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New Flashgitz video just dropped.

Is good
God fucking damnit you already told that fucking damn joke 7 fucking times, just make Space King 2 you damn fuckers
it's a good joke
It's not what it looks like anon, give it a watch
why the fuck bluey bro?
oh wow it's the same joke again
Why are there 3 other threads?
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Love how flashgitz didnt bitch out at the end, I was really afraid they were gonna pull some "awwwww wholesome bluey <3" faggotry, but that templar gunned them the fuck down
I like the joke.
What joke
he still pussied out by not showing it on screen
furries havent looked like this in years what is this guys problem
What do they look like now?
I thought the whole point of Space King was to get away from the legal issues of GW clamping down on their IP.
hazbin hotel
>hazbin hotel
That looks like the furries in the video
I laughed.
I hate hazbin hotel.
>flashgitz several years behind in trends and humor once again
They're gonna enter their post-irony humor phase a whole decade after it was cool
Killing furries is always funny
PG cartoon but dark is kinda funny too, the fact that the characters stay nice through the whole ordeal up till the end only made it better

The joke isn't stale, we need more dead furries and more silly crossovers, swat Kats in 40k when?
>The joke isn't stale

Not stale at all, less than 12 hours, fuck I wish other animators in YouTube could get these numbers too
Psychic dog mutants still bad.
I think im getting old, I actually found this one more sad then funny
Still like it because the animations just incredible in this one
They tried to accurately copy the bluey art style instead of doing any weird mess of it surprisingly.
Is this the same space marine that get tentacle raped
Age truly gets you when your sense of humour goes away, be careful to never lose it
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Oh no, I still laugh at dumb shit, just yesterday I lost my sides at Vinesauce Joel moving around a Goku png over a dumb bigfoot video narated by a guy sounding like Goku.
But I now I have small nices and nephews I watch out for (who also like watching Bluey), so seeing kids-characters beeing scared etc. just hits me harder I gues.
I fucking swear Joel makes the dumbest shit work somehow even if he spends 15 minutes trying to set up a dumb joke it still lands
I see, that's understandable sensible even
That one boykisser mage, that’s at least how 90% of twitter furries draw their fursonas and other furries
What does brother astartes say at the end? I can't make it out
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Kinda like this.
It's a chill vibe.
Apologized for mistaking them for furries, then proceeded to follow the guidelines for unsanctioned mutant psykers

Considering this is a dark templar brother Azron was extremely polite
>that croc girl
Are you sure that's a girl?
That was surprisingly cute. The twist feels like a dig at /co/'s obsession with this show, haha.
I also think the animation is incredible.

I don't think it's about getting old. I think it's having the capacity to tire of finding enjoyment in the abuse of something or someone. Or put another way getting tired of watching people be shit to one another. It's just that age you have more time to realize that. Some people figure it out early, some people never figure it out.

There are a lot of ways to be happy without needing it to be at the expense of people. Like five years ago I had to reflect on recommending a movie that featured killing Russians to a Russian. And sure, now we have a good reason to dislike Russians but now I just feel a bit sad about the ones getting turned into paste. I feel the same way about furries now, the hate has really worn off and I'm feeling it was never really deserved at least not in a universal way.
>the hate has really worn off and I'm feeling it was never really deserved at least not in a universal way

You have not been near a furry, it's deserved they earned and continue to earn every bit of hate
I do have ti admit the retarded furries that actively try to shove their fetish into random areas where it doesn't belong and try to act the victim when called out are the bane of the earth.
Oh those are annoying, a nuisance to be honest but not the worst
You have no idea

2 years ago local shelter dog rapist got caught, not for the disgusting acts done on the poor dogs but for pizza distribution

Proceeded to play victim and claimed it was homophobia and prosecution of the LGBT that got him in trouble after he got caught
May xir rot in jail
Anon, nobody cares about furries being gay- its simply their degeneracy.

Degeneracy is unacceptable to most societies but two furry guys holding hands isn't the issue.
Warhammer fans are the last people that should try and throw shade at any other community or group
>That one boykisser mage
Please show the commissar where the demon touched you?

Seriously the worst I ever saw in a hobby shop was an autist faint of dehydration because Coca cola isn't good at hydrating you
Thats a whole different problem. Im tired of sickos trying to use insertphobia as snexcuse for their behavior.
Its the same as people claiming autism or other defect for shitty behavior. You're just saying it because you got caught and want to avoid consequences
But its not like its just furries either. Straights, gays, trannies, mdn, women, children, i was just following orders

i was only pretending to be retarded
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Back when furries were wicked underground and a niche they used to just post trains.
Now they are more common than weeaboos which are also incredibly more popular than they ever were before.
>Back when furries were wicked underground and a niche they used to just post trains.
Instead of over the top animations about furry hate, you would just spam trains in furry threads to own them.
It was a simpler time.
>They're gonna enter their post-irony humor phase a whole decade after it was cool
Killing and making fun of furries is never going to go out of fashion. It's important to treat them like the cancer they've been for decades and never normalize their behavior. After all, furries shove bats covered in ants up dog orifices.
Never interacted with any irl fans, only been to gameshop to get paint for some diy paint fixes on figures. But find the whole anti xeno larp real annoying, especially when the Tyrannids are the more interesting and visually cooler faction then dull ass imperium
Why trains though
Hot damn
>are the more interesting and visually cooler faction
Bad taste confirmed
>All the Vaseline and Tissues
God knows what those freaks were doing inside those walls.
>now we have a good reason to dislike Russians
>I feel the same way about furries now, the hate has really worn off and I'm feeling it was never really deserved at least not in a universal way.
The "reason to dislike Russians" is the same as the reason to hate furries. Dislike Russians for invading spaces that aren't their own, dislike furries for the same reason.
Honestly, I think that made it funnier in a true comedy way. It was sad because they DID save the Templar and he did learn his lesson. But he is still going to be a hate filled murderer and just find a different justification for it.
Russians arent wearing humansuits in public. Russians arent fucking animals and children
>Russians aren't fucking animals and children
Anon even before the invasion...
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Yes, look closely, she's got booba outline
I applaud your scalie autism
Bioorganic monsters are cooler then blocky armoured fanatics sorry
the uwu gay fox
How long until speshh mahreens shoot up "The Amazing Digital Circus" or "The Amazing World of Gumball"?
I'd watch that, I'd watch the shit out of it.
Space bug dinosaurs are cool
Marines are cool
Elves riding dinosaurs are cool
Nuns with guns
Elves are fine and so do the necrons
It starts to go downhill from here until we reach spiky marines
That's a vagoo and nipple
somethingawful lost and all of the based anti-furfag icons of 2004 turned into huge trannies and culture war cocksuckers on xitter
t. zoomies too young to remember when lifestylers and otherkins were the largest demographic in the furry fandom.

enjoy your gay nerd safespace.
Hyper gothic space knights, nuns with guns and crazy fanatics are peak. Nids are mid as fuck design wise. "Here is a mediocre monster design with the same layered chitin on top."
Cool, Don't care as varied monster designs of different features or physiology yet unified texture appeal to me more then militarised factions of humans
Just watch Cobson stabbing the boykisser on the booru then
no, they're just blowing up children with missiles.

the fucking priorities of you malformed nerds is fucked.
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I see your a 'teen aswell anon
That ending scene reminded me of that one where Quagmire was trying to rape Marge
>varied monster designs of different features or physiology
They aren't even that varied and pretty much don't have different physiology. You don't have any that look like different types of bugs, crustaceans ect. So again. Bad taste lmao.
The one that was doxed?
Imagine “Racist Mario” being your legacy.
What you people don't understand is that them being fags is THE FUCKING SOURCE of the degeneracy in the first place. The dog fuckers, shit eaters, the troons, the drug addicts etc etc the vast VAST majority of them are gay. I know this because that's all shit the gay community already does en-mass. Most people are sheltered from this, they either don't have gay friends or grew up in areas with small fag populations. When the furry fandom got flooded with faggots, suddenly nerds in the early 2000s got a direct look at this batshit behavior, only they saw it as a furry thing first and foremost, because they had no other reference point, in reality, its just shit the gay community was already doing only now they had a new online space to do it in.
While an endless source of lolcows they were never the majority, they just got a lot of attention. The lifestyle shit was more popular than otherkin for sure, but it had already mostly died off by the late 2000s outside of small insulated communities.
flashgitz proving they have literally no material whatsoever
It's still funny to see furries getting killed though
>furries shove bats covered in ants up dog orifices
So have all American politicians but we aren't ever going to get a Flashgitz cartoon about that
When did Flashgitz ever have jokes. It was really shit attempts at being edgy while being decades behind in terms of what trends are relevant.
Ok? Would me saying I think The Lizardman are also cool make you feel better?
You’ll get no argument from me dude, him and FatCanyon have rested on the same gimmick for like 6 years now. Though to be completely fair they sort of have to because that’s the YouTube trap.
Looks like shit.
The Ed, Edd n Eddy one was kino though
Don't care much about his work after that
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Anon real life isn't modern family. You have no fucking idea how degenerate gay men are. It's legitimately horrifying and they love it.
You have no idea how degenerate straight people can be. I've seen far sicker shit from the straight people I know than from any of the gay ones.
But you don't care. You've never seen either. You just regurgitate what you want to hear.
Furfags are degenerate retards, gay or not
>kill degens ewwww
you're on /co/. who do you honestly think you are fooling.
I quit /co/ for like half a year
Nothing i said was a lie
hope they make a cartoon where barney gets murdered or my little pony (or my little STUPID as i like to call it)
I support this unironically
I want swat Kats for vehicle porn, and maybe the are you aware you are a cat joke
If there's one good thing space marines have is their silly vehicles
They should kill Pikachu XDD
Oh buddy that's a bold fucking assumption to make about a guy from Atlanta. I've seen guys get fisted, I've seen guys get pissed on, I've seen a 300 pound man shit in a diaper in public, I know guys who fuck in public regularly, I've seen so so many people get stds. I've had guys message me at 2am telling me how their husband kicked them out of the apartment because they wouldn't let him have sex with his trans boyfriend. I have known multiple men who have had sex with dogs and horses and were not shy about it, if you hang out at a gay bar here there is a 99% chance you will meet multiple pedophiles who, like the dog fuckers ARE NOT SHY ABOUT IT and no one cares. I know at least one person who was almost certainly murdered during a hookup and several others who were raped. This really isn't even scratching the surface. Yeah there are fucked up straight people of course there are but i defy you to find me a more immediately and consistently degenerate group then homosexuals.
This cartoon feels 20 years late.
Cute story. Too bad none of that happened. You're just regurgitating pastas from /pol/ because they fit your biases.
Funfact shmorky kicked off the yiff in hell furfags meme after being too fucked up for furries to even want him
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Yeah anon, sure, the most openly secxually deviant group in America are actually all totally normal people. The color code dosen't exist, images of kink nights and pride parades are all photoshops, our cheif of police wasn't caught soliciting gay sex in a public park. The past 60 years of gay pride is all one big elaborate /pol/ deepfake.
i hope they do one about what if SpongeBob was gay lol
Muppet Baby Murder ftw!!!
They should do one where Mario is racist and kills his friends...
He can even do it completely on accident. The AGGA moment still makes me die laughing.
GI Joe should shoot the Care Bears
Unironically i hope he makes one where he massacres the TADC cast just to spite the circustrannies on this board
>t. got quints while shitting on them once
When’s Flashgitz going to drop a video about how anime is really weird and different from American stuff?
When’s Flashgitz going to make a video about why Justin Bieber is gay and should die?
>seeing digital circus characters die will trigger /co/ so hard!!!
What, aren't they spamming 5 threads at the same time anymore?
Maybe some 4 year old would get angry
>even if he spends 15 minutes trying to set up a dumb joke
Its similar to those perfect shot/ skate trick videos. For every fuck up and failed execution, the sheer devotion to getting it right is part of the charm of it.
Call of duty vs peppa pig. Think about the carnage bro.
These guys are stuck in a time warp. Who the fuck even cares about furries anymore, honestly?
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Why do Flashgitz seethe so much as other more popular series
So is Flashgitz's new thing going after actually successful shows like Hazbin Hotel and Bluey? I get that it's a joke but it seems a bit insecure.
mlp is gay lol they should make a cartoon that calls it gay
They have always been insecure.
no they murdered the popular cartoons. they are cooler than the popular cartoons. they had to kill them to show you how they are better.
/co/trannies are still seething over this
Flashgitz's pretty much admitted that they come here to shill their shit. We'll that and their fans are literal teenagers who like to pick fights with random people.
>p-please be mad
What if Doomguy killed Blues Clues bro
Flashgitz is literal shit for edgy zoomer kids who want to see mario saying swear words and kill people, however you niggers are still seething hard over the TADC and Bluey jabs for some reason
I mean, isn't that the goal of flashgitz? to get those sweet rageclicks/ reactions for their merch?
You're mistaking jokes with agendas
remember how butthurt you were because people made fun of racist mario
>Cartoon kills cartoon
If you want to make someone seethe about a cartoon you draw porn of it
Nobody is seething kiddo, we're just amused at the desperation to make people mad. Tell ya what Flashgitz: you really want some rage clicks, make a joke about Israel. If you have the guts.
Racist Mario is shit though
Even that badly-animated series where Mario has to go to Luigi's birthday is better
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You are trying so hard to fit in, it's adorable
I wani hug that gator
Kill Barney the Dinosaur it will trigger so many trannies.
>If you want to make someone seethe about a cartoon you draw porn of it
I mean, I've seen both situations. Never discount how sensitive some people are, anon.
Why the fuck is this thread still going?
The only thing I laugh at there joke was the guy floating his balls toward ryu
I hope the ending would be just Cyn just eating them and holy terra
hi flashgitz can u make cartoon wherea space marine destroy my school bcus they give 2much homework
where as Doomguy teaming up with the Animal Crossing girl was a great joke
make racist mario 2
tax payed viewbots
They were too generous with them. I wanna see them get brutally murdered onscreen while screaming in horror. The fucking sonic characters got murdered on camera but the show that should be the new butt of jokes as it's essentially brony culture 2 gets less harsh treatment? Fuck off Flashshits is literally just projecting his fetish now so he could please his retarded zoomed audience.
T. Lowest form of furry, with no furriends nor means to go on convenientions
Just cut the middle part and make cartoon about killing trannies right away. But these sòyboys have no balls for that. Just buy le heckin merch.
>Why are people talking about new episodes of a show!?
Faggitz try hard to be edgy but still bend their ass for jewtube monetization policy.
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>racist mario but he actually racist this time
What would happen if they fight the canon sonic?
Russia is the the biggest producer of CP in the world afaik. There even was a documentary about some rundown Russian town where a bunch of kids (and i do mean kids, of like 10, 12 years or so, not 16-17 year olds) were prostitutes. And there's that time where during the invasion of Ukraine some Russian guy raped a toddler in a village they'd taken and posted the video online. And the Bucha massacre, the widespread practice of "Dedovshchina" where they gang rape young conscripts, and certainly countless more atrocities.
bro what if halo killed hello kitty
someone post the webm where a kid is browsing the sharty
They should kill the rugrats in paris!!!
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>Like five years ago I had to reflect on recommending a movie that featured killing Russians to a Russians
You're a pussy.
Also furry hate is kinda passé because most of it came from SA and those guys revealed themselves to be far worse, not because of any pussy concerns about "muh aboose".
Like Indians, the furfags fear noble train
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>Published: Oct 18, 2009
>still has tits
Petophiles really are the worst
It's a fictional creature, not wanting tits is either you being a moron or a faggot
No one cares
small peepee energy in this thread
Doing the same edgy garbage for 13 years isn't a substitute for quality or actual creativity. Also you are way more butthurt then anyone watching the video lol
He fought giants that can easily kill a space marine
Probably lose since Sonic destroys armies, deities and monsters ever week plus operates on cartoon logic mostly
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[Giggles] how cute you are anon
who the fuck puts a watermark in a jak edit
>furry le bad
kys faggots
Most of the people in this thread think he is a hack though?
Post Bluey parodies:
I showed a friend who never watches vinesauce the AGGA thing recently and we both lost our shit at it, it really is peak comedy
I never once got scammed by a russian artist. The two times I did was by a Murican and a Mexican one. And both times they apparently took on 60+ fucking coms at once to pay some bills, then did a halfassed apology on their twitter/tumblr how their mental health is so bad, then kept doign that for 6 months, then fucking vanished.
Russian artists always delivered so far.
Depends. Is it written by Penders?
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The chinese are right to limit/forbid children and teens from using the internet too much, jesus christ.
it's bad man. The parents I've had to deal with have no fucking idea what their kids are watching on those damned tablets.
why isn't there a nuclear blast?
Old form of spam on /b/. It was the EMD F40PH. Before you ask why use that model: because F40 sounds like furry, and you use it kill the furry friday threads. One image I'd see often, usually as a combo (member those?), showed it entering Renamon's vagina.
Overall pretty funny

What would you do if you had the mystical broccoli?
I think one of my favorite was this shot and the pink furry under Bingo. Remind of double king.
Also a severe lack of creative design on the furries. At least there's one cat, can't help but notice Bojack Horseman, My Hero Academia and this all have the bell collar.
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Actually I take that back
Surprisingly My Hero went the more comedic route.
My mood has become infinitely worse after seeing this. Thanks, I guess…
The faggots in this thread mad at this shit are annoying.

Literally the argument is "HURR YOU CAN'T BE EDGY IN CURRENT YEAR!!". I personally like that in a world where everyone has this trolls remorse and self flagellate over the edgy shit they made in the past flashgitz remains true to themselves and are the same edglords they started out as. And I wish we had more edgy new grounds content.

What exactly do you want them to make, Steven universe shit? Story time animation's? But honestly the furry shit is getting a bit old but I think they'd be in actual trouble if they targeted more "relevant" but similar groups. Furries are a "safe" target because everyone's always hated them.
>I wish we had more edgy new grounds content
>I think they'd be in actual trouble if they targeted more "relevant" but similar groups
This is why you won't get any good content anymore, all the edgy larpers are actually scared of faggots and trannies, so they're stuck on topics of the past.
I kind of want furries to be a protected sexual oration, and for them to lose thier channel, just watch them cry
for the lulz
Correction, Flashgitz is for people who think Newgrounds is still the same site as it was in 2005.
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Im scared of the future.
oldest sh*rty user
Why does it burn you so much that he makes fun of others?
Dude, he makes parodies, I don't know what you expect from him.
TADC is not a sacred cow.
the new? He has always done parodies.
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>this is the future browser of this website
I... I think I need to lay down for a while...
Edgy humor is great, we can totally use more of that. We’re lacking in good edgy content.
What isn’t great is low-hanging-fruit “what if Mario killed people and swore” style humor that became fucking stale over a decade ago. That’s all this guy does and it comes across like he’s mad people don’t think he’s funny anymore.
What if pokeymon was actually animal abuse and there was blood lmao
You Bubblin? Ya Boilin?
>it comes across like he’s mad people don’t think he’s funny anymore.
It's extremely true, he can't even make fun of Zoomers right.
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>hating on furries when you can pander to them instead and make $100k monthly if you are at the top of the world of furry content creation.
>even a bad artist can make $20-$50 an hour with plenty of demand if they have a specific niche
in what goddamn world was 4chan ever NOT full of kids?
>hating on furries when you can pander to them
You forget Newgrounds HATED furries back in its heyday.
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I was there for it, living in 2008 perpetually is a great way to stay broke.
That's not to say you can just slap animal ears on an anime girl and make money, you gotta still be able to market and hustle your generic waifu to people.
My problem is that I'm not very good at anatomy, so I could never make "sexy" art.
I've seen schizophrenics with very unsexy styles and incredibly obscure species of animal to make anthro just trauma dumping their crazy life into art and they still draw a crowd.
Usually that crowd is also crazy people, but again you just gotta find your people and furries are great at that.
Thanks! It's a good thing I can draw animals somewhat decently, but I do consider myself better at drawing humans.
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I've seen great use of realistically styled anthros before, and really cartoonish ones too.
Just getting a consistent style that gets your brand across seems to be the the real ticket, if you look at any Bob Ross painting you pretty much instantly know it's one of his from various telltale hallmarks and signature features he loves to paint.
It used to only be full of teenagers when I was one.
teenagers are just kids with crazy hormones making them horny. they're equally as retarded.
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Good news, my style seems to have tons of hallmarks and signatures. If only I got the hang of drawing bodies though...
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>schizophrenics with very unsexy styles anthro just trauma dumping their crazy life into art and they still draw a crowd.
Sparklecare Hospital?
That might be over due to AI art
Not if I draw my own assets, then it would still be my own art.
>two more weeks
It's been YEARS since local furry models, just look at the /trash/ general, and there hasn't been a measurable dip for real artists.
Time is money, spending days generating and reviewing pics until you get something decent is in practice a lot more expensive than even big name commissions.
I've seen furry AI art, it will draw the exact same gaped asshole on a lot of generic really shiny furry girls but it can't actually capture the aesthetic a real artist sketching their soul onto paper.
the irony of AI art is that ive seen/followed way more artist that do more analogue art on paper. Im pretty sure its probably ruinous for people that had the style that AI has been stealing/emulating.
Two more weeks of what?
Game Sonic: Sonic would eventually die when fucking with something primarch level or higher.
Archie Sonic: It's over for the Imperium
I want them to continue the Ruldoph trilogy
Actually it's really funny when he kisses tails,I also thought the short they did where Sonic actually threatens to rape tails was even funnier though.
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Everyone ITT is missing the point. The furries that the flashgitz templars are always fighting are clearly the the ones that go to cons dressed in neon colored fursuits and have a bunch of gay shit, piss stuff, shit stuff, etc saved on their pcs etc. They are also clearly the ones who get triggered over cursing, being "toxic" in video games, being "bigoted", are pro cancel culture, etc. Some of them are even known to want the "bluey family" which flashgitz shows here. As for the "bluey family", it is a cringey shitty show sponsored by the australian govt (literally govt propaganda google it), with the show makers admitting to being christcucks (dont care what religion is behind it all religion is bs), and the whole show is clearly far more than the "babysit the kids" show its got an angle it is trying to push. Its all just a bunch of "get married and have kids" propaganda. Did you know that prostitution is legal in the land down unda m8? Those "lads" or "chaps" should be heading to the brothel to get some professional head and pussy, not having the literal australian govt grooming them into worrying about breeding before theyve even gotten their first piece of ass. I'd be very interested in seeing people try to shill the family LARP to people who are older in the form of a show, once you are forced to drop all the cutesy kiddy shit.
Go watch Chip Chilla if you're that upset.
You didn't need to write so much just to let us know you have autism.
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I Know it's overthinking. But what's a cammel girl in the french hat is supposed to be. An arab soldier in the french army and considering the Gear it's ww2. I think.
Is this 2005? I forgot furries even existed.
Not really, Flashgitz is one of the more unoriginal Newgroundsers.
They're legionnaires I think
Look up the French foreign legion
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nothing i said is factually inaccurate stay salty
Whoa, did you pull those statistics out of your ass?
I doubt that French FL would ever allow an Arab in the higher ranks During WW2 +It would get a bit awkward during the Algerian War
I believe her being a camel is likely just a reference to the legions well known exploits in North Africa/Sahara where they were often pictured using camels.
Pretty positive the horned ones telepathy and
the flying one guarantees everyone is eating a bullet.
Based. I wished the killing was done on-screen. Oh well, maybe he can release an uncensored version.
What's with the sudden bluey hate, I think watching a pre school show as a adult is a bit strange but whatever. I've seen a few eps in the background and was surprised by how wholesome some eps were like the weirdly cinematic sleeping alone ep. But I don't get the overhate or love, it's still a pre school show.
I feel like what they should have done, and I dont really give a shit if it was lore accurate or not was have the Black Templar scan Bandit's house and his readout tells him that why Bandit and his family look like furries theyre an entire different sub species of Xeno but theyre also not why he's been sent to Oceania

I would have preferred an angry Bandit being disgusted at the idea of a bunch of weirdos in costumes larping as their neighbors when because their community is so small he knows everyone. It would be a real funny take on Genestealers attacking Bandit's neighbors and then pretending to be their neighbors but Bandit isnt stupid.

>Look mate. Im a simple archiologist. My family has lived here for awhile now. I know everyone here and lemee tell you your scanner is wrong
>Listen Xeno who're you to doubt my Emperor im starting to think you and your Xeno tricks are lying to me
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Increasing and increasing masses of the infantile population. At the same time, they do not have enough self-control and emotional intelligence like small children to operate in binary logic of love-hate, and their area of interest does not stray from preschool content, including cartoons.
Also yes, myself included
I been here since I was 12 and didnt know what this was
It's just /co/ntrarians who mostly shill Chip Chilla.
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Yeah...that last one is the Ukrainians.
Wendy lives nearby...and is SINGLE.No idea why people are obsessed with fucking somebody's wife.
>Russians arent fucking animals and children
Russkies were overjoyed when one of their own soldiers raped a toddler with a stick. And they only stopped cheering for it when they realized that this is making everyone else see them as subhumans.
Boring and banal story, you came up with something much more interesting and funny shit, the children with shells sewn into their stomachs were peak fiction, ngl.
They become attached to the character, that's why
You didn’t know what website you were on?
Because it is not normal for an adult to be obsessed with a cartoon that is aimed at preschool-aged children
>Because it is not normal for an adult to be obsessed with a cartoon that is aimed at preschool-aged children
Holy basodado
>russians are the BEST anthro artists

All the more reason to wipe them from the Earth.
I think the issue with Space King is that it is a property derivative of another property (Warhammer 40k), itself already a derivative of multiple different sources. I can't see myself being invested in something that has so little depth. I did like the gags & jokes though.
Tourists from YouTube getting mad that people are having fun
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>The faggots in this thread mad at this shit are annoying.
You guys keep talking about people in this thread being mad, but that's not what's happening. It's starting to look like you're seething that Flashgitz isn't universally praised.
Are really people still bitching about the hazbin hotel thing? You know he called men mentally ill just after women right?
That's amazing that that's what you gleaned from that post.
How is insecure barely calling out hazbin hotel just before calling out themselves?
More like Newgrounds as a whole.
Furry "fandom" goes on >>>/trash/
It's still funny tho
Yeah based
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I believe this is episode is a message for the jannies, a show with anthro characters doesn't mean is furry
More like Kitty Kuckswell.
More like a message for >>144112773
>Also furry hate is kinda passé because most of it came from SA
Can't find about that anywhere, it looks like you just made that up, source?
>he doesn't know about Something Awful
Oh boy.
imagine actually paying to be on an imageboard, lmfao
Oh my Maddox... is dat sum Warhammer 40k? Awww HELL yeah, turn that shit way the FUCK UP my fellow goonarino!!!
They still do for the most part dummy, watch any video about the more recent furcons and they're still horrendous looking. And they still do degen shit like having sex in hotel hallways and cumming on pizza. Nothing has changed, if anything they've gotten worse and more bold because more and more people tolerate these kinda furries instead of constantly making fun of them.
>t. taxman
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Kaldor Draigo comes in at the last moment to save the day because he's more of a deranged eldritch entity than the waifubot is.
>Sell your soul to the degenerate community run by actual pedos and animal fuckers bro! Its easy money!
Its almost as bad as selling yourself out to hollywood.
Pretty sure that racist mario is straight up a rip off, of a spic animation
I dont get what you're trying to say? That I do taxes?
No, I mean the owner of Something Awful forums.
I dont even know what that is dude.
You know Schmorky? He was on there, I think.
Yeah but I really dont keep tabs or give a shit about any online forms other than 4chan. You dont have to browse those kinda forums to see examples of furries being horrid, they document themselves doing that shit on YouTube.
I guess that's fair, I've seen tons of furries on /trash/
Well it is kinda their containment board. ironically most of them arent that bad. Its the majority of the furfags that dress up in their shoddy fetish suits they mainly wear for sex that go to cons that are the main problem.
I've never been to a con before, so perhaps I saved myself a few awkward interactions.
Is doctordj even a furry?
In the fursona sense, anyway.
While Meatcanyons stuff is mostly just milking whats popular, credit where it's due, he can make very, very unique stuff when he puts himself to it - like the Steve Harvey one, and Stink fiend.
Are the space marines wearing helmets?
There is a legitmate risk of getting stds or some other kinda gross disease there lol. Thats why even a decent amount of furries never go to cons, its just to gross and filled with freaks.
He's a one of the first Hmoaf artists that mainly draws only Hmaof content and takes requests from those threads on /trash/. So depedning on if you consider hmaofs furry its up to you.
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>Average Space Marine interaction with a foll Mutant Vs Average Space Marine interaction with a Abominable Intelligence
Would Tolkien hate Warhammer 40,000?
>PG cartoon but dark is kinda funny too
Maybe if you were born less than ten years ago.
If i remember correctly there is some implication that Humanity and its AI Robots in the 40k setting used to be bros before the Men of Iron war happened. Its widley believed that Chaos correpted a lot of the AI an caused them to turn on humanity. We do see examples of AI robots that werent Chaos Corrupted and they are pretty chill. Plus the new space dwarf faction (which are a human subspecies) treat their robots as equals.

Point im trying to make is that humanity and AI have a common enemy, which is those damn eldritch Chaos Gods
WTF 40k ripped off Murder Drones!
Can't this guy tell a single joke without running it into the ground?
And they kiss in a silly way
Draigo has gone to insane from spending most of his time in the warp to really care about the heresy of smooching an eldritch goddess stuck inside a waifu bot. He'd totally do it and then ask her if she would like a tangerine.
>It is cuck to raise daughter because she gets sexed
Yeah we should do what china does and kill female babies because they're cuck fodder.
I wish they'd change up the Chapters from time to time. As much as I like the Black Templars I want to see other chapters. I would be pretty funny to see the Space Wolves fighting the furries and the furries being under the false assumption that the Space Wolves are space marine turncoats who became furry.
And cyn would ask if he would also like a Abba juices, and then they get married
It would be funny the black templars trying to wipe out the space wolves and space wolves coming in top
I don't get it, killing furries is one thing but Bluey aren't furries, yet its apparently le funney to kill them? I'm getting too old for this edgy rubbish where the enemy is whatever they want it to be.
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I wish it was a 40k SM going after soijaks and frogs but they won't do it because they're pussies and go after low-hanging fruit like Bluey or "whatever is popular with teh libs on twixxer"
I wish Bandit told his family to run.
>Lack of creative design
A very, very fucking common thing pointed out about furries is that even when they aren't technically canines, all their fucking suits and OCs just end up being the same retarded faggoty sparkledog without fail.
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>I wish it was a 40k SM going after soijaks
Unironically the spacemarines get stomped, HARD
>"WTF cousins we're on the same side! Have you gone mad?"
>*The Black Templars having ptsd from the furry wars*
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Hmmpt >:(
cute boy/girl
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Back to your containment board >>>/trash/
i found the joke entirely predictable
like of course the black templar would gun down the cartoon dog family thats what they do
like all the fucking time is gun down civilians
Thanks you anon :) (She's a girl)
Why are Warkiddies so uncreative?
The last thing I remember hearing from 40k is about those space Dwarfs being the only remains of the old humanity before the emperor that survived because they befriended the AI machines instead of abusing them and then fearing them.
But there was little lore and explanation about that faction, have they written more?
>2 years ago local shelter dog rapist got caught
Any news articles?
>make a joke one time
>soibois online seething forever
>all the edgy larpers are actually scared of faggots and trannies, so they're stuck on topics of the past.
It's funny how paralyzed they are. They love to talk big but they'd never do anything that would get them cancelled, because they're pussies.
Why are Br*ish people are so weirder than American't people?
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This thread is the ultimate proof that /co/ is just autists trying to feel special for being contrarians

You guys will never be satisfied with anything, so dont bitch about useless coomer threads and know your place.
>furfags still seething
they wish they were this chill. they cannibalize themselves for wrongthink
I miss when they'd at least give them boobies
Are networking events any better, or do I gotta worry about furfags too?
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Bluey become the emperor after his death
They were based for this
Furries as a playable faction when?
>everyone tells you it's not what it looks like
>watch it
>it's exactly what it looked like
Space King will be the same joke over and over too, what are you even complaining about?
It almost had an uncharacteristic feel-good ending until he shot Bluey's family at which point it became exactly what it looked like.

I feel like it crosses the line into PETA territory where they go after children's programming like how they said Pokemon was about slavery, totally not understanding that children shouldn't accidentally find this stupid bullshit. Like some kids are going to see this shit before the algorithm cuts it out. Like yeah I get it, Newgrounds was chainsawing Care Bears or Teletubbies or some shit since the beginning but that was voluntary consumption. You had to specifically go onto Newgrounds to see that; even back then YouTube didn't have auto-play. Like even the porn sites renamed Pokemon and Overwatch tags so they wouldn't appear in the top search results. Like Christ, Bluey? Like what fucking comedic value is there in taking the piss out of Bluey? Like what value is there in making kids think about cockfighting when they look at Pokemon like PETA did. It's fucked.
>If you don’t like the same joke being told over and over and over again you’re a furfag
We have Space Wolves already
Furries in denial don’t count.
>Like what fucking comedic value is there in taking the piss out of Bluey?
It's a show that pretends to be aimed at kids when its main audience is manchildren. It deserves to be mocked.
kino is back on the menu boys
I want to see a return to era of warhammer fan animations before GW created Warhammer+ ...
I thought the joke was gonna be this Templar going nuts trying to kill them and then every other Templar being all “what are you talking about man that’s just a children’s cartoon”
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Was sligthly funny first minute. After this, the joke exhausted itself and everything turned into rape of the corpse of humor. Many such cases where author simply do not knows when to stop and drugs plot into the grave.
So... The Drawn Together Movie?
did i stutter?
Can we admit Warhammer fans are just horrible
Everyone else can admit that, it's Warhammer fans themselves that won't budge.
Did space king flop so bad they had to go back to 40k?
Shockingly, it managed to do better than Arin's own pilot.
You can say the same for pretty much any fanbase
40k is oddly more openly accepted online when the fanbase is no better than pony fags
I don’t understand going back to making 40k shit either maybe they were hoping for a streaming/television deal with space king?
Space king didn’t flop but going back to 40k after is kinda puzzling especially with GW looking at them more with them featuring black Templars
Oh this is some 40k autismo shit? lol
He's been doing it for years, with the same exact punchline every time
I’m not watching that shit. I was just wondering what the deal was.
He's one of those Millennial Newgroundsers, I doubt he's capable of thinking for himself.
That's Bandit.
I would rather no one put anymore effort into featuring that cancer in their works.
It didn’t get the same views their 40k stuff gets
>make a ip that doesn’t have GW breathing their necks potentially
>just go back to 40k after a couple months

Something doesn’t add up
They probably wanted more than patreon and YouTube sheckles. The hazbin hotel jab was random and probably them wanting a syndicated show.
The fake gooner fans and tourists are horrible. The franchise shouldve stayed obsure like it did before the 2010s
REEEE my secret tabletop miniatures games
>Fans that are just an autistic splinter of furries that obsess over a little girls show and coom over it arent as bad as fans of a Sci-Fi franchise aimed at adult men who like big space men with big guns
There is nothing odd about it being accepted online, its nowhere near as deraged as Ponyfags and the Blueyfags who are their spiritual successors.
I actually hate the stupid tabletop stuff, the franchise would just be better off without it. The video games and books make way more money than those overpriced peices of plastic ever could
Flashgitz is the somewhat funny Dorkly.
>what if dnd space?
Its actually "what if fantasy space?" but close enough
The tabletop is why we have shit like femstodes being retconned into the lore because they want to market the dumb figurines to more women (their words not mine) even though there are two perfectly available female only sub-factions. Its stupid in the first place, barley any women are into the autistic minatures hobby so GW trying to market to them is pointless.

The rare few actual women that do buy the minatures and play tabletop usually only play regular or chaos space marines because they find them neat.
Do Amiibos count?
hahahhaahahah, no more real retorts, fag sympathizer?
the warhammer minatures for the tabletop games and the amiibos that Nintendo makes are two entirely different things. The Amiibos actually have more utility than the minatures because you can use them in your videogames and if you're bold enough, as buttplugs
What would they think of this heresy?
This is why I don’t feel bad about having come to prefer Fantasy to 40k, the fans of the former don’t have a stick lodged up their ass like a lot of 40kfags.
Thats clearly just a sanctioned abhuman, perfectly normal
Well thats cause Fantasy has been concluded for years now, unless you're an Age of Shitmar fan
Isn't there already an imperial sanctioned race of furry cat-people abhumans called the felinids? They're in the guard and everything I believe.
More like the Felidaes.
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You know I’m surprised they haven’t touch Fnaf yet. The playerbase is full of furries.
That's the trifecta of Heresy right there
What is the ideal alternative to the zootopia/furry fandom/community for me who wants to avoid predators, avoid prey and wants creatures that are totally outside the food chain?

I only want creatures that are completely out of the food chain.
>I only want creatures that are completely out of the food chain.
No such thing exist, even bacteria prey on each other.
I'm looking for a fandom/community that consists of creatures that are totally outside and do not exist in the food chain
Do you know something for me?
Huh, I thought Space King was made because they can't parody 40k directly anymore?
No, it's because Flashgitz saw that a couple people made pilots and thought
>I'm gonna make one too!

I wish they'd use that energy to go after cub shit or much worse.
>he thinks cubs are bad
Faggot detected.
He can't go after his own kind, all the lolis are on Newgrounds.

Furries go after loli all the time, what are you on about?
I'm looking for a fandom/community that consists of creatures that are totally outside and do not exist in the food chain
Do you know something ideal for me?
Why go after loli, but not cubs? It's the same fucking concept.

Beats me. Ask the purity spiral.
I'd get conflicting answers, so it's better I don't ask.
Alright I'll be the one to ask.

Why the fuck is she not a space wolf? Like I'm tired of the SWs are furries meme but like, c'mon there's that and then there's going out of your way to not enhance the joke.
hot, but odd she's not flying space wolf colors
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Furries are a bit retarded sometimes. Ive seen a few drawings of a furry artist doing some pretty good art of anthro shark people in space marine armor but NONE of them where in the Carcharodon (Space Sharks) Chapter. Like ffs, a golden opportunity squandered.
I didn't. I thought it was mean.
>Space Marines were mean
well gosh fellas. Someone better tell the Emperor.
She also has a Mechanicus axe for some reason. Don't get me wrong it's cool and all but it's pretty obvious that most of the people making art don't really know much about the setting beyond surface level things and are only using the setting as an aesthetic, that's not even just a Warhammer thing it's true for most popular things commission artists make art for.
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>Space Marines killing furries and general cute things
God, this shit is so fucking tired. I remember seeing a lot of stuff like this back in the prime ED days like 15 years ago.
Most of the time it's due to the person making or commissioning the piece having an incredibly autistic marysue headcanon around whatever they are doing or it's a for-profit artist who gives absolutely zero fucks but will still happily use "popular thing" to advertise themselves regardless of the actual subject material.
I have no evidence, but I suspect a lot of the people saying "I don't like this" are not furries, but Bluey fans.

But it is never wrong to kill furries, so everyone bitching about it can calm down and enjoy the autism
This guys videos fucking suck and I'll always hate him for having the "racist mario" thumbnail plaguing youtube for a good 4 years.
>mfw iwn get qt emo gator gf
I am cursed by the very Heavens themselves
I don’t care. I want the Rudolph series to come back
I never watched the dog show, what's with the broccoli?

Have you considered interacting with other Nid Enjoyers instead of the people who like the Faction that is intended to be Xenophobic.
>Elves riding Dinosaurs

Who are those
Eldar that saw the absolute decadence of their race, saw that the craftworld Eldar didn't go hard enough in the rejection of debauchery then went Amish so hard they went full Flinstones
Blueyfag detected
or the cartoon sucks lol
I didn't find it funny, not sure why but I just didn't. Although I'll say this, I really liked the fight, I thought that was fun.
Nah ALL Warhammer fans have sticks up their asses your not safe from this either
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What the fuck
Every episode of the show I've stumbled across is just the parents playing silly imagination games with their kids, like Bluey picking up a random stick and going "okay dad when I point the stick at you you have to walk backwards" and then the dad walks backwards.
Bluey is le woke because they aren't homeschooled.
I'll take this over space king desu. I didn't like it
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brother azron did learn a valuable lesson, I’m proud of him
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damn you cyn! return where you came from
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>The joke isn't stale, we need more dead furries and more silly crossovers.
You know what the actual irony of it is?
The Imperium of Man had no issue with Abhumans and even had some in their ranks before some retard said "You know who sucks? ABHUMANS and their tendency towards Chaos!" So they kicked out the Abhumans who then became incredibly pissed and joined Chaos en masse. It's always been people just wanting an enemy to make themselves look better, context be damned.
is this canon

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