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Mike is Paulo's only friend edition
I love smug Sue. :3
Good lord Mike's looking breedable. Shame about the gourd-head, maybe he could wear a bag.
Taeshi cannot draw actual males.
Paulo could do better at school if he took responsibility instead of blaming muh heckin mom abandoning as an excuse for every flaw he has
C'mon Mike, Abbey's subtly flirting with you here, take the hint!
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Would you a federal agent cat?
this isn't a BCB OC, this comic has just done irreparable damage to my art style
Francis should breed Mike
I do not feel bad for Paulo at all. And im also not sure why anyone in that group expect Abbey to say anything nice about Paulo.

Did they memory hole how much he hates him?
Absolutely would
Mike has always been defensive of his designated special someone. I suppose with Lucy gone, that person is currently Paulo. Daisy just knee jerk defends him almost no matter what.
Mike's always defended Paulo to Abbey even though that's irrational. Mike thinks well of people who treat him badly, he has too or else they throw violent tantrums.
so when will paulo become an hero?
meant for >>144545397
>Daisy just knee jerk defends him almost no matter what.

to this day i can't figure out any logical reason why she kept making up excuses for him when she was dating Abbey.

telling him to fuck off and cut it out shouldn't be a friendship ender. she ended up losing Abbey mainly because of that anyway.
>to this day i can't figure out any logical reason why she kept making up excuses for him when she was dating Abbey.
Paulo is her crush.
Emotional affair, also she just didn't give a shit. Not like she bothered to apologize for slapping him in the face.
Mavis is built for getting captured and passed around like a party favor by the cartel.
>with Lucy gone, that person is currently Paulo.
Mike sure have a way of picking the worst people around
That sounds like a you problem
>this comic has just done irreparable damage to my art style
Same. But I'm kind of getting off of it to survive. Trying to draw other things on-model
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Well at least we are going to get gossip now.
For a second I thought this was an update to the progress of the Psychic BCB AU, but still interesting.

I did the thing (have a follow up too of it being with color)
NTA, these are great Anon, keep em coming!
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Here is the follow up, the line work got less pronounced but I do like what I did with the colors. (though half the time I don't know if daisy is pink or just a light tan, I wish there was a simple reference of the cats and the real-life cat species that inspired them.)
May you show some? And speaking of on-model, I probably should make a model sheet of the characters I'm doing so it'll be easier in the future.
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Thank you!
Thank you! Will try to for at least this summer.
When I feel being nice towards Daisy, I see it as her trying to help with Abbey's anger issues by showing how petty (or at least counter-productive) it was to get upset at Paulo, knowing that Paulo isn't going to take him seriously anyway.
>Verification not required
Basically trying to force myself to not inject my style into a drawing. I'm practicing a Disney character now, and trying to draw her as close as possible
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Very cool
>to this day i can't figure out any logical reason why she kept making up excuses for him when she was dating Abbey
Classic Taeshi probably intended it to be a combination of Daisy not caring about Abbey himself *that* much, only using him as a replacement boyfriend, and because Paulo was her childhood friend so Daisy refused to acknowledge his downsides.
Crazy how the last interesting thing to happen was Daisy kissing Mike three years ago, even crazier that the only time Daisy's talked to Mike in two years is a flashback
You're welcome!
I see, best of luck with that, I should probably be practicing that but my focus is on actually churning stuff out right now while I have time.
Thank you as well! I wish I had a pair of 3d glasses to appreciate this.

>Daisy not caring about Abbey himself *that* much
That's always been a sore point with me, she basically just treated him as a fixer-upper and felt like that was all she needed to be labeled as caring for him.
>three years ago
what the fuck
>That's always been a sore point with me, she basically just treated him as a fixer-upper and felt like that was all she needed to be labeled as caring for him.

She basically did it for her ego. Not only did she have a boyfriend, but a troubled boyfriend. By helping him get better, she could not only feel attractive, but feel like a good person too.

She would have been able to completely pull it off if she could have gotten Paulo to leave him alone. Being guilt tripped into getting back with her in front of the whole class didnt help.
Oh the 3d autism in the trash threads was you all along?
Anons, this comic is never going to get better. Just let it go. Stop your suffering. Mike is looking very fuckable though...
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>Crazy how the last interesting thing to happen was Daisy kissing Mike three years ago
>Mike's right! If Paulo paid attention to class more than he does to dick he'd be a great student too!
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>Daisy kissing Mike three years ago
Why are you lying? That was only a few months ago. Right?
Abbey is even going easy on him, his remark is like the softest complaint he's made in the comic's history
>Crazy how the last interesting thing to happen was Daisy kissing Mike three years ago

God, the thread got so hyped for the plot potential that could have brought. We all forgot that taeshi is writing so nothing interesting actually came from it.
Kek. Everytime. Same happened with Lucy x Paulo during After You. The same baiting with Jordan x Matt as well as Paulo x Matt in Fair Game. Then most recently the James x Mike and James x Paulo baiting.

Nothing ever happens, she just sprinkles in random kisses or crush-confessions or flirting + lots of shitty over the top anime expressions and people lick it off the floor and beg for more.

If you remember Taeshi "wears" various characters when writing and it's all through a BPD lens it makes sense why they will heel-turn their personalities.
Mike is a spergy,gremlin who depises his friends cuz of his Sandy-obession, unless the plot calls for him to be an uwu sadboy or uwu nice guy.
Same for Paulo,Lucy,Daisy and the rest.
The upside is that now whenever she starts a "woe is me won't someone put me first on their list" someone just has to mention Abbey and she shuts up because she's too hypocrite to say "no only the top 5 guys on my list count"
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Yeah that is a upside
I personally LOVE when authors shamelessly lampshade plot points they don't feel like addressing
If only Taeshi actually wrote into the script instead of just saying on her tumblr
>Lucy: What the fuck, you broke up with Abbey last week but you wouldn't care if he shacked up with me? It's the school rapist you've barely even spoken to in over a year you're jealous about!?
>three years ago
No, that's... that's impossible.
God, even the shittalk is super milquetoast. God forbid anyone talk about how Paulo's an asshole, or a bully, or a hypocrite, or any of his other numerous character faults.
No, just write them cracking jokes about how he's not as smart as them, hohohoho. It's not Paulo's fault everyone barely tolerates him, it's just them being elitists!
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Flamin' hot guy won cause he got dubs, plus it gave an excuse to edit more silly shit on Daisy.

Very breedable.
>getting that fucked up from flaming hot cheetos
Daisy a weak. Weak!
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Even the discord acknowledges it.
Nah gives you something to hold onto, and slam on hoping to reshape it. After the first first donkey punch and minor concussion. He'd "totally allow you" to reshape his head, while saying this completely cross eyed and croked out his mouth like a frog.

I feel bad for Paulo this chapte he better come out of the closet soon and go full on serial killer homosexual to everyone in the room.
Are they enjoying this chapter or do they see it as the retarded filter it is
which channel
even filler can be enjoyable and character building anon
You know Mike looks good with a black eye that final panel is perfect and autisic stalker abby is bretty kino too good simple shoops anon. This rewrite is pretty good, as in its going to be worth re-reading once this chapter is complete well depending how it ends.
wtf I want to have sex with mike now?
>It's not Paulo's fault everyone barely tolerates him, it's just them being elitists!

This. We're supposed to feel bad for this dude when he dishes shit out but can't take it. This isn't like Abbey and Sue are shit talking someone that's usually nice to them. It's the dude that messes with everyone, especially Abbey and then taeshi keeps bailing him out instead of letting him deal with the consequences
Is he more breedable than Gus?
She pounded down half a bag in under a minute, just cause she's feeling it doesn't mean she'll stop.
>Every single person who reads this comic, from Discord to 4chan sees Mike as homo
>Everyone besides Taeshi who is desperate to portray him as straight for her self insert
mike's just so sexually charged that he turns everybody around him into horny messes it seems.
Recall that in the early stages he was basically the boy form of eye candy... and apparently still is ;3c
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>Taeshi is desperate to portray him as straight for her self insert
>repeatedly depicted Mike as only being happy in the timelines where he's getting some dick
Lucy's the only straight left in the core cast, the rest are all biscum
I wonder how Lucy feels about all her friends turning into faggots and freaks
Lucy looks like she just realized that Daisy treats her in the same resentful way she did Sandy, and if THAT turned out to be a crush then she wants to rearrange the group photo but it's too late now.
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Dayum, all that track time gave him the thighs of a god.
i like how stacy's appearance in this page is just thighs and titty
Amaya was too flat for this page, so she was censored with a speech bubble.
>could have been interesting nerd talk about "what's your persona for the upcoming campaign" "when should we plan our next meetup, I'll order a pizza" casual talk
>nah let's talk about paulo again lol
It infuriates me how every chapter is a Paulo chapter now he is NOT that interesting enough to talk about
I feel like ever since pauloxtess got sunsetted there's just nothing to his character other than unrequited sexual frustration and this long-drawn out bi arc to give Matthew something to bounce off of has degraded both their characters in the long run.
even that has been dropped since this is shaping up to be a daisyxpolo support beam.
>Taeshi spends 8 months on Paulo crying about how his mother didn't fucking love him and Mike won't lovingly fuck him
>then a short break for Lucy
>Back to Paulo crying
So tiresome
She's also smushed between a athletic boy and a cheerleader. Lucy might just be having a bi-panic.
Anyone working on anything?
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Still working on the Paulo calling Sue retarded. Though I don't know if I should make Paulo's shoulder's absurdly weak/small because isn't he supposed to be kinda a weakling? Or he at least got the short end of the stick against Abbey and Mike lol

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