cute husband and wife(male)
Animeonly fag here, I like every character of this series save for Kiyohara, fuck Kiyohara. It's nice having such a series again, I like a bunch of anime every season but rarely have an attachment to the characters. Maybe it helps if they're crazier. Tokiyuki manages to avoid the bad MC syndrome so far.
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>save for Kiyohara, fuck Kiyohara
You might even like him eventually.
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He stole Ichikawa's chance to win and shine, he's irredeemable. But I trust you. Maybe he'll double down on his shit and become shizo enough to be funny again. I just hope he'll stop bullying the others.
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There seem to be a bunch of upcoming doujinshi for this series
>Checks out this sample
>It's ridiculous BDSM shit
>And somehow not labelled R18
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R18 is only actual porn. Fetishes don't equal 18+ (not sure about the US but they're irrelevant).
I'm just lamenting that it's not actual porn but the BDSM stuff killed my boner anyway
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Well, that's a legit complaint then. Personally very much into BDSM but I am not Tokiyuki to be honest. He's pretty and I like him, but not sexually.
>marries Mima
>fucks Kojiro
You just know this is happening.
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Considering that the series has a bunch of adult dudes with kids that we only see getting intimate with another dude I am fully expecting this to happen.

I think (or at least really hope) that Kojiru's lines about sticking to Tokiyuki till the end will have some impact and that he'll end up being more than just one of the retainers. Like I am not even talking about gayness here, but the arc as whole, the comradeship between them. Cool series always have that one lackey that happens to be way closer and more loyal than the rest, even if they seem to have the same roles at first. No idea what Ayako's arc will be then though.
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Is Nitta the cutest? I think he just might be.
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You can tell that fans are reading the manga now because Shokan gets more art since the anime has ended. They usually just ship him to dick Sadamune or Ichikawa but my point still stands.
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The cutest, and the stupidest
Man i don't watch this but i seem to like all the side shotas more than the main one
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Will you attend the Jump Festa event?
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The naive, combative brown shota seems to be a somewhat popular stereotype in manga but I am fine with it.
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I miss my emotionally unstable husbando..
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A damn shame that Goddain killed Kunituki IRL. A story about the Hojo brothers fighting against the Ashikaga brothers could have been kino.
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From the little bit we have seen I liked him more than Tokiyuki's retainers save for Kojiru to be honest.
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I only like Kojiro and Ayako out of the retainers too to be honest
Kunitoki's death is really important for the start of the series and I don't think there was really a way to write around it, but as the previous comment said, Hojo vs Ashikaga bros would've been a cool dynamic to see.
Also sorry didn't notice this image was already posted in the bread lol, should've checked earlier
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Yeah narratively the death was well done because it set the tone of a series that seemed to be rather comedic and harmless before. You don't expect kids to get beheaded in shounen series in this day age. I think he would have been a good addition to the team though. Despite being humble he seemed wiser and calmer than Tokiyuki and the others, but not as naive and harmless as Shizuku. Bet he would have had some cool development. Never trust uncles unless they're the funny weird one that every family has.
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I see. Now I finally understand where the damn name of this ship is coming from. It only took me half a year.
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I still don't get it
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It's the colors. The ship has a bunch of weird names, one of them being the eyes- and ear smiley of twitter, but the most common one is しゃけのざ (shakenoza) which means salmon + nozawana (some sort of Japanese turnip greens). Chapter 48(?) or so of the manga brought it up where warriors were talking in a coded food language about Sadamune and Ichikawa to hide that they're gathering intel. But I never understood if the food attributed to them was random or related to some kanji hints in their names that I am not Japanese enough to understand. Though Matsui most likely just choose them based on the hitatare colors these two are wearing, assuming he intended Ichikawa to be light blue. It certainly fits.
>I only like Kojiro and Ayako out of the retainers too to be honest
Based. Where are my retainer doujins?
Sadly nothing yet as far as I can tell. There are the mediocre looking early doujinshi that are just generic shota porn and the first little wave of well-drawn shipping doujinshi but I have only seen Yorishige/Tokiyuki and an everybody/Sadamune doujinshi so far.
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Thank you, berry educational
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Quads of truth. I even like Yorishige, but fail to see the chemistry since it would be one-sided even if you interpreted Yorishige's behavior as something else than cringe parenting. I think they are mostly shipped because they're pretty and their interactions funny, but I still see it as funny/derpy parent + adopted kid.
That aside if I shipped Tokiyuki with an adult I would prefer Tokiyuki to be the active part and bother the adult, it's funnier that way and cute.
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>I would prefer Tokiyuki to be the active part and bother the adult, it's funnier that way and cute.
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Sadamune is made for teasing
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>captcha T GAY W
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For me, it's Tokiyuki x Kojiro (tokijiro?).
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Me in the middle.
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What's this mysterious drawing program that I see many Asians using these days? It must be some android stuff because of the hand symbol and because I didn't encounter anything like it on PC.
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Wah! What are we gonna do on the bed?
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The halloween pics are funny
Glad I wasn't the only one remembering that meme when I saw Tokiyuki surprised nobody made an edit yet (I'm busy drawing other stuff)
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Surprised that I haven't seen any vampire Takauji yet, he was the first one I imagined as such.
As predicted BD vol. 3 has Ichikawa on the cover. He's a rat demon that looks like a demonic monkey lel
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From this week's magazine cover.
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Without context I would have assumed he was a bride. I hope it won't be a timeskip without any commentary, I want to know what everybody was doing for two years in Shinano, even if it's just a flashback summary or something.
Ojisan stickers look funny.
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>Without context I would have assumed he was a bride.
While I have argued and will continue to argue that pre-timeskip Tokiyuki isn't a trap at all, post-timeskip Tokiyuki is even more of a trap than Nagisa. Also, I agree I hope we get to see some of the two years.
Yeah shota Tokiyuki is pretty, but boyish. Now older Tokiyuki has the elegance and grace of a woman. Makes me wonder how most of the shota fans will react to this. Personally, I like it.
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Worst boy deserves some art as well
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>Without context I would have assumed he was a bride
He IS my bride, however.
>I hope it won't be a timeskip without any commentary,
Tough luck, bro.
According to the leaked LCP (which I can't post here because it features the girls) this week's chapter will be a 2 year timeskip from 1338 to 1340. It's a huge shame that Matsui didn't try to fill the historical void with his own ideas.
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Agree. Wasted potential. With Mima being on board and them being among old friends again I would have liked to see what's happening while their relationships with the others are developing and see what Sadamune is up to. I know he was very active during those years. Wars take up too much time but this is why I hoped for some sort of multiple PoV chapter since I feel like we should see more of Takauji's side as well. It would have been cool and a great change of pace IMO (and featuring multiple sides and characters can never hurt).
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Well, fanart of their BD monster designs is some oddly fitting thing for Halloween.
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Repopulating Kamakura with Tokiyuki and his retainers.
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My biggest disappointment is that the colored artworks are neither arc nor halloween related. Generic waifu pandering is the most lazy and boring thing he could have done. At least dress them up as monsters or something.
Someone just uploaded and entire Moron/Takauji yaoi doujinshi (27p) on poipiku.
Enjoy https://poipiku.com/10360065/10960244.html
To be fair the issue releases days after halloween, it's kinda too late by then
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Sure but that never matters with xmas stuff. And it would be a good opportunity to draw something different IMO.
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For those interested: Someone transcribed the radio talk CD with the voice actors Aoyama Yutaka (Sadamune) and Yamamoto Takahiro (Ichikawa), from the second volume of the anime BD. Google translate works fine with it: https://www.animatetimes.com/news/details.php?id=1722817955
Also found this: https://fusetter.com/tw/SLiOBbVl#all
An English translation of the intro it seems. For some reason it doesn't appear in the link above, so I post it too to be sure.
The fact that Aoyama is still using a CRT TV is kinda funny to me since it's what I would imagine Sadamune to do if he was a 40 year old living in this day and age. Fans are drawing fanart of that now.

BD vol. 1 contained another CD starring the VAs of Tokiyuki, Yorishige and some of the retainers but didn't see a transcription or a summary of it so far. Maybe other anons know more.
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It's less his looks (although there's that too) and more the awkwardness and unhingedness he had when he was younger that I miss. His personality is a little too "smoothed over" for me now
Neat, I'll check it out
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>His personality is a little too "smoothed over" for me now
Same. I also feel like the escape kink gimmick is barely present these days. Or maybe I didn't notice the blushing, no idea. I hope he doesn't become too normal and serious, his shota personality is the best.
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>I also feel like the escape kink gimmick is barely present these days.
The "cumming on the battlefield" part of the gimmick has basically been taken by Shina for whatever reason.
Him becoming more serious is just a part of maturing I guess but having a couple screws loose in his head was part of his appeal as a protagonist
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While he is getting timeskipped to be even older to go along with it, him interacting with Sadamune again might bring back some of his weirdness. Because the only time I can think of post-timeskip that he was his weird self was the battlefield archery lesson with Sadamune.
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>I also feel like the escape kink gimmick is barely present these days.
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This plus the surfing plus eloping with the enemy was great and felt like the early chapters again, at least to me. But I do still think that anon has a point. Used to him being a danger slut was more of an up front gag and tactical consideration. Like in the last battle the anime adapted where he joins the rearguard and Hoshina thinks it's because of how dedicated he is to supporting them when he really just doesn't want to miss out on the danger. Or in tag with Yoritsugu where the shrine attendants attacking him only makes him stronger. He still gets all smiley and blushes, but that's mostly the extent of it lately, including in the ship battle. I get that you wouldn't want to repeat the same joke/tactic over and over, but those moments were one of the main avenues of showing his personality.
Part of this is the way the battle are now. We had a tactical running away moment not long ago with the feigned retreat. But something a whole army is doing doesn't feel the same as Tokiyuki being uniquely weird.
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I believe that it will eventually come down to Sadamune taking the role of some sort of father to Tokiyuki which will also explain how Matsui could implement the outcome of the war without halting the development of the main plot and characters. The archery theme was always relevant throughout the series too and with the magical arrow that can debuff Takauji it can only become even more important. Sadamune will still side with Takauji out of a necessity, since he's responsible for the safety of his clan and probably multiple others, but I can see the inner monologue about his desire to be able to escape like Tokiyuki being a core theme of his conflict and the reason for why he might develop sympathies for him or a wish he will entrust him with.
Because of that I expect their encounter and development to be great and one of the bigger plot points of the series.
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The ship names and nicks in this fandom are so weird I always have to think for a moment about whom they might mean because a bunch of them are just emoji. There is the ear of rice emoji, the chestnut, eyes and ear, a red square and more it's quite creative.
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I FINALLY reached the part where that Uesugi dude and the other Tadayoshi lackeys are introduced. Now I know who it is that some fans are posting and drawing art of.
Decided to read the official translations here to avoid rushing through everything in a week, so I have to wait a month for every volume. Let's see for how long I will be patient enough to keep that up. Don't mind spoilers though. The post-anime content looks pretty great so far I can't wait to see that animated in s2. Wonder who'll voice these guys.
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Have to get creative when trying to make ship names by combining the kanjis of men's names just gets you the name of some of other guy in this period
I'm treading carefully here because I haven't finished S1 yet but I couldn't help but read some posts. Will S2 be older Tokiyuki? How much older does Tokiyuki get?
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Yeah it's funny. They do it out of respect too. Though since the historical people are all relatively nonfamous save for Takauji and Sadamune the anime art and screenshots still make up the majority of hits when you search for the kanji (even including the two aforementioned characters).
S2 shouldn't have him age yet. Not more than during s1 IIRC. The first visible age up happens afterwards. And I think that Tokiyuki should be 15-16 right now (the upcoming chapter). He should eventually reach the late 20s but that will take a while.
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We need a punished Tokiyuki, gets a bit emo and gets even more unhinged
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With sound:
He tanked that.
But who is dicking?
He is a dom top, it could be almost anybody
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Someone made an alt-end doujinshi about Muneshige.
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The ojisan stickers have fanart too
New: >>3929229

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