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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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Friendship edition.

Previous thread: >>3947599 →
girly shota: >>3938495 →
Kemoshota: >>3942300 →
Nopan shota: >>3942093 →
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>9 main shota threads
>1 trap shota thread
>1 nopan shota thread
>4 kemoshota threads
>countless non-shota threads that are full of shotas
This board should be renamed to /sm/ - Shota/Male.
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Shotas are the best!
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>>3948320 →
I get that. For cross-media shota, I think it matters which version you are specifically latching on to. For example, I am the anon that posted Rex, but Gold from Pokemon significantly outranks Rex. However, I specifically like Gold from Pokemon Special. Yes, the design comes from the games, but Gold is very much a manga character.
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Meant to add a little "<3" at the end in there but whatever...
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The shotas are too powerful to cotain!
We must create a new board for shota or face the consequence of it spilling out all over this god forsaken website
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Is it true manga Gold is a horny womanizer?
That's kind of hot.
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Yup. He even tried to hit on Bugsy, thinking he was a girl.
There was a /sm/ board a long time ago but it got deleted
>Oh, I knew that! I want to put it in your butt, a hole's a hole and cute is cute amirite?
Sho butt ToT
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We need a shota character that aggressively flirts with every older man he sees
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Sleepy lil hero :3
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no, I don't want to go to another place for cute non-shota males because it would inevitably devolve into barafags shitting things up
this is the only good board on this site, splitting would ruin things
Me on the right
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Gay <3
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Agreed. I like bishies too and shotas help protect them.
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hard working shos
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>8 months
>no ninja skooler news
I'm beginning to worry it may have been cancelled.
ninja skooler?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkOZWbhPdLo [Embed]
pv doesn't really tell us much about it, but I'd def give it the 3 episode treatment to find out
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immortal homoshos that stay cute and molestable forever
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let's sexercise
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This is gonna be shotakino.
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Monkey shota
I've only played 0 and like a dragon (funnily enough theres a side quest with a cute boy thats literally named shota in that game) but im 100% getting this game for the shota.
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I think there are plenty of little teases out there
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Honest question. What would you do if you had a son and one day you caught him kissing and doing naughty things with his best friend (or even worse, with his brother)?
I'd say lucky bastards, blush and walk away lmao ToT
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Can a shota be a chad?
If it's with his best friend then tell him I'm extremely proud of him, if it's with his brother then tell them that it's wrong for brothers to do that sort of stuff with each other.
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>does this look like someone you want to fuck
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Yes they can
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Buy them ice cream.
tell them to stop and explain why

>Best friend
Pretend I didnt see anything or tell him that what he is doing is perfectly fine as long as the other boy is happy to do it with him.
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>brother incest
There's no risk of inbreeding, so it's fine.
Obviously join them
If it's his brother beat them both and send them to military schools separately. If it's his friend, beat son up and raep friend in front of him to assert dominance.
You are offered three buttons:
The red button instantly gives you a shota that will live with you from now onward. However, you can't choice the appearance, personality or age of the shota. The shota may try to leave if you don't treat him nicely.
The blue button will turn you into a shota regardless of your current gender (you can pick any age under 14) while keeping your current memories and send you with one of the anons that press the red button. You age normally and are free to leave (if the anon doesn't put you in a rape dungeon)
The green button will install an app in your PC and phone that lets you watch anons that chose the other two buttons and interact indirectly with them. You can't touch them or talk to them, but you can use your mouse/finger to move small things like a ghost or drag and drop small objects from your location to their location (this one only works if nobody, not even cameras, is watching).
The buttons disappear after one of them is pressed. Pressing two or three at the same time only makes you fart.
Wait until I get hold then smash the blue button to basically be reincarnated as a sho and live out another full life and just pray I dont get the guy who wants to beat and rape the boys.
Wait until I get old*
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Blue. Since I'd have my current memories I would be prepared even if I roll poorly and get abusefag.
You guys don't have to worry about abusefag because that's me, and it's only shitposting, 100% non serious, also, I'd pick the blue button.
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Give me that red button right now!
I want to hug this cutie and teach him about the evils of milk and convert him to drinking tea.
I'm torn between the green button just for the lulz or red button and become the abusefag with the rape dungeon full of cute shota anons
lame choices, where is my time travel so I can become a billionaire and molest shotas while it's still legal
I mean, guys like shos and shos like guys.
What's the problem?
that consent meme, but the third party is women
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I need to see this shota naked
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Need a sho so badly...
would you shove him in the water?
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Bois :3
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cry idiot cry
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>Already at a noorwood 5.
Poor lil fella.
I hate this
just make the sho wear a wig
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I really like it when they wrap their arms around your neck while you kiss them or when they grasp at your collar
it's so fucking adorable
I'm several months late, but I read some months ago that MRM removed the shota tag and I thought it was just the tag because the works were still there. But at some point they also removed all the works that had the tag or even the word on it.
I even remember a tsukomo gou doujin about involving a fundoshi ritual in the mountains and the english scanlation must've been removed from everywhere, because I can't find it anywhere and there's no way MRM was the only site hosting it.
this is why you back everything up
what is MRM
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Oh odd, I just checked and there's still 9 pages of BOX doujin uploaded in multiple languages. However that particular doujin's English version is missing. I could only find the original, a Thai translation, and a full color version. Perhaps a particular uploader had their stuff pulled or all those of a particular translation circle.
>I even remember a tsukomo gou doujin about involving a fundoshi ritual in the mountains and the english scanlation must've been removed from everywhere, because I can't find it anywhere and there's no way MRM was the only site hosting it
[Nagi Ichi] Matsuri de Ranchiki Donjarahoi (Koushoku Shounen Vol. 07) [English] [mysterymeat3] [Digital]
Pic untelated.
I mean, I can live without it. I only noticed because I was looking for one of his doujins to make a shitpost on /a/. It was when I noticed they were missing, so I just checked if they were somewhere else.
Weird, must be a issue on my end I guess. But yeah, I'm thinking it were the scans by that team that were pulled because there are other doujins missing by that mangaka.
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pick him up by the tail!
Sadpanda is the way to go, it has been realiable for more than a decade now
Gatekeeping does work
>I even remember a tsukomo gou doujin
>[Nagi Ichi]
even ex gets scrubbed and nuked these days
Those are limited, and only done by big corps that publish R-18 content in Japan.
Almost no shota content is scrubbed, the only ones that come to mind are content made by Tsukuru, and even then it wasn't all completely scrubbed. Plus most other sites just rip whatever is posted there, so you can even see stuff that was deleted on some other site later.
No. Explain why it is bad.
>Best Friend
Uoohhhh ToT
why is it bad? incest isn't bad at all, but even if you think it is the only possible argument is kids getting bad genetics which is a non-issue with guys
Galleries on sadpanda older than 1 year old require gallery points to download the whole thing or to download a single picture in full quality.
Basically a shameless cash grab.

I usually use nhentai or chin2 dot net
>he thinks boys can't get pregnant
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Railway obsessed shota
Presumably, myreadingmanga. Currently #1 for shota stuff.
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>Galleries on sadpanda older than 1 year old require gallery points to download the whole thing
Yes that is correct, but you can also torrent the thing for no cost (if there's one available) and if you seed torrents you get points to download shit
>or to download a single picture in full quality.
That is false, each day you have a set amount of data you can download for free (I think it was 500MB), if you surpass that you can reset by using points
>Basically a shameless cash grab.
It is not necessary to pay anything, though donors do get points. I've never paid anything and I have an absurd amount of points that I could use to download almost evrything I would like to from there, just by seeding and uploading galleries on the site.

Exhentai continues being a strong website to host and share shota/loli content and it is all because of the gatekeeping. You can just see how most other sites that rip sadpanda get more flack than it nowadays.
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That's not Hayato though
Now he is truly obsessed about trains
wait who is that dude on the shirt?
This has to be the most based image I've seen all year
Baudelaire, a famous french poet noted for his transgressive themes and sulfurous lyricism. Although a picture of Verlaine or Rimbaud would have perhaps fit the boylover theme better
>That is false, each day you have a set amount of data you can download for free
Sadly, no. They changed it sometime in 2023. Try downloading a full sized picture from a gallery older than 1 year. It will bring up a page saying you don't have enough GP. Or it'll just take some of your GP.
>and if you seed torrents you get points to download shit
I thought you only get points for torrents if you make the torrent. I'm pretty sure I've read that just seeding an already existing torrent doesn't give you any points.
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Didn't all shota stuff get deleted off of MRM? Last time i went there the shota tag was gone and most shota doujins were gone.
Stupid little shit gonna get isekai'd
Oh, wow, guess I was wrong there. I thought they just disabled the shota tag, but apparently it's more than that. Sorry, about that.
bros, I'm sad. bois matter...
we live in hell...
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Everyone in thi thread needs this
Best bois
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Gay bois <3
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The best kind
male cute!
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Stuff is still getting loaded to the site every other day. However, their search function always sucked, and the changes aren't helping. If you know the artist you want to find, you can search their name, open up the first thing you find, and then click on the artist's tag to find everything remaining on the site. Just to check, there's 5 pages of Daikung. 4 pages of Article 60 of Criminal Code. 5 pages of Yuji Shiba (obviously a mix of shota and non-shota content, but his shota stuff's still there). 4 pages of betm. 12 pages of Shonen Zoom. These are just random ones off of the top of my head. Yes, there are some things missing. I could not locate 50% Off. I don't recall if wool was ever uploaded in the first place, but they're not there now if they were. It's not the best place to go, but it is not apocalyptic there just yet.
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It definitely was the best place to go for a short while recently, especially because they have a section called "BL". But, yeah, searching "shota" gives you nothing.
what show?
I don't care if your name is in the title Xiaohei, Nezha is the cuter boy
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The only art of this kid's dick out gave him a micropenis and that just doesn't sit right with me.
look at this dude, his sheer fucking masculinity, he definitely has to wrap it around his waist, at least once. That's why he wears those baggy shorts.
I need this so fucking much.
We are all in need of our own shos
Is saucenao not working or just me?
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me sitting on the lap
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>Try downloading a full sized picture from a gallery older than 1 year. It will bring up a page saying you don't have enough GP. Or it'll just take some of your GP.
Never noticed that, you might be right
>I thought you only get points for torrents if you make the torrent.
Doesn't seem like it, I never made any torrent myself, but I do seed a bunch of them, and I get GP because of it
Too trapish for my liking
Depends, sauce has been lately useless to search for recent pics from Pixiv, though older stuff already indexed in their database is still fine
managed to find it on my own before you answered, but thanks all the same, was disappointed because I didn't recognize it and thought I might have something I haven't seen to check out, but alas no luck, I've watched it already
Twitter too, i basically find it impossible to reverse search twitter pics
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Are they gay?
>Doesn't seem like it, I never made any torrent myself, but I do seed a bunch of them, and I get GP because of it
That's weird. Are you sure you're getting GP from seeding? Because everywhere I read only seeding the torrent you made gives you points. Are you talking about H@H or just basic torrents?
np, fren
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*notices bulge*
owo, what's this
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it might be a penis

Yes, I'm sure. I don't receive any points at all from H@H
Here's a pic of the points I earned so far
One thing I do notice is that I have a good up/down ratio for torrents, so maybe you need to upload more than you download to start earning GP that way
It says torrent completions. I guess it counts completed torrents maybe? But even then it could be based on ratio or how much you seeded.
I just couldn't find anything about getting points from seeding someone else's torrent. I need to try it myself.
Also what does Archive downloads mean? You can create arvhives or something?
you only get points from uploading a torrent if there's no torrent already up
you don't get points for anything else
>Also what does Archive downloads mean? You can create arvhives or something?
I think those are archive downloads of my own galleries, I'm not completely sure though, there should be more info about it on the e-hentai forum
I beg to differ
Oh, no. I looked it up. You also get GP for completed torrents if someone else makes a torrent for your gallery. You don't get anything for just seeding someone else's torrent.
Fucking scummy jew website.
>You also get GP for completed torrents if someone else makes a torrent for your gallery. You don't get anything for just seeding someone else's torrent.
Well that's stupid, makes absolutely no sense. I stand corrected.
Though I was sure I was getting GP from somewhere, before I uploaded anything
told you
They claim that this restriction with galleries older than 1 year was made because of bulk downloers. But I think that's bullshit. It would make a lot more sense to do it the other way around, requiring GP for newer galleries.
But they probably just want more donations and less downloaders to save money.
It's the biggest website of its kind, so I guess they figured that they can just do this and give a shitty reason for it. Real scummy.
ex was scummy since they tried to fake closing it without releasing a backup torrent of everything
Heh, it doesn't matter much though, I've never paid anything and even the few galleries I uploaded were free stuff I got from Pixiv or other places, and that got me plenty of GP already.
Please share your wisdom with me Anon.
What types of stuff do you upload? Do you sit through and download hundreds of pictures from Pixiv? What if there's already an older gallery of the same stuff, can you just make a new one?
I really don't know much about sadpanda, I've been just lurking there in the past 5 years.
NTA but sadpanda is already cluttered with shitty galleries especially now with AI slop. We don't need more of them unless it's lost content or not uploaded before.
you should feel it just to be sure
Then they shouldn't make it borderline impossible for people do download stuff in non-shit quality.
But yeah, I know some artists who's art isn't uploaded to sadpanda yet.
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Ok fiiiiine
Scariest situation for a shotacon
Fit, toned shotas are the best. The drive me to get fit myself.
Friendly reminder that if a boy wears a collar that's him telling you he's a bottom, and a kinky one.
More like a top that needed to be restrained
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shotas can only be tops if they're violent sexual predators that exclusively target other shotas
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Sho or not :P
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hope he goes on a rampage to protect the shota at the end of the game like he did with that girl in 0
What if he doesn't need to go on a rampage because he doesn't need to protec the boi? What if it's just a happy story?
Nah, once a blue moon some artist shares a doujinshi for free on pixiv and I reupload it on exhentai
Thats good too.
I love sho feet
you have no idea what top and bottom actually mean
The top is the one that puts his ochinchin in the pooper of the bottom.
well yes, but they can be submissive too
a submissive top is just a confused bottom :)
wrong :)
no, if my top isn't willing to spank me and pull my hair and choke me if I ask him and completely pin me down while he blows his load in me, then he isn't my top!
ok, but what does that have to do with everyone else
simple, tops can't be submissive :) they can be sensitive, and nice, and lovey dovey, but there is no such thing as being submissive when your dick is in another guy's butt
that's a very weird rejection of reality
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Enters your house uninvited and breaks/takes your stuff*
It's for the sake of Hyrule. I'd warn him not to fuck with the chickens before he left.
*picks him up and smooches him*
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>ywn be a sho and shokiss another sho
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I want to save Kenny from a life of poverty
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shos holding hands...
>red randoseru
>girl uniform top
>shorts that look more like skirts
Your AI slop is bad and you should feel bad
Fuck, I didn't even realize it was AI. You're right.
The original post said something about unisex uniforms so that's why it looks like that.
you're right but boys dressed like girls are still cute
>ywn be a sho and shokiss another sho *again*

ftfy, my first ever kiss was on a dare, and it was with another boy my age
Except they are not even proper traps, it just an amalgamation of clothes that the stupid AI just invented
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Cute and gay <3
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Post the 2nd part...
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Ness a cute
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Lucas a cute too!
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I asked AI who was the shota of 2024 and it said Tokiyuki
He prob was the most popular. He's cute, but I think its a shame that traps/crossdressers tend to be more popular.

Lucas is super cute but I don't like how he's portrayed in fanworks sometimes (personality wise, not appearance wise). They tend to make him way too crybabyish.
>They tend to make him way too crybabyish
Because that's how he's portrayed in smash
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It's not wrong, tho. The anime made Tokiyuki (and everyone else) extra adorable, and the many scenes where he blushes even turned some people into shotacons.
they didn't turn into anything, they just awoke into their true self
I wish I had bussy-ness
>but I think its a shame that traps/crossdressers tend to be more popular.
Maybe amongst normalfags, but amongst shotacons the most popular ones aren't traps (Gon and Killua, shota goku, young link, syaoran, etc)
I think I have it somewhere but I can't find it.
girly shos are still shos
I don't personally like them but i never said that they aren't
Ness bussy?
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There was an edit of this with /cm/ on the flag, anyone have it?
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He wasn't even best boy in his own show though. That goes to Kojiro, then Genba.
Yeah its just a case of straight men being the most common demographic. most shotacons are women or gay men, so they tend to prefer more masculine shos, whereas the average straight anime watcher isnt attracted at all until they see one look girly enough.
Kek, so fucking based.
>Tfw the earthbound game manual confirmed that Ness smells like sweat
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Me on the left
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Based Genba appreciator.
I prefer Kojiro too, but people get way too filtered by the poop humor to give Genba any attention.
The mask making him look like a furry probably didn't help either.
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8-10 year old Tokiyuki isn't even a trap.
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He's pretty girly, but it only makes sense.
>Asian femboy genes
>Spoiled royalty
>All muscle development went into his ass
Poor Tokiyuki never had a chance.
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>All muscle development went into his legs
Don't confuse him with Lloyd
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Lloyd's thighs are MAGIC not muscle
cute puppy
He stores magic in his mucles though
You don't get such firm thighs without muscles
he stores cum in his muscles
he is full of cum
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>He doesn't know about Tokiyuki's "running away muscles"
Cute older bro sho!
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Was it good?
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Gold erotic ToT
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Nah, that doesn't exist.
Gay little dorks
this is really weird to say. It makes it sound like you don't think shos can have boyfriends.
it's called dark humor
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Holy kino
is anything ever good the first time you do it? especially when its on a dare?
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Was it this one?
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What's going on in this picture? Why is his friend frustrated?
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Cute! OC or is it from something?
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Can Ghouls and age unknown foxboys be shotas? Cute, yes, but shotas? [spoiler]I don't care[/Iknowtherearen'tspoilershere]
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>>3948407 (OP)
NEW: >>3949727 →
Because he's spitting all over him?
>Those short shorts
Yeah, there were definitely pdf files on that Gundam production team
British schoolboys used to dress like that. Some japanese schools still require shorts.

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