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Now we will finish getting caught up.
Thanks man
Gert works great in this style.
This story is my favourite so far. I love the watercolour look.
Thanks, OP.
Now the latest volume.
god bless Queen Bitch Tits
I wonder if these pages were done with water colors or just a filter brush. Looks authentic to me given how old these issues are. Even brush filters cannot look this good.
Pointing out you are a hack doesn't protect you from being called a hack.
What was that game that got a HD remake just a couple of years after the original came out?
This was an absolute roller-coaster in quality, but I think this final volume was the best one. Thanks for reading!
The Last of Us (Both count)
Thanks for the storytime OP.
>this final volume was the best one
Ok, shill
Thanks non I hated it.
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Hi, as promised:
>"Is it really you?"
>"You're Back?!"
>'Seems that way'
>"Hi Larry, it's me, Happy! You remember me, right?"
>'Who is that little kid?'
>"My daughter"
>'YOU HAD A CHILD? Sh-she must be adopted, right?'
>"Nope, she is my blood, my genes"
>'But she's never been here, how does she remember me, or allowed to return?'
>"[whispering] Remember Future Gert? I think my kid somehow travelled to the past and helped a version of me escape from Fairyland"
>'That's hard to believe'
>"You know I don't know magic"
>'How do I know its you?' POW 'Yeah, it's you'
>"I missed you, Larry"
>"Mommy, that was not nice!"
>'The kid is right ma'am, you are not supposed to hit others'
>"Its just a way that Larry and I sometimes greet each other, what's your name?"
>"This is Thomas and I'm his guide"
>'Can I call you Tommy? I always wanted a friend named Tommy'
>"No kid, my name is Thomas"
>'Why are you back here anyway?'
>"I got scammed, some rich jambowl wanted me to save his son Westley from Fairyland and now he is gone"
>'Westley Wiggins? I know the guy, helped him somewhat long ago'
>*sigh* "There must be a way out, I don't want Happy to suffer the same fate I did"
>'Uh, Larrygon, it's almost time'
>"Time for what?"
>'The moon'
>"Mommy, why is the moon loking at us so mean?"
>'I blew up half of its face about a decade ago, don't worry Happy, and Tommy'
>"Thomas. That thing does not bite. Come on Moon, I'm sorry!, I won't do anything to you again out of pettiness, I changed for the better!"
>''The biting is not what I'm worried about"
>'Just calm down, the thing is that Thomas got bitten earlier today, so is he going to-'
>"A giant Poodle?"
>'A Werewoodle'
>"A Poodle! you are so cute! Can we keep it mommy?"
>'There must be a way to cure him, right?'
>"Come on, I already told you, I just want your heart to heal my new friend, I can't waste my time on a petty fight!"
>'For many moons I have trained, and become the leader of this fearsome pack, to face the great Gert in combat! How dare you come to my lands, invoke the challenge your leadership, put that blue chipmunk to sleep and-'
>'At least you have the heart, give it to Tommy Boy and he should be healed'
>ñomñomñomñomñom *gulp*
>Thomas returns to normal, and falls asleep.
>"I told you I knew what to do, hey Gert, something wrong?"
>'No, it's just..., I can't believe I'm back, after all I've done..., can you believe I used to think marriage was a scam?'
>'I know, how was Earth?'
>"Not the best, I first had a job as an office worker, I went to therapy, and the two people that assisted me always claimed I was insane, that Fairyland was just a way to cope with my traumas, that my filtered swears were a 'Security Blanket', just awful, they would have fired me from my office, but when I got pregnant with Happy they allowed me to stay, something about it being good for the company's image"
>'What company?'
>"I don't make the names, you know"
>'Yeah, I guess you just needed a Kid to not be self-loathing incarnate, no wonder you called your kid after a positive emotion'
>"Yeah, I love Happy more than anything else ever, how have Cloudia and Duncan been doing?"
>'I heard Duncan now works for Terribella as hired muscle'
>"Horribella's cousin?"
>'Exactly, Cloudia is locked in The Prision, the biggest prison in Fairyland'
>"You know, maybe we should get Duncan out, he was just a kid and I shou-'
>'We should get you two out first, if word gets out that Gert has returned and she has a firstborn with her, it will make it harder for you two to get out by hitching a ride with Thomas, Cloudia's brother is not like Cloudia, let's go to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow.'
>"Ok, good night"
>The next day Thomas wakes up, with the green haired lady, the blue haired kid and Larrigon eating breakfast.
>'Hi, Tommy'
>"Ugh, what happened?"
>'As I told you Thomas, you just needed to stay calm, we already got you cured so you don't have to worry about the Moon anymore, even then, we are not that far from the key and from your door, so it should not take us long before you can go back home.'
>"Thanks Larrigon"
>'You don't have to thank me, thank my firends for getting you back to normal'
>"Thanks um..."
>'Gertrude, but you can call me Gert, and this blue ball of love is my daughter Happy'
>"Thanks Gert, thanks Happy"
>"Thomas, me and my kid are from earth like you, we came back to Fairyland to help a kid go back to earth, but there was a change of plans and we need a ride home, is it OK if we go with you to get back to the real world?"
>'No problem ma'am! 'll gladly help you.'
>"Thanks Tommy!, mommy and I will pay you well when we are back home because we are going to be rich!"
>'Happy, I don't like the nickname Tommy, could you please just call me Thomas?'
>"Oh... Ok, Mr. Thomas"
>'Come on guys, the more time we stay in Fairyland the higher the chance something bad happens, next step, the Lolypop fields!'
>At the Lolypop fileds
>"But Mommy, I want to explore Fairyland!"
>'Happy, most beings in Fairyland hate me, and plenty them will hurt you to get to me, I don't want that to happen, outside from the intended path kids take on their quests there are dangerous beings that are evil, Thomas is doing us a great favor by helping us return home, and we have to keep a low profile.'
>"You really think using sheets as a disguise is a good idea for a low profile?"
>'Yes Larry, we will be a mom-daughter duo of ghosts'
>'But the sheets have patterns'
>"Yeah, blue and green wavy patterns to look spooky"
>'Ok, whatever (This is not going to work)'
>"Hey, Mrs. Gert, why are you unpopular in Fairyland?"
>'30 Years on Fairyland with no way out will turn you crazy kid, lets just say that during my original stay I was a force of chaos that is the main reason the kingdom now has a King'
>"Oof, that's brutal"
>'I know, I always enjoyed fighting barbarians, giant ones that rivaled the size of small stores, but that's not the type of stuff you or Happy should be fighting, you know?'
>'Gert, Thomas has to climb that part on his own to get the key, it's part of the quest, can we talk?'
>"Yeah, what do you need?"
>'It's about yesterday with Duncan, from what know he is happy in Fairyland, and I am not convinced he will come with us if we had the chance'
>"Was he ever a guest? Unlike me, Happy or Thomas he never arrived to Fairyland through the mainland kingdom"
>'I'm not sure, there was a period where after they forced you to resign as Queen of Fairyland that Cloudia was the defacto Queen despite being dead before we got a replacement, and before her brother took power, maybe during that period Duncan was elegible to be a guest and the forces of Fairyland brought him here?'
>"That's certainly possible, maybe talk to him after this is all over, it's worth a shot."
>"Good, Thomas, one step closer to going back home!"

>Meanwhile somewhere else
>"Come on, are you done? At this rate they will be gone before you finish!"
>"We were supposed to be six, where is the last one?"
>'Because van Idiot can't count, he's going to recruit her now, wants a "real" adult to be sure, and we have to move now because there's a real risk that Gert and the brat will leave before he gets back!'
>"Ooh, a sixth ranger!"
Would you fuck Gert?
I would Gert
Why You don't just post NSFW instead asking this again? I mean, it would be more direct anyways
Love cloudia
Luv thunder tits
Oh yeah the art is definitely made by someone else
She looks baked
This one feels like an adult swim show
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>"So, Thomas, how are you doing back at home?"
>'Pretty great, mom and dad are planning on giving me a lil bro, what are you two going to do?'
>"I'll have a talk with Mr. Wiggins, if I can sue him at least Happy and I will not have to worry about money for a while"
>'I'm gonna get a Pony!'
>*Huh?*"W-What's that?"
>'Something wrong Mommy?'
>"Larry, get the disguises, something powerful is coming this way"
>'I feel nothing, but I trust you, Gert, put your disguises!'
>"What type of Power is this? I've never felt anything like this since Evil Cloudia."
>"Gert, I see them, Up north!"
>'Happy, Keep Quiet unless I say so!'
>"Yes Mommy"
>5 green-haired beings arrive, the first one is a Cavewoman, the second is a short Punk, the third one is an overly cheerful kid, the fourth one seems to be her twin sister, and the last one is a Woman that looks to be part of Fairyland Royalty
>They look at what seem to be a pair of ghosts for a while, then the woman speaks.
>"Hello, Gertrude, I was expecting someone of your reputation to be a little... shorter."
>'...I don't know what you are talking about.'
>"Come on, you really let yourself go, just like every single one of us you were the most powerful being in Fairyland now using dirty bedsheets to play disguises"
>'At least I didn't use magic to enlarge my breasts'
>"Fluff you!"'
>'What do you want?'
>"The same thing as you, to get out of Fairyland"
>''And then what? have absolutely no life skills whatsoever in the real world because of-?"
>'You, you made it out?'
>"Yes, I am the one who made it out!"
>'And you wasted that to return to Fairyland? You are a disgraceful Gert'
>"A-a disgraceful Gert?"
>'So you must be this Gert's brat, you remind me of a little spit I dealt a long time ago, annoyed me to no end, and ended buried in the ground'
>Happy hugs her mom tightly in fear
>"W-who sent you?"
>'King Cloudius gave us an opportunity, kill you and your brat in exchange for freedom'
No wonder she went to town on that meat man
This is nice
>"Unlike all of you, I know what will happen, only one Gert will make it out, you really think the king is stupid enough to let all of you go?"
>'We only need little Brunette as baggage for him to comply, right Tommy boy? Accept it Gert, either you and your brat die brutally, or quickly'
>"Here is my proposal, leave, and live to try another day, or stay and face the consequences"
>'Our consequences are your death!'
>"Listen closely, Larry, Happy, Thomas, the door to earth is a mile from here, run to the door, and leave Fairyland. Happy, I am telling you to obey me!"
>'No Mommy, I wanna fight! I am not going to allow these bad people to hurt you!'
>"Get the Fluff out of here! You guys are in my way!. Do you all want to die together here!?"
>Thomas holds Happy by the arm and starts running to his door.
>"How... emoting. So, are you ready to die?"
>Happy's mom prepares for the hardest fight of her life
>"Can I take her first?"
>'Yeah, Fighter Gert, show her your skills'
>A punch connects and causes an explosion
>But after the dust settles, Happy's mom is completely fine
>"How come you are not dead yet?"
>'Probably because I learned to parry'
>Happy's mom is strong!
>But will Happy's mom be able to protect Fairyland from the hands of the Gerts?
At this point it's not even Gert's fault
Scottie fell off
What do you guys think Gert sounds like?
What's with her and balls?
>After almost 3 years, Gert meets again with her only true friend aside from Happy
>"Is it really you?"
>"You're Back?!"
>'Seems that way'
>"This is too hard to believe"
>'Is it?'
>"How do I know its really you you? *POW* Yup, you're you you"
>"I missed you too"
>'Uh, ma'am, I don't think its nice to hit others'
>"It's the way me and Larry greet, we have history! What is your name, Kid?"
>'My name is Duncan'
>"Have we met before? Why are you wearing that cheap costume?"
>'Well Duncan is a Fairyland guest like you were, he was just wearing that costume when he arrived'
>"What were you doing when you arrived?"
>'Well I had to go to pee and ended up here, so Larry is helping me complete a quest by Queen Cloudia to get back home'
>"I thought Cloudia was in Jail"
>'Nah, she is still the queen, why are you here'?'
>"I got Fluffing scammed! Had to help Mr. Westley to leave, now I have to go back for a refund"
>'Westley Wiggins? I helped him to leave like 10 hours ago, man that guy was annoying'
>"So what are we gonna do?"
>'I'm not your guide anymore Gert, but maybe you could take a ride with Duncan back home, are you ok with that Duncan?'
>"Uuh... Yeah, why not? I mea-"
>Suddenly, a car with the license plate LASTWGN appears
>'Hey there, man! I'm here to offer you a job, man!'
>"Oh yeah? Just who the Fluff are you?!"
>"Well, you see Man, its a bit complicated, man but you know man, I mean like, you have to come with me to kill the future you. Basically, you're such a problem for that King, he wants you dead. And the only person who can kill you ... is you. If you do it, he'll send you back home now, just like you've always wanted"
>'How the bell I am supposed to do that?'
>"Oh, duh, man I forgot to tell you that part, they're already there, I forgot, like to get the sixth member in a team of 6 so I have to get you ready, nothing too major, future you is so unkillable and if you add a mini half future you the-."
>'Mini future you?'
I'm gonna be honest I expected the story to actually wrap up and not all this middle finger "fuck you" shit and totally filler unnecessary crap. This might be one of the worst comics I've read in awhile
Sad thing is it started pretty good for what it was. It just went to shit after big Gert died
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>"Yeah man, Future you somehow got the jackpot and popped out a kid, one of life's great misteries, having one Gert is already bad news, imagine adding to that a mini Gert, I have enough fuel for two more trips, so if you're not interested its all good, man."
>'How does that kid look like?'
>"Little black girl, probably less than 6, Blue hair, name is Happy, likes Ponies-"
>Judd falls dead from Gert's axe
>'So what happened?'
>"Larry, I need you to get me to the coordinates this guy came from and get me there from his van, please, they are going to kill Happy!"
>"Yes Sir"
>'Wait, who is Happy?'
>"A guest Gert befriended long ago, she is the only reason Gert got out, good fella despite her having a different helper and pretty naive over how her friend just looks like her mom"
>"Wait, you knew?"
>'That she was your daughter from the future? I suspected it, She reminded me of how you would have been if you just obeyed the rules'
>"So what are you going to do?"
>'Go to future me's place and kill all of my "backup".'
>"I'm going with you guys, sounds like an awesome adventure"
>'Are you sure? That backup is probably five more Gerts, have you heard about how dangerous I am?'
>"Yes, Larry told me about you and how awesome you are, you might not know this but my costume gives me Dragon Powers like flight and Fire breath!"
>'Ok, then'
>"We're going to kick their butts!"
>"Gertrude, Duncan!"
>"Hurry and grab hold!"
>'You're on!'
>'Okay, I'm off, Larry!'
>"Good luck, Gertrude!'
>Gert and Duncan run to the cliff and jump
>'Gert, hold my hand!'
>Duncan activates his wings
>"I can feelt he power of those Gerts, they are all together! That way, Duncan!"
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This is the end, for now at least, see you whenever we get Issue #16 storytimed, next time we will get Two and a Half Gerts vs Five Gerts.
These plots could have been part of "Untold Tales" and be less insulting as a result.
What the hell, Scottie.
>I'll have my characters acknowledge that I'm a hack and don't give a fuck about consistency
Fuck off, Scottie.
What the fuck is with this cringe fan fiction in the thread?
>What do you guys think Gert sounds like?
more scratchy version of either Louise from Bob's Burgers or Mabel from Gravity falls
I hate to admit it but that cringe is better than volume 6.
Man, the sequel really fell off after adult Gert was replaced.
I figured it was just temporary, but I guess it wasn't.
I want more Happy.
Assuming the big suprise is Happy returns, how is Skottie going to ruin it?
Is only bad because it actually baits a resolucion bit is justo more if the same.
We're still missing the already published in Skottie's Substack stories like "Fluff the World", but I'm sure that's for when Volume 2 of Untold Tales comes out.
just skimmed through the other thread, no way he just killed of all those gerts for nothing? such a dam waste of characters and designs.
Gert is really cute in this
southern accent
bumping to read later.
I agree. Scottie fucked up.
Hi, spoliers for a preview for anyone who cares
(Pretty far in the timeline & not final, I'm not bothering with most of Volume 6)
Play GTA 4
>Bueno verte, Primo mio.
>Good to see you man, what, you got drunk again?
>Eh, Gertrudis? Maybe a little, so good to see you, cousin, I have my own Inn business, Iv'e made it!
If she shaves her bush.
You disgust me
Stop running natural beauty
I think you mean "Stop ruining natural beauty"
Now we know why she hasn't come back
>Play GTA 4
Yeah, I should
>Pretty sus
I hate modern comics so much
The untold stories were at least some fun but the main story just went to shit. It's always sad seeing good artists be shit at telling stories
Rick and Morty's use of meta humor and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Why does this always happen?

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