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Boxed together edition

Remember to please abstain from posting burnt nugget Curly

Previous thread: >>3931691
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>WO finally speaks up about not harassing artists
>retards take it as the mass bullying of that one gooner Anya art
>"b-but...the game is entirely about rape culture... how could Wrong Organ support not harassing gooners??"
Maybe flattening Curly's character into being only about the "brocode" while disregarding all the other aspects of his character or relationship with Jimmy and how toxic it is in order to come to this conclusion is actually the wrong thing to do.
For fucks sake, has the fandom even analyzed his ladder sequence at all? Or the birthday scene? Or even the valve and leg cutting scene? I finally saw acknowledgement for Swansea's monologue, but it was surface level "whoa this is deep" shit. Fucking infuriating that all the analysis is wasted on Anya and nothing else.
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would you like to ride on centaur Curly? Jimmy is probably creamed his pants seeing him
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This is where I bring up again that you know an artist loves Jimmy because they don't try to make him more attractive, they lovingly sculp out his unattractive features because that's who he is.
He SUCKS and he's UGLY and nothing about that needs to be changed!
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love to see and agree in fandom that Curly has fat ass and big tits
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I've stumbled upon a rabbit hole of shota!Jimmy artists(a lot of it's NSFW). This is exactly what I need.
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agree on this so much
I don't know how a game where its most flawed characters are the most actualized (Jimmy, Curly, Swansea) became infested with idiots who insist you can only like/make content for the morally "good" characters (Anya, Daisuke), but it's borderline tragic
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I would buck break centaur Curly
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I legit have problems with people who misinterpret simple things concepts "a lot of men don't realize how serious rape is" to mean "all men are scum, even the non-rapists don't care at all about women".
Say what you will about Tumblr's 500 genders neopronouns bullshit(which noone should've taken seriously since it was a bunch of dumb kids making shit up), at least they made an attempt to not make everything into a gender war. Because men can be rape victims too, women can be rapists and abusers, men are not biologically inclined to be violent, women have sex drives as high as men and can think degenerate thoughts. None of these things are exclusive to someone's gender, all human beings have the capacity to be good and some make the CHOICE to hurt others. To reduce these actions to one's biological blueprint is literally preaching eugenics, suppression of all art and free speach is unironically also fascism.
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>suppression of all art and free speach is unironically also fascism.
This. It's been a problem ever since "progressives" got squeamish about shit like lolicon and justify it by repeating the same talking points christian republicans use about how some art is just too "harmful" for the public.

People can dislike things, that's their right. But I'm not gonna sympathize with pro-censorship babies when the art they want to draw gets censored next. If you want freedom to express your art then you have to accept that cunnylovr69 can too.
Any time I see content that highlights how abusive Jimmy is to Curly even before the crash, it's either ignored or argued against because it's not possible for Curly to be a victim and it's rape apologia or something. It's weird because I've known countless female friendships that are exactly like how Jimmy is to Curly (backhanded and throwing their own words against them, toxic as fuck), yet it's femcels who won't even humor the possibility that Curly's behavior around Jimmy smacks of battered wife syndrome. They also bring up his position as captain, even though Curly himself says he doesn't feel comfortable with his position in life, pretty much outright stating he doesn't like being captain. But no, he does everything because he's a misogynist and he'll always stick up for his bro because he's his bro and everything he said to Jimmy after finding out can be taken at 100% face value and NOT as someone trying to placate a time bomb they are fully aware can get worse. The absolute disregard for the choice of music pisses me off the most, how can anyone hear what plays when Curly was looking for Jimmy and then interpret his discussion with him as not panicked? I wish the game was voice acted because the audience is clearly too retarded to just read it.
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Is it safe for me to post about Jimmy mpreg here or would that be too inappropriate for this board?
I hate kids trying to make Jimmy out to be excessively unkept and smelly. Which takes out the whole point of how dangerous he is.

It's like comprehending Jimmy as physically normal and unsusceptible to others (which makes him all the more dangerous) doesn't register for them.
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omg I agree on this, so true and based anon
Also I saw post in reddit suggesting that Curly maybe had suicidal thoughts and maybe have been depressed, it really does make very human and tragically realistic. Also he maybe didn't get enough sleep that time. Unfortunately they buter him to a stupid brocode dude that should be perfect like god. Hate the fact if Anya has mental illness, problems and etc everyone pieties her yet when Curly has it, most of them don't give a shit
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This, Christ. He's a normal (appearance-wise) guy. He's not ugly. He's just a dude.
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have seen many comments saying Anya deserved the world and better.
But sorry if I sound mean and biased, but imo. Curly deserves better. Curly don't deserve any more pain or punishment. Curly doesn't deserve how people treat him (both, as fans and characters like Jimmy around him)
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Wanna rest my face and head on his chest, if I wanna put it in short way
I think both Anya and Curly deserved better
it's borderline stupid. It's strange how they scream about media literacy and wanting to have more grey morality characters in media. Yet when actual characters come out, they dislike it. Going back on drawing way less nuanced characters
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I'm being facetious, I don't think Jimmy's actually smelly or hideous. I just appreciate artists that are careful with the details and try to capture the imperfections that make a character distinct.
I like calling him ugly just because. It's fun to bully shitty characters, and it's not like I find him cute or anything!
yeah agree on that too. Sorry again. Just I feel like some people are biased, cause Anya gets way way more support and love than Curly
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Everyone deserved better for working at a shitty corp and getting laid off in the middle a the job they can't just leave desu. Jimmy really fucking sucks for reasons that are obvious but even he didn't deserve that.
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The artists turning Jimbo into a shota have the highest media literacy. Deep down he is a brat who needs correcting.

By the way, I know Bluesky is filled with insufferable shitters but the one thing it has over Xwitter is actually functional blocklists. It pissed off a lot of antis because they couldn't find anyone to argue with and it made them move back to Xwitter.
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He canonically lifts weights, plays snow sports, and his ID photo showed he had big boobs. Curly is guaranteed curvy all the way around, it's delicious.
>have the highest media literacy
Kill yourself for even using this term, pedoshit
op? like name of the author, on tumblr or twitter?
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No need to apologize, you're entirely right about that. I admit I don't care much for Anya or Daisuke after the most obnoxious parts of the fandom latched onto them
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Looks like someone's a little upset at a joke.
You should check out some acclaimed VNs like Soukou Akki Muramasa and Gore Screaming Show.
Sauce is @jael_dub on twitter
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Wrong organ should rename him to captain Curvy
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We were so close to paradise, the fanbase could've been just 90% fujos and everything would've been fine. At least when the shitty tik tokers leave, the true fans will stick around and continue to draw nice art.
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He just walks around with a body like that, does he not realize the eroticism he exudes? He must catch the attention of lots of perverts at night... Be careful captain! Your body could be in serious danger!
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He has no idea how lewd his body is, before and after the crash. Poor naive Captain needs correcting
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I'm used to liking games that have shit fandoms, so much so that I only go on 4chan to discuss them and pretend everyone else doesn't exist.

Anyways, Mouthwashing x Project Moon AU, the Tulpar crew get stuck on a WARP train, what happens?
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>Project Moon AU
Meant to thank the anon who gave a rundown on the series last thread, but my goodness it sounds convoluted. All I knew prior was Lobotomy Corp had a green haired twink in it.
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Curly should've let the crew use his body for stress relief, like a good captain.
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That was me, kek.
Yeah it's pretty convoluted. It's easier to understand if you play the games in chronological order so you're fed the worldbuilding in bits. There's also some youtube videos out there that do a way better job than me at explaining things.
>Lobotomy Corp had a green haired twink in it.
You mean Netzach? He's one of my favorite characters, a depressed addict resigned to failure and wants to die. He-along with the the rest of the Sephirah- stick around in Library of Ruina where he's still an alcoholic but not suicidal. His meltdown OST is really distinct from the others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NHO62UAI6s

If you wanna know what happens in a WARP train and don't have plans to play LoR, watch this cutscene, spoiler warning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-O-RuDb77c
Reading "trans male Daisuke" as a tag for a fanfic on ao3 jumpscare

I hate how these stupid hoes make characters trans only to make them bottom too, are they afraid of dicks touching
>mfw I'm starting to realize I'm in a relationship like this
She's not mean all the time, but now I'm wondering if I should break up with her...
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>ywn knead the captain's breasts or ass like a stress toy
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If you're even considering breaking up, you probably weren't really that close to begin with. Maybe it's time to re-evaluate your relationship and actually consider if this something you want to keep with long term.
You should have a conversation with her to let her know the way she treats you is unacceptable, and she should work on changing her behavior for the better. She should try to improve herself regardless of whether you want to continue the relationship or not.
If she disrespects your wishes dump her ass ASAP, don't let anyone drag you down into their toxicity.
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Fujos were the reason Star Trek and Gundam survived long enough to blow up in popularity. We don't give fujos enough credit.
Do you play Limbass anon?
>I'm used to liking games that have shit fandoms
Any tips on dealing with the assholes who have absolutely terrible takes? Simply ignoring them is always a choice I suppose, but sometimes you've gotta drudge through that garbage for hidden art pieces.
Tranny shit like cuntboys and futa are disgusting fetishes, but the worst part is when these retards don't tag their fics or art. It's like they just want straight sex but with extra steps.
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30 seconds in, the MW crew is confused because they were supposed to be at their destination in 10 seconds. They begin to get really worried at 1 hour and no one has helped them yet. Curly with his experience as ship captain is able to keep all the passengers in their carriage calm with his confidence. Swansea is confused at why his hangover isn't going away and passes out at frequent intervals.
They all soon realize their bodies are "stuck" in the state they boarded the train and it'll be that way until they somehow unboard. Several days in, Anya considers attempting until she hears that someone a few cars down tried and couldn't die no matter what. Curly continues to keep morale boosted in their carriage but things aren't looking so good next door as people start intentionally mutilating themselves for any sort of stimulation and breaking into other carriages to attack people.
Jimmy and Curly inevitably get into an argument where Jimmy gets fed up and pushes Curly into the next-door carriage where he gets chopped up and all his skin ripped off by the suicidals. They somehow manage to retrieve his body in pieces and he's still alive but can't talk anymore.
Jimmy tries to "fix" the situation by sewing Curly back together but he can't find every limb so he starts attaching parts of random passengers, creating a weird amalgamation Curly-kaiju thing that barely resembles his original form.
So morale in their carriage is at an all-time low and people break down and start splattering themselves and eachother on the walls. Poor Daisuke is the first to join the walls, Swansea and Anya follow suit, Jimmy goes "fuck it" and mutilates himself mixing his insides with Curly's so they'd "never be apart"
They stay that way for like 2000 years until the WARP cleanup crew shows up, resets their bodies to their original state, wipes their memories, then they all leave the train going "Wow that really was 10 seconds! Technology sure is amazing."
Swansea is the convo at the end because he's the closest to being like Jimmy; he was a shitty guy who was wasting his life chasing his own pleasure. He was able to do what Jimmy can't and take responsibility for his actions and try to move past them. But in the end he knew at the core of himself that he was still happiest when he was that shitty guy who loved to drink. That's a self awareness that Jimmy isn't capable of, or will never be willing to reach.

Jimmy wouldn't have sat and let Anya lecture him like that or give her as respectable a death. She only got the speech that she did because she was on the other side of the door.

These kids think this is Anya's story but it's so clearly a character study on Jimmy. Delusional.
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Revealing Curly was actually a sexy bara all along after playing the whole game with him as a mangled corpse was actually pretty brilliant
Curious which version anons here prefer: nugget or ikemen?
It's too bad they finally spoke up over some gooner anya art that looks like shit and not when these little wieners were harassing artists over all the pretty ship art.
marriage correction right?
why I have feeling that Curly maybe would actually do that? like really. He probably would let the crew use his body as stress relief and also to get peace on the ship. Need fanfic interpretation of that
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both, but in their own ways
Like for nugget I wanna have more soft fluff care for him and cutesy safe stuff
I think they were referring to both of this cases, not only to gooner anya art
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add on that+
I love when people analyse scenes like birthday spitch, dialogue between Curly and Jimmy and feeding his leg scene. I saw some Reddit comments and posts about it, and it genuinely brings me interest and joy, also love to hear others opinions as well and think more deeply about the characters. IMO Jimmy and Curly are so well written. Bad thing that lately some people either fear of liking them, cause they'll receive backlash. Or have statements they think that, liking only morally white, good characters is morally acceptable, while washing down others into a complete black, and deserving of death
Definitely both for those reasons.
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hopefully I won't see another comment or post stating that "Curly deserved it" or worse "That wasn't enough"
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At least this one was tagged but it should really be its own category and not be filed as BL if its not gonna be BL

Thing is I would be more accepting of it was clearly warned/tagged for, and if they weren't just making a glorified het couple, and it always happens to existing male characters, implying they're perfectly passing and got all the operations and shit (but only on top). Troons don't realize how they perpetrate gender stereotypes and are homophobic. Rarely seen people write a female character into a trans male, did however see people change a female into a futa in yuri ship and label it trans lesbian. And of course the trans tops. You know why.
Yes I play Limbis. I like the story and sometimes the gameplay in spite of the fact that it's live service. I hope PM can make another single player game next year.
Create a dummy account, follow non-english speaking artists only, have a non-english bio and rt some art so you don't scare the artists you follow.Tons of non-EN artists will still RT art from EN artists if it's good.
Make sure to have 18+ somewhere in your bio if you follow NSFW artist.
Yes, I know JP, KR, CN, etc users can still start drama but it doesn't happen nearly as often and you won't be able to read it anyways.
Ironically the more hugbox-like a website is the less drama you'll see(on virtue of annoying people being super easy to filter out), so Tumblr and Bluesky are worth checking out. Pixiv used to be good but a lot of artists stopped uploading there, some JP artists occasionally bulk-upload their twitter art there and the images are higher quality so it's still worth checking.
Sucks that there's no mainstream site specifically for uploading art, all the popular ones are a bitch and a half to use.
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Forgot to attach a pic. Anyways, don't wanna focus on the drama anymore.
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gib captain tummy pls
I bet he smells so good
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what do you guys think Jimmy's childhood was like? I'm sure it was terrible
Incels can have perfectly normal childhoods and still grow up to be seething incels like him.
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>or worse "That wasn't enough"
What on God's green earth can be worse than what he goes through to these people? Do they just not see nugget Curly as being the same person?
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He seems like a daddy issues type of guy. Definitely projects his idea of an "ideal father figure" onto Curly.
Or maybe he has mommy issues and sees a mother figure in Curly?
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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it was fairly normal, if slightly below average quality-wise, since he's supposed to be a normal-looking and unassuming guy
He might've been born in relative poverty or suffered from an untreated disorder, either of which could make him turn to bad company and a life of crime, but I don't think he was heavily abused or anything like that
Captcha: SSSSS
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He found /mlp/ at a young age and his life was never the same...
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Mouthwashing AU where they are on an actual ship in the sea, Jimmy is the captain and they are hunting a giant whale.
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Why would Jimmy be the captain? He'd probably die of syphilis before even getting on the ship
I wouldn't even call Anya "good". She committed suicide using pain meds that curly needed and locked herself in the room with him so he was forced to watch.
Furthermore if daisuke wasn't able to access the room from the shaft to open the door, curly would have simply died of dehydration or starvation while in agony due to the lack of pain meds. Sure she's probably the least flawed of the flawed characters, but to call her innocent is crazy.
I rewatched that scene and I can't decide if she intended to kill herself or it was her only method to try to abort. It feels like it could go both ways. If she didn't mean to die, it's slightly less awful, but if she did mean to, the least she could have done is overdose Curly first. Locking him in with her was pretty shitty. But she couldn't bear to give him the pills he needed to not suffer because she was so squeamish so I'm not surprised she couldn't bring herself to kill him either. Bad medic.
Jimmy would Cornelius Hickey his way onto the ship and then get all the men in stations above him killed.
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She would have miscarried anyway when they eventually ran out of food.
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In this AU he really wanted revenge against that whale and dragged the rest of the crew into his bullshit.
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I think this place mindbroke me because I went from not caring much about Jimmy to thinking too much about him and wanting to see his body destroyed in very specific ways
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These threads mostly shit on him in entirely non-sexual ways, I don't know how you came to this mindset unless you were always a Jimmyfag and are just trying to get attention.
The same thing happened to me when I saw people ranting about how no one is allowed to draw Curly/Jimmy yaoi, being told I was not allowed only made me more interested. I probably would not have been in the fandom at all, I was kinda mid on the game until I let it settle in my brain awhile.
Go back to tumblr, anti
I'm allowed to bully jimmyfags for fun
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"anti" this, "proship" that, how about we KILL ALL WOMEN AND FAGS
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I think it's fair if someone doesn't like or want to draw Jimmy, but it's absolutely insane that it's actively encouraged by the fandom to not draw Jimmy or Curly and only focus on the other 3. As someone who was in the GOT fandom where rapists and flawed characters abound, I've never experienced such faggotry
Go back to tumblr, Jimmy
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Jimmy would probably feel right at home on leddit.
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>Like for nugget I wanna have more soft fluff care for him and cutesy safe stuff
That's funny since he gets the most lewds in that form and they're mostly brutal.
Anybody wanna make the long overdue nugget /trash/ thread or should I go ahead and do it later?
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I just feel too awful to hurt him further, I don't wanna be like Jimmy.
Also why people keep saying Curly is full on grey character. Like I know he's not innocent or perfect, but no one is. He is very light grey, if I could say it. He's more similar on mortality level to Daisuke, than Jimmy. Yeah sure he made mistake, but he recognized it as soon as he saw Jimmy crushing the ship
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only problem, that people saying that he deserved punishment which isn't true. Sorry but Curly isn't complete schizo ass dumb man who doesn't know anything, he could notice the problem, change, apologise and etc.
I think people dislike Curly more than Swansea because, Swansea repents. He tells and admits the change and remorse, while Curly didn't had chance to have this kind of dialogue. But people don't want to understand. They think just because he's a captain, he should be perfect and unable to make mistake. If he does, than he suddenly goes to half bad person.
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funny how fandom complain about eachother and how much of them, "curly apologists!", "curly haters", or normal people who have their own opinions on him. But in actuality Curly gooners is biggest number of people
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love the dynamic between Jimcurly, and little scenarios between them and headcanons I imagine how Jimmy would be to Curly.
I also love the visual styles artists use to Jimmy, having shadow on his face amd roach whiskers, it adds on character. Also does Jimmy fans like Curly? or they have other opinions on him either way.
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also desu anons, do y'all have some of your headcanons on their body types? like for example Jimmy maybe is taller than Curly but hunched over all the time, who is more hairy, or Daisuke have tattoo? somethings like that
Made a /trash/ thread. I'm not the usual anon who does it, hope that's okay. Just wanted a place to post /trash/ related things because Twitter is cancer.
thank you
also, to anon that has thing for guys turning into a fucked up creatures and vice versa. What's your opinion on Belafu from made in abyss?
it's nuggin' time
Hide Jimmy threads
Ignore Jimmy posts
Do not reply to Jimmyposters
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Also do y'all think that Curly is probably is the almost opposite of chronically online? like he's chronically offline I think.
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I bet Jimmy spends 2 hours a day explaining BLACKSOULS to Curly, who pretends to listen but digests none of the information.
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>favorite Pokémon is Pikachu
>probably knows nothing about Pokémon but went with Pikachu because he's well known
Cute normie old man
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Father figure Curly
>Ideal masculine apperance
>Confident and charismatic with a respected leadership role
>Dependable and competent, someone you can look up to

Mother figure Curly
>Nurturing and kind
>Empathetic, tries to take on the emotional burden of others(to an extent)
>Desires to take a backseat and allow someone more competent to take charge

Jimbo must've projected a lot of different things onto the guy.
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I felt a tinge of finality with how she said things like "this will be the best decision I ever make", I get the feeling she knew what she was doing.
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A lotta young'uns on the interwebs need to learn that "without love, it cannot be seen"
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Wish Curly was my mom
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Mouthwashing should be seen as a lesson in how art direction can make a meh story into a really captivating one.
In a strange way, I think the fact that the game could elicit such strong emotions from people is worthy of praise.
also, maybe not ethical question, but could've Curly after the crash turn into a vegetable? I mean that his brain got damaged too, and he doesn't even realize what's happening to him, who are these people around him, and why he feels constant pain? Also it believed that he can hear everything, yet can't answer. Maybe what if, he couldn't hear too? he just lays there not hearing anything.
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I like to think he's cognizant since he makes a little frightened gasp when you click the "take Curly's leg" option after watching a cartoon about serving cake implying he knows something fucked up is about to happen, the lack of speech is probably due to seering pain. The idea of him being vegetative is cute though, poor thing would be so confused when Jimmy starts cutting into his leg
Link to the archive and past nugget threads here btw: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/71118964
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High chance he wasn't, but it would've been nice if he was brain damaged so he wouldn't be there to feel all that severe pain.
He was probably deaf from the explosion.
So is this game woke? Haven't played it.
Seems interesting from what i've seen in these threads, but i'm not bothering if it's some woke propaganda like most media nowadays.
Not in the slightest There aren't even any black people. The fanbase is a different story, but they don't matter.
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Not very? It's mostly about a hyper capitalist company screwing over its employees, idk how woke that is. No fags, blacks or gendies though.
Great, I trust you, gonna play it rn.
Honestly I mainly asked because I saw some people saying it was some capitalism critique, but now I realize that it's just the game featuring a greedy corpo, which is a standard plot-devise in sci-fi, let's be real.
But whatever, at this point i'm intrigued. The characters look cute too ngl.
Literally built to take my dick.
>because I saw some people saying it was some capitalism critique, but now I realize that it's just the game featuring a greedy corpo, which is a standard plot-devise in sci-fi, let's be real
Yeah, but working for a company as horrific as Pony Express is what contributes to all the events that transpire and the actions a lot of characters make. The fandom is retarded though and says the game is solely about critiquing "rape culture".
Just play the game, it's vague enough that you can play it and come away not understanding shit but still appreciating the art put into it
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>So is this game woke?
If you seriously care about this stuff you gotta go outside more, make some friends or something. If you like a game, then it's good, whatever politics it has should be secondary to your enjoyment.
I ask because at least in narrative driven games like this, the moment I start sensing that the writers are trying to force me their political agenda through the game, I just feel like an idiot for having bought political propaganda. Not enjoyable at all.
You talk as if games were free and people couldn't regret buying things. IMO it's totally justified to ask questions before buying a game, you know?
Also, this is a very common occurrence, specially nowadays in the indie scene.
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I agree with this
though I dislike seeing cringe oc in mouthwashing. No, I'm not fun killer I don't mind ocs, especially the ones who are well made and written. But specifically their authors that of course not biased at all, make their characters for god knows reason dislike Curly.
>Yeah! show them, my absolutely original mechanic pony express employee in tulpar, how captain Curly should've acted. Yes! c'mon say this is karma, neglect and now abuse literal disabled person, cause in your opinion he deserved it, even though he was perfect captain for years prior.
They're unknowingly get more similar to Jimmy.
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do y'all think Jimmy used his alcoholic cocktail receipt on Curly as well, at least once? you know, for his personal use
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would update us with your impressions of the game? after playing, maybe say what's you most liked character etc.
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Sure! I liked the game, it's a good story and I enjoyed my time with it, but it's not perfect.
Fav character is of course Daisuke, my beloved, but swansea is probably the best character though.
As for the things I think that IMO could have been better, first of all, the lack of choice is a bummer, only one ending seriously? Not even secret scenes?
Second, yeah, the anti-capitalist message existed, and it was specially on the nose with the propaganda cartoons on the tv, but I don't believe it added that much to the game.
Third, characters weren't developed enough, especiallyyyyy Daisuke, which had potential IMO.
Post more Daisuke btw.
why does Anya asks from all of them specifically Jimmy to give Curly's his pain killers?
Like, she knows how he's psychologically unstable, aggressive, unreliable person from all of them. Heck she fears them, but somehow finds confidence and strength to tell him to feed medicine to Curly? yeah there's reason why she gets exhausted and sick hearing Curly's helpless groans of pain, and she tries to make Jimmy somewhat responsible. But it's just, she still knows he could hurt her and get easily angry again. Why she wouldn't ask Daisuke or Swansea then? I'm not trying to hint that she's malicious secretly but what do you think?
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I'm gonna make a Pony Express wagie OC that sneaks explosives on the Tulpar before it takes off. For no other reason besides that he finds it amusing that the ship will be a flying death trap and no one else realizes it, and then he's surprised when they actually die.
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>but I don't believe it added that much to the game.

The greedy corp is literally there to explain
>poor mental health screening that allowed Jimmy on board
>cut corners in the ship's engineering
>5th guy being added last-minute, limiting their food supply
>no locks
>super confidential delivery task being a fuckload of MOUTHWASH
>crew getting laid off without severance pay, the final straw that drove Jimmy to crash the ship
>generally why everyone but Daisuke feels beaten down and can't stand their job
The crash straight up wouldn't have happened if Pony Express wasn't a black company. Jimmy still sucks because he made the active choice to inflict more suffering on his peers and dragged them down into his bullshit. His motivations are understandable, even relatable and that's what makes him hateable.
The general rate of unhappiness in the world is increasing and it's mainly due to means beyond our control. You either put in the effort to improve your situation however you can, or you whine like a bitch and blame others who are on the same page as you.
I specifically meant the anti-capitalism message with the tv-ads. Like, yeah, we can agree that pony express is a shady company (in fact it's based on a real company also named pony express which delivered messages in the wild west through horses, which also became outdated very fast with the invention of the telegraph), but there's a big gap between
You see the tv-ad in which doctor Utopia sells a snake oil called "ISM"? Well, that's capitalism. The game has an anti-capitalism message.
Which is funny because i'm sure that people weren't unhappy and raped under communism lmao. There's a difference between criticizing evil corpos and saying "well actually he raped because capitalism forced him to do so, he's soooo relatable omg so true comrades!".
>but there's a big gap between
there's a big gap between using a greedy corpo as a plot devise and making a statement about how all of our problems are because of capitalism, which is delusional*
Forgot to finnish that sentence lmao sorry
>Fav character is of course Daisuke, my beloved
Least interesting character who has been co-opted by the tumblr wokies, way to have shit taste.
please, let's stay neutral and not get into eachother's throats because of tastes. Just because Daisuke is majorly liked character from tumblr, from you know what kind of people, doesn't mean that anon likes him in the same way as they do. Also, character isn't bad if the fans who like him are bad.
I think, it's pretty obvious that game is about taking responsibility, especially for Jimmy cause we play as him.
rape child from Anya, your previous captain that now is amputee you should take take care of, the other crew members, you being new captain etc etc. It all to add on in main theme, and make Jimmy more well written, guilty and realistic.
add on that
it's not just for Jimmy of course. Pony express guilty too. Having very poor equipment, medical healthcare stuff, and overall cheap ship etc. Hiring literal psycho on board. A nurse that failed get into medical school 8 times, Daisuke that had no experience at all, and even Swansea that had previous alcohol addiction problems. If it wasn't for them, maybe they'd be on earth jobless but at least alive
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Also could have Curly had chance on better life? his dialogue implies that even though he technically on top if the ladder, he still not satisfied, having middle age crisis. Just because he's good at one thing, doesn't mean he should do it until death, imagining having house, finding love etc.
Pony express is shitty company, and given that Curly was the only one in the ship that was somewhat good enough, and not much downsides. Did he had chance, if not working in pony express, he would've been way happier. (not risk at life turning into a nugget). Feel bad for him again, Curly didn't deserved it
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>it's pretty obvious that game is about taking responsibility
I absolutely agree on that, in fact I think it's obviously the main message of the game.
But again, my point was that the whole anti-capitalism propaganda deal was unnecessary.
Some youtubers are already stating that, actually, it's a super important point to bring up in the game, since capitalist environments are what breed the conditions for rape and abuse in society, but that's just woke delusion IMO, I think I don't even need to bring up any counter-argument for that since it's evident.
Ironically, when leftists blame capitalism for the rape, or the bad working condition of ponyt express, they don't want to take responsibility, when the culprit of it all it's actually jimmy (and curly too for having allowed it).
Fuck off, he a qt, unlike you.
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>and curly too for having allowed it
What the fuck could he even have done?
>Fuck off, he a qt
Funny that you whine about wokeness and then like the most woke character
IMO it's maybe Anya. She's the only female character, with little to no bad traits even in personality for wider appeal, and even maybe to not make you think that devs hate women. She's more drawn by fans than Daisuke, and her getting raped unfortunately gets attention from you know who, that suddenly sees rape culture as the main theme. They could project themselves into Anya, and then make arts of her hurting Jimmy and even Curly, even though it's obviously out of character for her. Anya didn't deserve this audience
>What the fuck could he even have done?
Stop him? Saying "u crazy bruh"? idk, anything.
At the end curly takes responsibly for what he did though.
>like the most woke character
shut up, he's not a quota character, i'd say there's none in this game thankfully
>shut up, he's not a quota character
He was added last minute by the devs, is Asian, and woke fans have latched onto him. Literally a woke character kek
The game makes a minor point about how late stage capitalism causes many people to become disenfranchised. It doesn't justify Jimmy, in fact it's what makes him so vile. Jimmy's at a pretty low point part due to systemic issues beyond his control, bad shit just happens to people for no reason. His critical failure is directing his hostility towards the individual, scapegoating someone who's at a somewhat better point in life but is also unhappy with the way things are. He ironically enforces the "system" by making his coworkers suffer, dragging them down when he's unable to go up. So yeah, he sucks and no amount of suffering he previously went through justifies his actions. He's not a rapist because muh capitalism, he's a rapist because he's a terrible person, one who has suffered and then concluded that other people should suffer too.
So the devs confirmed that the desgions of all the charcaters are based off horror movie charcaters.
Daisuke is based on Ryosuke Kawashima from the horror film Kairo, Anya is obvioulsy based on Wendy Torrance from The shining, but what about the others?
Maybe curly is based on Mac the protagonist of The thing (1982)? They both act as leaders and are blonde idk
new thread?
New bread >>3933589

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