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Genuinely what specific mental illness causes people to latch on to a bunch of retards prancing around in stupid costumes? Whatever it is, it's spreading, and manifesting in horrible ways. This needs to stop.
>Genuinely what specific mental illness causes people to latch on to a bunch of retards prancing around in stupid costumes?
Autism, nigga.

Indeed it is. OP has autism.
Have you ever wondered what would you do if you were eating alone and choked?
Can you?
Bullshit. Either specify which disorder on the spectrum causes this unacceptable shit, or shut the FUCK up.
Yes, I have a chair.
Motherfucker, it's autism. It's always autism.
OP why are you on /co/?
Again, which type of autism? Fuck you and your tardbreathed buzzwords, name the specific disorder that brainwashes a person into somehow finding superheroes appealing.

>"Hurr hurr, comics and cartoons can only ever be capeshit!"
Kill yourself.
Dude, go fuck yourself. You're fucked in the head. Simple as.
Answer the question. Why are you here?
It's autism.
>ignorant cunt refuses to answer cause they don't know anything about mental illness beyond the buzzwords fed to them by 4chan
SHOCK. GASP. Go die in a ditch.

Answer my question first, shitwhistle. Which brain disease makes people like capes?
Don't tell me you're a cartoonfag
Stop avoiding the question, you absolute coward.
Dude definitely sounds like he is.
I’m with you, OP. Hopefully you can get a genuine answer from someone who’s not a shithead trying to be funny.
You're an adult watching children's cartoons and you think you're better than me?
Get real
That probably won't happen, since these morons have been raised on obnoxious quips, and thus thinks it constitutes natural conversation.
Me too, I'm with the OP. I love the OP, I think he's a really swell guy. I hate when people try to be funny, it just comes off as tryhard and cringe. lol.
you share a board with the absolute stain on society that are cartoonfags and you have an issue with capeshit?
I don't have a problem with capeshit, I just really like OP a lot.
Your pathetic attempts at deflection are more transparent than your insecurity at liking something you clearly know is trash.

And yes, I DO have an issue with capeshit, because I hate this inherently terrible genre and the various ways in which it as has ruined the entire medium of comics. And again, it's spreading like some horrible disease. A Harley Quinn isekai? Humanity was a fucking mistake. Our species has proven that we do not deserve to exist.
you are a faggot retard, we can see you're samefagging
I'm not a samefag, I just think his writing style is cute. Though I hope it's a she... >///<
This is the level you lot will sink to avoid having a discussion, huh? Pathetic. I legit wish nothing but pain and suffering on all capeshitters.
All I'm saying is that you watch cartoons. You are no different than the average capeshitter, in fact you're probably worse
You are so desperate to deflect that you're actively making up anything to create an ad hominem narrative that lets you avoid answering the initial question. You absolutely pathetic piece of fucking trash. Capeshitters don't eve have spine enough to try to defend their unacceptable "taste" in terrible media. Fucking kill yourself.
What's a capeshitter? Is that someone who hates comics or likes them?

I don't read them but I don't dislike them, I only post here for the Steven Universe and cute girl threads... but I liked OP's image, it was cute... >///<
>You are so desperate to deflect that you're actively making up anything to create an ad hominem narrative
You're doing the exact same thing retard. How about listing off examples of things (You) like to see in comics that isn't capeshit instead of bitching about capeshit existing?
Someone apparently broke you at some point during this thread lol. Utterly pathetic.
The 100 million+ people worldwide who saw Avengers Endgame all had autism? Sounds like there are more people in the world with autism than not, according to you.
I'm gonna love capeshit to spite you
There isn't anything in comics that isn't capeshit. That's a big part of the problem. Other genres aren't allowed to fucking happen anymore.

>"I'm going to stab myself. Take that, loser!"
kek what a retarded, uncultured, fagtoons loving tranny
real scifaggot up in this bitch
ABC Warriors is just capeshit that's pretending not to be. Fuck off.
The characters have powers, fight crime, and wear stupid costumes. It's capeshit.
do this one now
I've never seen this. Looks like euroshit.
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last one from me
I liked Atomic Puppet, and that was about it.
Capeshit certainly ruined any SF discussion, that's for damn sure.
>t. Garth Ennis
Kill yourself, you balding Irish fuck
Scorsese was right about Marvel and DC.
>Real cinema is when wops steal stuff while the Rolling Stones play in the background
Why are people so quick to defend capeshit? Is it a self-insert thing?
real world bleak, capeshit world not bleak
I mean, it IS real cinema.
>Go to a place where people like (thing)
>Say that (thing) is stupid and sucks
>Act surprised when they call you a dumbass
Not all comics are capeshit, though.
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I have an image that serves as an adequate retort to both of you. Capeshit is trash, and you're trash for liking it. The only explanation for why anyone could ever find this enjoyable is if they have brain problems.
?? The board is well-known for being full of superhero fans and discussion, you obviously came here knowing that, cumchugger.
Correction, I came here filtering all that shit.
do you like anything
Yes they are. Other genres functionally aren't allowed to exist in this medium.

>LITERALLY only allowed to talk about capeshit
Kill yourself.
Whatever happened to Crumb-esque comics? Those are the only ones I give a shit about.
>A notably bad comic that was universally panned BY SUPERHERO FANS somehow proves that the entire genre is inherently bad
That doesn't make sense. It's like saying "Manos: The Hands of Fate" proves that all horror movies are inherently bad. Every genre has some bad entries, not everything can be good, Sturgeon's Law. The thing I've noticed about you cape-haters is that you can't simply not read a genre you dislike, you have to actively whine about it and expend a ton of energy on hating. Like Garth Ennis writing a 73 issue comic series about how he hates superheroes.
Garth Ennis sounds kinda based, desu.
>"B-but it was bad so it doesn't co-ACK!"
Irrelevant. It's still a cape book that people were expected to pay money for, and was take seriously by its creative team. Just because it looks silly doesn't stop it from being fucked up.

Here's an example of an allegedly "good" capeshit rag doing the same thing, and you drooling retards never stop slobbering over it. Fuck you.
>Other genres functionally aren't allowed to exist in this medium.
Except Maus, Sandman, The Walking Dead, Preacher, Bone, Persepolis, Scott Pilgrim, Sin City, Did you time travel here from 1956?
>LITERALLY only allowed to talk about capeshit
Nobody said that, bitchboy. Whining about capeshit is still talking about it. People who are into non-capeshit cartoons and comics post about it all the time, instead of going on a cunty whinefest like you are. Grow up.
why are people replying to this dead obvious bait
it's scifag
Edgelord trash.
Pretentious trash.
>The Walking Dead
Zombie trash.
Edgelord trash.
Pretentious trash.
Whiny trash.
>Scott Pilgrim
Incel trash.
>Sin City
Edgelord trash.
The few non-cape books out there are all a bunch of crap that don't appeal to me in the least.

>Nobody said that, bitchboy.
YOU DID. >>144311943 Kill yourself.
How do like, two bad comics prove a whole genre is bad? What genres are you into? Are there ZERO bad installments of those? I doubt it. I'm calling it already: you aren't going to tell me what genres you're into, you'll just sputter more lame insults at me, because hater retards can never name anything they actually LIKE. But yeah, I guess a random shitty Red Arrow comic from 2010 outweighs The Dark Knight Returns, the Infinity Gems, Knightfall, Kingdom Come, Crisis on Infinite Earths, God Loves Man Kills, and so on. Dumbfuck.
>non-cape books out there
>admitting comics other than superheroes exist
how're you gonna mental gymnastics out of that one
oh so he's replying to himself, got it.
>The few non-cape books out there are all a bunch of crap that don't appeal to me in the least.
Then why are you on a comics board at all?
Pointing out that a board CONTAINS fans of something isn't even close to being the same thing as saying you're only ALLOWED to discuss that thing on the board. Nice reading comprehension. Notice all the threads currently open where people are discussing things that aren't even remotely superhero-related on here. Why start another thread about superheroes instead of hanging out on those?
>Kill yourself
I'd tell you to do the same, but that's a fucked-up thing to say to a middle schooler. Grow up.
>But yeah, I guess a random shitty Red Arrow comic from 2010 outweighs The Dark Knight Returns, the Infinity Gems, Knightfall, Kingdom Come, Crisis on Infinite Earths, God Loves Man Kills, and so on.

I don't give a fuck about bad comics, I want to read good ones, and there aren't any. No stop being a whiny cunt and tell me what mental disorder you have that makes you like capeshit.
I think he's gonna get a hernia from moving all those goalposts.
>I want to read good ones, and there aren't any
Guess you're fucked then. Go read a book or something.
While capeshitters might not be as bad, MDfags are a whole other story.
I dunno, man. Maybe if you whine like a faggot for a bit longer, a comic that fits your arbitrary standards will manifest itself into existence, just for you. :)
>scifi-troon and anti-Ennis troon in the same thread
If mods were competent or even based, they'd leak their IPs to drug cartels. Do the same for gwenschizo, even.
I'd love to see these fags on liveleak.
>Notice all the threads currently open where people are discussing things that aren't even remotely superhero-related on here.
Pic related.
scifag can't name ANY books he likes because he doesn't read any
instead of reading he's bitching on a chilean pepper forum
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Not those fags, the ones that posted so much fetish art that they all fucked off to plus4chan.
>ignoring the ellison thread
sucks to be you I want a scan of the byrne comic
You forgot every cartoon thread that isn't about MAWS. Look at the catalog, cocksucker
Fuck MAWS for ruining SF threads.
>Implying there's only one person who doesn't like Shart Benis
Lol cope
Ellison is rightfully burning in fucking hell. Shut the fuck up.

I'm looking. Still not seeing anything that isn't capeshit.
I just want everyone to know that the troon chimped out in the Suicide Squad Isekai thread, seething about "capeshit ruining anime".
>I'm totally not the same person, I just happen to have the exact same childish writing style and go on the exact same whiny tantrums
Go suck off Bendis again, cuck.
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>Ellison is burning in hell
i don't get it, don't you want more science fiction comics?
>The Simpsons are capeshit
>King of the Hill is capeshit
>Ed Edd n' Eddy are capeshit
>Everything is capeshit now
Alright, here's your (you)
>If you don't like the ugly bald Irish guy who writes shitty comics, you must like the ugly bald AMERICAN guy who writes shitty comics
Lol no.
Fuck Harlan Ellison.

No, those are just plain vanilla garbage.
his mental gymnastics are astounding
witnessing real genuine autism
Again, try not to get a hernia from moving all those goalposts
>plain vanilla garbage
no need for self deprecation anon.
Try actually answering my initial question about what brain rot causes you to like a genre that glorifies gaudily dressed vigilantes.
>trying to cover your tracks after the embarrassment from the last thread
Uh-huh. You're not fooling anybody.
So, why don't mods just nuke this embarrassment of a thread?
>Show up out of nowhere and insult people
>Expect them to make an earnest effort at explaining why they like something you hate, instead of just telling you to fuck off
>You track record of ignoring anything that contradicts you and arguing in bad faith is further proof that answering you in good faith would be a waste of time
I want to bench 405 while a hot woman sits on my lap
>still refuses to answer the question
>cites butthurt feefees as an excuse
You could just answer the goddamn question already instead of crying like a little bitch, you know.
not enough pointless buzzword arguments have been used to alert them.
What are you talking about?? Yes, Garth Ennis is the perfectest bestest comic writer ever, because his characters say "fuck" and "cock" a lot, and only one single person on the entire planet dislikes his work. Keep on telling yourself that, when you aren't busy gooning to Crossed or whatever.
Even as a self-insert thing, this doesn't make sense because it still involves the idiotic costumes.
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>Comes in butthurt, spewing his seethe all over the place
>The people telling him to go away are the butthurt ones
So leather's just an "idiotic costume?" Shame, you're not cut out for BDSM.
>keeps proving my point
Nobody cares that Ennis raped you in the ass, faggot. Your seething is obnoxious so shut the fuck up. Or if it's that hard to live with it, just kill yourself. Nobody's gonna mourn you.
No seriously, you see some cool scenes of a hero in a movie only to read some comics to see more of the character and watch them get cucked and shit on by a bunch of raped liberal men who are shit at writing.

Anyone who reads the comics is completely fucked in the head.
Yes, you ARE being butthurt, because you're crying like a little bitch baby because I said mean things about your precious action figures. Now answer my question. What specific mental disorder causes people to like capeshit?

BDSM is tryhard bullshit for wannabe goths who don't have the balls to just cut themselves.
can you name any works of fiction you like?
>BDSM is tryhard bullshit for wannabe goths who don't have the balls to just cut themselves.
Not even spanking? That's a pretty easy one for newcomers to get into.
This >>144312674
Or just any THING, at all, that you like in general? Or are you an edgy 12 year old who just got grounded by his parents and has decided that the whole world sucks and everyone is stupid?
>cut themselves
What, do you not counts doms?
Can you answer my question? No? Then I ain't telling you shit, retard.

Might as well call the cops and tell them you're a pedo yourself. Save everyone else the hassle.
>Might as well call the cops and tell them you're a pedo yourself.
I'm the spankEE, not the spankER.
>Can you answer my question?
it's your turn now, is there any media that you can claim to enjoy?
the same one that causes faggot OPs to make seethe threads; autism
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If mods admit one thread is bad then they have to admit what an absolute tire fire this board is in general. So the site just keeps getting more and more overrun by autists like OP, because the site does it's damnedest to make them feel at home.
That answer has already been refuted. You fuckers must be legit brainwashed, since you are unable to give a logical reasoning.

Then you're an age regression fetishist, and you should be tossed of a cliff.
>Then you're an age regression fetishist, and you should be tossed of a cliff.
I've experienced sex without consent before, so it's my best coping mechanism.
>What specific mental disorder causes people to like capeshit
There isn't one. There aren't any psychological disorders that cause a person to have any preference in entertainment. People like this or that genre because some element of it appeals to them for one reason or another. Some enjoy the mixture of sci-fi and fantasy elements. Others enjoy the larger-than-life characters and stories, or the refreshing nature of an optimistic setting where the bad guys always lose and the good guys always win, compared to the injustice and hardship of the real world. The genre can be appealing because the dramatic plots, outlandish powers or gadgets, and narrative focus on conflict come together to provide entertaining spectacle. There are those for whom the power fantasy is appealing. "What if I was super strong and could just punch my problems in the face" will always appeal to some people. As for the costumes, they originated with those worn by circus performers back when the genre started out. I suppose it made sense to dress a super strong character like a circus strongman, or an acrobatic character like a trapeze artist. The costumes looked more exciting in a visual format than the street clothes of the time, and helped to set the character apart. Since the Golden Age, "superheroes wearing costumes" has just been grandfathered in and became an integral part of the genre. Does this answer your question?
>Does this answer your question?
Yeah, it does. Turns out you're all just delusion twats who can't deal with reality, so you escape into your gaudy fantasy worlds were you can self-insert into your superpowered chadsona. You're not ill per se, just a bunch of pathetic losers. Typical.
So...what do you like?
okay yes i'm a delusional dude who works out & reads capeshit
what fictional media do you yourself enjoy
we answered you now >>144312723 , are you gonna tell us what YOU like? What excellent, beautiful, intelligent, smart, mature, relevant-to-real-life, totally without flaw, utterly divine genre of fiction do YOU enjoy? Bonus points for explaining in good faith WHY you enjoy it.
NTA, but I enjoy anything that's cartoony and has fluid animatoin. Ren & Stimpy, Space Goofs, and Baby Huey are some of my favorites.
Your mom's cunt.

>are you gonna tell us what YOU like?
Pft, no! Why the fuck would I tell you that? It's none of your business.
I should specify that season 2 Space Goofs is objectively better than season 1 Space Goofs.
can you name any works of fiction you like?
So I was listening to all kinds of true crime vultures on Youtube and there was a mention of this cartel video that's apparently very gruesome and people in the comments were talking how terrifying it was. Something about a guy who asked for water and got his face cut off instead.
So I looked it up and it didn't bother me at all. Like, it's just gore, I don't get what the big deal is.
This is a normal reaction, right?
The discussion this thread deserves
You probably watched too many troma films before watching.
Again, why should I? You've already made it clear that this is a capeshit board, and there's no point in ever talking about anything else.
is that a yes you can name fiction you enjoy or no?
That's what YOU'VE been saying, everyone else has been saying you're wrong.
You capeshitters love to prove how much of a bunch of subhuman twats you are. Someone says something negative about your action figures, and this is how yo respond. Never mind how said action figures have ruined comic books as a medium. You NEED your slop.

Why, so you can just shit on it? You really think I'm that stupid? Fuck you.
Its the type of autism you have
can you list any three pieces of fiction that you like? format does not matter
>That's what YOU'VE been saying,
No, that's what YOU'VE been saying >>144312077. At this point, you're actively in denial about your own shitty attitudes.
>That's what YOU'VE been saying
>Links a post where I say the opposite
You tried.
>The board is well-known for being full of superhero fans and discussion
You literally said that this is a capes only board. Fuck you.
can you list a singular work of fiction that you like
No, he can't. Stop replying to him, holy shit.
Why do you even care? Piss off.

>"Stop replying, I can't take any criticism of my medium destroying slop!"
You're pathetic.
Seems the fiction I listed went in vain. >>144313002
Oops, meant to reply to >>144313311
Full of =/= only. If I have a crate that mostly contains ammunition, but also has a gun cleaning kit and a couple issues of "Guns and Ammo" in it, could it be simultaneously said that the crate is "full of ammo" but also doesn't ONLY contain ammo?
The other stuff is buried under all the ammo, so nobody ever sees it.
Oh fuck off and spam this trash somewhere else.
Nice Lucy Loud cameo.
I appreciate the attempt to salvage this thread, but posting all kinds of depraved porn until mods wake up and start swinging the banhammer, killing this shit in the process would've been a preferable option.
This comic sucks.
>"Disliking capeshit should be a bannable offense!"
You really are a sad loser.
But it's a western, not capeshit.
>he's afraid of the banhammer
See how he recoils? Porn is a better option. Maybe gore/animal abuse too, but I only have the latter right now and I don't want another "YOU HAVE VIOLATED US LAWS" ban for posting a dead rat.
Seriously, I don't know what retard hopes to accomplish by spamming some indie rag, but I don't pretend to understand the mentally deficient.

Westerns are just proto-capeshit. Plus she's literally wearing a cape.
>Westerns are just proto-capeshit.
I dunno, Rango was pretty kino.
I've never seen a persecution complex this powerful before. Did you walk in on your dad plowing your mom while wearing a Superman costume, and it scarred you for life or something?
I have don't nothing but express my dislike of the superhero genre. I ain't afraid of shit.
>indie rag
but you claimed to like it
>she's literally wearing a cape
That's a coat, retard. You'd know that, if you ever went outside.
More like Lucy Cutter, amirite?
No, I'm just sick of having nothing to read. Comics are completely fucked because a single genre floods the shelves and makes it functionally impossible to publish any other types of stories. It's fucking insufferable.
I like the way you think, anon.
It's a hard film to top.
No I didn't. That was someone else.

Wasn't Rango that movie that people desperately kept trying to meme into being good, especially with that snake villain? I will say, it was a great way to convince me to never watch it.
I mean, it mogs the fuck out of TLW, that's for damn sure.
I have no idea what that is.
>that was someone else
>So what's stopping the big two from putting out more sci-fi material? The CCA has been gone for decades, and even normies are getting tired off capeshit.
>... Sigh. Let's try this one more time, and then I'm fucking done trying to actually talk to you people.
>You have some kind of mental disorder where comic books are the ONLY format of entertainment that you can enjoy
>But you despise superheroes AND every non-superhero comic that has ever been made
>This is OUR problem, somehow
Some sequel to a spinoff of a franchise based off a book.
>I sure don't like this movie I am outright admitting to have not actually seen!
oh lmao, anon.
Heh, she farded in the tub.
Dipshit, we've been over this, the superhero books prevent non-capes from being made. Even the supposedly non-cape ones still have superhero elements to them. You even mentioned fucking Sandman earlier.

>>This is OUR problem, somehow
Considering you literally will not allow me to talk about anything else...
>in a western
I'm sold.
The Tavern League of Wisconsin?
No, the one where Puss has a panic attack.
Oh, The Last Wish. The only thing from that movie that matters is Goldilocks.
I haven't seen it, I've only seen the one with Humpty Dumpty as the main antagonist.
so that's a lie
I didn't make that thread. I get banned every time I ever try to make a thread about non-cape stuff.
>the superhero books prevent non-capes from being made
This hasn't been true for decades.
>Even the supposedly non-cape ones still have superhero elements to them.
What do you define as "superhero elements?" What superhero elements does, say, The Walking Dead have? Care to name a work of fiction (not even one you necessarily like) that doesn't have ANY "superhero elements" as you define them? What would a perfect, non-superhero comic look like to you?
>You literally will not allow me to talk about anything else...
We don't "allow" or "not allow" shit. Calling you an asshole for saying something doesn't prevent you from saying it. YOU are the one who has talked about superheroes and NOTHING BUT SUPERHEROES for this ENTIRE THREAD. That's on you, not us.
I got banned for posting Paradise PD, so don't expect any logic or reasoning as to WHY you got banned.
What stuff have you made threads about?
>This hasn't been true for decades.
I'm constantly looking for decent material, and I can't find jack shit.

>What do you define as "superhero elements?"
Stupid costumes, superpowers, crime fighting, the usual.

>That's on you, not us.
Is it? Cause again, I get banned every single time I ever try to talk about non-cape books.
Now I want Mr. Winters to use HIS hand, wink wink.
>I'm constantly looking for decent material, and I can't find jack shit.
If you've literally NEVER read a comic you liked, why are you even interested in comics? Have you tried Alien Encounters, Ronin, Age of Reptiles, The Trouble with Girls, Archie/Betty and Veronica/Sabrina/Josie and the Pussycats, Calvin and Hobbes, Marvel or Dark Horse Star Wars, or The 'Nam?
>Stupid costumes
Kind of subjective, does anything other than 100% mundane street clothes fall under this? Are there any costumes you consider not stupid?
So I guess that means Star Wars, the entire fantasy genre, and a good chunk of soft sci-fi are out the window as well
And there goes the entire crime genre and everything related to it, including mysteries and cop shows
>Cause again, I get banned every single time I ever try to talk about non-cape books.
I'm calling bullshit on that, there are literally multiple threads of non-capeshit discussion up right now. What books have you tried to talk about?
My retarded ass made me think it was a Sam and Max comic.
Oh here we fucking go with this shit. I'm averting my eyes from those titles so I don't even know what trash you're trying to shove in my face. Go fuck yourself.

>Are there any costumes you consider not stupid?
Can it be described as a costume? Then no.

>So I guess that means Star Wars, the entire fantasy genre, and a good chunk of soft sci-fi are out the window as well
Yeah, it's more than a little frustrating.

>And there goes the entire crime genre and everything related to it, including mysteries and cop shows
Police procedurals are all the same anyway, so I'm not missing much.

>I'm calling bullshit on that,
Well you go ahead and believe what your pretty little head wants to believe, because I'm telling you it happens every single time. Without exception.
I would try to at least stay on topic if i were to run up to image limit
>hurr durr I can't find anything that appeals to me
It's funny because if OP wasn't such a gigantic cumguzzling faggot, I could've sympathized.
As it is, boo-fucking-hoo. Tough titties, join the fucking club.
>Archie Comics
>Marvel's The Nam
Okay then...
So, let's get this straight. You demand a comic that:
>Is from Marvel or DC (it's "indie shit" otherwise)
>Has nothing to do with superheroes, not even the slightest whiff of a hint of something tangentially related to them
>It can't be anything like the numerous award-winning non-superhero comics that have already been listed, because those are all "(adjective) shit"
>You refuse to name any comics that you actually like, even if doing so would give us examples of what you're into, and thus help with recommendations
Okay then. Cool.
NTA, but I know exactly what appeals to me. However, I guess OP can miss out on Space Goofs.
>Well you go ahead and believe what your pretty little head wants to believe, because I'm telling you it happens every single time. Without exception.
>Uh, n-no, I won't name any comics I actually like, b-because uh...
Fox Kids cartoons were based. I want Eek the Cat revival.
I forget, was Mad Jack on Fox Kids?
I'm beginning to wonder if OP is playing some kind of Akinator-esque game with us, trying to see if we'll guess the one comic he actually likes, just from his vague hints.
I want to read some Crumb, but I can only find his Fritz shit.
I don't want your recommendations, you stupid cunt. I HATE recommendations. You are failing to grasp the concept here. I have looked fucking everywhere, and I can't find anything. That's why I'm pissed off, cause nobody makes the kind of stories I want to read in the first place.
Fox Kids was before my time, so I wouldn't know. I was only young enough for Bobby's World to be a thing on Kabillion.
top kek
What kind of stories do you like?
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I think OP is just a gimmick poster who's past his prime
NTA, but I like anything that's episodic and has slapstick in spades.
I also think OP might've been in SF threads, so I can't blame them too much if MAWS ruins any SF discussion.
Why do you even care what I like? That has nothing to do with the core issue of capeshit being a shitty genre that's drawning out all the others. Your constant probing is little more than a deflection tactic.
How about something that parodies the genre, like Darkwing Duck?
>Replying to this retarded thread
How about you stop trying to avoid the point?

Is it really so hard to accept that someone somewhere doesn't like superheroes? Is that how badly the MCU has brainwashed people? Fucks sake.
hard to have a discussion when you shit on anything & everything posted in your threads
Still better than R&S threads.
>Genuinely what specific mental illness causes people to melt down over people that latch on to a bunch of retards prancing around in stupid costumes? Whatever it is, it's spreading, and manifesting in horrible ways. This needs to stop.

I can’t imagine the lack of self-awareness it requires to sperg out like this over what media other people consume and think you’re any better than they are lol
I said I didn't like them either, why else did I bring up MAWS ruining SF discussion? Seriously, I just want to talk about how sexy Allan is.
i've gotten lots of books to read when scifag starts a thread
The last time I read a book, it was one from the Uncle John's Bathroom Reader series.
>Is it really so hard to accept that someone somewhere doesn't like superheroes?

Is it really so hard to accept you do a bad job hiding your writing style?
Your delusional boogieman aside, you fucking tards keep avoiding the actual point of the topic and refuse to answer my questions. There is not going to be any other response to that other than hostility. Moron.

I have no idea what the fuck you're on about.
>I have no idea what the fuck you're on about.
Some anon didn't like it because it doesn't have "brown femboys" or some shit.
Because it would help us see where you're coming from, and yeah, it would feel fair to be able to critique what you like just as you critique what we like.
Motte and Bailey. If you just didn't like them, you could just not think about them.
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Of course it's a post-covid tourist, I should've guessed.
>deleted posts
So, janny. What's your excuse this time?
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>post-covid tourist
it's not
So this anon's got the same mental illness guy has? That's truly sad...
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Remember, kids.
>being a petulant dickwad, insulting everyone and generally refusing to engage in a conversation
Not a troll post
>insulting a schizo
A troll post
>Because it would help us see where you're coming from
Where I'm coming from is "Fuck capeshit, it's actively ruining comic books.". Not that complicated.

>and yeah, it would feel fair to be able to critique what you like just as you critique what we like.
So you admit you just want to shit on the things I like.
I unironically like Sausage Party and give zero fucks if anyone dislikes it. You gotta stop being a pussy, anon.
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>There isn't one. There aren't any psychological disorders that cause a person to have any preference in entertainment.
Being a woman and true crime documentaries
My taste in media has fuck all to do with capeshit killing comic books. Sit and spin.
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