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Phobe waller bridge is so fucking hot i wanna bust all over that hook british nose of hers i wish her nudes would leak
>Movie about imaginary friends
>Barely use any of them
CGI is expensive, guys
>CGI is expensive, guys
In 2024? I doubt it
Cheap jew
Cute bug.
So how long is she actually in the movie?
She's the first one of the "IF"s we see in the movie
is this the thread?
it got deleted
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>should i?
see ya next f**day then
I wanted to go see it last weekend but couldn't.
I watched this movie yesterday. It sucked as much as the trailers. I liked the special effects though, this should've been some band's music video, not a movie.
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I'm unironically thinking of switching to >>>/trash/
Though I don't like to admit it
maggie/fly/bug threads are mostly spam
and fun shenanigans,
not really suited for /co/ to begin with
That can be a tough board to try and get something going. I'd think maybe trying to get a generalized bug/insect girl thread over here with Maggie and Blossom could possibly work better. At least as a way to test the waters. Though in saying that, I'm not sure how many others there are that fit the theme.
>knuckles series barely has knuckles

It's so tiresome.
If you decided to fuck her, you would just be humping thin air
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I'm not against the idea, but /trash/ is a nasty place for this kind of threads
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yeah, I think dropping flyday and just have a 'bug thread general' is better
I'm usually very buzy on fridays, so flyday doesn't really work for me if im being honest. sundays or wednesdays are better, (but since its a general it can be up anyday really)

well suited for /v/ bugs and /a/ bugs too

My problem with /thrash/ is that its a spam board and threads needs to be bumped every 10 second to stay up. If there's no active bumpfags any threads dies almost instantly
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Marriage material.
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Without fault, every single official artwork or promotional picture, it looks like she's inviting me to a night of the roughest sex imaginable.
Yeah, that's the whole point.
>walter white in car shouting to warn you.jpg
Imagine my surprise when I went into my IHOP for the first time in ages and saw they were doing a tie-in
Sadly her themed item looked pretty unappetizing. Most of them didn't. One of the drink just has a whole ass rocket pop dunked in the glass. I think the only decent one was the cinnamon and icing pancakes for a teddy bear character
>do you know what sex is blossom?
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There actually is a bug fucker general /bzzt/. But, it's on and off. You could try to appropriate that. If you have the dedication to bump I'm sure they'll cone crawling in
Post her feet
buddies, relax. we'll just make it again next week and let it last however long it lasts.
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Sadly nonexistent
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Just wanna say I love you all my fellow buggers almost as much as I love bug bush
Didn't stop them 20 years ago
Ohh were you the one who created last week's Flyday thread? I was excited to see if another one might pop up (even if I couldn't rly join/post in it today, anyway — but I was still checking the catalog a few times lol). But awh man, did they really delete the new thread you made today like 1 minute after it was up? That's whack omg, I'm sorry
>yeah, I think dropping flyday and just have a 'bug thread general' is better
>I'm usually very buzy on fridays, so flyday doesn't really work for me if im being honest. sundays or wednesdays are better
Ah, if there's better days that work for you, I defs think those of us interested in having a weekly/general thread could try working off of your schedule instead. Just having someone like you who makes an OP and also posts fun doodles does a lot of the heavy lifting for getting a thread up and going imo, so ty again for your efforts ^^
>I'd think maybe trying to get a generalized bug/insect girl thread over here with Maggie and Blossom could possibly work better. At least as a way to test the waters.
I think it'd be worth a shot just to see! I found out about both Maggie and Blossom thanks to /co/ postings and I like them a lot, so I'd bet there's still some more nice bug characters to hear about

I know Buzz on Maggie isn't exactly the most recent/relevant cartoon, and IF/Blossom are mainly being talked about because the movie just came out, but still. The few threads I got to see last week were just rly fun and I think there's still enough bug-loving energy going around to see if something could last a little while
Disappointing. But there being a bunch of her is promising.
yeah! she’s obviously a fairy
Cute, flat bug
>always has bedroom eyes
>in the movie her eyes open all the way
>they are choosing for her to have that lustful look
So she really is just a Sonic character
Wdym? They trained a real cat for the movie. Are you retarded by any chance?
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Blossom was fun, but I really wish they’d done more with Unicorn. They dedicated a whole poster to her and she had all of maybe two lines in the whole film. She was such a sweet affectionate type of character wasted as part of such a large cast.

in fact I kinda got sad after the film thinking about how she’s going to be forgotten, like some animator poured their heart and soul into her and this is the only media she’ll ever appear in. Feels rather ironic keeping her ‘alive’ in my mind.
Watched the movie yesterday, it was really good
You need to invite her in
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>Makes Italian hand gesture
What did they mean by this?
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What if she's an if that can actually do shit in the world
Like this cool short story about some kids if who can kill people
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I get the thirst for bug pussy, but I kind of would just like a hug from her
>Image her sitting there and coyly doing the Basic instinct beaver flash when only you are looking
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>tfw this bug is going to be this movie's legacy
honestly props to the animators for giving this movie ANY legacy
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Stupid sexy imaginary bug!
Wait, how are there multiple of her? Does she have sisters that were imagined with her or something?
She allows for maximum mobility
in the that scene of the movie (the imaginary friend shelter), the protag girl can use her imagination to change literally the environment, making a large swimming pool and maybe making multiple synchronized swimmer blossoms
>you can imagine an S&M dungeon for you and an army of Blossom's at any time

it's like she's nothing at all
She's pretty.
She IS pretty fly for a butterfly.
I need someone to draw that Simpsons meme>>143789341 where Blossom is showing her butt and saying "Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!"
In the swimsuit preferably >>143783888
But of course!
Wasn't she part of that god awful nu-indiana jones movie?
What do her nude hands look like?
This has to be bait
Of course there was bait. How else do you think they trained the cat?
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what happened to the drawfag that was drawing this?
He exploded
drew bug bush last thread
might draw more later throw down some ideas
I have an idea for more bug bush if you like to try. Do Blossom as a Werebug like Werehog Sonic.
How about her with a body more like Betty Boop? Maybe same dress as her too with the thing on her thigh.
Swimmsuit wedgie
I think that's just called a garter. I could be wrong, though.
They all suck. The sandwich is over priced.
Poodle moth would be a justifiable choice
oh yeah I saw, I did a big thankyou post but you might of missed it, honestly it's some real hot and I love it.

As for ideas howa about this?
Or something bikini/swimsuit related where her 'natural fur' is bursting out the top and sides. unless you want ideas that aren't just bush focused
That's what it is called.
I wish fotm's weren't a thing because there are handfuls of them that are great.
Do you think Phoebe waller-bridge would cosplay as blossom for sex
She looks like an innocent good girl that swallows every time.
So if all the ifs got their ideal room, why was blossoms filled with half naked clones of herself?
FOTM of the month.
Look at her going
Bug wife
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Glad I'm no footfag
there's why it got deleted. the f-word triggers the shutdown. we gotta be sneaky
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>Glad I'm no footfag
We take what we can get
Cute bug feet.
Help, my black, stonecold, evil incel heart can't stop falling in love with every female that is nice to look at
This might sound really fucking stupid but I can't get the thought out of my head that this movie has similar pacing/ plot beats as like a random anime movie.
Like if you took everything about the movie but made it anime, it'd be a clean transition with minimal changes.
Especially with the lukewarm twist that sort of makes sense but also not really
Very cute. So where is this animation from, commercial?
New art! :p

I'ts edit I think. Here's another gif of Blossom that I found but more lovely
Deserves nothing but headpats and choking on dick
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I cant take the cute!
Cute! CUTE! Love your style man
bretty gud
The star of the movie carrying ryan reynolds
So, she literally carries this movie? Fitting.
I saw a zoomer being offended that people called this creative when it's a foster's rip off, were they right?
Pretty sure the film flopped, but hopefully rr and jk throws some money at it again and makes some kind of mini series. Preferably about blossom
The unicorn and Octocat were hotter. They just gave her more lines...and why were there so many of her in the pool?
Good question. Could be a male ladybug.
Hotter than a bug. And more affectionate, too. I saw her kissing Reynolds.
Closet narcissist.
>male Blossom
Now you're going places.
>>male Blossom
I'd be into it. Guys with body hair can be hot too
I already do that anyways
AI character cropping
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There is only a small amount of time put into the actual home which serves to introduce the characters, showcase the MCs ability to godmode their home, and of course try to get them new homes which never happens
It is different enough both in story and goal that even though they try to rehome them it doesn't feel like a ripoff since they go out into the world trying to solve a mystery on how they can reconnect with their old creator rather than just trying to find a new person
I'm sure Reynolds was made aware of the show if he didn't know about it before especially since its getting a reboot
>imaginary friends are only perceivable to their respective creator except for main character for whatever reason
>disappears during major events in life that cause either trauma or make them not need them anymore
>don't have a need for food
>always follow their creators around even if they can't perceive them anymore
>nobody makes more than one
>adults seem to not be able to make them but can perceive them
>can't physically interact with other people aside from the MC and their creator.
My wife
Wish that were me
She is perfection personified
>My wife
no, my wife
So was the movie good or what? I heard secondhand that it was basic and dragged on
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I thought it was okay.
I watched (skimmed through) a shitty cam earlier. It was passable, nothing special. I liked how sappy the ending was. Movies about growing up always make me feel a bit bummed, so seeing a bunch of the old If's reconnect with their old kids was pretty wholesome.
There's a perfect telescreener out now on limetorrents.
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>Look up Blossom on E621
>Immediately Regret it
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>Checks "Blossom" tag on e621
>Is nothing but vore and scat
Furries were a mistake
FNAF at Freddy's
RIP in peace
GOTY of the year
The only IF worth having
>going on e621
Found your first mistake
>checks link
damn, it must've been deleted within a blink of an eye
>hey anon, whatcha doin'?
Thinking about pretty bugs. You?
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She's a good height.
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fuggo the buggo
not giving her buggy feet is a sin you guys will never live down.
It is.
Looks more like social media / instant messaging stickers
Reynolds is only human. He definitely thought about getting a standing blow job from that bug
She isn't real Anon. He couldn't actually see her while filming.
Two things you never invite into your house, vampires and fairies.
>He thought
>Not she thought
She was holding herself back from trying to suck it through those pants
And that's why he said thought
>bringing logic and reality into a thread about imaginary friends
if this gets drawn i'll post a pic ov myself doing a handstand
I know, right? We often talk about standing blowjobs, but I don't know if I've ever actually seen one.

Here, it's a link to a sort hub.
Before I click, is the person an of age midget?
How would this work without a thread number?
of age midget
Just type in the name of a certain yellow hub website that we all know ad add the bit on the end
yellow/orange, you get the idea
Are they at least decent looking?
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I drew more bug

Lewd version (Bush Warning): https://files.catbox.moe/6iwc59.png
Based stuff Drawanon
Another lovely bug bush art, thanks. Can you do my request as well?>>143794715 If not then how about Blossom with a (bush of course) in the shower asking you to join in
i don't know it... plz
Good stuff!
You're a saint anon, a saint! She looks great. Thankyou for more bug bush. My collection grows and I am forever grateful
Refusing a fairy's demands is only going to piss them off.
I always misread "creepy habits" as creepy hands because of where the arrow's pointing.
good job
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i think she'd look cute with more bug features but i think most people think its creepy
Based beyond belief. Many will curse you, but you have my respect for those sticc, smooth, feelers
>buggy feet
Now we're talking. A bug girl with bug feet feels right and this hits the notes perfectly. I dig seeing more bug features.
Not only can they grant wishes, they have offensive magic, and can use the dust from their wings to give you an eczema-like irritation where it lands on you. Don't get careless with fairies. Fairies will fuck you up sideways if you're not careful.
She looks like a Sonic character and nobody's ree-ing. Curious.
Would. Gently and tenderly.
Because calling her Sonic-looking is threads back.
Cute! Nice dark boosh
Awesome. Cool seeing her interpreted as different kind of moths. The extra fluffy hair gives her an elegant feel.
I love this bug
Mmf those eyes
This movie feels like Jim or the producers of the movie watched Foster, then Gumball and decided to copy the hell out of both cartoons.
>Reynolds is only human
Not in the movie.
That's the problem with the movie: the lack of logic. You get introduced to a lot of concepts but no one ever wonders: how does this work?
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Man, I wish Blossom could lick me like that lollipop
What a sweet sensual bug.
such a cute mouth
Is this really lewd or is it just my coomer brain interpreting it as such?
Why did you have to go and make me horny.
That oral fixation hits hard, though. Goddamn.
>that fat tongue

She must weigh nothing
light enough to lift with one hand, heavy enough to feel it. and by "Lifting with one hand" I mean in a very particular way.
It's your brain
Pretty based brain, though.
Why is she genuinely so fucking cute I need her
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Fixed that for you
Good job.
With pleasure :)
Thank you
She's now a real fairy
I will now let her into my house
Is this real?
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Stop pathologizing yourself. Someone licking a lollipop is making similar motions to what they'd do if they were sucking on a dick. It's a normal reaction.
What's not normal though, are footfags.
that came out so wrong
Entoma is high tier bugfu.
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What a SLUT
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Do IF's have the appropriate anatomy to please a hypothetical human husband?
That would depend on how active the imagination of the kid who dreamed them up wouldn't it? Though considering it looks like they can eat, I'd think so.
I didn't get to see her movie yet, but there was a psycho who stabbed some girls who went to see this film in theaters. I wonder if he will use an imaginary friend argument in court.
>Putting my kid in the "imagination room" until they make me a 10/10 harem of imaginary wives.
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Fruit nudity.
uh... clever marketing strategy?
She hotter without her cringe mask
Or they'll just take your first-born child.
Jesus CHRIST anon
Is this Gumball?
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Lets not make any rash decisions now fellow degenerates.
I'm worried
Welp, that gave me a flashback to when my grandpa was still alive. He insisted on calling them that, too.
Further reminder that footfags deserve the cross.
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I don't even think it was the cgi being expensive so much as it was too expensive to have their bloated celeb cast voicing characters you can see this same issue with steven universe not affording to keep using that one rap whore
Bug wife bump
What? Bug chasers?
Damn blew the budget on high end celebs to fill those characters that barely said anything worthwhile. This could have worked better as a show on any stream service instead, cut reynolds off he wasn't needed.
Then again a cartoonmania movie exist which is more of a foster home of imaginary friends rip off
Nigger Toes
Is she an insect or a bug
Why would she do this?
Because she's old fashioned.
would adopt
She's a WOMAN
Bugs are a kind of insect.
Honestly makes me want to swing by and try he flavor at these places. Though knowing these kind of tie ins, odds are it's already over.
Then when I marry her, would that make us related?
if the movie had jokes like this, I'd definitely go see it, but it's Woke Hollywood so it's all going to be numb, corporate "humor".
Why are you looking at me like that, Blossom?
when the high joke is reynolds tripping over invisible IF then yeah there's nothing funny.
What are all the scene timestamps when the unicorn is present?
I want to clip them.
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I'd taste her tea if you know what I mean.
>Imagine her pouring the warm liquid down her body, letting it filter through her muff and into your cup
No I do not, but from what an anon said apparently it's something funny
I guess, if outdated racist terms are your sort of humor. I'm no bleeding heart lefty, but I think that term goes a little far, hard 'r' and all.
We need an HD rip of the movie already. Need more blossom pics because the ones we have are being reposted
Oh, I'd teabag her for sure.
Is it streaming? Unfortunately we will have to wait for HD images of her.
thanks to that little IHO- in the corner we can find the original:

Haven't visited /co/ in a long time. You all want to fuck a bug. I see nothing has changed here.
There is an HD telescreener up on limetorrents.
That's "faeries", or the fae. Fairies are a different thing, related to pixies.
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I Hate Faerieland
Who owns the movie? That may give an idea of what service it may end up on and how fast.
Oh hey it's gert
Is there more of these gifs or did you post them all
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Just made some fanart of Uni because she's been sticking in my mind lately. >>143857841
I will be eternally grateful to you if you deliver with those clips of her.
You vill eat ze bug
If there's still a chance, make the weremoth fly?
Thats cute
cute little sluuut
woah how did I miss this? Cute as fuck man
nigga it's a joke
Her movie was terrible.
That thing is pretty scary, and i don't know why?
You're afraid of losing your virginity. That's ok. That's a very normal fear.
I wouldn't mind.
The lighting makes her look cuter.
She belongs to us now
bug lol
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>Me when Friday begins tomorow
so was calvin tangible in the real world? was the underground place inside the caroussel real? why was she able to see other IF but other children can't?
what was the morale of the story because people willingly can still see theirs without needing something to trigger that nostalgia like the cade with the fatso. The movie had a lot of plots and felt they rushed and compress the conclusion thanks to them focusing in one single IF whi wss the purple one which i don't think he even deserved to have that much focus.
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Cutie bug
I love the way she moves. Whether the movie sucked or not, the animators definitely pulled their weight.
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Not bad. Now do her doing the Jack-O Valentine crouch from Guilty Gear.
>minor compliment
>instant demands
It's a wonder drawfriends do a goddamn thing for us.
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Not artist, just reposting. Hopefully any of them come back.
im still alive, i havent been on co recently due to work, ill get back on the drawing horse in a few, i honestly didnt know someone was waiting on it
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I feel no sexual feelings towards her, as you all do; I think she's so damn cute, so unbelievably adorable that I just want a warm, comforting hug from her everytime I complete a goal in my day. Is that weird?
Not really.
Of course.
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Yeah, we know.
where can i watch her movie? all my free sites are gone
Pay up Anon

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my word is my bond
Remember wonder park?
Time stamp and ill draw her behind you doing the standing BJ
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if i'm doing it again i might as well change backgrounds
Jesus! You're the real deal. Okay. I'll start.
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I stole the thunder, I do not apologize.
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id color it too but i gotta be up at 4am for my shift tomorrow
Crazy shit going on in this thread.
NGL but this reminds me that one crazy Teri thread.
don't be so vague
forgot to attach text: did you try her ice cream? https://www.baskinrobbins.com/en/if-movie
you made my effort pay off early. thank you
This is amazing. Very awesome sauce. I need her
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>In North America, as early as 1896, Brazil nuts were sometimes known by the slang term "nigger toes"

okay, i didnt expect them to be called toes
Rest well anon.
God damn I need a short stack imaginary bushy bug wife
Which one?
Wyerframez graced two such Teri threads.
The jar one and the lighter one.
Wait he browse 4chan
This was a good thread
Bug stans and handstands, all of the day, bro.
I must eat yoghurt off of you
A man of... cultures.
is it the thread now?
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Holy shit, /co/mrade earned his fucking porn delivery.
Bump for this
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Fluff stuff
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>You look lonely
Based cringe.
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>when anon takes his pants off
We've made it this far, so happy flyday
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yeah i think this is the thread
Very cute.
maybe if you handstand it will be
I am seeing this movie tonight, and I know nothing aside from what's in the trailer. I hope it's good
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For a second i thought it was Tori...
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not today, maggie
who dis bitch is
>Bill Hader chose this over Inside Out 2.

I hope he's kicking himself when he sees their BO returns.
there's a bigger version in here >>143802732
It'll be his turn to play Anger.
well I just got back from seeing it, I thought it was enjoyable, but my theater messed up the start and a staff member had to rewind back to the previews to fix things lol. Interesting experience
hopefully ill have it finished next time theres an IF thread
Butter fly
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bug sug
Link doesn't seem to be working.
Same thing for me. Link doesn't seem to be working, try to link it again or link in other site.
>404 not found
Next time don't use litter
Good job
>missed it
Bwo? New link please
Both have been spotty these last few days.
I'm not sure anyone actually got to see it.
does the bug sug
it was dicks instead of lolipops. just that.
https://files.catbox.moe/in9hnt.png ehh you guys didnt miss much
catbox wasnt working :(
Aww, don't sell yourself short, I thought it was pretty good.
That's very nice dude
Hehe, I dun thought they was sausages instead of peenors
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>blossom, why did you shape that balloon as a dick?
I hope drawfriends know what they need to do.
She knows what she wants
because blossum is like an old cartoon character, it's funny to see her act like your grandpa who would occasionally break out the super racist jokes
She looks different here than everywhere else she is
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Only talk about bug but movie was surprisingly good, thought it'd be shit but had a lot of soul and actually tried to tell a pretty good story. Why did no one tell me it wasn't actually bad
It's a not so subtle hint at what she wants you to do.
>The perfect woman doesn't exi-
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Anons… I went to baskin robins…
>cute blossom shit everywhere
>2000’s/ early 2010’s music playing
>atmosphere feels nostalgic as shit
This is a zoomer’s dream
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Special flavor for her as well
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Did you at try her flavor?
hope they got this at my baskin robins
the blurriness weirdly makes this pic unintentionally funnier.
Of course I did
>Don't think about her
>She pulls up the towel to cover up
>suddenly diamonds
Sounds delicious
The law requires they say "No."
Bug love does not die at page 10.
Need more bug art, find more bug art.
Agreed, but it feels like the well has run dry in that regard. Maybe we should shout out some requests, and hope we inspire a wandering drawfriend?
The world is brighter than the stars now that she's here
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>child sized

uh, bros?
Syndicate you really love your foxy boxing I see
Oh THAT'S what's going on here. I was trying to figure out what I was looking at. I thought the gloves were her boobs because they're the same color as her skin, so I was very confused.
It's not really considered foxy unless she has her boobs out.
>Blossom was fun, but I really wish they’d done more with Unicorn.

Voiced by Emily Blunt who's had experience playing unicorns before...
Her, lying in a giant container of Baskin Robbins ice cream, with all the appropriate parts covered in ice cream, inviting the viewer to eat.
what the hell
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calorie mate flavor
I don't get it.
Why the spoiler? Is this picture Rated ARR?
The whole thing
>Why the spoiler?
La Li Lu Le Lo
Waaaaaaaahhhhhooooooooohhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooooo(ToT)
It's a metal gear thing.
Why doesn't she have four arms?
I don't think there'll be one, blossom is a fotm and interest is low now
It's cropped so yeah.
You got like a MEGA with all your drawings? I've been trying to hunt those down the best I can
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Working on a very slow second cake. Don't think I'll be able to finish before the thread dies, so I doubt I'll be earning any handstands.
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https://files.catbox.moe/ddzxps.png another wip to add to the pile. sad i wont finish this for this thread but hopefully i happen to catch another when i do finish (or ill end up just settling for /trash/ :/)
God damn look at them thighs
It's cool anon. Take your time.
Reynolds WOULD have a Deadpool tattoo on his crotch.
I don't think the OP thumbnail helped, it's really easy to miss on the catalog. A more eye-catching thumbnail would probably bring in more anons.
>almost 10 days
This is the 10th day I have blammed to a drawing of Blossom. I have mot seen her movie. I will not see her movie. It does not matter. It is unworthy of her.

I pretend she is here in my bed. I imagine she is holding me and telling me I am not a faggot. I know it is a lie but this is what she is. She is my real fake girlfriend. My imaginary lie.

She loves me more than anyone. It doesnt matter if she isnt real. That's cannon afterall.
Aww, you're not a faggot, you're a bug-chaser!
Since when bug-fuckers are faggots?
Oh cool. A Blossom loon. Odds are most haven't seen her movie either. Makes me wonder how it did at the theaters.
Poorly... the stats don't include imaginary theatergoers.
So, Blossom's skin... what do we think? Soft and warm, or cold, hard, chitinous exoskeleton? What your bugfu do?
warm and soft
with a good amount of hair where it really counts
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Have you buy her plush anons?
Why do they always make the eyes too small?
no sex appeal
Maybe if it was better made I would
Looks great
Eyes too small.
Thanks, man.
Imagine a What If, guys...
She looks kind of different in the awkward hi scene than she does in everything else
What IF, my imaginary friend sucked me off? What then?
You'd shoot imaginary cum down her imaginary throat.
But it'd look like you're humping air, and nothing would come out.
I want an on model figurine
I can fix her.
Is this a new-age way of saying "fapped"?
Then you better get that drink top from the theaters before they're gone.
Eyes: Big
Yup, it's IF time.
Besides bigger eyes, what else would you change
Not him but she should have bedroom eyes
New copypasta
Thank you, beautiful soul. So much better.
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You just know
Available for purchase?
Very nice concept thing. I'd buy it, would look nice and I'd hold it every now and then
Look at how fucking sexy she is. Why did the animators make her wife material?
Thought it was as long as it was two attractive girls or if they are in their bikinis?
Yeah looks better in the full image idk why he didn't post it I don't remember nudity.
Bugs gals are peak
Too bad she died like a minute in
Is this a sold out drink topper
It depends if the theater has it, it's not gonna be sold out because it's popular.
My cinemas does self-serve drinks, not even sure you can get promotion cups like this anymore
>self service
What place does this lol. Well either way they have to give you the cup with the topper.
Swallowed whole by Blossom!
Hoyts, they done it for about 10 years now. Fill your own drinks/slushies, grab your own heated pre-packaged popcorn. Digital Kiosks that print tickets at entrance. Even candies like M&M or skittles + tubs of icecream.
Basically two employees on the way in get you to pay for nibbles

Sometimes they sell ridiculously overpriced plushies or keychains for a feature film. Just looked on the website "IF" film only has themed popcorn boxes, nothing about the cup. Sad
Not that anon, but one that I used to go to pre-pandemic had self serve drinks, but it also had all those options for extra flavor shots, so it was bice to customize.
The ones around here cling to the old ways, sure you can self service butter and condiments, utensils and the like but a refill on things you go to the service monkey for that.
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This is the elephant in the room studios are refusing to address. The biggest reason why animated movies have such a poor ROI is because 80% of the fucking production budget goes to paying a bunch of A-list celebs to spend a week phoning in lines in a booth.

Phasing out celebrity voice actors would lead to an overnight improvement in the animation industry: More money to spend on higher quality animation, more jobs for voice actors, while still keeping budgets smaller and improving ROI.
Yeah, but they seem to think that more celeb voices mean more money, and to an extent, celeb voices DO have an effect... but this many and for so few lines? Pick ONE, maybe TWO celebs for a meaningful role, not a dozen with zero impact each. When I was little, we'd go to Aladdin or Ferngully because we knew Robin Williams was in it, or to Oliver and Company because Cheech was playing the funny Chihuahua. That was enough. An A-lister encyclopedia is just overwhelming
Anon without a name they recognize parents won't take their kids to see it

There's a reason Illumination movies are all stunt-cast
Too much ice-cream me thinks. Still, cute
Goodness gracious, now I can't not watch this stupid shitty movie, now can't I?
Parents don't give a fuck about recognizable celebrity voice casting. They don't give a fuck about representation or socially aware storytelling or any of that other shit that asshole studio execs claim The Algorithm says will make their movies a success.

They care about whether it's entertaining enough to keep their kids quiet for 75 minutes.
It was only a matter of when, not IF.
should have known he'd draw her fits his m.o.
Why does she exude sex???
Based as fuck. Blossom makes an excellent pred.
>Just imagine her opening her legs up and flashing you her furry bug beaver
Basically a cartoon human
>sticking the whole lollipop in her mouth.
what a slut.
Probably is smooth anon
that she is rubber hose humanoid
that she is in did damn cockslut, one taste and she goes for the gag lol
Buzzy Fuzzy Buggy
what a beautiful tongue
just imagine
>11 days ago
I'm just gonna help you guys out and give another reply. Hope you liked the movie.
Such is the fate of flavors of the month. It was a nice 2 weeks though
might as well go for the limit
I am a strong advocate for buggery.
I will now buy your product.
Baby making bed breaking sex with blossom
Bread making maybe baking sex with blossom
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Baby breaking bed baking blossom sex
Based, question though could you have a kid with blossom? Also brings up question of what if you young boy and she became your IF you'd breed her everyday right?
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I can see it
I haven't had time to work on this since I last posted, but I figured since we've almost hiy 500, I should at least post an uncensored version before the thread dies. Still needs a lot more work, of course, but hopefully I'll have it done in a future thread.

Good stuff anon, looking forward to the day she's done
>12 day old thread for a movie that’s still in theatres and has already been forgotten

impressive hustle desu, and much more content out of it than I was expecting. Good work you bugfucks
How the Fuck is this thread still alive
Is bug pussy really that powerful?
I don't think you're gonna see it, thread's reached bump limit and everyone is done with blossom sadly. Fotm :(
There will be other blossom posters
I said it before, and I'll say it again. A more eye-catching op image, like a movie poster, would get a lot more people to notice the next thread.
There's always Flyday.
Just don't make the fucking thread at night
Meh that's a maggie thing.
Bug pussy with a thicc bush
I thought the movie was nice, was mostly watching it for blossom. Hope they do something with her again, too cool of a character to use just once in some movie

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