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Webtoons went public and filed a bunch of shit with the SEC. Turns out, they've been losing money for years. Last year, they lost 145m. All those webcomics are a money pit. This shouldn't be surprising cause people figured this out twenty years ago hence why you should be pushing merch and not daily content.

So yeah, turns out, floppies are still way better even with the reduced numbers.
>According to the updated filing, the average annual salary for professional creators on WEBTOON is around $48,000, with the top 100 creators earning $1 million annually. The level of financial support represents part of the platform’s commitment to supporting its creators, which allows many to turn their passion into a career. However these figures alone don’t tell the whole story.

>Some of WEBTOON’s numbers are surprising, given the success of the platform – 170 million monthly active users. The investment website Seeking Alpha broke some of them down. For instance, despite all those readers, the company is not profitable. In 2023 it lost $145 million on revenue of $1.28 billion. These numbers were better than 2022’s though, so thing are improving.
Webtoons went all-in on the weeb teen romance crowd and left everyone else fending for scraps.
Then again that Boyfriends shit was their flagship series for a while, so who really wanted to publish on "that website with that gay comic?" Not to mention that their policies on censorship are ass too.
It's going to be real discouraging if the only way comics by themselves can make a profit is by collections/tankōbons with near slave labor conditions for the creators.
Crowdfunding is doing fine. 48 page graphic novel once or twice a year seems to work. Really, its just DC & Marvel need to stop being shit.
It's not that they're unprofitable, rather it's the publisher being retarded enough not to extract value from their IPs.
I don't know how Webtoons runs things. Is advertising the primary form of monetization? Everyone uses adblock.
It is, and it's stupid not only because of that, but because digital advertising is run by Facebook and Google. The most viable path forward is not to continue down this plantation economy, but to sponsor small publications and artists to produce stuff that drives your own sales.
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>5,852 paid members X $7.50 a month.
It's all about memes drawn with cute anime girls these days.
On what planet is it a good idea to go public with a webcomic hosting company?
Webtoon's layout is unusable. It's really amazing how much worse it is to read things there than to read 20+ year old unmaintained keenspot sites.
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>start hilariously non-viable business
>milk idiot venture capital investors for all you can get
>bigwigs cash out for millions and abandon ship while all the true believers get left behind to clean up the mess and wonder what went wrong
Meet the new scam, same as the old scam.
>48 page graphic novel once or twice a year
It really is crazy how the French and Belgians figured this out in the medium's infancy yet no one else has. 2 pages a week is the most sustainable model.
It's well known that Naver fudges numbers with bots, fake accounts and other trickery to inflate their numbers. You can tell because despite the supposed popularity, high viewcounts and whatnot nobody ever talks about this shit. Nobody discusses it, draws fan art of it, buys it, whatever. It's all fake numbers.
Brian Pulido delivers his books on time.
Dan Mendoza delivers his books on time.
Jim Balent delivers his books on time.
Avatar Press delivered their books on time.
And Eric July delivers his books on time.

Crowdfunding is being used by more than the youtube crowd. It is VERY viable.
>293$ million IPO
What level of irony is this, this garbage isn't even worth 25m gaining full overship of every IP on the platform.

Who the fuck would invest this much into a free webcomic platform.
it's dot com bubble 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Only a decade ago it was still normal to find self-published webcomics on their own fancy websites styled to fit their own vibe, with simple banner ads, often directing you to other comics that you might actually be interested in
God I miss it. I don't know how, but I know in my heart the cause of this is tied to the internet consolidating into fewer and fewer sites, and somehow that has to be tied to fucked up marketing practices and ad revenue calculations. The pieces are there but I'm not a smart enough person to math it all out.
Running your own website is cheaper and easier than it ever was and yet the number of people capable of doing it is lower and lower.
>170 million monthly active users
lul yeah every page click counts as a monthly user for their data to fleece moronic investors plus all the bots. webtoons is fucking dog eater garbage that only has the worst of the worst. Its koreans and other Asians fully copying already done manga&anime&V/LN changing it slightly releasing it as their own claiming its all theirs STOP POINTING OUT HOW MUCH X LOOKS LIKE MINE IP HOW DARE YOU SAY I COPIED THIS ART WE KOREANS ARE A NOBLE PEOPLE WHAT OUR COUNTRY IS NOT RAN BY 5 FAMILIES WHO BELONG TO SOME MENTALLY ILL CHRISTKEK CULT STOPPPPP CALLING ME A ARTSTEALING MOONIE A DOGEATING MOONIE REEEEEEEEE
If there is still growth and the losses are trending down isn't that good?
Most people don't even know what HTML is. Zoomers are even less tech-literate than boomers now.
Everyone is on their phones and mostly on social media. A lot of old school webcomics weren't formatted for mobile view.
zoomers are fucking mentally retarded and cant use anything but a smartphone and a UI with big bright buttons anything more complex fries their brain worse than a boomer on a PC/phone
In the 2010s companies figured out that no one clicks on ads (because they all gave you like viruses and shit back then), so the ad revenue from banner ads dried up. Instead ad money would get allocated to things that could be quantified with retention metrics like youtubeslop. But a lot of the web going to shit is a result of this, ranging from the polarization of news media to the invention of the concept of content.
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Even back then there were big conglomerate sites but they mostly existed as a way to cheaply get a lot of shit in one place.
The worst part is that the whole vertical scrolling thing is pushed as "so much better for phone reading" but it's not. It completely changes he entire way comics are done so you're really just reading a series of drawings with no actual flow or storytelling or sense of pacing. You can check shit like Mangadex and that stuff reads fine on mobile. Vertical scrolling is completely useless.
I read some of these things but I can't imagine paying for digital comics. I just use.. not Tachiyomi, I forget the name. But the app that replaced it. But yeah some Korean stuff is fun for a change if you get bored of capeshit.
>because they all gave you like viruses and shit back then
>back then
It's arguably even worse than it was back then. It wasn't advisable but you could still use the internet normally. Now shit like uBlock Origin or browsers with built in ad blockers like Brave are virtually a requirement.
Yeah there was some kind of like, hive thing? Some kind of bee-themed shit I saw on a lot of webcomics, but even then it seemed like it was just a network for comics to advertise each other with. Literally the most benign form of advertising I could have thought of at the time, and arguably the most reasonable form. I'm reading comics, I might want to read other comics, so tell me about other comics, and don't be obnoxious or sleazy about it.
>Crowdfunding is doing fine. 48 page graphic novel once or twice a year seems to work
Any proof of profits? We see revenue on the campaigns but we don’t see costs including page rates, printing, shipping, replacements for damaged product, ect.

>seems to work
Would, to me, mean 100K per year (a livable wage) pure profit for the publisher/creator. That means 50K profit on a 48 page comic.

Rather than quibble over the specific number, which will inevitably be what you do, just stick to any proof of profits on any of these projects. I’ll repeat, PROFIT not REVENUE.
well yeah thats why 99% of ads were flash to autoiject malware into your pc from ads no need to click the ad company did it for you! Why do you think it took so long for flash to die considering how fucking unsecure it was.
100k usd
>A livable wage
Is this a fucking joke?
Mihon? Thats what I use.
Yeah that's the one.
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Not webcomic, they are exclusively mobile comics for chinks, gooks, and fat white fujo cunts
I wish I could stand the infinite vertical format, but fuck Scot McCloud, that shit is unreadable.
They also have nothing to read for anyone who doesn't want to slurp recycled k-drama shite.
(I'm actually Korean too, lmao, not that it really matters)
>near slave labor conditions for the creators
there has never been a time when this wasn't true
you can't make money with art, art is what you spend money on
but aside from randomly hitting the lottery, you can still eek out a living drawing a webcomic if you've been doing it for years and have a small but dedicated fanbase and make enough to pay rent occasionally
That's pretty high revenue, and I'd have to look closer to see why it's losing money. If it's because it's still investing hard all its revenue, that's pretty different.
Or, it's an Uber situation where it has to spend all its money to have the revenue it has. I don't know.
Is there any big company who is actually profitable? I always read about how they all lose mad cash every year. Netflix, Disney, Youtube and even 4chan. Still up and running.

Economics are bullshit and every knows it, they can lose as much money as they want the CEO's still own enough money to shove up your ass until it come out of your ears.
revenue and profit are different things, they make money, what you hear about is investors being disappointed the line not going up to an expected number and tanking their stock for a bit
biz news is for investors, not peasants like you
Netflix and Disney are actually profitable, but that's because they're media companies with near monopoly status. Social media will never be profitable because it's a plantation network of many free riders where the internet is supposed to be small computers sharing the load. What your position stabs at, but doesn't get, is that these companies want to form private monopolies and then jack up the prices, and the investment is based in assuming that this can happen.
It's like Twitter, that shit never made a profit and was propped up by literally FBI and CIA, you only hear about it now "losing money" because lefties are still angry Musk fired their tr@nii pals.
>Rather than quibble over the specific number, which will inevitably be what you do, just stick to any proof of profits on any of these projects
I accept your concession.
Disney's in a weird place where everything else they do is a loss leader for the parks. Their actual media divisions are unprofitable or barely breaking even.
>you can still eek out a living drawing a webcomic if you've been doing it for years and have a small but dedicated fanbase and make enough to pay rent occasionally
This isn’t eking out a living at all this is poverty and this is also the rare “success”
Yeah. Business discussion here is pretty bad on average.
That's why people who say their are artists, are either living at home, teach or tend coffee bars (or married to a spouse who actually works)
I mean, is the comic board. You should try talking about softcoreporn instead.
Barely breaking even by financial news standards is still the 3 or 4 percent profit that one can expect of a mature media company that still has both revenue and subscribers. It's not great, sure, but mature companies don't have to be constantly growing (and Disney hasn't grown since they still made video games and books; acquisitions are not growth) and should not be expected to. The fact that we now treat mature businesses like startups, which themselves were just services catching the wave of governmental infrastructure development in the internet, is incredibly dangerous. Most actual businesses are just profitable, and going above that for that myth of shareholder value is reckless.

This has led to the demise of the global economy twice, and this time we need to point the finger at the mouthy ATMs that have always been responsible for the destruction of capitalism.
>married to a spouse who actually works
No THAT is a success story
>Post pic of softcore porn
>Discussion is mainly about business promoting webcomics, mostly related to making softcore porn
>Convince some coomers to do a lil research on biz just to preserve their cartoon jerk papes a little longer
Franco-Belgian comics problem is that if a story stops selling or is consistently low. It just ends with it unresolved or at best wrapped up hurriedly.
And with only 2 volumes a year, the margin of error is so thin, particularly for a serialised story.
Also their most successful media company by far, Ankama, just copied the American software model and the Japanese media model, but slapped French worker protections, hours, and benefits on it.

Turns out this stuff works if you actually pay people and try to keep them around.
Funny, I was thinking about how they publish Radiant. Which does put out 2, rarely 3 volumes a year but has enough marketing power to sell like a manga.
Ankama’s Dofus/Wakfu/Tot’s wild ride barely makes money but they are good at hooking into the internet ecosystem.
>It really is crazy how the French and Belgians figured this out in the medium's infancy yet no one else has. 2 pages a week is the most sustainable model.
What are some good euro comics that are running currently?
>if a story stops selling or is consistently low. It just ends with it unresolved or at best wrapped up hurriedly.
But enough about manga.
>webcomics aren't profitable

They're very good models if you make them semi-sustainable and not constantly obsessed with infinite growth. They could certainly grow a bit more and throw more money at cheap adventures made by the people (it's France, after all) but businesses aren't quite there yet, let alone resilient but slow ones like European firms.

There has been nothing more destructive to the media models that worked before than to assume that turning everything into franchises or broad slopagandic veins of low-effort homogenized garbage is what people are after simply because Hollywood or AAA video games do it. You have to have the small cheaply made but ambitious stuff too, and the two things stopping there from being more of that is money and distribution.
Gunning For Ramirez
I’m not sure if volume 3/3 was published, but it’s been slowly getting an English translation.
You forgot the part where no one outside of France cares about French comics.
I mean, I never had to pay for one. I could use a bot to look at ads and deal with ads without me noticing. I did pay for a webtoon one to read a whole season in one go (well worth it), but even then most webtoons are relationship based.
Well the comic is just a vihicle to sell merch and exclusive stuff, that's were you're going to be making a profit.
How this guy draws so fast is beyond me. The man is like a machine. But not really what we're talking about.
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vertical scrolling on pc is the true coinsure choice.
Look it up how they look in a published book format. I won't save that travesty on my computer to post it here.
This is why commies always starve.

>when I see the same 3d assets from clips studio over and over again
figures Koreans would manga with Samsung, fitting revenge I suppose
Pop ups now just try to sell you things and try to generate extra cash for the site
I charge 40$ per shirt, I am in no way a commie ;)
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>takes 6 hours per panel
That reminds me do the banner ads here lead anywhere or are they just billboards?
I don't think you realize, but java script being everywhere and injecting bits of script into your browser is in every way you can imagine WORSE then flash.

You have entire websites that totally hijack your computer and use it to mine fucking coins copy your data and do whatever it wants using java script.

With flash you could at least block flash and happily wander the net.
With HTML5 and the horrifying monstrosity that is javascript
You're completel fucked.
Works for newspaper comics.
How did people's standards sink so low that this is considered acceptable? Maybe because it's free but if I was paying for it I'd feel ripped off with the lack of backgrounds and half the space being blank
>Really, its just DC & Marvel need to stop being shit.

Too late for that. Both have sold their souls to multi billion dollar companies and are now simply IP farms. Turning a profit does not matter.
French and Belgian comics are a staple of French Immersion students' reading in Canada.
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You should do a better time management. I often take 20 min per panel unless I'm doing something fancy.

If you are aiming for a schedule realize and not an one big book every year or so is probably better for you. Example of my art so you can know what I aim for in 20 min.
you have to realize the vast majority of their readers are teens who've never read many books, let alone comic books, they've literally lived their whole life with long vertical phones, no PCs perhaps laptops for school, to them the phone app is their natural domain and these comics provide them with enough fun distraction during their bus/train ride to school, squeezed in with their fellow Asiatics like sardines... US zoomers are barely any different, they just have larger ipads
Lack of many alternatives, mostly. Also webtoon only makes you pay to get comics earlier than usual, as far as I can tell. Unless there's some high tier premium slop I'm not aware of that you can ONLY view through paying for it, the comics I've followed tend to be of the "pay some coins to see next week's comic early" or even switch out paying coins with watching an ad. I'm not going to watch the ad, but it's an option.

Anyway, Webtoon's overrun with romance slop to be sure, but I've found a handful of cool horror comics on it. Witch Creek Road and Stagtown, The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn, Tales of the Unusual was okay. You know, I actually kinda really liked Metro Hunter too but the author kind some kind of stomach cancer or something and it's been radio silence since.
B-but I have noscript!
More seriously, though, it's downright maddening how many sites 'need; javascript to work. The fuck does a news article site need javascript for? Nothing good.
The internet becomes a smaller place when you don't accept every random script.
As an aside: why the fuck did gmail eliminate basic html view? It was the only thing they had going for them. Their standard view is a fucking laggy piece of shit.
name some good ones then fag
I think >>144430510 is right but I also have to wonder if tax shenanigans aren't partially to blame too. Like, pretending you have a lot of money to investors while pretending you don't have much money at all to the IRS.
No, it doesn't. Look up how "the syndicates" work.
You used to be able to get viruses just from clicking ads. You need to deliberately download them now. I think there were even Flash ads that could download a virus directly to your computer just by being loaded on a webpage.
Autoplay and popups were also far more common back then than they are now.
Youtube putting ad blocker on their site and making it unusable made sure 80% of the entire internet used ad blocker. Sites to keep up put 200% more intrusive ads.

Is basically impossible to use any website without an adblock and you will get something if you are not careful in any shady website. Google destroyed the internet for indie creators.
Wow scary how does one protect themselves?
Yeah I know but it's not like they can't see better stuff. And I know it's not always about looks but so much of it isn't even trying to have it's own style.
They sorta pegged themselves in that niche. I don't doubt there's a lot of good stuff there but all I ever saw advertised was boyfriends and the one where everyone wears a mask
>You used to be able to get viruses just from clicking ads. You need to deliberately download them now.
Sorry I'm pretty dumb but why is that the case now, because of flash being gone?;
>Lack of many alternatives
Yeah this. For whatever reason romance comics are pretty rare these days.
But that's because newspaper comics are combined with local/major news, politics, and weather. majority of boomers also don't know they can read these comics online. Separating the funnies from the newspapers will actually end up killing both industries simultaneously.
People are really starting to fucking overuse this word. Goddamn.
Communists hate commerce
If I'm being honest? I read through shit too fast. I read as many "good" classic type webcomics I have that I know of, but that's a pathetically small number, because most of my best ones are over now, or died. I can pay to read real comics, because pirating them doesn't help this problem, but I'm going to be more selective with what I buy, and even when I do buy something, or even just whenever I read current comics however I read them, it kills what, 15 minutes? If I'm following ten stupid webtoon comics at least that's a few more minutes of my day I can kill.

>Yeah I know but it's not like they can't see better stuff
It actually is kinda hard to find better stuff. Like, where else can they go? Even Comixology got rolled into fucking kindle and I feel like I need to sacrifice a goddamn goat to pazuzu just to look for something on that website that isn't getting pushed to me on the front page. Fuck Amazon and everything they stand for, Comixology was shit too but it was purpose-built.
>How did people's standards sink so low that this is considered acceptable? Maybe because it's free but if I was paying for it I'd feel ripped off with the lack of backgrounds and half the space being blank
Why spend countless hours working on pointless shit you're only going to look at for 15 seconds at the most?
>For whatever reason
women and girls don't seek out comics, simple as
manga they do, half of that shit is googly eyed teen romance/pointy chinned yaoi fagshit
and even the manga readers are TINY compared to the overall population
everyone has phones, so a platform catering to all will have the proper equivalent of girl-slop
>They sorta pegged themselves in that niche. I don't doubt there's a lot of good stuff there but all I ever saw advertised was boyfriends and the one where everyone wears a mask
Yeah I get that. The ones I mentioned were promoted when they were new and still running, but they're done now so you won't see them getting promoted. You'd really have to dig to find them, probably. I do recommend those ones though. Nocturne is current and ongoing and that's a pretty good one too. Nocturne and Tales of the Unusual are/were anthologies, the others were story-driven. Apocalyptic Horseplay was a neat story too, I wouldn't really call it Horror exactly, but it's not QUITE a horsemen of the apocalypse otome, but it's kiiiiind of adjacent? I'm not doing it justice, and it's not korean, obviously, I don't think any I've recommended are except tales of the unusual, but it's interesting.

I'm mostly throwing names out there for you to investigate, and it's possible they exist in better formats elsewhere, but it was convenient to find them on webtoon, in the "if you like these you might also like" bit at the end of comics I'm already reading.
This absolutely looks like it took 20 minutes per panel. That’s not a compliment.
pretty neat, but I also color, so that adds to the time
I try not to think too much about efficiency and just try make each page best as I can
>art is what you spend money on
Yes, thank you. At least it doesn't look worse.
I never advise people to color comics unless they know what they are doing EXACTLY. It always looks like trash otherwise.

Black and white is so much better for readability. all you need is a good clean lineart and good enough understand of contrast to differentiate each plane. You can do action lines and scenes much more easily and build atmosphere using blacks and contrast. You can always find examples of pages who look much better in pencil than they look finalized because you have more contrast and it reads better.
>Turns out, webcomics aren't profitable
Yeah that's why I just make them for fun when I have a good time window to actually illustrate them.

I'm going down the indie animation route. Tata bitches.
Do they really not do merchandise or anything else? Legit amazed
they take popular IPs and turn them into dramas/films... tho in Korea I guess
I'm not aware if they've had any success with western creators
Honestly, I always thought love advice from the great duke of hell would've been perfect for an adult cartoon. Shit was fucking hilarious.
Maybe they just expected great content to flow endlessly with minimal effort? Well besides pirate apps Marvel and DC have their own apps but most others are shit outa luck. It's weird because you'll see TikToks and YouTube shorts of cape comic summaries with millions of views so it's not like people aren't interested
That's a sad mindset but it's not like it doesn't reflect the real world. A lot of indie creators are working 9-5 and are just doing it in their spare time hoping it'll make a profit.
tiktok don't want you to read anything, just blitz yer senses and scroll down for the next dopamine hit
fucking retarded screaming head talking for 60 seconds about (insert niche interest drama) in-between stock images and ai illustrations in multiple styles, THAT's what get you millions of views
>the CEO's still own enough money

This is not how corporations work. At all. Not even close.
most people don't actually know what a CEO is they literally think it's the guy who owns the company
Yeah and for good measure throw in a shaved bro in aviators with a bugati in the background telling you how to cheat code "females".
this is about the extent anons know about corporate structure:
I need this, but for femboys~
>you'll see TikToks and YouTube shorts of cape comic summaries with millions of views so it's not like people aren't interested

That doesnt mean they are interested in reading the actual comics, they just want to know "the lore"
>How this guy draws so fast is beyond me. The man is like a machine. But not really what we're talking about.
a good drawing tablet, intuos screen as example.
>floppies are better
i'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. none of us are marvel or dc.
4chan has some frankly enormous media blind spots with things that aren't marketed to them
>4chan has some frankly enormous media blind spots with things that aren't marketed to them
There's enough users here that there's probably an anon into everything.
If it's shit, that anon doesn't bring it up here (ex: I won't bore you with the shitty isekai WNs I read).
It's not that no one on 4chan knows about product X, it's that no one thinks it's worth talking about (and others don't know about it because of course you can't know everything).
anon I only talk about shit here because it's the trashcan of the internet. Also, it's dead af outside of the bot and jeet infested boards.
You're being a bit disingenuous if you're going to pretend anyone was saying "not a single person here knows about thing." You know perfectly well this is about proportions. Webtoons are not that popular with people who frequent places like this, so they rarely get discussed. Attempting to attribute that to the impeccable taste of the army of retarded faggots crying about wimmen on 4chan is unconvincing.
NTA but I do think there's a valid point to be made that between people not wanting to talk about this or that thing and people who just straight up don't know about it, it could seem as if those things just don't even exist to the random user, or that nobody knows/cares about them. The few people here who do care don't talk about it, so it can seem as if nobody knows/cares about it if you're only ever on 4chan. Again, I don't know if that's what anon was talking about but I do think it works as supplementing your own point.
those still exist, but the only people who post their are kids or autistic people who's comics will be there gathering dust.
meanwhile on twitter the thing making rounds is shitty white blob stick figures for trauma dumps
This model is gonna age out since the only people supporting it is 45+ year olds buying stuff from has-beens.
they've read this trash for 40 years, why'd they stop now
Does anyone still use twitter?
I get all my memes from twitter, anons repost them here ;)
all the people who said they would leave if elon bought it still use it
Like I only use to get a beat for what fintwit from time to time but aside from that shit is filled with so many bots it's insane.
This. I keep seeing random "holy shit, you're a fan of this?" people reading webtoons. If the company can't figure out how to monetize something read by that many people, it's a pretty stupid company. I recommend merch.
Merch is the only way to make real money off entertainment without a nationwide theatrical release.
This is the only post in the thread that matters. Webcomics are not and have never been "successful" overall. And the exceptions only prove the rule.
pretty much, and the only time I see webcomics is gayshit in Barnes & Noble, but no one buys them or discusses them.
it's all money laundering.
>You need to make millions of dollars or its a failure
Zoomer math
Lots of stories don't really work for making merch of, like the k-drama romance stories that are popular on Webtoon. Many of them are popular because the premise and characters feel grounded or relatable (as opposed to something like a sci-fi fantasy premise) which means the aesthetic of the webtoon is more realistic. People never really bought much merch of stuff like Law and Order or Monk whatever. Lots of people rightly also don't want to have lots of cheap plastic shit taking up space in their homes. Advertising and direct sales are better/more realistic routes but one consumers don't want to accept (while also being rightly unwilling to buy shitty merch).

Why do you guys trust Tiktok views?
Yeah that's true. It's too bad because they're just getting a short summary with no dailog.
Well duh
>if it's shit, that anon doesn't bring it up here
It's the exact opposite of that, and you know it.
Thats interesting.
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I read it because it's free.
The vertical format is superior on phones. You don't have to zoom. The spaces are effectively page breaks. Different artists use them differently.
Its not a grift if the creators actually deliver on the book
got any recs?

4chins posters are mostly PC boomers pirating manga and comics for ~20 years, it's too late to change
"Grifter" is just new 5oyspeak, means they aren't shoving faggot propaganda like rest of modern media.
Don't people know you can get that for free
Annoying youtubers aren't the only ones crowdfunding comics anon.
i think their business model of taking the rights of everything their big creators do is probably gonna scare a lot of people outta trying it at all

hell, i've seen more people than ever go for the full indie neocities route.
True. Most Americans would rather do anything else then read a comic, including reading ABOUT a comic. The perception of this medium is terrible.
Yeah they literally don't care anymore
What does a Webtoon in printed format look like anyhow? Is it like a 2-column mess or is the layout put together a different way
Usually they draw the comic book page normally and chop it apart for webtoon format afterwards.
Lot's of layers, vector layers if possible.
>100K is “a zillion”
>Rather than quibble over the specific number, which will inevitably be what you do, just stick to any proof of profits on any of these projects

I accept your concession, for a second time.
>it's all money laundering.
You don’t seem to understand what this term means. Laundering is done with no paper trail and certainly doesn’t involve overhead costs, material waste and financial losses.
The real money for webtoons is in getting adapted to K-dramas and occasionally anime. Trying to pretend that this is an east vs west "victory" for American capeshit against webtoons is pretty retarded.
It's really an easy-ass word to use for anything you don't like and make it sound like you're making an informed criticism.
>So yeah, turns out, floppies are still way better even with the reduced numbers.

What does this news have to do with floppies?
Not so much "east vs west" but showing the "Floppies must die" crowd are wrong, again. Even Japanese webmanga makes its money on Trades/Tankobon.
>but showing the "Floppies must die" crowd are wrong, again.

How? What does this have to do with floppies?

>Even Japanese webmanga makes its money on Trades/Tankobon.

You're confusing yourself. That's precisely the argument AGAINST floppies and for trades. You seem to be talking about no printed material at all which isn't the criticism against floppies.
It's kind of interesting how /co/ look for simple generalizations to a business model.

It's not that Webtoons isn't popular. The problem is that it's not properly managed and monetized.

Offices cost money, servers cost money, staff costs money,...and the people writing the stories mostly live on noodles to make ends meet.
>No printed material
That is the argument against floppies (and trades) with webtoon being the "see, this is what the kids are reading". Up until this released, everyone thought Webtoon was making bank on ad revenue. Turns out that was false.

Just another one of the long list of "how do we save the American comic book industry" answers getting flushed along with "reboots", "more events", and "be like manga".
This. Half of the people in charge of some companies still consider the internet a passing fad. My friend works for a marketing firm where the owner refuses to let people keep electronic files because he thinks people will just stop using computers.
>That is the argument against floppies (and trades)

What? You seem very confused about what you're trying to argue against or what you yourself are trying to argue. Criticizing the weekly/monthly floppy model isn't a call to end all printed materials and, again, you're lumping trades and floppies together when one of the arguments against floppies is that trades make more sense.

You genuinely seem to have no idea at all what you're talking about.
And would YOU improve the American comic industry?
nta, but maybe stop reusing the same 10 characters for the last 60 years
>You genuinely seem to have no idea at all what you're talking about.
He has a chip on his shoulder from all the dumb East vs West threads. Note how he's trying to make a gotcha about American print media distribution when that's the common laughing point from those kinds of threads
>Criticizing the weekly/monthly floppy model isn't a call to end all printed materials
Yes it is. Cause "everyone reads comics on their phones now", "Digital is the future" and other nonsense that was disproven a decade ago. Floppies win, you lose, deal with it.
Comics deserve to die if Marvel and DC aren't the center of it. The Big 2 are the comic industry, superheroes, the main attraction, and I'm tired of Youtubers, grifters and independents trying to rob them of their rightful place.
Nothing. If DC and Marvel go down, that's on them.
Where are all the millennial websites anon? Why aren't they saving the internet instead of the 20 year old zoomers? Maybe put le zoom zoom boogeyman down for this one.
>everyone thought Webtoon was making bank on ad revenue
It makes bank on adaptations. The average webtoon barely even appeals to me (it's all either vapid romance or gay fujo shit), but you're doing some extreme mental gymnastics to pretend this shows that muh spiderman and wonder woman can still beat the Asians.
Not that Anon or even an anon with a webcomic but I feel like coloring quadruples the turnaround time on pages. I'd only do it for chapter covers and big moments.
What is this trying to prove exactly?
No one is reading comics
Everyone is reading manga, webcomics and watching anime, because they're easier to get a hold of than your average american comic
>So yeah, turns out, floppies are still way better even with the reduced numbers
They aren't.
Do floppies actually make money or is it everything else that keeps the lights on? If you got rid of all the licensing and merchandise would Marvel or DC survive on just monthly sales?
They've been " losing money" sine 2020/21 because the pandemic ballooned their growth into stupid proportions. That doesn't mean they're
not still profitable.
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It's because search engines have fallen apart since the mid-2000's. It used to be very easy to find new and random stuff, but Google castrated its own engine to make a profit from ad work, and every other engine followed suit. So if you had a webcomic, it was pointless to make a site for it since it wouldn't be discovered anyway. This was a blow, but not a death blow.

But you're right about the death blow. What actually killed discovery was how everyone consolidated to a handful of sites. When EVERYONE is one on of five sites, it means EVERYONE has to shout over each other, meaning no one can rise to the top. You can only get close by paying for it or somehow correctly pleasing a constantly changing algorithm. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitch, Tumblr... they all have this problem. Some worse than others but they all have.

It's not an accident that we saw the biggest internet celebrities emerge when TikTok first opened, when its algorithm was complete garbage and allowed any random asshole to blow up. You think Belle Poarch would remotely find success now? In this environment? No, she found success by stumbling on a brand new app in its infancy.

TL;DR: Google killed websites, site algorithms killed discoverability.
Porn manhwa has so so much empty white space
Fuck off pajeet
It's what rightwingers and /v/ drawshills do anyways
How the hell do you monetize webcomics anyway? If one were to hypothetically make webcomics for a living, I mean.
Patreon and merchandise.
Every EvW thread I've seen is on how comics are falling behind manga in physical sales
1. make a comic that's popular enough that people want to pay you to create more of it
2. set up patreon
3. put exclusive content on patreon
4. profit
>pump up numbers to convince investors it's still growing
>report losses so you don't have to pay taxes
Same old.
>4chan is dead
It's not, right?
>Google destroyed the internet for indie creators.
What stops someone from paying someone to put an advertising text on the side of website?
>A comics about guy obsessed with bonking goblins! goblinbonker.com
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>There's enough users here that there's probably an anon into everything.
Yes, but we can't discuss niche things because threads die too fast. Board culture doesn't grow more topic-diverse because it's constrained by it's UI

>4chan has some frankly enormous media blind spots with things that aren't marketed to them
not 4chan, just /co/ and /a/. And mostly because unlike /v/ splitting into vst, vrpg, vm etc mods refuse to split these boards.

So co only discusses lowest common denominator stuff (coomer cartoons & big 2 collector comics) and everything else is inertia from obsessove regulars who insist on their favourite media.
A non-regular can never discuss HIS fav media because he can't afford the time spend bumping, baiting and lowkey samefagging their threads for hurs till actual posters arrive.
Which means new webcomics, webtoons, alt comics etc never get discussed here.

These threads end up like this exactly because of this. We all feel what's happening and start these autistic circular arguments to as a way to vent frustration.

I don't believe webtoons is "unknown", just inflated. Complete normies I know IRL know about lore olympus by example but it never gets discussed here
>And mostly because unlike /v/ splitting into vst, vrpg, vm etc mods refuse to split these boards.
It's frankly baffling at this point
All manhwa/manhua does. I think "vertical scrolling is good for mobile" is basically a cope invented by shitty artists who can do 2002 How To Draw Manga tier scribbles (all of that Korean/Chiense shit looks like 20 year old DeviantArt stuff with fancy photoshop effects) but have no idea how to actually tell a story visually or construct a page. Verticle scrolling means you don't need to do that, you just need to draw pin ups disguised as panels.
Thats why most artist do these splash art pieces than stories. They can only draw!
Haven't visited this in a few years. WTF have they done to it? It's almost as unusable as Crapass now.
I agree. There is a very large blind spot from the overall bias here towards big 2 capeshit which is only made worse by the rage bait which can quickly push out anything that isn't moving as fast. I'm grateful for the people who post different stuff since it's an uphill battle these days for anything to get attention.

I'm more suspicious these days since it's become obvious that bot spam accounts are on the rise. Not just here though. A lot of places have problems with fake activity and it's only gotten worse everywhere.
This is because 95% of the audience that webtoons are aimed at on 4chan tend to just read manga.
Plus, /co/ is exclusively for western comics and cartoons, and most webtoons are not western.
Dying mainly.
>There is a very large blind spot from the overall bias here towards big 2 capeshit which is only made worse by the rage bait which can quickly push out anything that isn't moving as fast.
capeshit, 2000s indies & furry strips, turn of the 10s webcomics and french coomer bds to be more specific.

these are the typical topics of a "co boomer".
everything else swims against the current.

bnut what really kills comics talk is the increasingly large gap between the size of the cartoons fandom and the comic fandom. cartoons today absolutely destroy comics in terms of staying power

>and most webtoons are not western.
not but by any margin, theres 3 decades and thousands upon thousands of western webcomics. webmanhuas aka "webtoons" are still young.
forgot to quote
You know what's worst about first point? We see several times in any creative thread that there's a bunch of anons who do comics or cartoons but posting them here is rarely considered viable. The only time an indie/webcomic work is considered 'appropriate' for a thread is if it's popular on twitter. Anyone else who wants to show their stuff just gets autists yelling at them to BUY AN AD when word of mouth is way more helpful to spread a project. People wanna complain there's nothing good to read in Big 2 or corporations but people offering alternatives just get told to fuck off, it's just weird.
They should print their comics onto toilet paper rolls. Such a stupid format.
fuck i actually considered doing that. LOL. Fuck this place.
I've also been holding back. The webcomic thread was a total shitshow with the same 3 cunts before it died for good.
This is spot on. Marvel and DC can post their solicitations complete with official links to preorders. And anons will beat their dicks to these threads until it hit the post limit.

But god forbid someone promotes their free-to-read comic.
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this kinda bothers. This places consistently complains about the quality of comics then get mad when people give them a potentially good offering.
Are you so stuck on capeslop that you refuse to step outside the marvel/dc plantation?
Back in the day (old anon here) we had message boards where we'd trade art, have art contests and were pretty collectivized with regards to the pushing of the talent that came outta the boards (wizardworld, penciljack, etc). Robert Kirkman was one of those guys.
good riddance
These guys just suck at monetization. I've seen too many random normies reading this for me to believe there's no audience.
Wasted octs
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And there we have it, Webtoon is kill
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I was only 3 posts away...
shit get
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What a boring get. God this board sucks.
So was I, kek
love advice from great duke of hell, tower of god, jungle juice, and everything is fine (spoiler it isn't)
On topic reply in an on topic thread. Good enough for me and 1000x better than a braindead "fuck XYZ" "XYZ won", "buzzword" reply.
>Webtoons went public
this is always death for the consumer
holy waste of digits Batman
Shit GET for sure but I'm just thankful it didn't go to the AIslop thread.
Same, that would've been the death of /co/
not every comic will be profitable, not every. profitable comic will be profitable beyond its ip

manga only works because its a battle royal for relevance, when you're a small time creator its a cut throat environment that only pays pennies. few people actually last long
even manga that were once the biggest hits in the industry get short notice to end their stories when they're no longer the flavor of the month
Lame get, but I've seen worse.
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I hope you step into a puddle of water with socks on
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What a fucking waste
your shit probably sucks. I've seen all of like two good webcomics from anons and the rest is shit and their creators whiny piss babies.
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What were
>people seething that the "get" was an on-topic statement that webtoons' financial difficulties are due to their business model being poor, not their product being unpopular

I'm not sure this board even LIKES Comics & Cartoons.
Tintin is 62 pages. That's substantially more. The earlier entries were random numbers of pages before being reformatted to fit 62 in the color albums.
They still exist. Lackadaisy, Property of Hate, hell, even XQCD, which is more like a newspaper strip. They all have their own self-hosted sites and they're not the exception. Lackadaisy's in particular is gorgeous.
A waste, but truthful
Basedjackers lost!
If i farted, would it smell?
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Welcome to 4chan, where words lose all their meaning because dumb people use them as shorthand for "thing I don't like."
>love advice from great duke of hell, tower of god, jungle juice, and everything is fine (spoiler it isn't)
got any more
any other anons?
based regular post get. this board is so shit regular posts like these are a blessing
I guess webcomics are good then. Can't argue with those digits
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Just a reminder Webtoon only promotes romantic comedies and if you don't want to do that then fuck you. Like Sword Interval is basically their very own Hellboy and they paid Ben Fleuter for it to be there and nowhere else, and yet it got zero promotion and I bet most of /co/'s webcomic community doesn't even know about it.
Blessed get.
WASTED octs.
>only promotes
perhaps because the vast majority of their fans are teen girls?
>Sword Interval
looks ugly, shame about the art, but I'm sure it's good, but not he kind of art that catches weebs or girls
You can't trust online platforms to know how to recommend any more than you can trust them to know how to advertise. We actually have less infrastructure for both than we did twenty years ago.
>perhaps because the vast majority of their fans are teen girls?
And why is that? Could it be because they only promote romantic comedies?
Webcomic Get
perhaps, but if I were to guess, I'd probably say it's the k-pop connection, the music and the dramas that are overwhelmingly popular among girls than boys, and that webtoons found the rich mother lode of female readers that western faggots and dykes kept bitching about and destroyed our industry to "chase,"
Not every comic will make money but it's literally the only thing Webtoon has. The fact that they went public while being unable to squeeze any profit from their main business is just retarded. It reminds me of some fuckass electric car company.
If I were them, I'd start laundering money.
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What the FUCK are they spending all that money on?
It's webcomics, people used to make that shit for free. Surely they're not paying the artists more than 5 bucks and a can of beans per comic.
hookers and blow ain't cheap, especially in this economy
holy digits calling out webtoons for serious mismanagement
Giving something away for free doesn't magically cause it to be profitable.
>you should be pushing merch and not daily content.
why not just have an online shop in the platform that sells creator merch like TikTok Shop?
>Anyone else who wants to show their stuff just gets autists yelling at them to BUY AN AD when word of mouth is way more helpful to spread a project.
ngl i haven't seen examples of this around, right now swain is self promoting his porn and other anons have posted their indie shit

you just make a thread and dump the relevant pics, only people who'd protest are schizos.
Budget probably looks like:
>webdev paychecks (pennies, high turnover, "we're always hiring!")
>executive salaries (90% of all profits, do nothing but send emails to webdevs telling them to work harder and faster)
Yeah turns out girls want cute romantic drama and comedy and not whatever ugly gay shit the industry keeps pushing.
>Why spend countless hours working on pointless shit you're only going to look at for 15 seconds at the most?

This is a great example of the difference in mindset. Zoomies know that there's too much content and theirs will never be good enough to last or stand out. So why put effort in? They're making tiktoks and disposable reaction videos and shit. Stuff that will wash away in the rain. Meanwhile boomers and millenials are still making actual comics and books. Physical products that will go into stores and libraries and shit and outlast them when they die. They'll eventually end up in landfills or get pulped but they dont care. Digital shit is inherently disposable and worthless, it's all just digital noise. Momentary distractions. Nobody reads a webtoon to learn something about themselves and the human condition. They don't read to think, in fact it's the opposite. They need something to distract them while their hot pockets microwave. Or read while they're taking a shit or brushing their teeth. So why put effort into making a scrolling "comic" for that? You'll forget it a week later. I can barely remember half the webtoon shit I read. That shit is fast food. The skeleton that keeps reviving or the strongest florist in the mmo and shit. They're good for five seconds, just like that first bite of fast food. But they don't sustain. They have no real substance.

Ironically the lack of effort the authors put it means they'll never last. Their shit wont stand the test of time. Bone, Ninja Turtles, even mangas will outlive them all.
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>Most sensible down-to-earth reply in the thread.
>People get mad because it's not sensationalist shit-flinging
>It's weird because you'll see TikToks and YouTube shorts of cape comic summaries with millions of views so it's not like people aren't interested
People don't want to read shit. They just want to know what happened in it so they can pretend they read it. That's the problem. Instead of reading something and making up their own mind they get a synopsis from a recap and then some robot narrator tells them if they liked it or not. Nobody is developing media comprehension any more. They just want to know the 'lore' or the plot. Not what the actual fucking stories are about or for. There's no ingesting of the material. No forming your own opinions or coming back years later to re-evaluate a work and see it from a different perspective after gaining worldly experience. I mean I know the plot of the story, why read it again? The next generation are fucked. Capitalists turning everything into CONTENT mush slop is unironically making everyone retarded.
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>ultra 4's post
>shitting on a dying asian platform
>4's mean death

I saw one in a book store. It looked like ass with the big white spaces of nothing. It felt like half the book was missing as I flipped through it.
He probably screams at people to go back to /a/ if they dare criticize the comic industry
How were these supposed to make money anyways? The subscription cost is so low. It's a terrible medium for ad rev. And they hire so many people at once to hit every corner, yet only a handful are huge hits that can push merch But they can't cut back in variety since a lot of these are clearly designed to hit specific niches
It means every frame is essentially a reveal page, not a frame with context.
But artists can't go all in and out proper emphasis to justify a devoted page 100% of the time, it would be unreasonable. So you end up with a lot of what are essentially single page and two page spreads depicting very dull and mundane moments, and a lot of artist's falling back on white space.
In much fewer numbers and they're either really old that survive the test of time or got shilled wuite hard.
Yeah most likely

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