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The Simpsons never exists, even on Tracey Ullman. Groening remains a lightly edgy underground comic man about half as iconic as Crumb.

How does this affect the 1990s onwards, especially the Taliban and the rise of American leftism when factoring in the inevitable terminal decline of the Fox networks?
idk, no family guy i guess
Does anime become more or less popular, since no Simpsons would be mean "adult animation" never gets off the ground in the western mainstream, and this right around when anime was a big underground thing among animation nerds.
Adult animation would still have existed because stuff like Ren and Stimpy and Beavis and Butthead would basically have been guaranteed with or without the Simpsons. It would have been much, much more surreal though instead of sitcom-focused as the driving format of the genre, and might have even died out after the 90s as the populace became less interested in wild experimental stuff as the 2000s kicked off.

>especially the Taliban and the rise of American leftism
I don't understand what you mean by this, the Taliban would have done its thing with or without the Simpsons and the 90s was already a massive rise in American leftism as a backlash against 80s conservatism.
And how the fuck are we supposed to know this?
In Latin America it was already popular and in Europe it was starting to be popular.
Anime is only unpopular in America and that is already starting to change.
I think that it means we'd marry not only the 1930-50s era non-cape comics with high Bakshi stuff, but also a lot of Akira and Takahashi to plug in the gaps of where the Simpsons would be. Basically, if you look at stuff that most likely was in the works before the Simpsons was a monolith, and then continue to develop that out (plus I could see the now completely dominant Ted Turner making Turnime in Georgia, a process that happened in our own time with Frisky Dingo and Archer) that's probably what would be around instead of puppet rigged Simpsons-esques.

I mean, come the fuck on. We're at the point where they're so scared of coming up with a new idea that we're working with the parody of a family sitcom far after family sitcoms have stopped existing. It's only a thing that exists in cartoons now.
>and in Europe it was starting to be popular.
Anime was huge in the Romance-speaking parts of Europe since the 1970s, sans Romania since it was behind the Iron Curtain.
There would’ve still been an animation boom in the 1990s if we remove one single animated Xmas special on a fledgeling network at the tail end of the 1980s.
>Disney renaissance had started, would be largely unaffected
>Nickelodeon had already put out a search for cartoonists, NickToons would be mostly the same for the 1990s, but some like Hey Arnold & Spongebob would have less sophisticated writing
>Tiny Toon Adventures was in production, first season would be largely unaffected
>80s toy cartoon craze was dying out, but studios could rely on shows based on books and video games for a little longer
>Liquid TV might still be a thing, but whatever success it would have would drive a further wedge between kids cartoons & adult cartoons, a wedge The Simpsons famously mended

I think without The Simpsons, the 1990s and 2000s would be a better animated repeat of the 1960s and 1970s. The stigma of cartoons being for kids would persist, if not grow, and adult animation would only appeal to horny people and schizos.
The Taliban part is mostly to scare away Famicom, as he doesn't know how to deal with factoring it into his schizo fantasies. As for leftism, it's more that the Simpsons chills a lot of the more radical rise because the assumption is that if you just mock and belittle current structures without doing anything to change them, you automatically win. But it's also because without Fox being dominant you don't have Murdochisms as alien parasites in American minds, at least not to this degree. Ross Perot would be much more powerful in this timeline, and fit in much better as the whole face of the counter-political scene, since he would run over the now pretty defenseless Limbaugh.
Alternate hypothetical: The Simpsons ends. Like, they realize they're tapped out, so the movie happens in 1999 for the 10th anniversary and then they do one or two more seasons, ending with a genuine finale. What changes would arise then? Would other long runners follow this image and end at a similar point when THEY find themselves tapped out?
I have no doubt that more long-running shows would follow that model, as if the Simpsons did it then they lose that one steadfast assumption that shows can go on forever. After all, this inflation of seasons and episodes in sitcoms far past their prime was a thing that occurred in television as well, with 11 seasons usually being the breaking point for even iconic shows like M*A*S*H and Cheers, and Seinfeld being novel for its desire not to go to the 10th (it was really starting to suffer post-David) and most shows generally running out of influence by the 6th. I think we would still see the same compression in season number that happened in the 2000s, but without the Simpsons perhaps more shows would follow the model of the new the American drama of peak TV of less episodes, but far more detail. It would definitely mean we'd see a lot more new ideas, and perhaps by now we'd be in the anime stage of throwing dramatic ideas at the wall and lavishly animating them as the default, instead of the starts and stops we've had so far.
Nuclear power doesnt have its name dragged through the mud. The energy crisis is sloved. You specifically get a cute nuclear engineer gf.

Fox stays the home of weird niche shit, trashy drama, edgy sitcoms, and black people for longer. The other big shows they had were "Beverly Hills 90210"; "Married With Children"; and "In Living Color" a.k.a "Why are Jim Carrey and Jamie Foxx hanging out with these losers?" so without The Simpsons as the big hit they probably try more of that.
Nuclear power's name was dragged through the mud already even if the Simpsons didn't exist, the show was just playing off of fears that already existed at the time. Three Mile Island and Chernobyl seriously fucked up public perceptions of nuclear power for decades that we only just barely started to recover from by the 2010s, long after the Simpsons had any major sway.
I feel like a lot of people forget that Married with Children was flagging (UHF TV had to have basically all the good stuff to ever stay competitive with the networks) and the Simpsons turned it around. I could see it being the trashy drama and comedy and black people network for a long time coming, since post Simpsons sucking that's all they've had, but it all depends on how much money Murdoch would be willing to throw after it. The Simpsons really was their miracle maker.
what if simpsons roasting in an open fire flopped so hard it killed the series and it became the only episode ever aired
Schizo fantasies is putting it lightly: he actually thinks the Pokemon guy and some TMS dude are brothers just because they have the same last name. Good call laying down the spike strips.
It's all about ever so slight pollutants that line up with his ideas, but that he can't square with his conception of the works he so obsesses over. Normal people can respond or be slightly confused, but he shuts down because he feels he's been caught in a trap. It's the best way to deal with any schizo, really, especially when you want to talk about something that is assumed to be their domain.

I urge everyone who wants to talk about 80s Disney, Tiny Toon Adventures (because it really is a pretty good show, just not the dominant force he thinks it is), Hamtaro, that girl show, TMS and their collaborations with Western studios, or anything Japanese to inject small amounts of discussion about radical Islamism into their posts. Figure out your own slight deterrents for all the posters you don't like. It keeps the crazies at bay.
Seth would've eventually probably gotten something like Larry and Steve as a show somewhere, it just wouldn't have been reliant on Fox trying to replicate the Simpsons' success. Seth probably would've kept grinding at Hanna Barbera/Cartoon Network until he got his own thing off the ground that would've been cancelled in the wake of all the CN Real shit in the early 2010s
33 seasons of American Dog and Capitol Critters!

I think Murdoch would have plugged away until it stabilized. In the 90's his newspapers were still money printers, and he clearly wanted to crack the US market.

"The Adventures of Brisco County Jr." leads to a Sci-Fi Western boom.
>>Nickelodeon had already put out a search for cartoonists, NickToons would be mostly the same for the 1990s, but some like Hey Arnold & Spongebob would have less sophisticated writing
Klasky Csupo only stayed alive as an animation studio because they were making the Tracy Ullman shorts and early Simpsons seasons. There's no guarantee they would've gotten enough work to last long enough until they could pitch Rugrats
With peak Turner and probably somebody else beating him to the the animated show for adults punch? I'm sure he'd still be influential, but more "owns People and the New York Post" influential rather than "controls the thoughts and beliefs of 10 million orcs who think we live in a monarchy" influential.

Also, other than Fox News, which would not be as strong without the actual quality of the rest of Fox, he's had a hard time penetrating the American market and often accidentally creates new American liberal magnates. He's the sole reason Zuckerberg is influential, after all.
>The Simpsons never happens
>Seth MacFarlane works at Disney
>Boards a flight to Los Angeles
>Him and Mark Wahlberg fight the terrorists on Flight 11
>9/11 plot unravels
>No Afghanistan and Iraq wars
>Shrek wins the 2001 Best Picture Academy Award
>especially the Taliban and the rise of American leftism
nigga what?
holy kek
>Simpsons never exists
>groening just sticks around as some guy in the underground comics
actually considering Groening himself is a (possible) pedophile what with the whole epstein foot massage, I rather have groening never exist in the first place.
Let me first start off to say that I think a world where Seth actually works on Larry and David and it works is a wonderful idea, what with him actually being able to do something great.
But lets go further, what if CN live never happened? I would like to imagine maybe Seth could work at disney or something.
>9/11, no wars
I feel like that would be best, but hold on, what would happen if the bushes never existed? and also
>what if Micheal eisner never existed?
>what if disney was much more competent, less corrupt, and more caring
>what if inflation/economy/whatever the heck never happened and there's a worldwide permanent stabilization.
btw why did 9/11 happen?
>The Taliban part is mostly to scare away Famicom
you ever think this board is kinda weird
Genuinely, all you need to clear 90% of the problems we've faced over the past 50 years would have been for the U.S. to back Egypt in the Yom Kippur War. That destroys Arab resistance, plus it means no oil boycott and no destruction of American automakers. I'm not suggesting there wouldn't be other problems, and leaving the automakers as they were would have likely meant no reform (they still haven't made their Corolla analogue), but it would at the very least stop most of those stupid managers from going out into the world and teaching their bad ways of business.
I think alot of problems wouldn't happen if things in the middle east was much more stable too and alot more fair for each country without a fear or idea of causing a massacre.
Idk, I just think I should get rid of all the bad people who caused the controversial wars, and ridding of the general US government's worst that caused all suffering, oh and we don't have the virgin islands and have gauntomo bay or whatever.
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Anyone know what Simpsons episode this is from? I definitely saw it in a rerun a few months back but I'm struggling to add context
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