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Jimmy's Got A Gun Edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3927225
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Could've used a better image than this, OP. You also didn't link to the /trash/ thread
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Nugget Curly and more can be found here: >>>/trash/mouthwashing
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I'm surprised a game this short is still getting tons of fanart
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I'm surprised too but it must be because of nugget Curly and all that gyaku-ryona.
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It definitely is, it's how I found out about the game
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I reckon it's the overlap of fandoms from horror-adjacent games like Fear and Hunger, Project Moon, Signalis etc... which already have prolific artists who are just quick to get invested in any other games with similar vibes.
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need to rape the captain
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I'm confident that it's because a few fans early on were screaming about no one being allowed to draw yaoi of the game and not being allowed to draw Jimmy at all and it made people contentious. I think it's so weird to talk about turning a burn victim into your little meow meow and then getting on other people's nuts about drawing a rapist. They're all the same flavor of fucked up, it's hypocritical. Now the fandom is on a feedback loop with all the great art, it definitely makes me want to draw more seeing so many well drawn pieces.
There's a difference in finding a burn victim cute, I don't see how that's an equivocation at all
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It's about being a little fucking edgelord talking about torturing an amputee and enjoying his suffering but saying people can't have a complex interpretation of a guy who did an SA under undefined circumstances

For the record I think both things are fucked up and I'm fine about it, but if you wanna be in fucked up fandoms enjoying weirdo shit you don't get to shit on other people's weirdo shit
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>but saying people can't have a complex interpretation of a guy who did an SA under undefined circumstances
Jimmycels need to kill themselves.
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You can say rape here
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Weird to post on 4chan alongside the art stanning the rapist, on a thread that got nuked several times for posting gore. Hypocrites.
Just using the language they use, bud
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>Just using the language they use, bud
Go back
>I think it's so weird to talk about turning a burn victim into your little meow meow
Plus Curly isn't a saint either. He seems to get woobiefied as just the poor victim who did nuffin wrong when he's Jimbo's #1 enabler. It's a weird double standard that one asshole is judged as if he was a person who exists in real life and the other gets the fandom babygirl treatment.
At the end of the day they're both fictional characters and people drawing toxic yaoi or whatever doesn't mean they "missed the point" or don't care about the game's themes. If that was the case, society would have way bigger problems than some gay fan art.
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>Plus Curly isn't a saint either. He seems to get woobiefied as just the poor victim who did nuffin wrong when he's Jimbo's #1 enabler.
Take this cancerous talking point back to Twitter jimmycel, we love Curly here.
Jimmy is shit because he's terminally retarded and completely void of any likable traits. It's understandable why nobody likes him except for fujos who wanna project the tired "pathetic abused grumpy cat" trope onto him
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>meow meow
>#1 enabler
Yeah, this anon sounds like a tourist who somehow found these threads. Their original response to "why is there so much MW art?" doesn't even make any sense, the series accrued art right off the bat and there was lots of Jimmy/Curly in very early October before they got shamed for a little bit and then continued making it anyway because the game hinges on their relationship. >>3928899 hit the nail on the head, it initially got popular because nugget Curly's design is so striking and then grew off from there. Simple as
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Jimmycels love Curly though
t. Jimmycel
Holy shit, you're retarded
>He seems to get woobiefied as just the poor victim who did nuffin wrong
Curly gets shit on all the time by the fandom despite suffering far worse, being stuck in an impossible situation, and learning from his mistakes, the fuck you on about?
>when he's Jimmy's #1 enabler
He's got a fucked friendship with a guy who constantly switches between being nice or scathing and wanted to de-escalate the situation, what the fuck could he have realistically done?
>Kill him lmao
Yeah, their shitty company will totally not have them arrested for that
>put him in a pod lmao
They were already short on those due to Daisuke being there, if anything went wrong they'd only have 3 for 4 people and Jimmy would automatically be saved in that situation
>tell HR
Their company explicitly says that reporting anything to higher ups will result in punishment. Curly saw how horrified Anya was at having no savings, going through their whole trip to get paid nothing at the end would be an extra kick in the teeth
>bro shove Jimmy into
You need co-pilots, they exist for a reason. Any use of force would've caused mass panic on the ship. We also don't know if Anya wanted this information out considering it doesn't tell us when she confides in Swansea
>b-but Curly said he helped Jimmy before, that means he's covered up crimes
Nothing implies that. He could've just been a shiftless bum on earth. You're assuming shit based on his desperate actions on the ship. Men can suddenly take nosedives into being shittier people once they lose jobs.
We don't know the tone of voice Curly uses when he confronts Jimmy, but the frantic music that plays when he searches for him implies panic. He was trying to placate the guy so he didn't do anything rash, before Jimmy threw it all back at him and reminded him he's fucked as well after all this. To just write off an extremely nuanced situation as "he's his enabler lol he deserved everything that happened" is ridiculous.
Also the reason why Curly might not be unilaterally despised the way Jimmy is are for these reasons
>his situation is complicated
>he's shown to be an otherwise nice guy
>he didn't commit the rape
>he paid for his inaction in the most horrific way possible
>he's shown in the DLC and end of the game that he blames himself for everything and knew what he did was wrong, which implies room for growth and decency. Jimmy meanwhile learned nothing
They're not equivocal at all
Swansea/Daisuke as a ship makes me more uncomfortable than any of the other ships desu
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You are weak.
But...they're so pure as a father-son relationship
Swansea has a wife and kids
Like thats gonna stop any of us
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God forbid a blue collar family man has his own personal twink.
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Dangerously based.
Gooners need to kill themselves
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I was literally just agreeing with part of anon's post about how weird people on xwitter get about contentious fictional characters where they them as if they were real people. I barely even use the site outside of fan art purposes and pointing out a weird pattern I noticed. I didn't see the posts of people bitching about Curly being "le problematic" too but if that was happening that's even more retarded. My whole fucking point is just that people need to stop policing fan art and you still somehow misconstrued as a tumblr sjw spiel, fucking readlets.
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>where they them
where they treat* them
gomen, I'm typing this while half asleep
>I didn't see the posts of people bitching about Curly being "le problematic" too but if that was happening that's even more retarded.
It happens all the time. Why even say people treat him like an uwu meow meow and then say you don't know what's going on with the fandom at large? The addition was needless, as was your contribution to the discussion.
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I'll concede that I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions on what the fandom is like based only on what I see on my feed.
My assumption was that people were more willing to treat Curly like a fictional character and overlook his flaws just because he doesn't to make them uncomfortable like Jimbo does, I guess I was wrong about that.
Also I wasn't the one who called Curly a "meow meow".
My main exposure to "the discourse" was seeing all the comedians replying "so sorry you had to draw jimmy roflmao" to a lot of fanart, which I know it's not serious but it's damn annoying when you know the artist poured hours and tons of love into their drawing.
I've noticed, there's always this portion in every modern fandom that needs to proclaim that they absolutely don't condone a character's actions, either for moral superiority or a preemptive defense from accusations of being "problematic", as if agreeing with the work's messaging isn't self explanatory to everyone with a brain. It's such a shallow way of discussing art, of needing to construct disclaimers for the sake of public perception before getting to ones actual opinion That's my rant I guess.
Yes, I do realize typing all these words about minor shit I usually just mute and ignore makes me a clown, just wanna vent a lil and hope someone understands.
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I see. I almost envy your naivete to the fandom because my God, it's unbearable. Curly gets lumped in as being equally as evil as Jimmy and the entire events get so flattened you'd think they transpired in a Publix down the street. Swansea and even Daisuke also get shit on for "doing nothing". The constant "sorry you had to draw Jambalaya XD" shit is not only extremely rude for artists who like him, but I also find making light of Jimmy somehow lessens the gravity of him as a character. They've turned an unhinged rapist into a goofy meme, which is kind of fucked.
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>"sorry you had to draw Jambalaya XD"
That line and similar just annoys the fuck out of me by this point.
Then there's the subgroup of tards whining about ableism with some making Curly into the cutesy nugget blob using the pet speech buttons.
I want to just focus on the creators' works, but the constant detractors and their bitching gets tiresome.
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>Curly gets lumped in as being equally as evil as Jimmy
People who think this seriously lack reading comprehension and just want to project their own traumas/morals onto the game. The game itself flat out shows to your face how Jimmy is significantly worse. Curly exacerbated the issue by not proactively intervening, he's just a normal guy who isn't an innocent angel but he's not flat out sociopathic. Not to mention he's forced to confront his mistakes in the most gruesome way possible.
These autists wanna sound like they're so deep but then ascribe black and white morality to complex characters.
It's the same people who preach about" media literacy" but show they completely lack it. Part of media literacy and reading comprehension is being able to intuit people's intentions without needing it explained to your face. So you see someone's cutesy or yaoi fanart, you should be able to grasp that these artists do understand the characters and just want to make something different, or maybe even explore the same themes under a different context.
Even if supposedly a fan art was made with malicious intent, it's just drawings and there are bigger issues out there to worry about.
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>/fit/ Curly is canon
muh dick
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I wonder how many gave up on the game because they're too busy raging over the elections.
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Hopefully they'll all kill themselves like the rest of the troons obsessed with the election.
>So you see someone's cutesy or yaoi fanart, you should be able to grasp
This so much, I really can't handle that these people think so little of other humans that they think one piece of fanart will encapsulate the artist's entire feelings about and interpretation of a piece of work. Some artists just wanna make silly shit.
Also your early point about Curly... I think a lot about some post I read ages ago from a guy with a friend who he had a great time with, but was such bad vibes for women that he kept driving them out of their friend group. The guy was asking how to talk to his friend about it and everyone was telling him he needed to cut off his friend and he was just like "but he's great hang other than this." Meanwhile just continuing to give this dude access to new women. I can understand that it's complicated for guys in this situation, but also, if you're the one giving the other guy access, are you completely innocent? I'm not asking for a real answer, I think the moral greyness of the situation is interesting.
I'm a different anon and I'm the one who called him a meow meow. I was using it ironically and then people jumped up my ass over it so I dipped from the convo. My point was that everyone should enjoy what they want, idk, who cares.
Lol, we can certainly hope.
>but also, if you're the one giving the other guy access, are you completely innocent?
We have no way of knowing if Jimmy has a history of being a sex offender, or even being weird about women. All we know is he struggled on earth which could just mean he's a shiftless loner (which the most recent Q&A pretty much reveals, he has no money or hobbies outside of trying to skinwalk Curly). Otherwise seemingly decent men can suddenly turn to wife beaters once they lose their job and all future prospects, wouldn't find it a stretch that this is Jimmy's first sexual assault after realizing he doesn't have a job and is seething over thinking Curly is getting a promotion- which it turns out he wasn't.
Also factor in that you're trapped in space with a company that values mouthwash more than you and a guy who is verbally shitty to you and you're already down a cryopod due to Daisuke being there. It's a shitty position to be in and I honestly don't know what I would do in that situation if it happened to me. I think anons who say it's an easy solution have never experienced interpersonal drama at work.
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I mean this is basically what I said in my earlier post and I was called a Jimmycel and told to kill myself. We don't have all the details, he's obviously a selfish guy but it's possible he never did a sexual crime before; if he hadn't raped Anya but the rest of the game was exactly the same, he would have been baby-girled just as hard as Curly by the same group of people. People love villains.

I think this particular dynamic of male friendship is interesting in a fucked up way even without the shipping but we absolutely can't have a nuanced discussion about any of it because "Jimminy bad and ugly". If fans are going to whine about "media literacy" then they should be willing to have a fucking grown up conversation.
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>I mean this is basically what I said in my earlier post and I was called a Jimmycel and told to kill myself
Knee-jerk response because Curly gets mercilessly shit on all the time everywhere, arguably as much as Jimmy, despite being nowhere near as bad and paying the price for it in spades. My apologies.
>Fucktards unironically believe Curly was actively helping Jimmy by covering up his raping of Anya.
God I hate tumblr and twatter, but that's where a good chunk of the art is. It's like they didn't even play the game and/or they all fell for Jimmy's narrative.
>and/or they all fell for Jimmy's narrative.
Judging by all the shock over WO revealing Curly wasn't getting a promotion, they absolutely did. It's the fact they're so assured in their wrongness that is most frustrating.
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>he has no money or hobbies outside of trying to skinwalk Curly
It's becoming more apparent that Jimmy is borderline yandere for Curly while the latter is pretty well adjusted and probably just wanted to help his emotionally stunted friend. Think he's ever stolen Curly's underwear to jerk off into it?
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i wish the bullet missed and crippled jimmy into a drooling retard. bonus points if his only value is to get whored out since he has no mental capacity to hold a job bet the drool would feel nice on cock
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Got to pay Curly's medical bills somehow if he actually wants to fix things
>posting not even chibi nugget Curly
Are you retarded?
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Kinda want to see some art where Jimmy gets ryona'd, I wanna see him get sent to Demonophobia hell. Please it would be so erotic.
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There's some on the /trash/ threads. Personally I find him so annoying that I think he just deserves severe NTR
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>a Gundam fan artist I follow is retweeting MW fanart
>a LOGH fan artist is also retweeting MW fanart
this 2-hour game is fucking inescapable
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I don't think Jimmy would be fixed if Curly let him hit it. He would genuinely still believe Curly looks down on him and only offered himself out of pity and nothing would change.
The only thing that could fix Jimmy is literally Curly becoming nugget
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>if Curly let him hit it
>let him
Well there's your problem. Jimmy's gotta do what he does best and rape.
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need femboy daisuke bf
Why the FUCK did Jimmy fuck around with Curly's insides and then feed him his own leg?

his noises sound so sexual when lofi
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to save him
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In love with Daisuke bird
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The Jimmy-violence is nice but almost all of them are comedic. I wish there was more psychologically-inducing violence, not because I'm a Jimmy hater, I just like seeing shitty characters get mistreated.
The most interesting one I found was an nsfw piece based on the AO3 fic where Jimmy got gangraped by Pony Express higher-ups (it's called Nail Clipper, it's a pretty interesting character study).
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To me that kind of thing is trying to justify Jimmy being a rapist or woobify the shithead, when a lot of misogynists or incels don't have to have been gangraped to be shitty hateful people.
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>Daisuke: "Captain, please give a speech!"
>Daisuke: "speech! Speech!"
>Curly: "I...."
>Jimmy: "what happened?"
>Curly: "I've gained 5kg recently! That's why I can't eat cake!"
>Swansea, Anya, Daisuke all thinking: "I know"
>Jimmy thinking: "when I took it (I assume "it" is his clothes) off, it was amazing"
lol cute
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Sauce? Msos I found doesn't have this image and is mostly blackwashed Daisuke.
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Need to fuck that Curly ass.
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Daisuke boi </3
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If Jimmy had any class consciousness, he would've directed his anger at the bourgeoisie and fought for the proletariat to rise up.
Then he would've been able to afford all the Miku figures he wanted.
He's fucking retarded. "I'm not like other girls" bitches with bpd who find him attractive need to do the world a favor and collectively kill themselves, they are dregs to society.
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shut the fuck up anti and go back to wattpad.
Not an anti. Jimmy is just pure shit.
new bread >>3930606
Pls no fighting
Ironic, he’s right you’re a dime a dozen “uhhh hot pedophile serial killer im so wet” bitch
Wheres jimmy's pet?
In the medbay
Curly is right there

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