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This has the same energy as turning Alastar asexual just to shoot down a ship she doesn't like. In other words, it reeks of insincerity.
Moxxie is bi?
based straight millie
everything about her writing is insincere. I'm happy that the audience she panders to will now eat her alive on Twitter over every small mistake she makes.
The art style of this show is fucking atrocious and an assault on the eyes.
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Loona you say?
asexuals lack a fundamental human drive and are therefore subhuman
Via is just traumatized by her father ruining her life.
Alastor is just mentally ill and deranged.
This image is only a mess because it has to accentuate all the flags and all their garish as fuck primary colors. The actual show doesn't look half as bad
There's no difference between pan- and bisexual
>The actual show doesn't look half as bad
...Do Helluvafags really?
The animation is fine. Even great in high-effort sequences. But the aesthetics of the setting and the designs themselves are fucking horrible. Vivziepop's style is just hard to look at and is shit.
Pansexuals like ugly people, too
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>Loona is bi
>probably going to dyke out or enter into this cringe polyamory shit
This shouldn't sting, but it does. Why? She's just a cartoon dog. She shouldn't matter this much to me. Why does it hurt so much?
Wouldn't you be classified as pansexual if you fuck things outside of your species?
Because you are extremely autistic.
I know.
>Incest burd is gay
Because Loona is the only thing you actually like about this dogshit show, and the prospect of her being ruined as well is too much for you to bare.
It's hilarious how Viv wants fags to celebrate fags in Hell. Secretly based if you ask me. The dog shit "Beelzebub" character makes this image extremely terrible to look at.
Great. Now whenever I want to search “Stolas demon” I have to see this shit
It's hit or miss with the character designs but I like the style overall
Then again I like SMFA and Paper Rad too so I probs have a high tolerance for weird art styles to begin with
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>the prospect of her being ruined as well is too much for you to bare.
Fuck that really is what it feels like, after season 1 I was basically watching just for her. I didn't even buy into the waifu shit until I tried this show and saw her. Now going from Full Moon to this feels like I got her back and lost her all over again.
What do I even do at this point? Disregard canon and cope with fan shit? Find a new girl? Do the healthy thing and try to forget about her?
Any of those sound painful. I guess it's on me for getting so attached, this shit is fucked up and so am I.
Lute training montage, and revenge against Vaggie.
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Lute is alright.
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You know, I was dreading Viv doing something absolutely horrible with Loona so her being bi, which was already a reasonable assumption given how she gushed over Bee, isn't the end of the world to me
He used to date a guy when he was younger. Did you miss the episode where he and the gang go back to his home in the greed ring? He and Millie fucked the shark dude at separate times in their lives.

At least we don't think with our cocks/vaginas.
Lute, drop the bomb on these sinner's.
The show insists upon itself.
I saw it coming too but it didn't prepare me as much as I thought it would for some reason.

Pan is regardless of gender and/or sex (which includes non-binary/androgynous/identifying as something else/other that specifically don't want to bind to man or woman) or like it says on the tin likes to fuck everything, bi is either man or woman (trans man for example is still a person that wants to be identified as a man). I might get mixed on this, but I think that's how it goes.
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I've saved a good amount of art of her having fun with Bee and Roxanne Wolf so I'm pretty much used to the idea already. I was only REALLY afraid they would reveal Loona is a post-op troon, but seeing as how loudly they like to scream with their transgender characters I think we're in the clear
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pan means you don't care about gender, so that means you don't give a shit about it if your partner is a box
>yeah I'm incapable of emotion but at least I never get angry
how do you think fujoshis feel? at least you'd still have a chance
I find it genuinely hilarious how all of Hazbin / Helluva is basically
>"Yes. Fags, trannies and deviants are sent to and found in Hell."
What the fuck did Vivziepop mean by this?

We're aces, not assholes.
nothing, because for her, Hell is a good place where demons have feelings and the Heaven is where the bad guys live
Vivziepop is worse than JK Rowling when it comes to retconning characters on twitter. I don’t mind loona being bi. At least show her be interested in women in the show. If anything she comes
Across the most straight character in the show.
these two burning asphalt over the pride flag
Lmao. Nice little Tumblr nickname for a mental illness. Keep telling yourself your lack of a basic human drive is something to be proud of.
what the fuck is verosika? isn't she a succubus so she fucks everything?

She's bissexual, she constantly projects herself in relationships of "two sides of the same coin", that's why relationships in the shows are always full of melodrama and wants to make a soap opera of her own projections.
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That's fair. I'll probably find a way to either get used to it or move on, but for right now it's not a comfy feeling.
>I was only REALLY afraid they would reveal Loona is a post-op troon, but seeing as how loudly they like to scream with their transgender characters I think we're in the clear
Yeah, that was absolute worst-case. I think if they were going to do that, they'd have done it here.
This is true. Yeah, it could have been a lot worse.
>If anything she comes across the most straight character in the show.
She does, I just don't want her to get shoehorned into some dumb polyamory or dyke relationship like the twitterfags do. Viv could and would absolutely do this, especially to spite her male fans.
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>millie is straight
>no straight pride dress
Sustain the narrative. Destroy the logical.

do you have something to be proud of, anon? Or are ya just gonna keep swinging your cock like people will care about your manhood?
She pegs Moxxie, a woman wearing a penis isn't what I would call straight
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So do all of the parents in hell have like twenty kids each, because how are they going to have a population at all if like 70-80 percent of them are some flavor of gay? Combined with the random constant dying they'd go extinct in like two generations
I'm proud not to be a subhuman like you. And why do you keep bringing up people's genitals? you sure you're asexual anon?

Yeah because I don't want to suck your dick. Go straddle on your horse with your God complex.
>Only healthy non-toxic relationship in the show with Millie
>The only straight character in the show
What did Vivziepop mean by this?
Because you've been mind fucked to think Bi means 99% Woman and maybe 1% Dudes. It's 2024 every nutty bitch and weird ass dude says they're queer, bi or some vague definition of dtf in what ever hole they like to suck n fuck.

>This shouldn't sting, but it does. Why?
Because like lot of dudes, your waifu or whatever you admire is the only thing you got in your Good Thoughts part of your mind in this fucked up world and you like to think in some parallel universe where she exist you might have a shot.
In the other show the only straight one is the retarded joke character
>In the other show the only straight one is the retarded joke character
Are you talking about Adam and Lute? Fangirls get wet over Adam and Lute relationship.
Never mentioned anyone sucking my dick anon, you really need to consider why you're having these sexual thoughts all of a sudden. And is it a god complex if I think 99.9999% of the population is above you? I don't think that's what that means.
...is mammon only there because of the whole
>muh capitalist corporations using the pride movement to their gains
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I dare someone to edit Millie's dress with the straight pride stripes...and send it to Viv on twitter
Moxxie being a cross-dresser is a joke in the show that comes up repeatedly and has overstayed it's welcome
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Lil bastard bitch red horror deserves to be chopped off to pieces by a Too Angry To Die Dwarf Slayer for doing that, also Vivzie can get screwed with a Burning Steel Rod for all i care, i hate her and all the woketard writers of this show for doing Adam so dirty when he should have been the actually good and also useful guy around!
Again, she deserves death!
calm down, Lute
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How many times do you think she's filled lesbian cunt with her seed?
>MtF troon
Pick one
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Cut! Oh my God, she's killed the original man!
It'll all make sense in Season 3 when she turns out to be Eve
i feel you had the same thing happen to me with lukyon from sekai oni
I will take this as confirmation that Chaz is alive and well.
Why was it fun when Bugs Bunny did it?
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She's just a lesbian woman
How did you manage it afterward?
>Luckily Adam was an orphan owned by Heaven.
coping like insane person for 2 years
i tried to beg the author to answer me if lukyon was a virgin but he ignored me after i asked him the first time

coping become way to much bad for my mental health so i pretty tried to forget about her i deleted my lukyon folder and anything related to sekai oni so i can pretend that she never existed
It's a special kind of hell, isn't it?
>dmt jester in the background
nice touch, fuck those literal imps
Poor vortex. Cant even be in this pic with his gf.
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Same way they confirmed Stella's brother as gay since people saw some incestuous subtext between them
yes it specially hurts when you collected so much obscure fan art that no one has seen expect for yourself
This. She's only asexual because she's a minor and vivzie doesn't want lewds of her. Mammon is asexual because he's a fat ugly fuck.
Because anything that made Moxxie or his relationship with Millie unique by Hell standards has been swept away. He's just another fag for the show's ensemble now, like all the rest. And they keep bringing up the same unfunny handful of sex jokes over and over again.
Make your own Loona that's your own and the only real one to you and stop caring about other people's fake Loonas.
If you can keep control of it, going just a little bit schizo is actually really good for your overall mental health.
>no nonbinary characters
>no aromantics
>one lesbian
>no trans men
I think Vivziepop is a bigot.
Viv forgor
no I think you'd be classified as a degenerate
it's just being straight but also wanting tits without others calling them moobs
You guys should kiss eachother
>Love interest of Loona and Beelz
>Not in the picture
he's homophobic
stop that, you can't groom people here this isn't discord.
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>egg theorist
So if my alphabet flags are right then Sallie Mae is the only straight person here?
>Demons celebrating pride month
>As if they suffer discrimination on Hell.
you are wrong, she is lesbian, the only straight one is Millie.
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my loona...
Moxie and Millie are lgtb?
hell is just hell when it helps viv have a cool edgy aesthetic, otherwise its just southern california
Pretty much
Quite the opposite from what ive seen.
if you want tits you're a woman in denial sorry
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I know, man. I know.
I can still fix her
Furries have been allowed to run rampant on this website way too long
Being a man and wanting tits doesn't make you a woman of any sort, it makes you a mentally ill man
I dont know if being overly horny necessarily constitutes as a mentally ill man
What does that look like?
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>gay pride parade
>all in hell
what did viv mean by this?
If you're so horny you want to grow tits, yes that makes you mentally ill
queers are reclaiming hell, shitlord
as opposed to being so horny you masturbate 5 times a day? Or being so horny you want to fuck a 12 year old? Regardless of any overlapping of course.
>Viv hates stella so much she isnt even featured as a hateful homophobe on the promotional lbtg artwork for helluvaboss.
If you jerk it 5 times a day you have a problem, if you want to fuck kids you need to be shot. What point are you trying to make?
Why would they include hateful homophobes in a pride pic?
so they can show her suffering in some way to really stick it to those heckin' chuds
yeah, aka an egg
calling someone an egg implies hatching into something different, but a mentally ill man remains a man no matter what he calls himself or does to his body
an egg is someone who hasn't realized they want to be the other sex because they're in denial, it says nothing about their ability to actually be the other sex
The darkest, bleaking flag of them all lol.
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I'm tired, bros.
*bleakest, lol
You should ask other anons
They included some of them just to show how mad they are, but not stella cos viv hates her guts for some reason
Vivzie made her asexual after realizing shipping her with loona would technically be incest because their dads are gay for each other
>Extremely sexual event
>Asexuals are somehow part of it
>the straight couple is the main focus of the pride parade
What did Vivzie the Hut mean by this?
I wish /co/ didn't have so much negative to say about the only show that's actually trying with its visuals anymore.
Sallie is a dude.
I wish Vivzie was a competent writer.
It's not like there's any competition that's doing better in its writing, sadly.
>What did Viv mean by this?
Hell, the literal place where evil people go, are the poor oppressed woobles while Heaven are the White, Patriarchal Males that want to genocide all the gays, trannies and dogfuckers.
>actual helluvafag cope
There are many, many other shows that "try" with their visuals and look excellent. Also Vivzie's style looks terrible.
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are you retarded?
Several of these are clearly afterthoughts or Viv spiting people
There hasn't been any good /co/ in a decade.
Ok, you are actually retarded
prove that anon wrong
>stella's brother is there
>stella is not there
More proof that stella is the only based character
I’m getting sour grapes vibes from this post
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Is it possible to learn this power?
Because everything else about it is garbage. And Vivzie has also made some bad and abysmal character designs here and there.
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>She's only asexual because she's a minor and vivzie doesn't want lewds of her

Somewhat relatedly, was anyone else disappointed when the camp episode was released and Viv immediately came out and clarified that this kid was not actually a heckin minorino? Like the show was actually a little edgy for a bit and you threw it away
Or that she will die at the end of season 2 and Viv doesn't feel the need to bother with her.
What gives you that idea?
The weirdest thing about Loona in this is why would she go to a public parade and garner attention? She's always been apathetic and is autistic as hell. First thing she does after being invited to a party is use racial slurs at someone.
go to /x/
>We're aces, not assholes.
name me one fucking lbgtqtthep fuck who isn't annoying.
(You)! Oh wait...
me (I'm bisexual)
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Why the fuck did Viv rip off the Liam Vickers Autism Girl Pose (tm) for this retard?
Do they celebrate Gluttony Month and Wrath Month too?
Can't be of fanservice use so no
Also vivzie hates fat people so what the fuck are even you suggesting, how dare you, shameee
When OG leaks surfaced there have been some people who called it about incest kind of thing between Andy magic and Stella that of them will Die. Also it would be in character for Viv to just fully replace female character with a male one.
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I don't think there's any logic, it's just a dumb nonsense picture on the tail end of fag month to 'confirm' some sexualities for their twitter fans, discourage shipping Octavia and spite some people.
Otherwise Chaz just crawled out of the grave just to attend a pride parade.
Holy shit
I don't know a single asexual that isn't just a neurotic virgin or a burnt out, jilted lover. The chad Isaac Newton is statistically anomalous as to be a myth.
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This was a lot of fun to draw actually.
She looks like she's about to sign up for mime classes.
Lol, no they don't.
Now all we need is to post this on Twitter. I do have a Twitter but I don't know if I have the guts to post it.
>Imp Nia
Eh I actually meant recoloring her dress in the pride parade pic in OP, but this works too. Nicely done.
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Lol fuck bitches get money
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Oh, I'm sorry. Because of the colors, I wanted to make a more mopey outfit. I'll make another drawing sometime Friday and maybe then we can post it to Twitter.
Gay Luigi?
i know it's been a long day...
Now that I look at it, she does look like a mime kinda.
Dangerously based.
Literally a straight man.
Tell me one nonbinary who dresses as "nonbinary" that is hot
That's why she is the only one who is not interesting besides porn. Fuck the straights, am I right fellow lgbtanons?
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Wouldn't have been way better to use this other flag, specially if you wanna make Vivzie truly seethe in anger,

Lol my first thought when I see this is the pornhub logo.
I remember the ace thing popping up when I was in my young 20s and was going to run around wearing a black ring that the community was doing to be visible. But this was early internet before social media became a thing, and the forum site was slow, so I grew up normal.
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WOW, who cares? How fucking petty do you have to be? This is so fucking stupid.
I've said nothing wrong.
Holy shit a vicker boy
You guys do know that bi means both right? Like, she still likes guys, why are you all busting down, just because there's a chance she could like women?
I can buy that someone whose life was ruined by her dad being a sex obsessed degenerate would want nothing to do with sex.

The word pansexual started off as a term to describe someone who'd fuck animals and children btw, how'd it get so popular in recent years?
why is everyone in hell gay
Acting like autism pose hasn't been around since the middle ages and everything is secretly some reference is exactly why no one likes you anon
Which is so weird given how fucking fat she is
What does this word salad even mean I feel like I'm having an aneurysm
>Fangirls get wet over Adam and Lute relationship.
Adam is too ugly
Yeah, nothing says "respect my life choices" like driving down the road butt ass naked.
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Everyday I find myself agreeing with Stella. Imagine having that for your husband and father of your kid.
If I’m gonna draw that then maybe it should just stay here. Honestly I know a lot about how Twitter freaks can dox people they don’t like and I’m currently living at my dad’s house for the time being just so I can move out to college in August. I mostly don’t want to rope him and his family into my bullshit.
Yeah bro twitter fans of Helluva Boss/hazbin Hotell are on a whole another level. These are the kind of people that mentally unstable and can't take the slightest joke.

I remember that episode Loona went tk the dog party somebody claimed Loona bi and said straight people aren't allowed to like her. I responded who cares about her sexuality which that comment alone sparked off a whole big ass conversation.
I think that this show would have been better off without every characters having specific labels. Like Mamon is now asexual representation, I guess. Who is cheering? Or all four male Goetia's are into men, is it now a little weird how repressed Stolas was if being queer is so well represented? Maybe it will come up in the next episode but I find it strange that his BIL had to be included in this.
something awful is dead and it's never coming back

it's grooming culture, little more
Everything Vickers makes is bad
Did they tell someone to go kill themselves?
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We can save her.
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I really dont care if Loona is bisexual, infact I have a theory that all women are inherently bisexual, plus imagine having a 3 way with loona and another girl. I just hope they dont give her a boyfriend or shove her into some shitty "love triangle"
A boyfriend would be better than a girlfriend or a poly relationship like so many fags are wanting.
>taking a joke post seriously
>getting butthurt enough to reply twice
Lady this is a board where people talk about shit that matters to no one. That's the whole point, have you seen the other threads here?

Like walking in a burger joint and gettin pissed when you smell fries
Not me but thanks queen, keep slaying and yasss happy pride month I guess
StellaGODS won, LoonaCELS destroyed. Birdfucker chads....
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>viv declares the pilot noncanon
>this shitshow is what passes for canon
We should just 'no u' her and declare the show noncanon to the pilot. Just build a better fanon from there. To hell with her.
no glitz and glam?
>How much do we get paid?
Nothing, it's a parade?
>Fuck that noise, you want us you gotta pay up!
as someone who ships loona x octavia, this is okay
they're lesbians but they're into incest so that's problematic
Yeah I'm bi and every bi person I know says this, it's literally bi with extra steps for college points.
As trans people get more normalized pan will probably disappear since it's basically a relic of the 00s. Bi people were becoming more prominent but people still had lots of hangups about trans and NB people as this goes away so will the need for the Pan label
Yeah but you don’t have to be a dick about it.
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>The vast majority of the people in hell are gay
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>She's just a cartoon dog. She shouldn't matter this much to me. Why does it hurt so much?
Because you're a fag
>Because you're a fag
Ironically I probably wouldn't be bothered if I were.
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>the girl with little self esteem and no friends is going to be groomed into a threeway for poly rep
bravo viv
Watching episode 1 of Hazbin.
Why are we supposed to sympathize with this white savior wannabe Disney princess
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i'd rather have her fix me
Fix her so she can fix you.
>>144272172 (OP)

This shit confuses me, for the pose Sallie is in, the bulge should be noticeable, but it isn´t then in some art is and some isn´t.

So, is there a dick?

i know she is supposed to be a woman't now but, if she has a dick what lesbian would go like "hey i dont usually go for a cock u kno, but since is a lesbian cock then is ok"
>it's real
good lord, in this context poly relationships are cringe, and that's what really is happening
loona is being groomed
And Viv is too retarded and desperate to please her twitter fans that she doesn't see it.
>Blitzo has talked to Stolas the same way he has always ever talked to Stolas
>Blitzo now "likes" Stolas enough that he's talking him and being a whiny shit
>Stolas: I don't like the way your talking to me!
I feel like I missed an episode in between this shit.
I was wrong about Octavia. Stolas is going through a full divorce, and instead of trying to talk to his daughter, he's instead crying and singing soft rock about his fuck boy at a weird therapy session party.
Octavia has a hundred valid reasons to give her dad shit but from the leaks she is going to pick the weakest one so the show can once again coddle stolas free of consequence.
She's supposed to be the precautionary heir to a guy who has almost died twice, and she still hasn't been taught how to cast spells.

Yep, funny thing is that based on the leaks they still have that incest energy. Will have to wait and see if she remembers to change that in future seasons.

Would be hilarious if this was the only place were his sexually is addressed.

With how crowded the show is, it would make sense he’s forgotten about (if not death by the end of the season based again on the leaks).

Meaning that when this image inevitably gets forgotten in the future, or it’s existence is unknown by more casual fans. That would mean their incest tone would be the only thing present would be the incest undertones
> Or all four male Goetia's are into men, is it now a little weird how repressed Stolas was if being queer is so well represented?

This gives more credit to this idea:


Call me Mat Pat, but I have a theory.

Andrew was originally straight, and probably had a thing for Stella. However after the shit show that was her “fan’s” reaction to Stovia and that incest joke in “unhappy campers” she changed it to not have to deal with more of that shit.
Octavia needs a responsible, loving and supportive father figure, like Frank Horrigan.
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Kinda makes me scared to put LGBT characters in my works - assuming I get around to create and publish shit. One mistep and the Twitter crowd will mark you for death as fast as they herald you as a champion of representation.
Yep, very believable. It is like that in real life being surrounded by polygamy folk and feeling unsafe and distrustful of wanting a relationship.
If anything Octavia should be the most homophobic person in Hell.
She’s not real
I don't know all that pride flags bullshit.
>loona will never give you a poorly made yet genuine and heartfelt love note
why live
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Are there only five straight people in Hell? I get Viv wants representation but heterosexuals being a fringe minority is absurd.
No, thats just how gays being gay.
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>falling for bi-meme
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Vero sexooooo
nothing more subhuman than being controlled by an animalistic drive and not substance
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It's because they retcon the pilot

In the pilot, Stolas demanded sex from Blitzo in return for use of the grimoire. Also it's noted that Stolas actually eants humans in the world dead that are in his way.

In the show however they retcon they've known each other through childhood. The sex ends up becoming pity sex. Which also misleads Stolas to thinking they have a relationship. Stolas is constantly bothering blitz like a girlfriend about doing stuff. Blitz just uses Stolas, even they're dinner date was just to spy of Moxxie and Millie.

So I'm going to say post assassination Stolas has force himself to come to truth lf their affair/relationship.
>Sallie May the transbian
>Loona and Octavia in a sexless relationship
I guess Loona couldn't exist in a trash show like this without being ruined at the end of the day.
>>Sallie May the transbian
Let's be honest, it would be a waist if otherwise.
>>Loona and Octavia in a sexless relationship
Some people call that friendship
Thats not how vagina havers work

I already said this in another thread, but it bears repeating:

The only way to truly enjoy either Hazbin or Helluva is to make your own thing.

The most fun things regarding Viv’s creation happens when Hazbin o my had a pilot and Helluva was barely starting (episode 2 and 3 being great examples as they gave us Stella, Octavia and Verosika). I remember all the wacky stuff people did, the start of the whole “Moxxie harem” as well as crazy theories… I miss those days anons…

But now the show has become a pile of rocks, yeah you can find marvel to sculpt into master pieces, but as a whole is an ugly pile that will drag you down.

So, I say ignore most of the show and do what you want with the characters.

Want some Loona X human self insert? Make an AU

Make you own AU where Loona and Lote are in a lesbian relationship

Make your own AU were Loona is Stolas’ love interest, and explore her relationship with both the owl buy and his daughter.

Make an AU were Andrew X Stella is a thing, or Stolas X Octavia is a thing.

I mean, Viv herself say to do whatever we wanted with the character. If she doesn’t feel that way anymore that’s her problem, if anything it makes us be more in the right
This was 6 years ago, her philosophy and things has clearly changed. Just compare s1 helluva boss to s2 for example.
This is about where I'm at, but knowing I'm not the only person who believes this is comforting.
That's her problem if she wants to try and revoke it.
Well Viv? Problem?
>But you should have fun shipping ANYTHING you want! Go nuts
Okay Vivzie my Sallie May and Lute ship is on you!

Than that’s a more valid reason to do whatever we want with the characters until we get bored of them, or find something better.

Don’t let her dictate how you enjoy things, you are the one who has to do so. You enjoy things the way you do, in your own terms, not her’s

Yes pls, more of those 2.

Also don’t forget about the other father and daughter duo
>So, I say ignore most of the show and do what you want with the characters.
Maybe I should. Thanks Anon.
Some retards get angry when a character is bi but prefers opposite sex because "they aren't REALLY bi". To them it's only ok when bisexuals are just gay, but under a different name
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That's all I really wanted out of a snootgame to be honest. This is just a more balkanized way of doing it, but the best way for us to keep it fun.
>>144296474 is right, if the most fun we had was when the shows were barely out, then did we even need Viv?
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>Kinda makes me scared to put LGBT characters in my works
Then don't. Easy
She hates humans.
It's fine nothing you'll make will ever be popular.
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Not canon.
And that's a good thing.
Damn, who made this?
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Ok, I wanted to changeMillie's design a little bit cause Viv's style sucks ass. I'm just glad that this thread is still up.
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other edit
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Very cool, anon. I still like the first one best, it makes her look like a mime and that's cute.
What the fuck is super straight
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The third one isn't me, it's a re-upload of >>144279806 but I agree. The mopey look goes well with a depressing flag. Thanks
Yeha stolas is an hypocrite thats didnt see how shit he is and was at the start
Some guy made up a gender, pissed off Tiktok and /pol/ turned it into a meme.
Striker not gay let's goooo
It was some meme because trans people were saying dating a trans "women" as a hetero male would be considered straight, so then superstraight or "SS" got memed for a while
He looks like a baa'd man.
literally 0 times
”””lesbian””” trannies are the most disgusting, predatory, disingenuous creatures on the planet and every single female stays away from them, especially actual lesbians
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gonna have to hit you with the objectively better flag
the super straight one!
Vortex and Bee are both nice. You can cope that some self insert isn’t fucking Loona.
It hurts to see, too. She's the exact type of person that falls for that type of predation, because people like that figure it's better than dying alone. She couldn't even get a decent ending, she's just settling for being another hole in a harem.
If there's no sex in your shit, no need for alt sexualities. Nobody needs "representation", and you don't need to mess up your work by including people who are less than a percent of the population just to have them there.
>Including a literal pedophile
Brave and bold.
Which one?
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heh nice... now someone apply one (or both) of these styles to Millie's dress in the OP pic.
This guy >>144276454
He's also a necrophile.
Barbie. Viv declared the kid over 18 though, the show might have had some edge otherwise.
But wasn't that just mere hours after the episode dropped? The damage was already done, even in that timeframe.
Did she also address the rest of the camp? Because having a crossdressing male and a girl with a dick screwing each other, while implied to be siblings, in front of a bunch of under 18's is not a good look, even as a joke.
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Don't look at me, man. I ain't about to unpack that shit.
Viv doesn't really think about the long term consequences of what she writes, if that wasn't already obvious.
Adult cartoons on the TV do sexual jokes with underage characters all the time, I’m not sure why indie cartoons get way more scrutiny about it
Because their fans are twitter users.
I actually have an edit of that
Can't believe Loona is the bi one and Millie the straight one. I thought it was the other way around?
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What did you text her /co/?
>Why are you gay?
What flavor of lgbt is the white owl in the back? I dont recognize that flag.
3 episodes into Hazbin Hotel. Somebody please tell me when this gets good. Because so far this show has been boring and confusing as hell.
Plain old faggot
It never gets good. Just watch something else and save yourself the torment
But I HAVE to watch Hazbin Hotel. It's too popular to avoid, there's too much porn, and too many people on Twitter and Discord have Vivziepop avvies.
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It was fine.
Here. I wanted to make this bigger but 4chan is being butthurt about file size.
>It's too popular to avoid, there's too much porn
I've avoided it and I don't have a problem.
Who the fuck cares about you?!
>Who the fuck cares about you?!
Just trying to assure you that you don't have to force yourself into watching something you don't like.
It doesn't. Get out while you still can.
>The darkest, bleaking flag of them all lol.
It's kinda weird, it's more fitting for asexuals.
"I am going to skin you and wear you as a pelt"
It never gets good. If you didn't care for Ep 2, then this show legitimately has nothing to offer you.
Because twats here are moralfaggots who want something to feel outraged over.
It's not enough for them to say "this is a bad joke" they have to say "this is a bad joke and we have to go on a moral crusade against it, the show, the creator, and everyone else whom we imagine to be related to it!"
But then what do I watch? Nothing in the past decade has been good.
Sounds like a you problem for you to figure out.
But you won't. You'll just go into threads like these and whine because you're a terminally online pissant who thinks he looks cool because he pretends he's too good to like anything.
Best to just blow your brains out now and put yourself out of our misery.
Literally anything else.
>you're a terminally online pissant who thinks he looks cool because he pretends he's too good to like anything.
I don't think that. I just think that if I yell and scream loudly enough, then a good show will fall out of the sky.
I'd say the middle of the show is slightly stronger than the rest, but only just so
It's clear the writers tried cramming 2 seasons worth of material into one as a hedge against Amazon cancelling the show prematurely because of the writer's strike. The effect is that the pacing is pretty rushed. If I didn't like the Vees and the songs and the animation I probably wouldn't have bothered finishing it
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Sally sexo
I don't like the songs.
I enjoy most of the songs but I don't think every episode needed 2
I’m not. But I’d rather not ship Loona Witt some random new person or self insert like Collin fags do. She was attracted to vortex. Bee seems like she’d be open to that. So it’s whatever.
>Bothered me as early as Dragon Ball with Krillin the bald midget with no nose marrying that hot android girl.
It was funny, Toriyama doesn't give a shit about romance in his stories so he clearly did it as a joke that the goofiest looking guy got the de-facto hottest female. He just uses women to sell the manga to horny teenagers and because he love ogling attractive babes.
>Loona is not attracted to humans whether they are hot or not
How do you know she just ain't closeted about it? Homophobes are usually the biggest fags, after all. Silly anon.
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Baby making sex with Sally!
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Unintentionally Based if i must say!

But seriously, this is what happens when a bunch of post modern moral relativists millenials write a show that supposed to be about rehabilitating sinners into becoming virtuous, but then because they write in a very inconsistent way and are a bunch ADHD riddled morons who need constantly to dab on them Christians all the time(because dabing it to the Jews or Muslims wouldn't be too PC, also Muslims behead you if you dare criticize their faith), the premise of the show gets destroyed on the first episode

Also we are supposed to root for people like Carmilla Carmine(aka Cockroach Bitch), who is pretty much responsible of everyone killing each other in the pride ring with firearms because of her family's Gun Trafficking business and Rosie, a twisted crazy gluttonous predatory voracious cannibal bitch who basically has an entire district made into a cannibal cult (they did this shit when they were humans for sure), supposed to believe they're responsible rulers instead of abusive power hungry crime lords.

But then we are supposed to also believe that Adam, a Saint himself, ancestor to Jesus Christ as well, and in this show's prologue he gets his life and dreams ruined by Lucifer not just one but twice when he possibly didn't do anything that bad to deserve it(we don't see him bite the apple), is supposed to be an evil psychopatic fratboy douchebag who swears like a sailor and looks like an evil winged fat clown monster with that stupid mask!

In conclusion, the show being about some kind of class power struggle is retarded!

Also here is a pic of Charlie but as an angel with Vaggie, just gonna say that she looks way better with blue, also the tiny version is super cute too!
It is painful to watch to this pic.
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Although there is someone who just see a very colourlful unholy target practice on parade and is very happy, if you know what i mean
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He is just a lesbian woman. in b4 some tranny gets mad and good. I want that one guy to be mad that he can't accept that a man can be as free as they want to be, hot as they want to be and still be bothered by the label they are given.

Anyone got the full list of who is what flag color? I can’t tell the flag Stolas is supposed to be. Doesn’t seem to match even the Demi flags. I assumed he should be the full rainbow
Isn't being gay transphobic? What if your partner who is trans is gay? They'd need to be pansexual because if they aren't specifically including a trans person that is trans murder isn't it??
this is real shit I have heard talked about before at pride centers. And they wonder why we want to drop the T
> And they wonded why we want to drop the T
Seriously? God, imagine the shitshow if that somehow were to happen.
Sorry tranny but maybe stop being annoying and we'll consider not kicking you out of the alphabet mafia.
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It's a hard no from me, man. I'd rather she date Pinklie, hell I'd rather she be alone than groomed into a poly. I don't have a good opinion on these 'open relationships' and whatnot, they're a mess.
I really, REALLY hope they just stay friends/wingmen, but Viv might cave if the twitter demand is high enough... and it is.
What's ironic about reddit tier atheists only bashing Christianity is that they are also indirectly bashing Jews and Muslims. Seriously, think about it. Jews came up with the idea that Adam existed. You think they would want to see him reduced to 'the first man was sexist because men are le bad'. These types of atheists bashing Jesus forget that he was Jewish. I'm surprised no board hasn't come up with an operation where they harass the atheists that only feel brave in attacking Christianity into calling them antisemites for bashing the beliefs of Jews. You could twist it as 'how dare you bash the beliefs of Holocaust victims??? There's a war happening now??' or some concern trolling shit.
Yes, and your word salad reiterates what anon said. Everything about pan is what bi has always been. Its a pointless label.
Sounds like you self insert a little too hard. Sorry bro.
>he clearly did it as a joke that the goofiest looking guy got the de-facto hottest female
No, he did it out of necessity for the plot to get to Cell achieving his Perfect form.
I've seen 'self-insert' used as an insult so much on this board that its lost all meaning. It's a nothing statement. Hell, I could very easily accuse you of liking the poly simply because you self insert as Vortex, and it'll be about as valid.
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Season 2 feels like what I was worried season 1 would be going into a show like this.
Mammon is asexual because it means he only sees love, not lust. Woobie time.
Or Stella’s Brother raped her and Striker.
They only bash on Christianity because it’s the only faith Jesus Christ declared himself to be the leader of. They instinctively hate God.
Took the words out of my mouth. I thought season 1 was not that bad, but then season 2 became everything I feared. Now it's just painful to let go because I saw how good it could have been and got attached to the characters. I can't just substitute it with something else, nothing else scratches the itch and even if it did it wouldn't be the same.
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People will say "it was always planned to be this way" or whatever. But vivzie herself has said they didn't sit down and plan out the whole show until S2, and before then just had a guideline bible to reference. The planned out stuff sucks a lot more because viv just isn't a very good drama writer, she's much better at fast paced comedy and character designs.
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Facts, its why the pilot was so promising. Imagine we could have gotten in another timeline. The closest thing to what we wanted is Villainous, and well...
>season 2 never ever
At least Bloodhound is cute. Maybe I should pick up some of the comics or whatever material they're making...
Sauce son?
Kind of lost it in this episode ngl, Stella being shameless psychobitch is hotter than what sad sackness they gave to Verosika. Like Stolas, Verosika was hotter when she was a rapist
Technically Barb is an ephebophile
Not that I care about her being a scumbag (kind of hot), but getting the pity party thrown for her was what was annoying.
Is it the only trans char /co/ can remotely tolerate?
>Carmilla Carmine(aka Cockroach Bitch)
I thought Niffty was Cockroach Bitch
I watched one episode of this and the English dub is kinda bad. When does the dog bitch show up?
>When does the dog bitch show up?
She's exclusive to the comics I think, the series still needs a season 2.
Nah i want Loona to be happy and if she’s happy with this then it’s fine. I’m not gonna go “come on random dude pls pls pls come on new character pls pls”
Hell if she’s single and happy then all good.
Whats her name, for research purposes
I guess, dude. I just think poly is cringe and predatory, so I'm not gonna buy her entering into one. Full stop. Best case scenario we worry for nothing and she either finds someone or remains single and happy like you said, but if canon disappoints then I have a free pass from Viv to ignore it and focus on AUs. Time has proven that they're better than what we got.
This anon fucking nailed it.
Bloodhound, I think?
I'm Jewish and if you asked me what I thought about the constant dunking on Christianity, then I'd agree with you in that it is tiresome. Vivzie's similar to a lot of other anti-Christian types in that she grew up Protestant and has hangups with going to church or being met with religious fundamentalism/dogma, and yet she's unable to properly reconcile this outside of "Christianity bad".

It's so frustrating because that crowd of people also end up shitting on Judaism when shitting on Christianity, when their real conflict is with the institutions (churches, the Catholic Church, the government, etc), not the faiths themselves.
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We need to burn them all in holy fire.
Jesus was the giga Jew of all Jews, the King Kong of Judaism. The spite they have for Christianity is the same for Judaism.
LOL based gigachad :D epic kekistani meme my fellow MIGApede
Most writefags moved on to the /trash/ general
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Sex with birdwomen.
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Everytime I think about anti Christian sentiment, I always think of redditors calling God "magical sky fairy" or "sky daddy". But that is the same god Jews worship. My beef is the double standards. These people know damn well they can't get away with bashing Jews and Muslims which is why it would be so funny to concern troll with shit like "Holocaust victims believed in the same god christians do. Why are you insulting their faith in a time where anti semitism is on the rise???". I really want that to become a thing, just to see these safe edgy PC fucks squirm.
That is not asexuality. That's not being a total whore slut that fucks any random person on the street. Asexuality is only real in people that have a geniune brain issue that makes them unable to want to have sex in ANY situation. Not wanting to have sex all the time or most of the time is called not being a cunt. Same goes for people not wanting to have sex from trauma reasons. They'll have sex eventually.


stop being a retard. you can do that for anything in existence. viv made something that clearly achived some pretty big things and its up to you how u interact with it.
Not sure what point you're trying to make. We know we can do that, but I think the crux of it is if the fanon shit turned out to be more enjoyable than the canon.
That shows we never needed Viv.
>its up to you how u interact with it.
Correct, and in this case it's disregarding her garbage canon and substituting it with something better.
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Sorry, i got it from /Trash/, and they didn't put a source, but here is the og without me cutting it in Paint, i hope i don't get banned this time
rule #1 of discussing any media

if someone uses the words "canon", leave the conversation.
Glad we agree then. Fan content for Viv's works is the only way to enjoy these trash heaps.
Thanks brah
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ep8 Loona was horny for Bee and called her hot in the most "would love to taste her" tone ever
And someohow is a surprise Loona is bi?
>AU! AU!
want these coomers want is something garbage on the different side of what viv wants
just look at that /v/ did with that dinosaur game , absolute SJW insipid in one side and /v/ creation was cringe coomer "comedy" with the pathetic self insert the green dude
>dick pic
I dropped it after 3 episodes.
It just wasn't very good.
I think Helluva Boss is mid as hell, but it is more entertaining than Hasbin.
B...but one of those isn't a woman.
Does she get a flag? I can't tell if that shirt is something or not
Might be the worst image I've seen this year.
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Looks like she's supporting her bro bro. I doubt she actually gives a shit.
Still love that Barbie is the bad guy for wanting nothing to do with her psychotic brother.
dat rainbow flag is so fucked now. What pisses me off the most is the brown and black flag, that ultimately by acknowledge black and brown you are again segregating them.
>Be born dark skinned
>be made into a gender
Some of you niggers really need jobs
>Cherri is bi
Why? She is interested in a guy. Sounds pretty straight to me.
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If you haven't noticed already, HH and HB are both overloaded with queerness and have a single token straight character (Niffty and Millie). Every other character that is in a heterosexual relationship is bi even if they have never showed attraction to the same sex because Viv said so.
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>no striker
No problem, buddy!
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The two other only characters that were very explicitly straight were painted as one dimensional unreasonable and arrogant cartoony villains, one ended up without an arm and the other ended up dead, backstabbed by a chaos gremlin joke of a character.

It's almost like for these people, if you display any confidence and assertiveness in your sexuality while being straight, you're commiting a sin in their eyes, because it's all a one way street for them, the fags can all be proud without any humility to balance it out while straight people have to be ashamed!
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This is actually cute
We need pic related to appear in there and clean the place for good!
That's one thing leftists and rightists can agree on
>Introduced in what is considered objectively the worst episode in the series
>No plans to reappear again until s3 at the earliest
What was their plan here exactly
We are supposed to get a few shorts before October. I hope one of them is octavia focused, she needs some actual character development beyond "I hate my dad".
Welp, send this guy at them and see how quick the parade turns into a trail bloody corpses!
If Hell is gay, then why is there pride parades and demons waving pride flags?
I mean, heterosexuals don't go about having straight pride parades and straight flags.
Pride implies the existence of homophobia.
honestly i don't think vivziepop is that kind of degenerate. some of the other writers on hazbin might be though.
hell is half comprised of sinners from normal world, a lot of them might have set one up.

personally i like to think mammon engineered it just so he could sell everyone overpriced pride merchandise
but anon the chaos gremlin character was also straight.
I hope you're right, but she might cave if the people around her and on twitter demand it.
Am I the only one who still doesn't understand the fucking point of adding all the extra shit on the pride flag?
>Trans flag colors
ok fair
>BLM color
i genuinely think it's so people have to buy new ones each year
There was that time people added Ukraine to the flag so yeah you're probably right
Why do I just keep feeling cheated out of Verosika being a predatory woman? What is it with this show perpetually blueballing me for the past two years? She was much hotter in her first appearance since they had her and her posse molest Moxxie and then have a rape orgy on the beach. But Viv can't even let Stella have a moment like that if they wanted to hammer home how scummy she is, it is like Viv has to kill the mood at the worst times.
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I HOPE the MMM (mundane mystic miracle) visual novel I’m planning would dunk on vivziepops Jabba the hutts ass!

Behold! Two characters that are legally distinct Ryan gosling (drive) as guy fawkes and loona as the Egyptian jackal named Ja’kali if you want to DM me add me on Gmail/email (if any) or DM me on discord, and yes I go by schizo anon BTW. And yes Ja’kali could possibly be a parody of loona being Bi or whatever just like fang from snoot game. Until she found a straight here rep human male that isn’t even a negroid. Thoughts guys?
>he doesn't know
>bitch be drawing teenage boys getting raped by snakes and put in bondage gear
weird sexual shit is timeless, but the polyamory meme isn't about sex. it's about people wholesomely living together, perfectly communicating and not once experiencing jealousy or overstepping boundaries- basically the sort of thing you daydream about if you've never been in an actual relationship. in short, a zoomer fantasy- and that's not vivzie, who is your traditional millenial fujo

tldr they might have a threesome but i doubt polyamory will be a plot point
Unlike guy fawkes he isn’t a nerdy beta negroe like collin, fuck it I hope the MMM schizo anon dev would plagiarize loona as a whole and make her legally distinct as ja’kali plus she can have a reference being the
>Real loona

Meaning she could say “I am the real loona of the lights”
Fuck it well trace loona meme arts and replace it with ja’kali and especially the night with loona comic featuring moxxie but instead it’s guy Fawkes with
>A night with ja’kali
Fuck beelzeebub that ugly ass bitch
And fuck vortex that hellhound gorilla!
And most importantly fuck you vivziepop and her white knights!

The MMM project
Yeah, like fifteen years ago when she was in high school. Funny how all the tumblrfags who get offended over that conveniently ignore Rebecca Sugar shit for drawing Ed Edd n Eddy porn and Marceline x Finn ship art and the Amphibia crew for drawing porn of the girls
You posted a fucking meme pic dude
Also that wolf looks like the one forma puss boots
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Why not fucking profit it, make your own canon and get away with it like team four star?
You mean death?
She looks nothing like him?
Are they self-aware enough to understand they're having a pride parade in Hell? Therefore, confirming that Sodomites and Hedonists go to Hell?!
Why is she pressing CTRL?
Absolutely retarded example. TeamFourStar made 0 money from their videos and they even got blacklisted from the dub industry for making DBZA merch

So plan B then…
You type lika a faggot.
It's not that I care she is a shotacon, but she to just stop taking herself too seriously. It getting annoying that Viv keeps whitewashing her own characters, Stolas and Verosika were so much better in season 1 when they were shameless rapists. It is when they neuter them for the moralfags in a show with literal demons in Hell is when I get angry.
You should add other Helluva Boss parody waifus, he's a few ideas:
>Stella parody that is in the right and rightfully upset at her husband cheating on her
>Octavia parody that isn't asexual
>Millie parody that's a right wing country girl
>Sallie Mae parody that's a biological woman
The majority of characters in that pic are hellborn, why would they give a fuck about human hangups about sexuality
I’ll do that but for legally distinct and consistency. Those species should be based on cryptids/Pagan lore either Egyptian, nord, Roman (Rome was pagan before Christ), Greek, eldritch, etc

Basically the Imps equivalent should be the Atlantian gremlins (mythical ones I’m talking about not that movie reference) similar design to imps, while the goetia should be the Egyptian falcons, or even griffins from Greece?
>Basically the Imps equivalent should be the Atlantian gremlins
The what?
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This of this but more attractive in hellaverse style but as a parody VN
That looks cool. So green/grey imps?
Inbred ahh niggas!
This is the way
Who the fuck is this legally distinct loona? I want more of her…. She’s good…

I know you want to fuck the bird, anon.

How could anyone? The dude has always given gay vibes.
It's AIslop

Because he's a councilor, not a camper.
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>schizos angry in thread because lore doesn't cater to headcanon
>>Octavia parody that isn't asexual
bus this hasnt even been put in the show yet, if at all because that would require giving her traits that arent daddy issues

All of them were born there. They were never humans on Earth.
And catering to schizos on Twitter is considered 'lore' now?

If the lore is approved officially.
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>> >>144325780

Could M/M/M be possibly the Chip chilla version of snoot game? Basically a parody of helluvaboss?
If this is what passes for 'lore' then I'm good focusing on fan content. Fuck Viv. We never needed her.
For context >>144324717
True. Me personally, I'll just stick to the Hazbin pilot and develop my own ideas, and those that were discarded by Viv herself.
Just make a Helluva or Hazbin Abridged that's closer to your headcanon
reactionary shit is always bad
We should all be more like Jizoku.
Because 9 times out of 10, reality is disappointing and head-canon was better.

I smell no money making/grinding…
Which is why I’m making M/M/M to make better merch than vivziepops shitty merch. Possibly even have youtooz and warhammer style miniatures? Since I’m a fan of warhammer.

How is not making it woke
I’m using chip chilla as an example for a legally distinct Visual novel of helluvaboss similar to I wani hug that gator, and that had better representation especially for personality than just forced diversity. I don’t get what you were thinking?
idk man wouldn't it be more creatively rewarding to make your own unique thing instead of a parody to a show that frankly isnt even that popular?
I know if I was going to make a legally distinct parody I would make the imps look more like kobolds because I vaguely remember Satan being described as a dragon a few times
>Still doesn’t understand

Let’s just say if you can make a legally distinct loona Goodbye volcano high fang. But make her slightly unique but also legally distinct with most or some original characters. It could be chip chills done in night
But with a lot more originality premise and legally distinct characters with no reactionary shit? Is that a good idea?
That’s totally unique anon, we’ll bump this thread for more legally distinct stuff :)
Better to make a Hazbin parody/Abridged that's closer to what you wanted to see. + it would piss Viv off probably, and she'd probably make some passive-aggressive snarky tweet about it.
Honestly why not? Get an artfag to draw it.
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lol just imagined if one of vivziepops loonies turned legally distinct, even if we can’t get Erica lindbeck or even an Ai voice of her. We can still hire a VAfag that closely resembles her, but not too much distinct bullshit. I do not want shima prime 2.0
Loonas voice from jizoku sounds terrible she either sound like the VA is possibly black or her voice sounds trying way to hard to be >perfect
But just sounds like a stupid fucking fangirl that cries over my chemical romance.

Last time I heard from loonas original voice, she doesn’t sound like some drama queen from highschool that got dumped on prom. Or worse just an anime weeb that is deeper to VA?

The original loonas voice sounds better.

Fuck it grey delisle from voicing that goth female character from green lantern cartoon or even Katie Joseph as raven from twisted metal black at least for my legally distinct loona? I know Good VAs when to sense
this is why we need to ban phoneposters
I meant in terms of just getting shit done and making our own stuff and more importantly: getting results. Jizoku might suck but he got something out there. Until that's solved, this is just a fun thought experiment.
You do have a point anon, not everything is fucking perfect or cheap.
Oh, that would be glorious, Ben Creighton for Adam, please!
Mini-Charlie is cute
Furry "fandom" goes on >>>/trash/
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You know who ELSE goes on >>>/trash/?
>its a show about how all these gays are in hell
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Yes, she is, still a manipulative bitch in this version, probably more so than in the show!
you mean a hell-based cartoon? not really a great idea unless you're 100% into it on its own merits. there's like a million of hell based cartoon at the minute
literally been a joke since the hazbin pilot came out and it was only vaguely funny then
If she hated humans, she would literally have a field day on antifurries like diegoexemen that drew a lot of gory furry hate art especially mostly loona her self.

If a human ever hugs loona, and rubs her belly and chin/neck becoming more vulnerable she say

>I… l-love… you

But when she can’t handle it anymore to the point she was crying and and wished to be loved from said human she had no choice and said


That would be so fucking satisfying seeing loona trying her best to hold that grudge until she found love from a first human? How would that play out?
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Whoops almost forgot the image
No it’s basically 100% an original concept of a premise despite having some recognizable legally distinct characters.

I mean MMM would be pagan based of any not just demons but also angels and multiple gods, but also had leading humans as well!
As seen in
The main protagonist is a taxi driver that was too depressed to solve anything about his internet reputation until he founds a goth Egyptian jackal girl that is loonas legally distinct counterpart, he didn’t realize the said girl was from a hit topic style shop nearby his taxi express shop at the mall. She also had other friends and possibly a family that the main protagonist named guy fawkes could hang out with. But there is dangers of the other factions that aren’t too friendly that guy Fawkes not only had to save his GF or any GF by visual novel route but also saving the world from the war of factions. Think of snoot game but with Lisa the painful style turnbase battle
And still used by VN engine known as ren’py like other visual novels like echo.
Not quite as funny the twelfth time
How the fuck can you tell?
>valentino pansexual
so i have a chance

Sure it is, buddy.

Gallons. She's spread her genes through all of Wrath.
Wait are you saying being
>That being gay
Is transphobic? Please don’t tell me you’re one of those Koop and resetera nutjobs?
some kernels of sense there, why would you date a ftm if you're only attraced to women. just dump them now before you're ten rent payments in
Buddy, Does >>144276331 look like Lute to you?
youre right, after all, they dont exist
>of course you think with your sexual organ dipshit, it came free with your fucking instincts
But /co/ says nothing is good anymore. I need to watch something that's GOOD. Otherwise what's the point in living and why shouldn't I just kill myself already?!
Watching this show feels like staring at a creative graveyard these days.
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I mean it's been 8 years...
Tiny horse show ended at 9 years, and it was slowing down loooooong before that.
Is that how it goes? Slow death?
I almost wish I got in at the start to enjoy it more. But that might've made it hurt more.
tiny horse show ended with season 2, everything after that was just bad fanfic.
>horse show ended at season 2
>helluva boss show will have to have ended at season 1
Fuck it really does rhyme like pottery.
Don’t care, still watching it

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