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What’s the appeal of power scaling and vs debating?
People have no impact over society or even most of what happens in their personal life so they like to argue over trivial bullshit that they can perceivably move the needle on.
To be fair muscle-man is like, multiversal.
dick measuring contest using someone else's penis
It stops daredevil from punching out thanos
Reddit-tier shitheads and autismos who cannot appreciate characters or storys without a psued form of quantification or understand artistic liberties in story do not translate to some scientific endeavor.

These are typically people that obsess over how many pixels a character moved in a blurry panel to come to conclusions about their 'speed/powerlevel' that make 0 sense in the context of the story. It doesn't matter if Y action is impossible for X character (Moving faster/stronger than hypersonic jets when knives and random debris can hurt them.) Most people's tastes are formed on subjective qualities, so you end up with obsessive nerds trying to justify a belief in a character's strength and superiority without really appreciating the writing that does into them.
Power scaling really does have a thematic purpose. It provides a framework for the stakes and lays out the rules, which is essential in getting the audience invested in the conflict. Frieza's power level being infinitely beyond Krillin's, Gohan's, and Piccolo's in the Namek saga is what makes him terrifying when they're in a scene together. But of course, autists always take it too far and miss the point.

Making logical sense of things is a goal in itself. Just normal IQ things, you wouldn't get it.
It can be when taken as more of like a fun thought experiment
It's funny so long as you don't get into serious arguments about it and just have fun shitposting
The thing I hate most about modern power scaling is when a city level character mentions "dimension" and how he's suddenly a 9D-versal and can't no diff someone who destroyed the solar system on screen.
it fun
Because it's fun to smash your action figures around, duh?
Making logical sense of a story's rules instead of doing random incoherent meaningless bullshit is anti-reddit.
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I've seen the most insane shit on VS battles wiki aka powerlevel autists central. They take an isolated panel or sequence like a character dodging laser rays and conclude they have faster than light reflexes. Like, no dumbass, it's a street level character, if he had light speed reflexes he'd never get hit and would never lose a fight.
You anti powerscalers are worse than the powerscalers you straw man.

powerscaling is a simply attempt to obtain logical consistency in a story. Godzilla shouldn't be able to solo the entire us army and then get obliterated by a single normal handgun.

The author ultimately control the story and what's written. But if the story lacks consistency that makes you a dogshit writer.

To use op's pic as an example, disintegration man said he can disintegrate anything. The author had him say this and put those words in his mouth. He then has muscle-man whose bench press isn't even equal to the world record completely nullify his attack. inexplicitly for no real reason. That makes what was previously written irrelevant and worthless whose to say what happens next wont be the same?
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Basically Typemoon.
Best on screen feat? Mountain busting if you high ball it.
What people claim? Infinite multiverses because of flowery language.
The setting even acknowledges that no, literally nothing is planet level but for some reason people think these characters can blow up multiverses.
This character especially, since her power is to be +1 in specs compared to whoever she’s fighting
>character dodging laser rays and conclude they have faster than light reflexes.
>You know remember FTL James Bond
This probably doesn’t make sense but I prefer powerscaling with things like weapons and vehicles over actual superpowers. Because with tech and weapons there’s usually hard rules as to what it can and can’t do. But with powers there’s all these work arounds and ways you can cheat around weaknesses it just becomes muddled
Isn't this a strawman comic? I don't remember this kind of thing happening in real media. Even if a stronger character sometimes appears in a comic, there's some justification or explanation for it.
Huh? The comic is clearly referencing Gojo and his Infinity, a few years ago people used to claim nobody can beat him, now people acknowledge he’s not that strong
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The only power level I care about is top decking my 1 card combo and all the needed hand traps and interruption
Not necessarily autism, but extreme boredom.

Most powerscaling or VS threads are about characters from dead shows
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I remember the same thing happened with Accelerator.
It's the opposite for accelerator since he only got stronger.
Wait it's this faggot
We should improve society domewhat
Plot twist: a guy hanging out with a Nazi is in favor of Palestine.
Gojo's still fairly strong it's just anyone who can bypass special or have ability that ignore distance all together can fairly easily got one over on him.
It's funny because during the whole conversation the tall guy does nothing to explain to to the short guy what makes him a nazi. He could've said "well, he wears a swastiska and is doing a nazi salute" but he prefers screaming "nazi!!!" 3 times like an idiot.
It's like a Twitter conversation, "uh, X is le bad, don't you know, he hangs out with Y who is a nazi!" "how is Y a nazi?" "JUST LOOK AT HIM FOR 2 SECONDS CHUD IT'S OBVIOUS REEEE"
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Odd question but what's a good word for someone who infects other in a way. For no particular reason.
>Mass reply meltdown
Everything goes back around to this
Lol this is literally Gojo. This happened to Gojo. Lol
dang, I wonder where the nazi got the time machine from
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Accelerator skeptics keep bringing up the guy who studied his powers for decades and worked insanely hard to have the ability to deliver a normal punch to him as if this is any real proof of Accelerator's weakness instead of further proof that not even a dedicated effort by the one person who knows Accelerator's powers best can properly beat him
>Generic searches AND allows you to summon from the hand or deck any archetype monster.
Even if it's on a hard once per turn what the fuck
Stan Lee is missing a point. Sure, anything the writers want to happen in the story can happen. But what people care about is what will make sense in the story, and that's not the same thing.
Why didn’t he draw the Nazi gassing a minority or lighting books on fire to establish him as evil? From this comic alone, the Nazi seems like a pretty fun guy to hang out with.
This one is the fucking worst. How is the sea lion in the wrong? This bitch insults him and his whole species, then refuses to explain herself.
> How is the sea lion in the wrong?
He is trying to start a debate instead of accepting the correct opinion for what it is.
He's being rather impolite and proving that sea lions are the worst.
>t. Sea lion
Yeah, I could do without
Character shipping but for boys
This statement is so retard.
No the writer is not the finial say on a story, the editor is. And his job involves establishing a sense of continuity which in it self involves a degree of powerscaling.
Spider-Man can't beat Galactus in a fight and Thor can't loose to Stiltman without a decent amount of explanation else readers suspension of disbelief will be broken and states for such character will be greatly effected.
Disintegration man is such a bottom
Not even remotely comparable.
>2 characters that could actually potentially fight
>2 characters that would only fuck eachother in your womanbrained headcanon
99% of them turn into shit flinging internet slapfights.
The people who engage in them are generally pretty insufferable.
Not a huge fan of pure powerscaling for the sake of powerscaling where characters are just fighting in a vacuum with pure blood lust. I am more a fan of stuff like "Could x pick up Thor's hammer" , "Could X era Y stop A era B" or "Could X survive Y's rouges gallery" cause it's a lot more nuanced. So I guess I am more a fiction "theorist" than a true powerscaler. If it is a character vs character I just want it to see cool character interactions over who would win.
Could just be a reenactor, I mean someone has to be the Germans in these ww2 events.
Then use the hortler tardsticka
That's actually a more reasonable explanation than some neo-nazi casually walking down the street in nazi uniform and having a laugh with his pal.
I a hyper sense of competitive association. Our sense to compete goes all the way to hypothetical back and forth that we have to be the winner.
You see DBZ fags do this so badly that they don't realize it when they argue.
They say it's about making sense to the story, it's not. They constantly scream "I win" when arguing. It's about being right an the winner. To a point that they become so delusional they out right lie.
I think this was a gamergate thing. Asking people on twitter/tumblr what made gamers *ist was a form of harassment.
literally who gives a fuck. ooh, le heckin EVIL MAN from the war that ended 80 fucking years ago. Like, get some fuckin' new material, dude.
Basically its just bigoted people being asked why they are so biggoted but also illustrated the bigots point at the same time.
Both sides are not going to agree and it's frustrating to you the reader to see this.
Feeling a bit persecuted there bud?
Like rooting for a sports team, it fulfills both our desire for tribalism and neurotic obsession with evaluating every bitty detail in a way which probably won't kill you. Don't take it too seriously and everyone has fun.
That could just be a historical reenactor.
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Power scalers are low IQ and cannot be reasoned with. They fundamentally don’t understand what makes a good strong character and instead are stuck for eternity playing the kindergarten game of “my action figure can beat your action figure because he has rocket launchers and super strength and time stop”
There’s a reason this board (one of the dumbest boards by a country mile) has an death battle thread up at all times
Musashi was fucking great.
Gojo is and always was a fraud and JJK is one of the weakest verses on the planet with Sukuna being the only one who didn't get filtered by binding vows.
I know JJK fans have no reading comprehension but that was always the case you were just too busy going "Cool action, hot girls and boys." To notice.
binding vows is such a dumb cop out for shitty writing, shit just happens because said character used a "binding vow" and there's no way to tell they did besides the narrator saying so.
>X used up all his energy and seemingly died in a fiery explosion?
>ERMMM ACTUALLY, X used a binding vow at the very last second to make himself survive it and the cost of not being able to pee for 24 hours
this shit is dumb and sounds dumb in context.
No, I'm just tired of seeing the same damn shit being repeated for 80 years. You milked that cow enough. It's time to move on. Are you gonna keep screaming about nazis when more than a hundred years have passed and even the children who were born in 1945 are already dead?
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I am pretty sure most DB threads are just a trojan horse for off-topic discussions.
>Saying this while posting one of the most wanked characters to ever be used in powerscale debates
Yes. That's what the average power scaler looks like.
It's definitely the same mindset.
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Man, I sure am glad I killed that guy to death. Hopefully he doesn't have a secret technique that could bring him back.
I think they might be a containment thread. They can't justify another new board just for them. Otherwise I can't think of a reason the mods keep a general up for a show that's no longer ongoing.
Those fucks are 10 times more annoying than even the most diehard dbz fans
>Flowery language
Probably the biggest fuckover in all of powerscaling. Reminds me of the Pokemon picture where it's basically pointing out how all of the descriptions for Pokemon's strengths are hyperbole from kids. Then you got stuff just said by the author but never stated. Like Gear 5 Luffy who has the power of imagination and gets stronger the more he laughs. Meaning he should technically be an omnipotent God who everyone from Usopp to Grand Zeno should fear so long as he imagines himself as one but all we're shown is low tier reality manipulation. But then you have other sources saying something like Whitebeard's fruit could destroy the world, does that mean obliterate it, or just cause a fuck ton of damage?
I don't care for it but the FRAUD memes are really fucking funny
>powerscaling should be simply attempt to obtain logical consistency in a story.
Ftfy, it'd be fine until you add the truck loads of autism death battle fags and especially powerscaling fags have.
The whitebeard line is clearly just something said to introduce him as big deal
>Reminds me of the Pokemon picture where it's basically pointing out how all of the descriptions for Pokemon's strengths are hyperbole from kids
Not this one is it?
No, the one where Kadabra has like a 900 IQ and Ponyta's hooves are 5000 degrees or something.
but..but.. gaia pointed a thingy at him!
Most people don’t mention that having reflexes that fast would fry the brain of any living being. Hell, even the action of flying at a relativistic would snap your neck. We can barely handle a rocket launch.
There's none. Power levels are bullshit, which is why Martian Manhunter jobs all the time even though he should be stronger than Superman.

Powerlevels also have nothing to do with good writing or interesting characterization. I could make a stick figure called "FuckMan" tomorrow and say he has a higher power level than Saitama, but he'd still just be a stupid stick figure.

Also the higher the power level, the shittier the fight scenes usually are. Look at the awesome Neo vs. Smith subway fight from the Matrix and compare it to the CGI bullshit from the sequels where the both of them have superpowers.
I'm stealing this one
That's what I was thinking, too. Dude might as well just had a panel that said "If you don't hate who I hate then I hate you too." I'm sure he got so many updoots on reddit for this.

I've heard sealioning described as trying to start a fight, but trying to get the other guy to swing first by being a rude cunt. That somehow makes you in the right or gives an advantage. I saw that happen IRL at a bar once. Both dudes ended up just getting kicked out.
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>"I don't mind most people, but black people? I could do with blacks."
>black man walks by
>"Pardon me, I couldn't help but overhear..."
Tell me the difference here. The Sea Lion is being polite to that racist bitch.
Stop describing yourself you whiny bitch.
One thing I learned is that if you can insert x group into y statement and it still works but is now bad, then your statement is terrible. Either make concrete statements about that group specifically and stop this wishy washy "Bad people are bad because they are bad" line of thinking or shut up.
>he Sea Lion is being polite
Did you miss the harassments part? It was only half the panels.
He ought to be beating her racist ass. Asking her to explain her racist public statement is much nicer than how I'd respond.
should have, but went down the being a passive aggressive bitch route instead.
>You anti powerscalers are worse than the powerscalers
>oh no the talking sea lion doesn't have human social rules down pat
Fuck you dude, it's amazing he can talk at all. Don't blame him for wanting to know more about why he's hated. He's probably struggling to understand why he exists at all.
Frankly, anything is justified. Passive aggression or full aggression. Should've gone full Tusk on her, make her walk a mile in his shoes.
I think because imaginary space counts as a multiverse shit and you can reality bubble crap
>sneedfag seeth stapled on at the bottom
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hillary lost
Trump won and also thinks Nazis are bad.
That's Chuck
>I don't remember this kind of thing happening in real media
One Punch Man pulled this shit.
Nice Kafkatrap.
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>using someone else's penis
Because power scalers think that statements = feats. So they will take hyperbole literally.
Dragon Ball specifically invites power scaling to the series when they literally quantified it.
sure it stops mattering an arc later, but its information that fans specifically have been led to believe as something relevant in the narrative. so they can't really be blamed to try to make sense of the scaling several arcs later

lots of other series also do this too in more creative ways where instead of numbers they just use "ranks" or "levels", but doing that also invites power scaling to it
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That's a series of comics called something like "The Pokedex is written by children" or something.
A lot of shows/comics do that. Yu Yu Hakusho had Demon classes (S,A,B,C, etc.) for example. Marvel puts out cards with power ratings, etc. Comparing power levels can be fun, but only really works internally to a universe. Goku vs. Vegeta is more meaningful than Goku vs. Superman.
YYH did demon classes and its immediately meaningless bullshit in the narrative
weird they introduced it in the same arc where being strong isn't enough to win a fight
the flowery language defense also doesn't really work for dragon ball because we do see characters destroy worlds with their fingers
sure we never see Goku destroy planets, but we do see Frieza do that and since Goku is stronger than Frieza it makes sense he can do that too.
so when Cell says he can destroy a solar system, its believable
Consistency is as boring as sex though
>since Goku is stronger than Frieza it makes sense he can do that too.
A pistol is stronger than Goku though so it makes sense a handgun can destroy planets too
Goku's power level is stronger than Frieza's
Goku can get hurt by a gun when he lowers his power level
sounds like a cop-out but lowering power levels is narratively relevant in dragon ball
She doesn't have to explain shit. No one should be forced to defend their opinions and biases. If they want to do it that's fine, but no one should have to.
>No the writer is not the finial say on a story, the editor is. And his job involves establishing a sense of continuity which in it self involves a degree of powerscaling.
You're retarded if you think editors give a shit about power levels.
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The banter is funny.
When DB was still running, it was also fun to watch my favorites win (I looked up the results beforehand to make sure I never watched an episode where they lost).
Tards get to live and win vicariously through their favorite characters outranking some other Tards favorite character

Kinda like football fan rivalries (American and futbol)
>A pistol is stronger than Goku though
Reminder that the top editor at Marvel outright rejected power scaling as a concept.
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And yes, he is the top editor.
power scaling is clutch for shit writers who would rather keep infinitely upgrading their character upon facing infinitely scaling stakes rather than using their head or right tools to solve a problem
>You're retarded if you think editors give a shit about power levels.
Rather than power levels they should give a fuck about consistency to keep the story mostly fun.
Dodging lasers is always a stupid silly feat anyway. How do you dodge light? Consider that you can't even know light is approaching you until it's already hit you.so dodging at lightspeed requires ESP to even be able to observe light that hasn't reached your eyes yet.
Aim dodging.
Aim dodging is "faster than the guy aiming" reaction, not FTL
Yes, that's what powerscaling ultimately is about. Consistency.
This. Any normie could do this with a gun. Bullets can't hit you if they ain't pointed at you and the slowing mechanism is the retard holding the gun. You just have to out reflex a retard
It's always been a false equivalence to a made up standard. Note how the sealion literally follows her everywhere, when the actual equivalent chain of events would be her screaming "FUCK YOU REEEE" in the third panel and then going home, being left alone more or less utterly, until she herself was to go back into public, probably bitching about sealions bothering her in an area she now knows has sealions.
Interesting combo
What if an author doesn't wanna follow a scale?
These were always so much fun and definitely not faggots unreasonably mad that the magic animals that do magic things often inconsistently are mentioned doing magic things the people making these think is dumb because they just do.

The Slugma one in particular that gets trotted out was always extra dumb because like, you can tell faggots don't understand what the fuck they're talking about when *lightning* is hotter than the surface of the sun and doesn't do any of the insane shit they think should be happening either but I guess IRL scientists who factcheck that shit must also be wrong and just mindlessly accepting factoids from 10 year olds

It's not like the series treats these as absolutely canon and never once questions them or anything.
If you mean like having the rock paper scissors situation then that's a scale as well but with most fighters being roughly equal.(it needs the author the be creative though.)
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You're the kind of autists that demands to know who changes the bat mobiles tires, instead of just enjoying the story.
>Yes, that's what powerscaling ultimately is about. Consistency.
Then why do power scalers hate consistency? Always relying on bullshit outliers?
Ok but she doesn't get to complain the sea lion gets mad at her for being a bitch. You can't insult someone's species publicly for no reason and expect them to nod and say "well that's just your opinion".
The thing is the harassment part is a made up fucking strawman, the entire thing is a schizo strawman by a retard who talked mad shit and actively supported fucking over lives and livelihoods for ideological reasons on a really stupid fucking topic but couldn't actually back it up, but also knew that the inability to do so ceded ground socially and weakened the collective position of their retarded pet cause, so the strawman was created to try and delegitimize pointing out they were retarded and making shit up.
You say this, but the artist is the type of goony-bearded Twitterfag that would cheer if someone dug into a "racist Nazi's" Tweet history for the last ten years to find something.

If replying to someone on Twitter is the equivalent to following them around, them that's digging through their trash, their landfill, and high school records.
Well yeah, NTA but writers were literally willing to kill the industry in part specifically so they didn't have to give a shit about anything other than their own headcanons and sucking off the current editor's pet projects. He's vastly post-Shooter era which was the last time shit was kept straight and like most fags that came after he tries to pretend maintaining continuity and keeping track of shit is impossible despite fans pulling it off so fucking frequently and easily that it's been a meme since before memes were a thing.

Plus like most retards he fails to understand the actual purpose of powerscaling outside of fags with too much time on their hands which is "I need to understand what this character can do to help me establish stakes and build a narrative, but there's a slight hole in that understanding so I'll need to look at events that are relevant to try and fill it appropriately without fucking up and know what I need to work with to have say, Strong but slow-Man go fast or otherwise find a good way that makes sense to beat Tough but fast-Man when he robs a bank."
more like the kind of person that gets angry the batmobile is shown to move at constant speed but then when the plot demands it, it suddenly moves way slower in order to allow the villain's plan to work.
lmao I've seen all these and more, this is so infuriating
from one overinterpreted feat there's a domino effect that makes all the characters in the setting planet buster level when it's a basic ass universe with basic ass humans
I thought they were taking a piss at first but there's a whole wiki about this crap
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She absolutely does. If I call you a faggot and you enter my house trying to debate me on it, then that will be the last thin you'll do.
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Powerscalers are autists who've been mesmerized by the shonen philosophy that moral vindication comes from beating people who disagrees with you to submission or death.
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Power scaling is boring, because it's simply a matter of who can punch harder. Other hypotheticals are only capable of being fun if you are capable of imagining how you'd feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning.
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I don't even call them power scalers anymore, I call them power autists.
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I think this is all that needs to be said
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hearty kek
Demonbane bros... we lost to a beaver...
It's a hard lesson for terminally online spergs like you to learn, but sometimes you just gotta drop the argument because it's not worth the time.
Good luck telling that to modern day George Jefferson or Archie Bunker. It simply does not matter who you are, post that first "I don't like blacks/whites/etc." you are literally dead whether you're a white twitter woman or no you're just fucking dead, fuck a tweet seriously its irrelevant to the actual issue of thuggish humans obviously just wanting to kill somebody under the veil of implied persecution. Honestly this whole species is lame as fuck.
> Power scaling really does have a thematic purpose. It provides a framework for the stakes and lays out the rules, which is essential in getting the audience invested in the conflict.
You missed this.
Sounds silly, but if you forget that, you justify legendarily dumb authorial bullshit like the Fotino Birds, which were semi-explicitly made with the purpose of creating "the most OP sci-fi race ever" and thus killed basically everyone's investment in the story as the author went for pages on end with "oOoOoH, they're antimatter so they CANNOT BE HURT EVER AND KILL EVERYTHING IN ONE HIT! TAKE THAT STARWARS/WARHAMMER/STAR TREK/BATTLETECH!"
Oh yeah, you're one of the modern day great thinkers for engaging in a 16 hour twitter argument lmao
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Whitebeards fruit was said to be able to destroy the world because he could make earthquakes strong enough to make worldwide tsunamis if he wanted, which is a global extinction event on a planet made entirely of islands.
He was never shown utilizing this because why the fuck would he?
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How do you even define powerscaling? Is it literal analysis or is it part of writing? Because these are two completely different things.
Well I mean it hasn't gone anywhere just like commies, and every third fella right of center in America is bitching about the commies
Does that crow ever get her tits out?
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The "Who punch harder" oversimplification of power scaling is really the least interesting part of vs debating. Fictional characters, especially those with powers, open an ever branching web of ways that can interact with other characters and it's fun to imagine the elaborate rock paper scisors of exactly how their abilities would interact and how well their past experiences would prepare them for different opponents.
Boiling a character down to a powerlevel is both disingenuous to their actual abilities, and boring
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How to win in power scaling.

1. Say "Goku wins"
2. If someone disagrees reply with "you are wrong"
3. Repeat 2 until you they give up
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Because it's fun to discuss physics and neat little trivia.

More to the point, it's hilarious to get people fired up about how strong a character is, then just say, "But he's still no match for Popeye"
You're being ironic but it does seem like that's all the "great thinkers" get up to these days

But then how would anyone know he could do it?

Furry "fandom" goes on >>>/trash/
>I love discussing physics with high schoolers who spend all their time watching anime
Of course nazis are bad, they're socialists
/pol/ <--- vent here
Nah I'll leave that to you friendo, the discussion here is all I'm interested in
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Either A: they can see the damage a single attack of his can do to an island an just extrapolate that his continued assault could cause a disastrous literal ripple effect,
or B: The world government knows more about the previous user of the Quake Quake fruit than we do.
That's what makes them sucessful writers
Powerscalers can't write.

They have no sense for mystery, they have to info-dump the reader on everything, and over-explain why the outerverse isn't collapsing every time there's a fight. It's more talking that actual fighting.
Imagine if she said "niggers" instead of sea lions. You bet your ass people would say it was justified to home invade the bitch for being so blatantly racist and proud of it.
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Didn't even take that long, told you dudes. Humans be killing yo s'all I'm saying.
>Does that crow ever get her tits out?
Seeing men punch each other is SOVL.
Gojo was a fraud
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>SCHOLAR battles CHADki out of nowhere
There are standards regarding laser feats, requiring you to prove that said laser operates like real light.
And if said character dodges it, and showcases similar speed feats throughout his story, he's FTL, if he doesn't, that feat was an outlier, simple.
>if he had light speed reflexes he'd never get hit and would never lose a fight.
Unless his opponent was... faster? Did that ever come across to you?
All arguments against VSBW scholars comes from Low IQ.
>third fella right of center in America is bitching about the commies
Commies /=/ Soviets
>unironically shilling for VSBW
Pretty much.
Okay but if he was actually faster than light when dodging lasers, he'd have to have godlike durability to survive moving at those speeds, top level strength to be able to accelerate immediately to light speed while standing still, and be even stronger than that to be able to instantly decelerate a split second later as well as being a reality warper because there's no visible multi-nuclear explosion caused by the friction of a human-sized mass rapidly accelerating and decelerating like that
>Hold on... Did you just... DISAGREE with me? On the INTERNET?!
>Well that makes you like this obnoxious sea lion I just made up. Ha!
>Anyone who wants me to justify anything that I say is like this sea lion!
that's a guy
Ok but the point of the arguments was never to find out who was the strongest character in fiction, but who was stronger between preselected characters, so Powerman doesn't actually change anything.
>because there's no visible multi-nuclear explosion caused by the friction of a human-sized mass rapidly accelerating and decelerating like that
Eh, no piece of fiction that has faster than light characters operates on that law, so it tends to get ignored when scaling, for example characters who are capable of interstellar/intergalactic travel (obviously thousands/millions of times massively FTL), don't cause planetary explosions while fighting inside of a planet.
Is that suppose to be Gojo ? If it is Gojo the retard that made this comic got the powers wrong
It's a joke dude...it's suppose to highlight the hypocrisy of powerscalers. New character comes around with hyperbole and powerscalers swallow it like semen. The character is OC but he's supposed to remind you of Gojo because Gojo was one of those hyped characters.
>they had to create a page specifically to stop autists from using that insane argument
Proves the point desu. Don't pretend this shit isn't autism central.
>Unless his opponent was... faster? Did that ever come across to you?
This is the kind of dumb logic that gets a whole verse of relatively basic humans to building level or some shit.

Like, when browsing around, I found they had a TF2 page as well as a Miss Pauling one.
Curious, I open and discover Miss Pauling is apparently small building level (9-A). Why? Let's see...
>Attack Potency: Small Building level (Overpowered and killed a Medic, and a squad of BLU team members, including a Spy and a Soldier)
Source: the Expiration Date video. From a small skit of her talking to Scout with some deceased no-character behind her. So:
-They assume the characters she killed are the BLU Medic, Spy and Soldier, or have the same power as them. Yes they have the same models but that's just Valve being lazy, plus you never see their faces.
-They assume Miss Pauling ninja'd them to death or something when it's never showed how she accomplished that.
-They apply dumb powerscaling. Yes maybe the mercs are, in-game, building level but it makes zero sense to apply game logic here and on a character that doesn't even appear in-game. The only character in canon that can punch through walls is Saxton Hale and everyone is scared shitless of him.

And it's all shit like that all the time. They autistically overinterpret some insignificant shit and declare the character could destroy building with their might when they're a normal human.
How the fuck are any of them building level beyond Demoman, Soldier, and Pyro? Pyro can burn down buildings and Soldier and Demoman can blow them up but like none of the other mercs can like actually blow up a building.
Because of muh power scaling. It's like a virus that spreads. One character gets a building level feat, then another character beats/match the first one so obviously he's ALSO building level, until everyone in the setting is building level. It's retarded.
Seems reasonable to me, they have machinery that can blow up buildings + durability that survives explosions that can blow up buildings, so they scale.
I don't see anything wrong with this scaling, she had weapons to bypass their durability and kill them, so her attack potency scales to that.
Your entire argument hinges on "Cmon guys?! Do you really believe that?"
so his feats are
>he can destroy a robot
>he beat team fortress classic
>he knocked out soldier with a baseball bat
yeah no that's stupid
This man is right.
If you think Miss Pauling or Scout could destroy a small building with only their regular weapons you might be retarded.
You took a wrong premise and ran off the cliff with it.
Autistic moids. Powerlevel "who would win" faggots are actual subhumans. I'm glad that gay "death battle" channel is dead.
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>so his feats are [building level]
I don't know if you people are pretending to be retarded or are born like that so I'll say it again in baby speak so hopefully the baboons can understand:
Character A: Tanks building-level explosion/hit, for example
Character A's durability? Building-level
Character B: Able to harm character A and even kill him.
Character B's attack potency? Building-level
Character A and B trade blows equally with each other at full power? Their AP and Durability scale to each other.
"This is stupid" is not an argument btw.

For the record, attack potency =/= destructive capacity/range.
That's fucking retarded as a way of thinking. That's like saying if I survive in a repeated freak accidents a gas explosion I'd be able to survive having c4 being strapped to my chest. I know the mercs are cartoon characters but like one or two rockets can kill them pretty easily.
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Also regarding flowery language, explanations on the origins of powers there, about reaching a primordial universal source, may confuse people.
It's like saying I have Supercharger powers because my cells split molecules and release their energy. Or that my toaster has all the power of the US electric grid

Pic /co/ related
Yes we understand your autistic calculations and extrapolations out of 5 seconds of video, but as explained this leads to obviously wrong conclusions, so maybe suspend your disbelief a little and pretend those were Rocket Jumper rockets or something.
What you said is dependant on the size/energy of that explosion you survived, and how far away from the explosion you are, point blank or really far, that will be calculated and given a tier.
If you survive a direct shot worth 1 kilotons of TNT you will be able to tank less.
>Dude, you do realize it's obviously wrong, no, I'm not gonna prove it, just pretend it is.
Lol, I'll be dismissing this low iq """argument""
I know but like in game if soldier shoots them with his rocket launcher he can kill most mercs without much trouble. Like they'll usually take a single hit and die to any splash damage if soldier lands a rocket on them. thats not even talking about crockets which can instant kill most mercs. Like in game explosives demolish mercs. Demoman can kill most mercs with two grenades.
There is nothing to prove, retard. The scout obviously can't destroy a building with his fucking bat or guns. Even in-game he dies to two rockets, so what? Are the rockets in-game weaker than the ones in Meet the Medic? You apply real world logic to a cartoony world. It doesn't work.
>giving the sneedguy corrective eye surgery while laying unconscious
Power-Man really is the strongest and greatest
>Gojo vs Flex Mentallo
>The scout obviously can't destroy a building with his fucking bat or guns
Attack potency =/= Destructive capacity
Even in-game he dies to two rockets, so what? Are the rockets in-game weaker than the ones in Meet the Medic?
Of course not, every weapon he dies to, scales to that tier, occam's razor.
Unless of course, you can prove that those weapons are weaker.
It is. Everyone knows how fucking retarded those threads are and nobody wants the kind of people that go there to flood into the rest of the site.
So let me get this straight.
You calculate Scout can survive an explosion.
Scout can kill another Scout in-game, so you conclude Scout has the attack potency of an explosion.
But... Scout does not have the attack power of an explosion, right?
Instead of coming to the conclusion you got something wrong somewhere, you use the pedantic term of "Attack potency". What is Attack Potency? I checked the wiki, it's some bullshit nebulous term to cope with the fact their autism work is meaningless, they admit so as well:
>We are aware that this technically violates the principle of conservation of energy, as it should logically disperse upon impact, but fiction generally tends to ignore this fact, so we overlook it as well.
Even then, a Scout can kill another Scout with like, 5 bat hits. So, he can destroy a wall with as many bat hits, right? There aren't many other ways to use a bat. For a gun you could argue the Scout is fleshier compared to the wall so it pierce him. It's harder to argue that with a bat.
Attack Potency means jack shit and is just a way to cope with the fact your conclusion is retarded.
>it's some bullshit nebulous term to cope with the fact their autism work is meaningless, they admit so as well
They don't, they say that fiction ignores things like conservation of energy.
Dragon Ball, for example demonstrates DC and AP well.
In earlier arcs, Roshi's Kamehameha and Frieza's casual ki ball destroyed planets and moons, yet stronger attacks coming from forms millions of times stronger barely scratch a cliff, Goku literally says it himself "You can destroy planet but you cannot destroy a man" as he tanks Frieza's strongest blast, are you going to say that blast wasn't planetary at the very least?
Multiply that by a quintillion in DBS and Vegito Blue's final kamehameha generated a blast smaller than a building, are you going to say his blast is sub-building tier?
What's funniest of all?
This LITERALLY the same joke as One Punch Man, but somehow vsdebater turds completely miss the point of that and still debate OPM seriously as if they were debating Power-Man from this very comic.
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The autism in this thread...
This isn't DBZ this is fucking TF2 and the Scout is a mostly basic human with a regular bat and gun.
His bat isn't a fucking Ki charged weapon that only works on human or whatever. If you say Scout has the "Attack potency" of an explosion then he can destroy a wall with his bat. Period. There is no way to wriggle out of this you pedantic twat.
>His bat isn't a fucking Ki charged weapon that only works on human or whatever
Never was stated to only work on humans.
>If you say Scout has the "Attack potency" of an explosion then he can destroy a wall with his bat
Simple powerscaling shows he generated enough force to harm characters stronger than walls so logically speaking, yeah, your argument?
Not to mention TF2 chars including scout actually scale to that tier at in terms of direct hits.
Who wins between Yugo from Wakfu and Goku?

Like I really think that crazy portal shit could fuck with Goku since no one in his verse has that kind of ability.
anon I get what you mean but Medic literally ran a timeshare scheme with his own soul and Scout has personally met fucking God.
Mexicans and blacks are obsessed with macho bullshit and this is just an extension of that. White nerds are pedants.
This screenshot seems to imply there's a 'right' way to do powerscaling, but people just commonly make these particular mistakes
welcome to modern Yu-Gi-Oh
raven, also no unfortunately
the artist is gay so no.
But that's all to it; who punches harder? There's no creative battles or powers anymore.
>who punches harder?
it's a "my surrogate, parasocial father figure could kick yours" kind a thing that rose in popularity alongside people just giving up on the idea of parenting and furries
desu dragon ball z was a good father to me and goku could beat superman any day of the week
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Reminds me that i'm surprised power autists don't ever touch chink stuff, it would be right up their alley since it's nothing BUT number autism.
Yeah, normal types are immune to ghost type moves. Did you not know that?
>the most OP sci-fi race ever
Thought that was the Culture.
Antimatter is destroyed the moment it touches matter but I digress.
>Has cloaca
>Pretty much done but can't lay eggs.
Because no one gives a shit about Manhua.
Weaker than Gilgamesh btw
I give a shit about manhua
Photino Birds were made by Dark matter you tard also Baxter didn't write them to showoff against all other sci-fi he did it because otherwise the Xelee were unkillable

That they kill powerscaling discussion in Sci-Fi is true tho
>Of course not, every weapon he dies to, scales to that tier, occam's razor.
I don't think you're using Occam's razor correctly. Instead of "Scout dies to a rocket or a baseball bat, the bat must hit as hard as a rocket", it would be more like "A baseball bat obviously can't match a rocket and the rocket is clearly more destructive in literally every other scenario, I'd better go reevaluate my scaling system"
It is either fun banter or autism. The problem is it often leans more towards autism. Everyone suspends their disbelief at fiction otherwise most stories won't work. The problem is people selectively suspend their disbelief e.g.:
>action hero running over open ground and not getting hit by machine gun fire? fine
>female hero who weighs 90lbs beating up a dude 3 times her weight? unrealistic!
The point of that example is just that certain things tend to be fine for most people while other examples are suddenly not and sometimes there is no rhyme nor reason. James Bond surrounded by the best mercenaries in the world with machine guns should get hit running across an open field. The problem with the power debates is it often falls into this selectivity issue where people can suspend their disbelief at some things and not others. Which leads to a bunch of the conflicts.
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Must be the need to be dominant and in control of one's own heroes or "characters of interest" because they relate to the power scaler and the vs debater in a personal level, perhaps like a radically-idealized version of their mentors, friends, or even themselves?
That's quite the apt description. That's the spice!!!
It almost always devolves into try-hardism whenever the scale gets too big and everyone is busting out the scientific calculators and the wiki articles about string theory. Which is honestly the furthest thing from what I want to do.
>A baseball bat obviously can't match a rocket
Why? By your own real logic imposed on a video game for some reason, the bat's kinetic energy could be disperse among a smaller surface area
>By your own real logic imposed on a video game for some reason
Strawman, I never mentioned real world logic

>the bat's kinetic energy could be disperse among a smaller surface area
If that was the case then the baseball bat would be even more deadly than the rocket since it's more concentrated.
Shit like Jojo, Toaru or Worm also makes things a lot less fun by virtue of the fights boiling down to either "you stomp or you get stomped" because of the nature of their abilities. Even matchups are more fun to discuss because you get to talk about more things about each character instead of everything being focused around this singular lynchpin.
And if your character's power is to just nullify other people's abilities it doesn't feel good either because it's kind of a cop-out isn't it? It feels lame when Kienzan never gets to land on the big bad unless they can regenerate, I don't want to recreate those kinds of interactions.
To think Suggsverse's style of writing is actually fairly widely practised.
>Shit like Jojo, Toaru or Worm also makes things a lot less fun by virtue of the fights boiling down to either "you stomp or you get stomped"
Aren't a lot of the fights in those series pretty close? I haven't read Toaru but JoJo and Worm I felt did a good job of making fights entertaining and not stomps. If vs debates has that issue it sounds like the problem is either with the matchups the debaters pick or their debate skills.
>I haven't read Toaru but JoJo and Worm I felt did a good job of making fights entertaining and not stomps.
Because they happen within the same work. I was referring to when they get used in battleboarding, against other works of fiction where things get a lot fuckier, simply due to the fact that what might be simple counters against a jobber's ability just straight up isn't a thing for reasons relating to how power systems operating under entirely different rules clash (e.g not being able to see Stands is a huge disadvantage, as is not having Nen against a Nen user). Amongst other reasons, but that one's the most notable.
Broke: Goku fighting Superman
Woke: Goku helping Superman save some folk
Bespoke: Clark Kent interviewing Goku in the week before the Cell Games, maybe going fishing with him
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>muh Goku
>muh Saitama

It's hilarious how out of nowhere fucking Tenchi of all protags just levelled up into the ultimate anime MC. He literally transcended above all god kind and has zero weaknesses. He's as powerful to a god as a god is to an ant. And he married and bred all the girls in his house. Even the cat.
he wont partake in them?
uh well goku would win bcuz even if superman did beat him goku would just go super saiyan six and then be even stronger than superman
I hate morons like you, if a nigga dodges a laser he has good reflexes. End of the discussion.
reddit meme
>Tenchi of all protags
Look, here is powerlevel of your character
Character powerlevel = (character hype + character scaling in lore + character feat) * how popular your franchise * how popular your character STANDALONE
So, even if your character is POWER FUCKING MAN, if your franchise is unknown, they might as well be as strong as Fucking Krillin
Do you realize you just did a “my website is better than theirs”?
Assessing feats is hard
who should gojo fight
Only for retards.
>stahn aileron victim
Depends on what the feat involves. Calcs that heavily involve real life physics (fiction generally doesn't do real life physics) and pixel measurements (drawings made by flawed humans who slip up here and there) are pretty tiring to sit through.
We always knew that tho
>t. poketard seething
This is what Superfights does to people.
OPM is just disguised shonenslop
see the garou fight
This, basically. People just want to wank their favorite characters at the end of the day.
>call everyone a nazi for the smallest shit
>nobody believes you when there's an "actual" nazi
>To use op's pic as an example, disintegration man said he can disintegrate anything.
Yes that's what a character said. Characters are depictions of people and just like people they can lie and over evaluate their own abilities.
Its entertaining
For media about superpowered fighting it's the one topic to discuss really.
Please us the agreed upon terminology of Handegg and Divegrass.
>but he'd still just be a stupid stick figure.
Fuck you he's NOT stupid
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Fuck off, we're trying to have breakfast here.
He can barely be called a man, let alone an editor, though.
It appeals to the 'tism
It's the online version of my dad could beat your dad in a fight

Nothing wrong with that. As long as powerscalers stay in their lane
I wonder if Johnny Joestar could beat Gojo with Tusk Act III?

what about gappy's nonexistent bubble bullshit? Do you think "nothing" could by bypass Infinity?
Woops, meant Tusk act 4
Photino birds aren't antimatter, their dark matter or something. All I remember is that they are non-baryonic
Could act 4's mega ball penetrate infinity and kill Gojo, yes
Could Johnny pull it off in the middle of a fight against Gojo, no
Yeah that's what I meant when I said it was an issue with the matchups they pick or the debates themselves. For JoJo, I don't think invisibility is that outlandish a power to deal with, and I'm not even sure what the equivalent issue is in Worm.
>They fundamentally don’t understand what makes a good strong character
Well? What makes a good strong character?
It was funny because the whole reason Gojo existed was to be beaten down at a later point and Gege disliked the character.
So if I win the lottery once, I have luck manipulation?
But he couldn't beat irrelevancy.
No, but if you win it multiple times, you have supernatural luck.
Hax has nothing to do with strength so that's an irrelevant point.
Low IQ retards are obsessed with fictional characters fighting each other for no reason than to measure each other's dicks. Screwattack and Rooster Teeth went a step further and monetized the entire concept.
More like he couldn't beat shit writing. That shit should've ended with Tenchi Forever.
That's mainly an issue around the scenario of the conflict. When you've got situations like "you stomp or you get stomped" usually the actual fight is around collecting info on your opponent and getting into position to use your one hit kill ability on them before they can it to you.
If you want a story to be intelligent you do need to have plausible answers to questions like that.

You can use "rule of cool" to hand wave things but that requires a good enough author to make "cool" in the first place, which desu isn't that common in comics.
Kratos? An Asura victim.
no it's not because it ignores the big reason we even enjoy fights in the first place, that being the plot and setting. Two characters fighting with random op powers (especially ones tied to the setting) measured by random arbitrary statistics isn't fun.
It’s the more autistic version of the “x could totally beat up y”
You have to be 18 to post here.
>that being the plot and setting
Stick fight animations exist and are fun
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>But he couldn't beat irrelevancy.
>still getting new series, new novels and new merch, about to hit it's 30th anniversary, a new spinoff is incoming. The main series and the spinoffs are still getting new material each year.

Tenchi is doing just fine. It doesn't need to match FOTM shows with flashy visuals/shocking gimmick premises or isekai bullshit. It'll outlast all the fads, it's been 30 years already. It's not a shonen series that needs to prove itself with elaborate fight explanation bullshittery like Naruto. It's a slice of life anime about a dude marrying a bunch of waifus that started the whole harem genre and it's still doing it better than all of them. The guy married his entire harem, is space royalty and bangs literal gods as god king, if you give a shit about power levels. It's not a contest but if it was he would win.

The fact it isn't a One Piece level mega popular series is kind of the point. It's modest and chill and fun. It doesn't need to take part in a dick measuring contest, it's not that juvenile. It's just a casual good time. It's low key. You should check it out. In an era where everything has to be 'epic' and ADHD paced for zoomies it's refreshing to have a show that's chill.
>unironic tenchicuck
The only way to salvage Tenchi Muyo at this point without a reboot is ignoring at least one sequel and spin-off, if not more, lost track with the Ryo-Ohki OVAs.
But..but...murrica told me that if it's not the best and biggest like massa business makes then it's a failure and we shouldn't try!!
I have no idea who this is
>A baseball bat obviously can't match a rocket and the rocket is clearly more destructive in literally every other scenario
You have zero proof that it cannot in a fictional scenario, it bypassed the durability of a wall, therefore should scale to the same tier, that is the logical conclusion.
this right here is exactly why people with functioning brains find powerlevelfags annoying
The same appeal of playing with action figures I guess.
What really gets me is that they keep pretending like characters are consistent. They tend to vary in strength even in the same show/comic series, nevermind their 30 other iterations and adaptations. The fact is, the writers weren't thinking about how some 30 year neckbeards would think about their strength when fighting random people for another universe.

Not to mention, it just rewards bad writing. The best example of this is Jason vs. Micheal Myers. Jason wins, but only because his strengths and weaknesses are inconsistent due to a number of plotholes. Meanwhile Micheal Myers is kino that doesn't have apes for writers.
I'm obsessed with One Piece scaling right now AMA
what went wrong with your life?
Access to the internet at a young age and the reasons for that which are more pertinent like poor parenting and socialization, don't be a fucking goof
Why does Naruto solo the verse so easily?
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It's the show where Owl House stole Eda from.
Naruto is finished as a series while One Piece is still ongoing so it has to dripfeed you feats
Makes sense
What's wrong with Tenchi so bad that it needs rebooting anon? Last I saw Tenchi just settled down and got married. Was there really that much lore that it needs a reboot? Do they need to bring Kagato back?
I have no idea who this is either
nazi man got it from the past, that’s how he find it in the future
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Are you okay anon? Are you feeling okay, did you hit your head? This is the capeshit movie actor discussion board. Where we talk about what hollywood celebrities are going to be cast in live action capeshit spinoff tv shows that have nothing to do with whatever the fuck comic books are.
>power man made /v/ like games
guess he really is… a power man
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Act 4 is directly stated to "piece dimensions" and broke a multi-dimensional barrier that one time, so yeah probably.
For Gappy, yes absolutely. Establishing a law of physics won't stop an attack that actively ignores laws of physics from hitting you.
>it bypassed the durability of a wall
Only in your transitive A>B>C>D>E>F>G>H ridiculous daisy chain.
I'm surprised that there hasn't been a character with the power of "Favored Nations". Wherein any time someone shows up that's stronger than that character, said character automatically gets buffed to be their equal
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only as far as Earth (the jobber planet) can buff her tho
how is monster girl quest even WEAKER than HxH???????
Why would anyone expect high power levels from something called "monster girl quest"
Shut up, nigger. You're the reason powerlevelfaggotry has zero respect outside of manchildren.
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>Tenchi Muyo fag thinks his opinion matters
>it was an issue with the matchups they pick
>and I'm not even sure what the equivalent issue is in Worm.
The fact that people like Contessa or Jojo's Tooru are at best slightly-above-average humans outside of their powers, which lends itself to a character having very little even match-ups because the character has hardly anything going for them outside of their ability.
>That's mainly an issue around the scenario of the conflict.
I guess debates could revolve around having such characters compete in non-combat scenarios, even if that doesn't necessarily solve the issue of them being tricky in a regular battleboarding context.
One-hit kill abilities and weird powers are generally where it's really clear authors don't write their stuff for battleboarding's sake, and it's for this reason I don't like using pixel calcs in battleboarding either. They're difficult to work with and it's not even the author's fault.
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>accepting the correct opinion for what it is
How can something be the correct opinion if the person saying it refuses to explain how it’s true? That’s like saying that all chocolate is bitter and when asked how or why they think that they just walk away.
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pic related canonically beat most /v/, /co/, /a/ and even some /x/ characters with his bare fists in order to rescue his girlfriend
Tenchi is a little bitch
Literal who?
...as in, most of the wall-level characters.
Damn y'all don't even remember MUGEN
pretty sure nobody cares about powerlevel fags while writing something
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He should fight Boyfriend.

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