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Previous Thread: >>144490470

Sounds good to me.

Easter could work as they could see who can paint eggs the best or who can find the most during a hunt, and yeah some of them in Bunny Outfits, or turned into Rabbit Version of their usual selves like the Elf spell was doing tho them in the original episode. Mr. Jingles back in the original episode cared so much about getting Christmas perfect that he kept pushing it back for decades, if we wanna make it more interesting, we could do something similar to that with a mischievous Easter Bunny turning people into rabbits.

For Valentines Day, I'd imagine it's some kind of Alien that induces love in people and the girls are too overcome with loving Ben to actually fight, maybe it's one of Gutrot's species producing tons of Love Potion so he can commit crimes, maybe it's up to Ben's Gutrot to solve the problem all on her own since she's immune to his gases but can't physically overpower him on her own. I'm just imagining her with her Brooklyn accent just chewing everyone out afterwards.

Halloween sounds like it could be a post-Anur Transyl episode with Whampire taking charge of the other Anur-Girls (Ghostfreak, Frankenstrike, Snare-oh and Blitzwolfer) to make the Tennyson house extra scary that season and you just have the running joke of then scaring Ben's parents. Or Gwen invites Ben to her School's Halloween Night and the Anur-Girls just can't help themselves in scaring people. XD

That New Years idea sounds pretty good actually, who gets to kiss Ben at Midnight, I like that.

I'd suggest Saint Patrick's Day, but I can't think of anything other than an evil Leprechaun. Which, may be too dump even for Omniverse.

Oh you meant like the obstacle course? Eeeh, maybe? I'm not exactly sure what the point of changing that would be exactly?

That could work, Gwen's semester is over so her and Kevin move back to Bellwood for a few weeks and the Ben Team go to the beach. I think the idea of who can build the best sand sculpture could work, some of the girls immediately failing like Heatblast drying the sand too quickly for it to stay together.


Hey, wanted to ask, if I make a Chaquetrix thread in /aco/, am I allowed to link it to these Threads and Vice-Versa or no? I couldn't find anything in the FAQ about it and I don't wanna get banned for linking them.
she looks asian
Hmmm, I don't see it.
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Anyways. Anyone know what happened to that one guy that was re-writing the OG series and where we could archive and organize the AU so far? I might start organizing the 4chan version of the AU if I know where to put it.
I don’t know about that since I know how to make threads and that just it.
Eh, I just wanted to make new challenges for the game show and that’s it. Speaking of which how would Sandra feel about the aliens girls and Kai on gaining her approval? Powerful or confuse due to the game show she is in?
I want to go back the that “video game revenge” idea. Ben would feel devastated that he killed the Sumo Slammers franchise and wanted to help them bring it back due to him being a major fan of it. Kenko wants revenge on Ben for trapping him due to his old programming but I was thinking having him go back to the gaming world and he would either blush or nosebleed from how his aliens are wearing scantily kunoichi clothing.
How this for a new filler episode that is anime inspired: this will be a Lupin the third special except Ben will be a lupin-like character due to being bonk on the head and think he is the character. The aliens are unaffected due to some weird programming to the watch at the time and now have they are dealing with the greatest thief of all time. The watch came off but some of the aliens are out of the watch. And Kevin will have a new partner due to him stealing anything and having fun with his idol (the character I mean).
Last one
QRD me on what the hell this is besides R63 Ben 10
New episode for omniverse: beauty pageant episode. Kevin want to return a favor to a criminal friend turn clean guy in being a judge to a alien beauty pageant happening on earth. So Kevin tricks Ben into becoming the judge and ben now has to judge a bunch of sexy aliens like swimsuit, dresses, and seduction (yes, that is a category in the contest). Ben’s aliens heard about this and enter the contest itself after beating up Kevin for tricking him and Gwen holding his cards for three months and she will be driving.
Edit: car keys
Seeing how malware had more "human" anatomy when he was first created I imagine when chaquetrix malware is finally fixed he becomes a gachi muchi beast
Do not trust her, her DNA was sourced from Khybers ex
Can’t tell if Ben’s version is heavily perverted or heavily innocent with thinking holding hands is lewd?
Go on?
imagine the smell
lurk more
Chaquetrix is an AU where the watches summons aliens meant to breed with the user to preserve the species
Ben gains a team of heroines that are in love with him
I like to imagine she acts Innocent but deep inside she is heavily perveted
Every time she is alone with Ben she has to resist the urge to amazon mating press him
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So what new episodes would you make for the Chaquetrix or how would you rewrite episodes?
We already discuss that the original Ben 10 series would be the same, alien force/ultimate alien needs to have episodes that fill in the plot holes, and omniverse is basically creating new filler episodes.
Since there had been many versions of Ben 10k, how would his kids be in the chaquetrix au be like rather than marrying Kai? who would be the new Ken Tennyson?
Well the gameshow episode is mostly the same aside from Fem-Albedo being in the plot. I can't really see any of the girls really participating against non-Chaquetrix women since they can be with Ben whenever they want. I don't really think any of them actually want to marry Ben, they just wanna be with him. But that's just how I see it.

Sandra knows of the girls already and doesn't mind them because they're so helpful around the house, that's the big change in this AU with Goodbye and Good Riddance being canon, Ben's parents know of the Chaquetrix prior to Alien Force, they just set boundaries for Ben's girls.

Most if the girls will back down when Ben's parents step in since see Ben's parents like their parents or more like an extention of Ben with more authority over him. Maybe only Rath and a handful of them are bold enough to defy them.

Oh yeah, but only Ben's parents know, the rest of Bellwood are still unaware. Maybe JT and Cash know but nobody would believe them.

I'm not sure what you're asking about Kai to be honest. She's in the GameShow cause she's a probably love interest. Sanda and all of Ben's female relatives were removed from the competition, though Lucy would actually be allowed to participate in this version since she has no blood relation to Ben.

Yeah that sounds fine, that can be worked with.

That sounds more like it could be a fan fic by some of his aliens. XD

That's starting to sound like every other filler about the girls. But it can work. Maybe once Argit is mayor of UnderTown he starts looking for a Miss Undertown like a Miss America situation and some of Ben's girls demand to be recognized for saving the town so many times.
You’re right on Sandra not being in the competition but as a challenge piece for the approval. As for the Kai, I want to know on how she feels about her and her past with Ben. For the anime idea, why not, chaquetrix aliens and Lupin the third blends the action and romance. For beauty pageants, that’s only a regular contest for the aliens that don’t involve reality warmers but for undertown, have the teen Ben being judge and the other in the future a anniversary.
Edit: reality warpers.
How this for a filler episode: Ben and the girls are watching television but a strange thing happen and they warped into the shows themselves. Kinda like teen titans with control freak and now Ben and his girls need to find a way out of the tv.
Nah, he's sickly then swol like in the canon series but them becomes a monster mommy dommy in her second red form. I suggested in a prior thread that she would later be fixed when Azmuth fuses her remains with the Retaliator Armor/Mechamorph Armor from Destroy All Aliens since that whole element of the movie just didn't go anywhere after it was introduced to the franchise. Her new form would be a lot more mellow and loving towards Azmuth after that.

She's pretty harmless if you can stay awake, innocent and sweet, but yeah, I'd imagine she behaves or else the other girls punish her, but otherwise she's constantly trying to get into Ben's dreams which is why she doesn't usually get permission to come out on her own.

Sorry, was at work.

We also have some comics and games we can rewrite for fun.

We already had a big plot discussion that Fem-Albedo would be who he ends up with in this instead of Kai with a whole sub plot of Paradox trying to make Ben end up with Kai since it's canon.

I have no idea, I still don't seem to understand what you mean about Kai specifically. In the canon shown she's just an unrepentant bitch and never reflects on how as a kid she wished to keep Ben as a dog when she thought he was turning into a werewolf.

Like there's a reason she's hated in the fandom. Like the episode of Omniverse that try to pair them together are cringe and forced feeling, they have no chemistry but the show had to push them because that's what the OG series said happened.

And I honestly can't understand the majority of what you're asking.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Not sure which villain would do it. May work if Charmcaster is just doing it for shits and giggles post-Anur.
Malware shouldn't be genderbent, he should stay the same, stuff like genderbent albedo is stupid as chaquetrix isn't meant to be a gender bend au but instead an au of azmuth and max being gooners
Fair argument, counterpoint, Malware and Albedo are both characters that through their own hubris either get forcibly modified by the Omnitrix into a body and form they're unable to change out of, or get attempted obliterated by it only to have copied the entire functioning architecture of in order to build their own with the help of someone else.

Plus nobody complains about monster women Kevin, so why are these two examples different? It just shows a repeating trend in each series that someone fucks around with the Omnitrix and finds out.
I don't like monster girl kevin either, he only absorbed the DNA of the aliens not the sex
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Ok, I’ll try to make it clear. Adding Ben’s mom as a challenge rather than a player. Judging each girl to gain her approval is the challenge. That is what I am trying to say. Also I wanted to see Kai’s personality and realized she is not the one for Ben. Along with wanting a Lupin the third reference episode.
How this for a episode: Ben has to go to a alien Hooters or strip club AS a patron. Basically like space dandy’s boobies buy more in ben 10 style. For this one, make it as ben losing a bet with Kevin and now he needs to enter one with his aliens included. Every girl in the restaurant wants to seduce and bang ben but they are blocked by his aliens.
How many wives should Ben have?
It's that but coomer spics trying to force a general and retarded AU for it.
Depends on how much liquids would be left in his body.
The different wives can also have sex with each other you know?
Yeah, but Ben will need to have major endurance and stamina to survive that.
I'm pretty sure the Omnitrix is supposed to be like Alpha Chavez and of every area and he transforms into. Case in point look at all of the male frog people species we see and who is the one superfit buff version of a frog man the frog species who the frog princess instantly wants to mate with? The one Ben was transformed into by the Omnitrix .
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Should at least two of his wives be helping him with the kids?
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He seems to handle it.
Ok. So, it stays as it. And that's not boring? At least in Framed they'll know immediately it's Kevin and not Ben robbing banks?

Oooooh. OK. Somehow my brain kept not understanding what you mean. I get it now. Yeah, that makes sense, Sandra becomes one of the challenges and Kai, Lucy, Albedo (along with the other women) have to pass her standards.

And yeah, if they need to mention their past history with Ben and Kai reflects on being a little bitch back when they met then sure, that's a great idea.

And the Lupin the Third episode, as I said, it could be a fan fiction episode. Or it could be Ken-2 (Fem-Albedo and Ben's son from the forming alternative future) having fun in the past as a criminal and they'rehabing trouble catching him cause he's outsmarting Ben and his girl. XD

That's actually not a bad idea, a contrast between both versions of Ken. Thoughts?

That sounds more like Ben has to go undercover for some reason and he can't tell his girls. Like Fistrick is dealing some sort of drug or slave racket out of there and Ben has to go in and act casual and off-duty to get intel and his girls find out about it and think he's cheating on them since their Permissions ate revoked specifically during his off duty time and they're curious as to why.

I mean I've thought about it, I'd argue 1? The girls I don't think want to marry Ben, they just want to be with him, and while they enjoy romance, I can't really see them caring marriage if they can be with Ben whenever they want.

May have to do a parody of Scott Pilgrim where whoever Ben is currently dating has to earn the approval of his 60+ girls. XD

And yeah, post-OG series Ben knows the girls are now sexually active to each other now that he's gone through puberty, it's like a hormone rush for the OG aliens when they find themselves aged up from 10 to 15.

Yeah, the Omnitrix is supposed to make you the physically prime example of whatever race you turn into, which is why Bullfrag actually had muscle and looked like he was on a healthy diet compared to your normal Incursion trooper. Or why there's a theory that his Fourarms looks older for his age and old enough for Tini to not realize he was a kid.

He's got it covered. Though this reminds me, is the point of the Chaquetrix for breeding or just being able to have sex with with whatever alien you want with breeding just being an additional function?
There was an uncover in the previous chaquetrix threads but putting Ben as the stripper in the undercover mission and girls loving every minute of it but I like your idea better.
I got another one: this one would be a dream thing with picking one of the millions of aliens in the chaquetrix. For the episode, i would say four or six aliens that are picked and we can get to see what are their dreams are like. Perverted or innocent? You be the judge.
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Isn’t the second one on the left love rook? Because the chaquetrix could just scan her dna.
What ben 10 tv show do you guys think was the best because I was rewatching the og and it wasn’t as good as I remember
For me, it's
>OG > Omniverse > Alien Force > Ultimate Alien > Reboot
I think OG is still the best in large part thanks to still have the best, weightiest action. The humor feels just a lot more natural without really getting too childish. I also feel like it balances monster of the week and important story stuff the best, in terms of it's overall tone and run time.
The way I see it, the worst episode of OG isn't as bad as the worst episodes of UAF or OV, and the best episodes of OG are still some of the best in the entire franchise.
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For the teen titans inspired episode, it looses combined with the 90s The Mask cartoon series (here is the episode: https://m.wcostream.tv/the-mask-season-2-episode-6-channel-surfin), charmcaster sent Ben and the aliens to the tv world due to being sent into her charm bag from the university arc. The shows themselves are anime inspired ecchi style, a dating game show with pimpzmuth as the host, and finally a beach show with Ben being the eye candy to the girls.
I got an idea: Ben meeting a kamen rider inspired hero who is basically a Japanese mirror version of himself. Not only that but also his armors are all sentient girls who are like Ben’s aliens except not tsundere or Kuudere (a bit yandere though). Both of their enemies are working together (Dr.animo and his kamen rider villain organization).
The OG series is pretty solid with Omniverse following it up. I think Alien Force and Ultimate Alien just start going down hill.

I'm just gonna throw these together. There's a lot of ideas that can just work as "Stuck in TV world" trope.

That could work. There are a few fillers of them inside the Chaquetrix when not summoned, though I don't know if that should be the case from the start or after he gets the Completed Chaquetrix?
I would say after he complete the chaquetrix. Speaking of which why not an episode of Ben entering the omnitrix without a villain in the picture. He ask pimpzmuth and wonders if he could enter the omnitrix. For this episode, I just wanted to see some chaquetrix aliens being perverted and wanting Ben.
I think we had a prior talk about that. How the original Omnitrix generated an internal world by accident do to it being bugged with Mana in Destroy All Aliens, and then the Ultimatrix did the same thing through a glitch that gave the currently existing Ultimate forms their own sentience.

I'd think Pinpzmuth at that point just builds it into the Completed Chaquetrix as a feature after that since he has enough data to show that it has the power to do such a thing on it's own.

Buuut, anyone have any non-filler questions or ideas? Characters or what not?
Cute Arms
good on him

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