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Since Craig confirmed the Rowdyruff Boys will appear, how do you think they'll be portrayed in modern times?
They become average Oneyplays fans, because zoomers.
wait there's another ppg reboot coming? why can't they just leave it alone?
This reboot will be different because the actual OG creator is heavily involved this time unlike with the first reboot. He didn't like the first reboot and said the second reboot will take place in the same world as the original series and be a continuation.
Pretty much the same. You probably can't have the PPGs defeat them via seduction today but I don't remember anything else that would need changing
I don't know why people think they'll be different. They'll be relatively the same.
The girls stopped using seduction on them after their kisses stopped working on them.

And some people would think the RRBs' misogynistic comments might need to be "toned down".
They'll have skibidi Ohio rizz.
The girls are seeing their boyfriends again!
They'll beat up more people.
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What a big surprise.
The girls do not have crushes on the boys!!! They're evil and they hate each other!!!!!
Sure, whatever makes them hatefuck.
you just know shipperfags will bug craig again to have some romance shit with the girls and the boys.
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Give the anime credit, they had all the recurring villains from the OG show, the 2018 remake excluded Sedusa and the RowdyRuff Boys got relegated to a single cameo
I'm sure this remake would be excluding Sedusa again
They're 5!!!!
>OUT OF 10!
Just kidding, I'm not a retarded cunnyfag.
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Now all we need is a Smiling Friends anime, the Japanese audience is far too niche.
Unironically for money. Craig was very sincere on twitter nobody wants to pick up his original concepts so he just gave up and decided to just helm a PPG reboot himself. Can't be just unemployed forever.
did the rowdyruffs even appear in the last reboot?
You're talking about the same reboot that had Ms. Bellum kicked out.
Man. PPGZ was so kino. It's a reminder that the PPG has a strong following in Asia.
>I'm sure this remake would be excluding Sedusa again
Not if Craig has anything to say about it. I'm sure he'll try his hardest to get CN to let him bring back Sedusa along with Ms Bellum.
They did. As one second cameo. Be grateful they had nothing to do with that travesty.
I still hate those bastards for that to this day. They removed the girls' mother figure for the most superficial and retarded reasons.
Those thin lines still bug me.
How they're gonna wear a cute dresses as a joke of course ;)
They're too misogynistic for those pussy writers.
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CN doesn't seem to mind since they're letting Sedusa show up in the new comics.
Fucking kill yourself!
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Bellum is also back.
Oh shit. New comics AND new reboot from Craig? I think PPG might be salvaged after all. Thank the stars that live action series got canned.
Uhh, that's a shadow, anon.
i'm getting emotional bros. i didn't think they'd come back.
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Nice fanart, sissy girls.
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They're from the comics, they're the Powerpunk girls
What dimension did they come from, Hot Topic?
What's wrong? A lot of cartoons did it
The RRBs would have liked them.
I would too.
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For being an adult, that is real sex.
The Rowdyruff Boyz are the symbols of masculinity.
My boner.
Nah, the Powerpunk girls are sexier.
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Well these girls can be sexier. Even without makeup.
Weren’t the RRB just a one shot?
I don’t count the last season. Because Craig was barely involved in that season.
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Or in the next reboot with The Powerpuff Girls.
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Wanna bet.
Craig intended for them to be a one-shot but CN wanted them back for S5 likely in response to their popularity and had them become recurring characters from there.

And Craig already confirmed they'd be appearing in the new reboot anyways.
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they had a cameo in bought and scold
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It’s also going to be CG.
I hope it still keeps the style.
>despise each other's guts as little kids
>bang like monkeys as teenagers
Tale as old as time.
Between their original designs and new designs, which did you guys like better?
All the girls in PPG are autistic and have ADHD
>It's also going to be CG
Craig never said that. He said he would keep it very close to the original style as possible while incorporating modern technology. He wants a balance.
And? Guys wearing girls dresses is funny
>If you had a tiny clone of Mojo would you torture it?
Mark my words one will be nonbinary or a crossdresser and that's the whole plot of an episode
You getting hit by a bus would be funnier.
This is 4chan you're on, I'm putting him in a jar.
Actual retard. Craig already said the reboot would be more story driven than the original and first reboot in that we will get full 22 minute episodes instead of 2 11 minute episodes.
will we see best girl come back?
Nope. The DEI character won't be in Craig's reboot. Craig already said nothing from the 2016 travesty would be in this new reboot as the reboot takes place in the actual story and world Craig created.
>nigger brat
Fuck no
bliss represented everything wrong with the first reboot so no.
Gigatardo supreme. That doesn't preclude the likelihood of one of the RRB being queer for the brownie points and the plot being about the other two ostracized him for not being turbo macho and he defects to the girls and the ending is him and the others becoming comfortable with his masculinity while also beating up the girls.
I don't understand what the problem, anon

Cartoon Network's Biggest Pre-AT hit

As long as it's got violent, over the top fight scenes, it'll be fine
>Old Butch
>New Boomer
>On a middle ground between old and new Brick.
I think the messy hairstyles fit them as characters and serve to further the contrasts between them and the girls.
You want the Boyz to be sissies.
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You have a poor taste with women.
You are actually braindead if you think Craig will put that in the reboot. He already said he'd use the RRBs in the best way possible and what you are describing is the worst way possible.
Bunny > Bliss
Yeah. Their punk rock redesigns gave them more distinctions from each other as well since they were practically a unit with the same personality in their debut.
If it ain't on Adult Swim like with Samurai Jack, then I'm not expecting it to get too violent.

The violence of the original is was made it Cartoon Network's biggest hit (and why DragonBall Z clobbered it ratings wise)
Just give the boys leather jackets to complete their designs and then I'll be happy.
that and the merch still sells really well worldwide especially in asia.
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Yes but we're talking about different times. The 90s and the 2020s. The demographic audience just ain't as hardcore as the olden days.
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i know this scene is non-canon, but what got the boys to chill out from their evil destructive natures? puberty?
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Hardcore, you say?
He never said what parts would be 3D. He flat out stated that he wanted the art direction of the show to be as close to the original as possible.
Bubbles had her hardcore moments too.
Just bring me back the Ganggreen Gang.
I know, her solo episode was one of my favorites.
they'll be back along with OG and new villains.
That will be funny
I want Bliss back because she was honestly a really cool character.
Wonder if he’s gonna use his 16 rejected Netflix pitches in the reboot?
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Wii the og characters and villains from 2016 make it in the reboot at least?
No it won't. Are you retarded? Why would you want the toughest, the baddest and the meanest villains on the show to be dress wearing sissies?
I think Craig wouldn't want to touch that travesty either.
Nah. Craig wants nothing from the 2016 reboot in this new reboot since the new reboot takes place in the original continuity/universe.
Deep Canvas like Tarzan and Treasure Planet?
Maybe?? From that sketch Lauren posted a while back, it seems they might be going that direction.
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God this thread is the worse I've ever seen.
sounds like nothing but pajeets and/or women.
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I was expecting more of a cel shaded style much like the game.
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It’s just a way of getting a girl’s attention.
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Ehhh. I guess it's possible.
It'd be really cool if they showed up in the revival.
you'd think the powerpuff girls would know better to not get with bad boys like the rowdyruff boys. i guess the professor was too nice.
Can't we just pretend this reboot didn't happen? It was the fucking worst.
Maylyn would be the only character I'd like back from Nuppg as a "friend foil" for buttercup like Robin was to Bubbles and how they started a closer rivalry/friendlies relationship with Princess and Blossom. But I get that Mitch kinda filled that role in the original, but I think a girl friend would be a better choice for variety sake.
In a way, capeshit did that already by making faux anime somehow worse than actual anime itself.
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bless Japan
Japan is just Korea, but with coomers.
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Shipping the PPG girls with the RRB is boring.
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I was about to bitch about one of the Amoeba Boys being a girl but then I remembered the Terrible Trio trope in anime and it made sense.
>Japan is Korea but good
For all her hard work, she should be the leader.
I'm more into Buttercup x Mitch anyway.
Brocolli Haircut
Well yeah, she completely BTFO'd Blossum and Buttercup. Bubbles went with the most hardcore simulation she could think of.
Well, PPG was both very violent and very funny. But that was also when Mike Lazzo was still in charge of programming before Adult Swim. When AS became his primary focus, Cartoon Network was dead and CN was born.
A lot of OG fans already did that the moment the Craig reboot was announced.
Especially since they hate each other.
where do I watch this? any mega?
Are you saying Adult Swim started the decline?
You want the Boyz to be sissies and I'm not going to allow it.
CN was already declining when they greenlit new original shows and shoved their classic HB, WB, MGM stuff onto Boomerang.
AS was essentially classic CN but with much more creative freedom.
To me, yeah. I was a huge fan of Lazzo's Cartoon Network. But it really isn't until Stuart Snyder that some real head scratching decisions are made like the live action stuff. And the real dead time is the "Teen Titans Go/Amazing World of Gumball" channel with other shows lightly sprinkled in the line up. And that's what, like 2015-16?

Like I can't say all the post-Lazzo stuff was bad but the manic energy was moved to the late night slot.
Yeah. I think live action content is what started the true decline of CN imo.
They'd beat her up for being a smelly girl.
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Mitch should become the 4th Rowdyruff Boy
they'd kick him out for being weak.
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You never learn.
Ms Keane should bang the Professor
Aren't we getting a new Fosters too
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They would break into wrestling events together.
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>implying Koreans aren’t coomers as well
Does he know?
I know about Minus8, it's just that it's legal to make porn in Japan.
Yeah and then end up making out.
The RRBs are only popular because of being the evil male counterparts of the PPG and practically being shipbait with them.
It sold garbage to girls it was a big brand
It still is.
What was your reactions when this happened?
broke my heart and further strengthened my hatred over bliss and her existence because it felt like a slap to bunny.
I watched this episode again recently and thought it was kinda fucked that there was no real resolution to it. Bunny just died and it’s over.
Pretty sad all-around. Definitely one of the darker episodes.
I think that was the point. There was no way Bunny was gonna survive beyond the episode anyway and her whole existence was already shown to be pretty fucked.
I meant more in the sense that nothing really happens after she dies. She just explodes, the girls are shocked/sad, and the narrator makes an awkward joke. I kinda thought it was a weak ending for such a great episode.
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The RRBs should have gotten their own spinoff show
Well what did you want them to do? The episode was about to end.
Still the best 4th Powerpuff, the reboot one sets unrealistic beauty standards.
there was a pitch for one back in the day iirc
Best girl. Loved her big moment but it was bittersweet.
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Dude Bunny is not better than Bliss. Let's stop pretending otherwise. Bliss was a well rounded character and truly fit in as the 4th and original PPG. Bunny was a one-off joke.
oh this has to be bait
>it's bait because it goes against my opinion
Dude grow up. I'm a proud Blissfag and there's nothing you can do to change that.
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Shipping the PPG with the RRB is based.
That's the ONLY reason why the RRBs are popular and that's sad. I like them because they are canonically stronger than the girls and always whoop their asses with the girls only ever winning because of some new weakness for the boys got invented for the girls to exploit.
i mean they're just little boys and they along with the girls are just playful with their teasing to extreme levels
It's not bait he just wants to fuck the black one.
That black girl ruined the show
the reboot will flop
Based RRB dodging the trash fire.
Yeah. It's a good thing they hate women too much for the woke writers to want to touch them.
Who's the most evil PPG villain?
I would pour boiling milk on it
I liked that the boys would always be able to take the girls in a pitched fight.
Yeah. The girls never beat the boys in a fair fight.
Girls > boys
So why is it called a reboot if it's a direct continuation of the original series?
same reason as samurai jack
The later designs is better
You know, what you say is true, Bunny is only part of one episode and is not mentioned again. Bliss, regardless of whether you like it or not, is a actual character.
It was wrongly advertised as that.
The PPG series that is in development now is a revival, and surprisingly, the 2016 "reboot" is actually a sequel, as several events from the 1998 show are referenced.
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Mojo retired and decided to raise them properly with Him.
Based mocha lover
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They're kindergarteners, they shouldn't be shipped with anyone. I never watched the anime, but I'm curious if they changed their canon ages along with their designs.
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Hopefully like this.
Bliss is a stupid design with an even more absurd backstory.
>lol Utonium spilled like twenty plus lettered chemicals before making the girls.
>making the girls wasn't out of a desire to have a family but a selfish need to compete with another scientist.
>Despite Bliss running away, the professor thought it was perfectly okay to make even more super powered children.
>Didn't even trust his new kids enough to tell them about their missing sister before she came back.

I like the idea of Bliss being concerned about her overwhelming power and the girls teaching her how to control it, but the execution was very poor. Despite Bunny being a one off joke character, she didn't retcon anyone's personality for the worse and she wasn't nearly as bland.
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>they shouldn't be shipped with anyone
is that a challenge
I say have them portrayed as Marvel Comics Venom. Start out as villains but then become anti-heros when their adopted by better parents
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>Be me
>Have been into Oneyplays since the original DingDong and Julian era
>Oneyplays viewerbase is now forever tainted by retarded zoomers thanks to Smiling Friends
probably because the show's aiming for a younger demographic. they're not gonna have the rrbs put a slug in bubble's pants on a toddler show
Why dynamite comics over DC? Which CN's owners literally own.
Ace better be in a doomday bunker like Murdock from the gorillaz said
The Rowdyruff boys will be heavily nerfed to fit the female empowerment movement. Because the whole point of RRB vs PPG is that the PPG can't beat the RRB in an all out fight so they use feminine tricks to win. But I suspect they will no longer go down this route and just make the RRB lose in a fair fight. Watch and see.
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Which would you choose?
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They're bringing it back AGAIN?!
Their grown-up versions look like blow-up dolls.
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Aren't the PPGs and the RRBs technically related? Since Mojo Jojo is the girl's older brother, and the RRBs are Mojo's sons. Wouldn't that make the PPGs the aunts of the RRBs?

Which would explain why in PPGZ they made the RRBs younger than the PPGs.
If you eant to look at it that way. But you can also say the OG RRB died when they got kissed. And that HIM bringing back the biys are officially their own thing.
Which PPG would you impregnate?
Honestly I really come to not like bubbles. I feel like the older bubbles would get the more she would act like Tara Strong.
>But you can also say the OG RRB died when they got kissed. And that HIM bringing back the biys are officially their own thing.
They are still the same RRBs when Him revived them the only things that changed is Him taking away their kissing weakness and the boys now have two fathers, Him and Mojo.
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Buttercup. She's green, and likes men way older than her.
>two fathers, Him and Mojo.
This really is a better joke than it has rights to be. I remember the episode that's essentially a custody battle for the boys Mojo Jojo and HIM just being satisfied the boys are evil?

Doo RRB live anywhere? I feel like they're vagabonds going wherever they feel like.
>Wouldn't that make the PPGs the aunts of the RRBs?
That just makes shipping them even hotter.
Post the others

I lost my images
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I just got these from google images. I don't have them saved or anything.
Ah okay.

You know it is a rare treat to see Buttercup embrace her femininity.
If he does use them based as hell I've missed these boys last thing they were in was Z and in it the barely had powers and were portrayed more like annoying little brother types.

If they do come back I hope they are shown like before as a actual threat and challenge to the powerpuffs. I mean most times they appeared they were shown to be superior to them via their ultra violent nature and how merciless they were. Though based on the teen episode I could see them becoming more lighter hearted recurring antagonist. Maybe forced to go to school after their first or second appearance dumb shipping stuff etc. i really would love them as pure action just there to be able to kick the girls asses until they find mcguffin of the day to beat them.
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Ma Keane shouldn’t have been a great mother to the Rowdyruff Boys.
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Mine is Buttercup
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Could Sedusa be a good mother to the RowdyRuff Boys?
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Maybe she could if she wasn’t a mother to our Powerpuff Girls.
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You better watch out.
They hate each other
>the 2016 "reboot" is actually a sequel, as several events from the 1998 show are referenced.
Is this true?
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Would the professor hate or like Sedusa?
Wow how sad.
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Sedusa got the hots on this guy.
No because Sedusa wouldn't be strong enough to stop them if they decide to get frisky with her. Especially when they hit puberty.
This. All Bliss' existence did is make Professor look like an asshole.
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Even Sedusa wants to seduced the Professor.
>they're not gonna have the rrbs put a slug in bubble's pants on a toddler show
But they're fine with Bubbles twerking?
But Mojo is the one who accidentally created the girls so that makes him the girls' second dad.
Yeah the Boyz should still be violent assholes and I hope Craig really uses them in the best way possible as he described it.
You got your answer in her debut episode.
Sedusa could use that hair gel gum she used on the PPGs but this time on the RRBs.
So stop trying to change others opinions you sack of shit. Bliss in her ~7 total times she showed up in NuPPG have meant nothing to me than the solo one Bunny had in the original.
sedusa needs to return in the reboot
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Oh fuck off. You're only saying that about Bunny because you're a nostalgia retard. Bunny was a shitty one-off joke while Bliss is an actual character with a deep connection to the family as the true leader of the PPGs.
Did the Powerpuff girls strip the Rowdyruff boys naked in an episode or am I misremembering?
They pants Brick in their return episode and then stipped Boomer of his clothes in another in order for Bubbles to disguise herself as him.
They stripped Boomer so they could dress Bubbles on his clothes so she could go undercover.
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Now do Brat
Oh the episode where Bubbles ate a cockroach? Shit was nasty. I almost threw up.
shut up brick
The original is not related. Mojo is not biologically related to the girls, and none of the ingredient came from the girls either.

Z however, Mojo did use the DNA of the girls. Them being younger has no basis other than "Japs only think young boys can be delinquent, not teenagers."
>showing that much skin as a kindergartener
Rape correction is needed.
And Bliss is how long ago, kid? Stop acting superior over a character zero people actually likes. Bunny was never hated day one and is why she's remembered foundly. Unlike Bliss Bunny made an positive inpact on the show, the audience and the girls themselves. It showed being irresponsible has consequences. Ironically, all NuPPG does is the exact bloody opposite the entire damn show with how much shit Buttercup gets away with and that shitty rectonning backstory Bliss did to the Professor to justify her existance.
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>Z however, Mojo did use the DNA of the girls. Them being younger has no basis other than "Japs only think young boys can be delinquent, not teenagers
Or they wanted to give the PPGs evil bratty little brothers.
She's fucking 5!!!!!!
out of 5 :^)
I guess but there's no in universe reason for this. They should be identically the same as the girls but as boys. Them being younger has no basics other than "reasons".
Sir, this is RRB thread, therefore I ask you to draw the boys instead.
The PPGs are fucking homunculus they don't have human rights. I can fuck them at any age.
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Bunny was forgotten after her only episode by the girls. Bliss is simply the true and actual 4th sister and PPG. She literally predates the girls as the original PPG to begin with.
They can age like normal humans. You want to fuck humanoid kindergarteners!
Because Japan knows their audience.
Besides Mojo and Him, what other villains would the RRBs realistically team up with?
>She literally predates the girls as the original PPG to begin with.

Every product needs a beta to work out the flaws.
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Anon even the people that worked on the show wants to fuck them. Get over it. They're fuckable.
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>He's still trying to convince others to accept his worldview because he wants to fuck the shitty character.
They could be hired/bribed by Morbucks to fight for her until one side gets tired of the shitty attitude of the other.
The Gang Green Gang maybe? But they might think they're too pathetic.
They did interact with her in that one episode where she tried to join up with them but they told her to fuck off because she's a girl.
You're sick. That man was just being nice to her.
Therefore Bliss is the original PPG and more of the 4th girl than that ugly retarded abomination that was Bunny. The PPGs love their big sister.
>seething so hard he can't reply correctly
Play in traffic. That's what Bunny would do.
why is she brown compared to her sisters
DEI points. Even when trying to force in that walking retcon, they remembered their DEI quota as well.
The Professor used brown sugar instead of regular sugar the first time.
Bunny is dead and will remain dead.
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Why would they make one of the biggest hits and draws a one shot? The rowdyruffs happen to be the one redeeming thing about the entire franchise, mind you.
which is why shes so fucking gritty!!!
Aahhhhhhh he I'd 5 stop this!!!!!!
Are you insane? The RRBs are kino but aren't you overexaggerating a bit here?
Reminder that the Craig revival will always be more canon than NuPPG.
I’m not over exaggerating, toots. The Rowdyruffs are THE Best thing in the entire franchise, PERIOD.
If anybody comes back from the reboot I really hope it's this guy
That is why they only got a few episodes right? I was hoping they got a spinoff.
Obviously. Craig himself said nothing from the 2016 reboot would appear. Iirc, I think he wasn't a fan of how they handled things there.
They’ll probably force him to include a diversity character despite that. It’s over.
I hope the Smiths return.
Maybe like one but given it seems they came to him for this revival, Craig is in a position of some control over the decisions with the revival.
>Iirc, I think he wasn't a fan of how they handled things there.
Good. Almost nothing from it was redeemable. Even the things I don't mind I would only accept if he was allowed to redo their characterization in his revival.
Yeah. That's probably why he's so adamant on keeping that stuff out from his reboot and focus solely on the original story and world he created.
True. I mean Craig's wife Lauren did create them.
Maid mary has a cute design, kinda like jucika
Buttercup would have been a straight up villain if not for Blossom, Bubbles and Professor.
>buzzword for people i don't like
Nice, noticed you seem to be in a boy phase smeet kek. Hope you draw more cute boomer
>boy phase
Smeetums does boy stuff all the time. I really like the Lars Loud pics, there are a whole bunch of those.
>had crush on ace from ganggreen gang
>had her sisters beaten up to get their tooths for money along with attacking bad guys doing nothing wrong for their tooths
>was happy when boogie blocked out the sun and made everything dark so she can party
>came up ideas for bubbles to use while hanging with the rowdyruff boys which were ideas buttercup herself would do which aligned with what the rowdyruff boys would do
probably some other things i'm forgetting but yeah
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The outrage if that happened would be hilarious.
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>NuPPGfags unironically being a thing
Please Craig save us from these shit tastes.
Ok I see your point. I too want reddit and Twitter to get mad.
The NuPPG was kino. Nobody ever explains why it was so bad
No one ever explains why it's so good, even in a vacuum away from the original.
It sucked because Miss Bellum was taken out, and the RRBs never made an appearance.
Miss Bellum was a shit character anyways and the RRBs were minor villains to begin with.
Nice artworks, need some colors you know.
>had her sisters beaten up to get their tooths for money along with attacking bad guys doing nothing wrong for their tooths
But Blossom and Bubbles made the deal with the villains to attack Buttercup. That was pretty evil.
>RRBs were minor villains to begin with
They started to get more screen time after their revival. They were becoming big villains for the PPGs.
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Well can you draw the boys with there girlfriends. As they hold them very softly.
Terrible bait.
NTA but Buttercup was the instigator/antagonist to begin with for that episode. She got greedy after getting a dollar so she tried knocking Bubbles' tooth out again to make money. After Professor told her to stop and not attack Bubbles or Blossom for their teeth, she began targeting the villains instead. Then when there was no call to save the city, she began attacking villains in their homes who weren't even doing anything wrong just to get most of their teeth for money. Buttercup was out of control with her greed so Blossom and Bubbles teaming up with the villains to get revenge against her was justified because Buttercup was the true villain in that episode and even ended up losing most of her teeth AND all her money.
>They started to get more screen time after their revival
they got like 3-4 episodes in season 5(some being cameos) and one last one in season 6. then were unceremoniously dropped after that and didn't appear in the specials or movie.
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Well she is bad to worse.
Sedusa was so sexy.
who is doing the writing for the new ppg comics?
And some was the counterpart.
I wish she got more episodes.
Take a moment to consider this.
Sedusa seduces her victims.
Ms. Bellum is tied up dressed like Sedusa.
Which means at some point she was naked and the skin tight suit fishnets and make up covering her skin before she was tied up.
Then consider how long Sedusa was pretending to be Ms. Bellum.
Stop. My peepee couldn't handle that fight as a kid and now you're making that whole fight situation even hotter.
Well now I need to find those
Where do the RRBs even live anyways?
they used to live with mojo, then they lived with him for awhile and now they just live wherever they want. sometimes they crash over at fuzzy's place.
I'm sorry can't ship the ppg and rrb together. They should all act like siblings.
They are not siblings and they despise each other.
That'd actually be a interesting dynamic though technically guess they are their nephew's seeing as mojo was adopted by the professor as a baby. But I prefer them being bullies or register menaces though, think what made the RRB was the weight they had. Whenever they were around you knew shit was going to get real or the girls wouldn't just win instantly, so a bit of a less is more.
This nephews meme makes no sense. Also yes they exist to just being archrivals for the PPGs.
Sorry, they all have to procreate to continue their superpowered bloodline.
So it’s not a reboot, it’s a sequel
But the humans like Mitch and Gras exist for those girls.
Yeah I have no clue why people are shilling the nephew thing, they’re clearly not related. I know most of you fags anre probably adopted but you have to accept that Adoption doesn’t actually mean shit.
Yeah. It's as much of a reboot as the Samurai Jack "reboot".
b-but mojo created them like he helped create the ppgs so they have to be related!
Wait it's a meme??? I literally just thought it up because of his mention of brothers lol. Yeah they work best that way but them being more recurring could work if done right plus craig is actually working on this one so could be interesting.
wait was mitch actually made to date one of the girls???
Much better.
Yes it's a meme because they're not related. The PPGs are sisters to each other because they were born from the same materials at the same time. The RRBs are brothers to each other for the same reasons.
>wait was mitch actually made to date one of the girls???
He's good friends with Buttercup. She likes him way more than she likes Butch.
wow. that little shark hat might be the first and only thing from the entire reboot that's made me crack a smile.
I wonder if CN was the one who pushed for this cameo. Because iirc, CN also had the boys being alt costumes for the girls in that CN Punchtime Explosion game as well.
>Tells women they talk too much
>Overcomes their weakness to sex, thereby immunizing them to feminine charms, a true moral idol for all boys to emulate
>Blatantly and unapologetically gatekeeps their spaces
>Repeatedly reminds girls that they are in fact GIRLS, and are thereby inferior to boys due to their lack of a Y chromosome
>Very obviously states that girls cannot in fact be the same as boys or be their equals in any way
Why were they so obscenely based?
The two reboots universes are distincted by: Gorillaz exists/doesn't exist
Honestly at least this means 2016 will be retconned
the ratings were probably on a decline so they were trying to throw in whatever classic nostalgia bait they can for the old-timers still watching the show. RRBs are the second most popular villains behind Mojo so they'd be able to get the views up even for a small one second cameo.
Not really.
They were given based fathers who taught them well. Funny how the girls always need to use dirty tricks and harlot tactics in order to beat the boys and then they have the gall to go muh equality.
That's the silver lining here. Craig wants nothing to do with that stuff. Both he and Lauren will do the PPG reboot their way.
>RRB but traps
what did PPZ mean by this
It means those staff members should kill themselves. Commit seppuku.
I liked PPZ
I liked it too. I still think the RRBs becoming cross-dressers was wrong.....
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Yeah I was just saying since he said they could have a brother dynamic, but yeah not fan of the overly push of the sibling dynamic. I miss good ole rival and friend core dynamics.
I didn't know that but I did see some mitchcup art and really the vibe feels right.
>I didn't know that but I did see some mitchcup art and really the vibe feels right.
Yeah because they're very good friends on the show. That's how the fanart was born. They have similar tastes so it makes sense.
>Yeah I was just saying since he said they could have a brother dynamic, but yeah not fan of the overly push of the sibling dynamic. I miss good ole rival and friend core dynamics.
agreed 100%. everything needs to be hecking siblings wholesome these days.
Boomer is so darn cute. I could just eat him up.
Ok sissy.
they should do an episode where him or mojo teaches the rowdyruff boyz on how to be manipulative liars and cause discord among the powerpuff girls.

each boy goes to their respective gal and starts acting sweet and caring towards them and vouching to each other that their girl is better than the other girls. the girls will be taken in by their sweet talking and then get swept up by their "competition" which has them turn on each other.
Would the RRBs think motorcycle and football is gay?
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another reboot?

You can't be serious
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>thinking things for men are gay
no you faggot butt fucker. they'd idolize that shit. what they would think is gay is boys dressing up as girls and wearing makeup. they would call them the worst kind of sissies because they are betraying their gender.
Craig and Lauren are involved this time so it's fine.
At their purest those are literally the most non-gay things, however those things have been tainted and subverted these days. I think they’d prefer hockey over them not gonna lie, because it’s absolutely impossible to sissify Hockey. That shit involves literal sticks, tackles, blades, drunken fans, and referee-allowed foul play. It’s perfect for them.
Also, massive fucking sin of Bliss' inclusion is that the Powerpuff Girls movie is de-canonized because that origin story heavily contradicts Bliss' origin, and the PPG movie is too kino to just ignore.
>the NuPPG writers had trannies among them
No wonder they didn't use the RRBs. CN probably forced them to put them in as a cameo.
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>. I think they’d prefer hockey over them not gonna lie, because it’s absolutely impossible to sissify Hockey. That shit involves literal sticks, tackles, blades, drunken fans, and referee-allowed foul play. It’s perfect for them.
Well thankfully Craig's reboot is de-canonizing Bliss and everything else from the 2016 reboot so the PPG movie's story is restored.
They get pegged by the ppg in the end. Your boys are losers.
>things that never happened
Really? Last I remembered the boys whoop the girls' asses in every fight they're in and the girls need to exploit some random new weakness of the boys to win. They even had to work with Princess against them. They can't outmuscle the boys.
See? I knew I was onto something.
You most certainly were anon. It's almost like your suggestion came straight from the show.
Santa is a fat ass troll.
Reminder that time where the girls mogged a poor boy with kisses?
Wait were they friends in the show? I just remember mitch being a little shit.
Yeah it's why I hate coded shit, sibling-coded, kid-coded. Just excuse to make your head canon seem more canon and to control a character. I like when characters can just be friends or enemies that just have fun or different dynamics. Ships and headcanons aren't bad but good to remember yours is just that yours.
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>moralfags seethe over the concept
>shippers seethe that she's paired with him over her RRB counterpart
>fans of the reboot seethe that this dweeb out of all the new characters is the only one returning
It would be so funny
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>Those legs
Holy fucking shit I only knew about Bliss from Deviantart. I had no idea her design was this bad. christ almighty what were they thinking?
Again, they won by using their strengths and smarts against them, and made won, the boys will never take them down when they're just plainly smarter and work together better.
>completely swarmed him and kissed him everywhere
It would be pure carnage all around and I'm all for it.
They wanted an older strong yet flawed sister for the PPG and to also fulfill the DEI quota. Bliss was created for this reason alone.
They used their smarts against them not their strengths. They tried brute force and got their asses kicked over and over again. The whole saying they were going with with the PPGs vs RRBs rivalry was that boys are naturally tougher and stronger than girls but girls are smarter and more crafty than boys.

The girls simply outsmart them but when it comes to brute force, the boys crush them every time.
This man was murdered without trial. The Rowdyruff boys need to put an end to this madness.
Good. I'd rather a memorable flawed one-off than a badly designed Mary Sue.
>shippers seethe that she's paired with him over her RRB counterpart
good. shippertards don't even watch the show or they'd know that both the ppgs and rrbs hate each other's guts. it's like pairing chun-li with bison.
>Mary Sue
Pick one
The RRBs would just laugh at him for getting cooties from stupid girls.
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>The RRBs would just laugh at him for getting cooties from stupid girls.
i hope the boys haven't forgotten.
I remember when the TotheZ forums were seething about the anime version specifically because the RRBs weren't shipfag material in it and there weren't any bones thrown to the pairings.
Could have sworn one of the episodes there had the typical girls trying to kiss the boys like the original.

Maybe I remembered wrong. I do remember the boys being pervs and lifting up the girls' skirts.
>shipfags were seething their non-canon ships didn't get pushed
Based Japan. The only non-kino thing though was the RRBs crossdressing in that one episode.
The RRBs were basically juvenile grossout material like the original, although reruns and the home video edited out the scene where they pissed on random people and had them with a water hose instead. The dub censored things even more, like getting rid of them mooning the girls along with the skirt flips.
Even now the boys are older, they won’t get the cooties. But they can touch the girls, with sensitive feelings.
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Oh. Well I watched it in Japanese so I had no idea they made those cuts. I suppose I can see why given their target audience. But yeah the boys in the anime didn't feel as evil as their original counterparts and were just more about being delinquents(like the originals but not as dangerous).
The anime might not have been the best, though it had a seasoned series writer like Yoshio Urasawa doing the heavy lifting for scripts.
The pitch pilot that Toei refuses to re-release in full had Hiroyuki Kakudo of Digimon directing it, but some odd things that didn't make the series like the girls having mini mascot versions of themselves giving them their powers.
Shipperfags get the rope
triple rape
after all the conflict and hate they had for each other as kids, that sexual tension is going to explode so fucking hard as teenagers. i hope the professor makes sure the girls carry tons of condoms with them.
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>kissed them so hard they died
>get revived and the girls kiss them multiple times even with the boys being immune to them
those girls really wanted those boys deep down.
>>Oneyplays viewerbase is now forever tainted by retarded zoomers thanks to Smiling Friends

The viewer base was ALWAYS zoomers you fucking moron. How old are you?
Well I guess to balance things out, the dub did edit the mooning scene into the boys (with pants on rears) ripping ass at the girls which would be on-brand minus any stench clouds.
>The pitch pilot that Toei refuses to re-release in full had Hiroyuki Kakudo of Digimon directing it, but some odd things that didn't make the series like the girls having mini mascot versions of themselves giving them their powers.
What? I honestly had no idea about this. Interesting.
It’s literally meeting yourself but an opposite gender, I bet they were wet as hell during all of their fights.

The boys aren’t interested though.
Yeah. Farting is fine and pretty much a western classic especially during those times.
i dunno about wet because they're just little girls but they were definitely excited to start smooching the boys. blossom and bubbles even admitted they liked kissing them the first time around and bubbles was all too eager to go right after boomer to kiss him because she thought he's cute. buttercup is more tsundere about it.

but yes. the boys are absolutely disgusted by the kisses and sweet shit the girls toss at them and probably another reason why they want them dead.
A few clips from a trade show survive and have been passed around online, like showing the girls transforming and then battling Mojo's enemy robot. An episode of the actual series re-used the robot and had a joke of them wondering if it looked familiar.
Kakudo's pilot seemed heavier on the action, but had other magical girl tropes like the mascots and there was Ken as the scientist, who looked like a Japanese Dexter at that stage.
it's a case of little boys think little girls are gross and vice versa but girls are more open to romance than boys because boys think that stuff is for girls.
>The boys aren’t interested though.
But how?? How are they so immune to womanly wiles? What’s their secret?
Hmm. I wish I could see those clips. This is news to me. I'm not surprised they'd have gone more with the magical girl tropes given the PPGs are basically geared for that stuff. Interesting that they would have continued what CN did at the time in having other cartoons cartoons referenced in the show.
One of the clips. There used to be Japanese fan blogs that described the 2005 Tokyo Anime Festival pilot in more detail, but a lot's been lost to time. The weapons were also the henshin devices, instead of them getting compacts.
They're 5 year old boys. Were YOU trying to get with girls your age or in general at that age? No. Hormones were practically not there yet. You would be more likely interested in action shows, action figures or sports. Stuff that boys like.
Another clip found, if you want.
Goddamn I'm bummed this never made it into the final version.
Here's one surviving site that collected images and info, so if anything we have that where Toei fails to deliver.
Oh wow. You weren't kidding about the Dexter comparison.
Hope the Powerpunks show up, that'd be pretty sick
It looks like the concept got overhauled to comply with the TV station/timeslot and merchandise sponsors, going by the closing words of the pilot where it states they were looking for sponsors to sign on.
Sponsors and production committee companies can have a lot of pull in how things come about, so there probably had to be a lot of compromise made to make it look more instantly toyetic.
>Ruffs vs Punks
Who'd win?
Well the sponsors likely paid a lot of money so it makes sense they'd be granted certain influence on the product itself.
boys are better than girls. how many times must this need repeating?
I feel like modern people's thoughts are simply because they lost all touch to their childlike innocents. The internet has poison them so deeply everything prior to their teen years is lost to them.
I can see the punks being weaker than the ruffs but beating them using dirty tricks like hitting them in the nuts or poking their eyes.
Black haired Dexter
The boys the punks didn't have that much of a edge on the girls and ruffs were shown time and time again to be superior to the girls. Ruffs also got enhanced a second time after their first two losses though we don't know how much as him just uses it as a line in his argument with Mojo.

Like in a pure headcanon-y concept but do the ruffs have demon power/magic affinity now since they were revived and remade by Him???
They are from a timeline where all the men were inferior, did you even read the comic? Even Mojo was inferior to the punks and couldn't stop them.

If they fought they realistically should be identical.
That's just Professor's son.
I think you might be exagerrating a bit.
those rules would have no affect on the boys. the boys would still stomp them.
The Ruffs' full combat potential have never really been utilized since their second loss and not even their first loss. They were practically just toying with the girls once they became giants and weren't taking them seriously at all like they did in their first fight.
RRBs are far stronger than The Powerpuffs, and and The Powerpuffs were similar power to The Powerpunks. So The Rowdyruff boys easily stomps them.
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Easy answer.
Nigger it's the law. The law of their respective universe. This is like saying a toon has more power over a literal god just because toon force means funny = win. If they are equal they are equal , sexism isn't going to change that.
>sexism isn't going to change that.
Hate it a powerful fuel Anon.
that rule is only relevant to people from their dimension. Even on the retarded assumption that the rrb's would be nerfed (which is easily disprovabe given the dimension didn't suddenly buff the puffs), the gap is too significant for for them to equal out. at best it's still a 55/45 split instead of the normal 60/40 split
The Boyz would dogwalk the Punks. Why is this even a question?
>Kissed by a tomboy
>Fucking dies
What did he mean by this?
There's a big gap in strength between the PPGs and RRBs. The Punks are comparable to the girls in strength. Even a nerf wouldn't save the Punks from getting trashed by the RRBs.
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Being fair, after binge watching PPG I couldn’t help but notice Sedusa is far more irrelevant than people used to think.

She appeared just TWICE, and then got shafted just to come back in 1 more episode in the Savino era.

I feel the motherfucker blobfish monster got more screen time than her. Even the clown appeared more than her.
Blossom and Bubbles are tomboys too?
What are you talking about? People have been saying for years that Sedusa needed more screentime. They know she was irrelevant for the most part.
He should've been in the clear.
Tomboys are cootie free, the ancient texts said so!
Whens this coming out again? Looks neat
The texts don't mean shit. Fucking morons still believing in a rock.
The ancient texts are clear. "If she breathes, she's a thot". Tomboys are not excluded they all have cooties.
She was being femme, look at those eyelashes.
My poor babies. Got killed by a horrible disease.
wait a minute. why was this kid fine then?
He's a lost cause and homeless at that.
He was already disease ridden and dirty. One more disease wasn't going to affect him.
Because DC's not interested and Dynamite PAYS for the license
That's how licensing works

Kelly Thompson
True also why did I remember that giant bullying scene being a lot more abusive than it was lol. Maybe in my kid mind it was so much crueler, but yeah they are so strong they have to lose to technicality.
Yeah they were much stronger the first fight and were beefed up after each loss, honestly even if we assume it was to match ppg new levels. They'd still be superior by a wide margin as they really just bully them and messed around with the girls in most of their fights.
Instead he wound up looking more like Shotaro Kaneda, and became Utonium's son
When this scene happened, I knew the bros were screwed.
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>Buttercup didn't like kissing Butch, but liked kissing this dirty kid
Butchbros how can we ever recover?
>Kelly Thompson
Sounds like kino is back on the menu boys.
>True also why did I remember that giant bullying scene being a lot more abusive than it was lol. Maybe in my kid mind it was so much crueler, but yeah they are so strong they have to lose to technicality.
Yeah. They were playing childish games with the girls but they were done TO the girls and in a brutal fashion. It was to show the sadism of the RRBs. Which I guess was stronger here because they were out for revenge.
the concept is known in distant foreign lands as "tsundere", only the wisest of sages can grasp its nuance
Being a tsundere is not how Buttercup acts though. Her crush with Ace proves that. To boys that she likes she's very feminine and melts like butter.
>They'd still be superior by a wide margin as they really just bully them and messed around with the girls in most of their fights.
Pretty much. Even in their S5 fights, it was just the girls having to find some way of outsmarting them. Even with the episode with Princess, the PPGs got mad at her for getting in the way of by their admission "only chance" to beat the RRBs which shows that they pretty much acknowledge the RRBs are stronger for the most part.

They can only outmuscle them when the RRBs are separated and the PPGs are together. Like how they beat the hell out of Boomer and captured him so they can try and lure the other boys into the same trap.
That kid is now the series designated dirty bastard
Butch was disgusted by the kiss so much it killed him so why would Butchbros care?
I wonder why she crushed on Ace but didn't like Butch who was closer to her in personality.
1. She thought Ace was the cool nice older guy but when she saw his true colors as a bad guy who used her and was gonna hurt her sisters, she got mad and beat him up
2. Unlike Ace, Butch didn't pretend to be a nice guy from the start. He approached the girls with his brothers, introduced themselves and said they wanted to fight by punching the girls in the faces.
Kay so them being retards and only brutes getting outdone by women, they'll lose to the girls, making them utter pussies and embarrassments to men everywhere.
True but they didn't do much, worst being the slug and bubbles lol.

Also weird they set up a potential boomer redemption or change thing showing he like bubbles is the weakest link so they victimize him.
Yeah man I forget how many episodes their were of them. But yeah they basically confirmed they were them but stronger, surprised they never had a princess and rrb episode. or gangreen gang and rrb.

True and funnier that boomer was fine enough he only had a black eye and had to be contained unlike others who end up with broken limbs and eyeballs hanging out and missing teeth. Boomer was literally still talking shit implying they really just were able to either knock him out for a few minutes or beat him into the container kek. Yeah fact that was like the first time they had to use a trap or big plan out side of the beat alls.
>Also weird they set up a potential boomer redemption or change thing showing he like bubbles is the weakest link so they victimize him
They showed nothing of the kind.
>surprised they never had a princess and rrb episode.
But they did. It was literally the episode I mentioned to you.

And yes the girls mainly use brute force for most villains but RRBs are too strong to go head to head so they need to rely on other tactics to win against them.
Girls love teasing boys.
Men slap women up since the day man came to be. The RRBs beat up on the PPGs the same way.
Bubbles looks so happy kissing Boomer <333333
yeah. happy with the idea that he's going to explode like last time.
Bubbles would look happy kissing anyone. Even me!
No! She blatantly told her sisters that wanted Boomer for herself because she thought Boomer was cute.
She didn't have to hug him and happily kiss him. Her sisters didn't do all that extra stuff.
She wanted Boomer for herself because she wanted to be the one to kill him again.
Damn that fucking sucks, welp atleast he will get 2 new paychecks to fund future stuff....and i genuinely doubt he can fuck up worse than ppg 16....right?
They really should have made a Dexter anime, then cross it over with PPG Z, maybe Ken could be anime Dexter's sorta rival
>wants to kill him because he's cute
What the fuck is wrong with Bubbles?
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I feel like they could've done more CN shows in anime form and have them all in the same shared universe.
How popular is Dexter in Japan?
>stuff....and i genuinely doubt he can fuck up worse than ppg 16....right
PPG is his baby. I doubt he'll let it be worse than 2016 reboot.
tbf buttercup did call her weird for her comment and blossom looked disturbed
>No one wants my original ideas they only want my existing IPs with an established fanbase already
Oh boohoo, you're making money and giving people what they want. McCracken needs to stop being a bitch give me my Powerpuff Girls already.
People like you are why we get endless soulless remakes and reboots.
Coping shipperfag
My point was how the boys treated boomer like the team bitch, and how it could be used to explorer boomer if they wanted to go the pussy redemption route. Just felt weird or maybe now with all the redemption stuff I'm reading more into my memories.
Wait their was damn I really need to check all the rrb episodes honestly. How'd they interact can't see it going well honestly

Thar they do and I hope they keep it that way better than them being easier mooks.
If Craig wants to do another new IP, he should do what Viv did with Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. This bitch got 2 popular shows kicked off on youtube and McCracken is crying because he got rejected 16 times. The dude could have started a youtube and created his cartoons there.
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Boomer being treated like the bitch of his brothers was mostly for one episode and even then, he clearly still treats the PPGs like garbage.
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Sex with teenage boys.
>How'd they interact can't see it going well honestly
>PPG vs RRB per usual
>Princess is enamored by the RRB and wants to join them
>they laugh her off calling her a dumb girl
>she gets upset and offers to work with the PPG to defeat the RRB
Yeah I just meant it'd usually be uses or addressed in a later episode in a modern show
Blossom and Brick canonically hate each other. Blossom also found love in older guys like the 2016 show proved.
I don't see why. It was hardly a big deal and just an indication that Boomer is the easy pick of the brothers like how Bubbles is the easy pick of the sisters.
I can expect that level from them she was lucky honestly gangbang was possible but yeah they could have fucked her up
Brick punted her away if it means anything.
True guess I over thought it
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Bubbles kept Brick's hat after their date, how cute.
Heh damn do I love those boys, really I miss genuinely mean boy characters like them. I also hope they bring the og vas back
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Brick isn't the only person in the world with a red hat.
Butch was so unhinged in this episode. The guy was tweaking out
You now see why the RRBs couldn't appear in the 2016 reboot.
What was HIM's logic in giving the boys new hairdos?
a grand revival should be accompanied with a grand makeover.
Him is big on fashion and looking good. The new hairdos were big improvements over their old design.
You cannot improve on perfection. HIM is a thieving hack and a liar.
True but we're any of the og villian in it I remember a twerkin panda and a baby beard guy
cope mojo
I heard Mojo and some others returned but Fuzzy, Sedusa and RRB(outside of one cameo) didn't show up.
Well of course sedusa didn't they got rid of miss bellum and ms keen's tits. A woman named sedusa wasn't making it for sure. But damn sad only interesting thing about the reboot was them developing tactical telekinesis/hardlight abilities
>tfw we will never Bubbles and Blossom brainwashed into being sluts and twerking again
PPG16 wasn't all bad we had some good moments.
Yeah but it came at the cost of virtually everything else
>little girls twerking is fine
>a mature sexy lady isn't fine
2016 reboot was such a trashfire.
How the FUCK did they ok this? I mean I find it funny if anything.
>because zoomers.
1. kill yourself
2. If they're meant to be 6-7 like the PPGs, then they be Gen alpha.
They found it cute and funny ToT
It wouldn't be funny if the RRBs showed up and slapped the girls' asses while they were twerking.
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>we didn't get a Buttercup twerking scene
This shit isn't fair.
Do you want parents to complain about their kids getting boners?
Nah boring they aren't oiled up and you know they couldn't show buttercup she'd have gone in lol
Oh didn't say good I just remember the introduction in ep 1 had me interested and ep 2 made me realize Nah this ain't the one chief.

Yeah less we forget Ole self inserter as well. Like what is with 10s artist and self inserting so hard and cringe like. Remember when your self insert would die or be butt of joke or just in background. Bro said it was joke but he was in more than one ep and he voiced a boy whooooing blossom. I shipped her with brick or dexter just to keep that guy away lol.
Man i wish maid mary(the character, not the actor) had more fanart
I didn't know about the self insert thing because I hardly touched the reboot outside of some clips.
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The Jared shit in PPG16 was really fucking weird. I mean I get it If I had the power I would ship my self insert OC with Buttercup.
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Yeah it was weird literally got back into it just to catch the ep to see if it was joke or not. Bro literally had blossom BLOSSOM love struck for his generic oc looking insert. She would fantasize about him and he was in at least 2 eps
Blossom x Jared was cute.
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Jaredbros not like this.
lmao wtf. and people wanted the rowdyruffs in this trash.
I wouldn't well not canon, I'd keep it to a secret account. I'm not even much of a self inserter was always meh to me but definitely socially aware enough to not do it so openly and canon logically
>deviantart shippertard
Twice the cancer.
I mean like we wanted bellum we didn't realize how bad it was until later on.
yeah. like those characters dodged a bullet imo.
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Jaredbros we got BTFO'd
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Jared was probably the reason why the RRBs didn't show up. No competition for Blossom's love.
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Brick/Blossom shippers are so pathetic kek.
I highly doubt that given Blossom had no romantic interest in Brick and especially vice versa. The writers likely didn't use the boys because they're too sexist.
>given Blossom had no romantic interest in Brick
I don't know Blossom did admit that she enjoyed kissing Brick.
She just said that because she's a girly girl. She still hated his guts as lated episodes showed.
They didn't look evil enough for his taste.
That they did
Yeah I can see his point. They look too similar here....
>like the 2016 show proved.
not canon dumb dumb
>little girls giggling over kissing scared little boys afraid of cooties
It's just classic elementary stuff.
It's canon copediah.
New PPG thread
Reminder Brick calls her babe prolly just to annoy her but that's funny
He called Bubbles babe because she said they thought they were blown up.

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