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Post Pokeboys.
Previous thread: >>3912859 →
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Why he saaad?
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Hop is very underrated
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His boyfriend is on the other side of the ocean
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I don't want to turn the thread into just kieran but forgive me he is too cute.
He really is the best boy
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>Goh liked that
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new boy just dropped.
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bro looks like Norman's illegitimate 22 year-old son
My least favorite player character design so far
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Ehh i like him but he's gotta be the oldest playable pokeboy so far and i love shotas too much
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N is the best

I want to see them naked
I hope I don't have to play as the girl to have the boy rival
I'm sure you have to choose her
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Does any kind soul have the rest of this?
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