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Do anyone of you have trouble sleeping?
If you're planning to start an I Can't Sleep thread the least you could've done was put the title in the OP
i sleep at day, the night has become my life
is this supposed to be a ICS thread, right?
Seems like it
Why does this shitty waifu slop get spammed so much?
Because it makes shitters like you seethe.
Man, you wanna complain about actual spam? Go cry over Smiling Friends or Vivzie's works.
Perhaps if you spent less time on 4chan, you could actually get some sleep.
Follow your own advice, I'm doing fine
Good thing this is my first time on this site.
Can't wait to lose all of my remaining braincells chatting with low-life losers.
You should go back then, tourist.
god she's so fucking hot
No, I can tell I'll have a blast around people like you.
Just ignore the newfag.
Autism and sleep don't mix
Please refrain from using such anti-homosexual slurs in the chatroom.
>Please refrain from using such anti-homosexual slurs in the chatroom
Ah, the same anon trying this very same shit in other threads. Yep. Just don't reply this faggot and move on.
Dude it's a bot, you're wasting your time, just post Nia
and MLP;FIM 14 years ago
Please refrain from using such vile language.
Also, this is the first time I've said that, meaning clearly I'm not alone in sharing my discontent on the kind of language used by some if not most of y'all.
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Eh, at least MLP got confined to its own board.
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>sweaty nia
Imagine the smell
Smell? i would lick the sweat out her butthole
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Not if you feel like it and close your eyes.
Is sleeping any problem? Dude just knock yourself out with something.
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Reference of the week.
Excellent as always but which character is this referencing
I don't get it but good job
Pretty sure it was bait.
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I almost went insane and killed myself because I made myself terrified of sleep. Not necessarily the sleeping part itself but more so the thought of losing my conciousness and having my memory wiped/fucked around with as I'm forced to participate in whatever (sometimes horrific) weird ass dream my subconscious has in store for me, and that I would never sleep again if i kept focusing on that. I cope with it by telling myself that I'll eventually be able to have truly lucid dreams or maybe even learn to astral project if I keep myself conscious.
It should be noted that I naturally have a sleeping disorder. I actually first started having a breakdown during a brain scan they were trying to do to see what was wrong with my sleep.
Not anymore, with the power of diphenhydramine, anything is possible!
For me the title is I WILL Sleep.
At last... Heaven
Anyone got requests? We need more Dolly or mom art.
Superb stuff as always!
I'd love to drown in her sweat!
Oh now I see it.
Nia as a Pokémon Trainer with a Drowzee
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Man, it sure is going to be real difficult picking a 'good' song when they all sound like this.
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It’s been one of those nights
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Its too hot to sleep.
If she doesn't like it then I'll know the song to play while I rape her
>Nia turns pink and dies.
Cute art
Yeah, but then I jerk off to Nia
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I read the thumbnail as this
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Ah shi- I mean uh... do you like um ...nirvana?
Seeing art of these two together always cracks me up, it really underscores how much Lacey's design misses the mark of what it's going for when it's right next to Nia's that fucking aces it.
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There's space for one more?
they designs do crash against each other a lot. It's like having Devi from I Feel Sick, interacting with a random ass FNF OC.
>Discord underage gurofag shill
Your kind isn't welcome here
Begone from this realm
That was a mistake.
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Seeing art of these two together gives me a boner.
Cheated of her virgninity.
Same lol, it's such an aesthetic clash.
Thanks Vivzie for making talking about Weird Al no longer cool.
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I was just asking dude no need to act like that
I like to think that Elma would fit well with Nia and Lacey, as long they don't activate her schizophrenia
... Anyway, here's
>as long they don't activate her schizophrenia
Missing the point of appeal, huh?
That's just kuromi
Nia looks perfectly like a 00s-era OC of a teenager involved in the alt/goth scene.
Lacey looks like a modern anime design that's supposed to represent 00s flash games
Rape toy
Nia is the emo to Lacey's scene.
>horrorfag rhetoric
The only one who doesn't belong here is (you).
Nia, Lacey and Elma doing a Team Rocket-like trio pose whenever they want to dramatically introduce themselves but fail halfway through
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I always saw Lacey more as those crappy 'how to draw anime' doodles children fans of sailor moon and naruto would do.
>t. I was one of those kids
>song that Nia would play to Dolly
Need this redrawed but with Nia, Korekiyo guy still stays.
That's what she's supposed to be a bit of a nod to yeah, but her design wouldn't have existed in 00s flash and the how to draw anime stuff from the 00s didn't really look like her either.
To clarify, 00s flash obviously referenced anime, but it tended to be more influenced by stuff like DBZ and FLCL or games with "anime" styles like Final Fantasy. It's often pointed out that Lacey looks more like an off-brand Miku or Madoka character, which doesn't really fit that period.
They're just "good friends"
Don't pay attention to him. He sounds like an attention-seeking loser, so he's gonna be roaming this site trying to get (you)'s from other anons for a very long time.
Whats with this fandom obsession with her feet?
Oh that's nothing... compared to the piss...
I tried turning Dolly into some monster thing. How does /co/ feel about this?
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You think they'd allow me to be "friends" with them?
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Elma, from pretty blood red snow.
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Please if you're going to continue dumping your own stuff in this thread would you kindly go off to make your own thread so you can leave this one alone? No offense to the period blood fags but it's already hard enough for I can't sleep and Lacey's games to coexist as it is and there's no need for a third wheel yet, and one that attracts autism like horrorfag posting.
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It's a mystery, really.
Perhaps something not even a 200+ IQ genius can figure out let alone a army of clones of said genius.
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>ywn have a nia gf
bros im so tired...
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You not watched the series? It's pretty obvious the creator is a blatant footfag
God bless him
Sounds based
lurk moar, newfag
Someone should draw Dolly meeting Julie Joyful from Welcome Home.
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>sweaty nia
This, but consider BBW Nia as well
Nia and Lacey dressed as Ami and Yumi from HiHi Puffy AmiYumi
what color is this? a mix of pink and purple?
I feel conflicted, frens. I REALLY want to make this story I've thought of for ICS, but I dunno.
Every new video only fuels me to do it, especially since a few of my personal theories are either close, or confirmed with each video.
Share the gist of it
Personally i like the idea of elma being nia and lacey's adopted daughter/pet?.
Okie dokie.

It's a story that, while has Nia in it, she isn't exactly the MAIN character, but rather a very important secondary character. The main protagonist, or at least the story that's seen majority from his point of view is just a simple guy who gets tangled into the world that festers and inhabits Nia's surroundings.
Her father is the third main character that will make appearances, I've decided that he would be the sort of "brawn" in this cast, whereas the main guy is more of a "moral compass". The fun part is his moral compass being tested again and again not just by the world, but by the other characters as well.
I completely forgot to divide that up to not make it so long, lol woops.
Elma is 19 years old
If anything she would be like a sister to them
Elma's more or less a Saw cabin victim than one of typical abuse as "I Can't Sleep" and Lacey represent.
Electric Wizard:
The Satanic Rites of Drugula

If she doesn't like it then she isn't for me
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>Type o negative.
she's a keeper!
>My chemical romance
Not so much!
Both are good.
>>Type o negative.
>>My chemical romance
I can easily envision nia petting or hugging this creature
now you know of a deviantart dude who draws his self insert shipped with Nia
I mean who wouldn't want to
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me on the left
The thing is that he draws her as a big meaty whore and I don't like that, it doesn't fit her character
also he drew her a "lego" version of her, for some reason
I'm the only one that thinks the main character's dad would sound like niko bellic?
You sound more autistic than the autist artist. There's always going to cringy sperg artists. No point in wasting time or energy on it.
I mean, do you really expect coomers to care about canonicity?
I've had insomnia off and on for the last 15 years. I'll go for around a week where I sleep as little as 10 hours. This usually only happens once or twice a year though. When I'm not going through an insomnia phase I still struggle to fall asleep, usually laying in bed for minimum an hour before finally passing out.
My can't sleep periods are basically the only time I read comics but I read a lot during them.
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Then shut up and post your nia art folder
It will be always be 10 times more interesting than your yapping
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>Have sleep schedule where my day is 25 hours long
>Go to bed 1 hour later each night
>Cured it by taking melatonin every day (12 hours before I want to get up, so like 9PM)
Life is much better with a predictable sleep schedule
First thing that popped in my head
awww man! my very own a the cheat!
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I want to sniff Nia's panties so hard god fucking damn I fucking can't
Need less Nia suffering and more Lacey suffering.
If we are digging up deviantart now then post artist that are actually worth sharing and talking about
Melon head
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The contrast in quality between the first one and the last 2 is really fucking funny.
finally some good fucking food
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I'm particularly fond of this guy's HD renditions of Nia.
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go to sleep anon. Maybe she'll visit you in your dreams
pretty kewl
Anyone got or made new art of nia with fat titties?
Im thirsty
Cute Nia.
We all gotta start somewhere anon, what matters is the attempt, learn from it and not giving up
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Ngl i would believe donald duck be nia favoritr disney character
>average watcher reaction to ICS
Would you purchase merchandise of nia
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I would purchase a lot of merchandise of Nia.
i feel Dolly would love Donald.
Drawfriends, you know what to do.
Probably if it is good quality.
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If it looks good then yeah, unlike that fugly lacey plushie...
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That plushie has at least one fan.
>That plushie has at least one fan.
Yeah, maybe lacey's creator herself
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What made you think that?
First Dolly, now Lacey. What is it with Nias colleagues turning into dolls?
I can see that too though for me goofy is more playful to be dolly fav
Not for suicidal tendency thats for sure
Yup, even if it's just a sticker.
somewhere in brazil
Hello light.
Honestly, i'm just curious about what she'd think of the video.
In a heartbeat.
Unironically kino
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some of these are pretty good
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How about plushies too for good measure
I hope she likes bandcamp emo songs
I would like a shirt.
you know what, i was kinda dismissive about merch, but an ICS shirt sounds like an actually neat idea...
This guy is my mood 24/7.
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Yeah, preferably something small like a sticker or a keychain like picrel.
Why are people posting Lacey shit in this thread?
Something something similar 2000's nostalgia horror series something something yurifags
‘cause I like the art of her and Nia together.
Why wouldn't people post Nia's girlfriend?
Yurifag you mean, because most of this is being pushed by one guy.
Don't you get tired of being a laughable schizo? Go consult a psychologist.
They couldn't hold a thread on /v/ so they're moving their crap here
>oddly defensive
try to be less obvious.
Try being less an obvious schizo, calling every type of person "one guy" will easily get you the title of a schizo, retard.
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Reminder that Lacey doesn't actually love Nia and is rebounding from the death of her previous girltoy.
Why is ICS now permanently attached to this Lacey shit that doesn't appeal to me at all? They don't even compliment each other's aesthetics.
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i'm not even the first anon (you) replied, but sure, keep posting Lacey, gonna keep ignoring.
Most of them are retards from the /trash/ board, specifically the /uh/ general.
That should be moved to /uh/ on >>>/trash/, but eh.
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It is because of one guy though.
The artist who draw these is a self-centered asshat, be warned.
Less complementary and more contrasting.
Nia my beloved
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I just think they're neat and there is a lot of art of the two together.
Okay but it seems to be overtaking the discussion and honestly I don't understand what the Lacey character is even supposed to be. Why does she have aged physical media colors if she's supposed to be a flash cartoon?
If you're talking about the guy keeping a bunch of NaQ fan art to himself out of spite I'm pretty sure those are two different people.
Its only "overtaking the discussion" because people keep giving it attention, before >>144621137 it was less than a handful of posts that was aside other discussion.
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Its been a month since the last upload and everything about that walk cycle has been discussed, of course the thread is gonna find new material to talk about.
I'm pretty sure that he is the same guy who complains everytime someone post NaQ fanart that isn't made by him.
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you give them an inch and the /u/ niggers will take several miles instead
Is there a folder or place where all the nia arts are dumped? Especially by that one specific artist who draws a lot of nias
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>The autist is a self centered asshat
A shocker to no one really
I don't mind yuri, this other character seems entirely unappealing though.
Nia is a perfected design, created to complement a specific art style, genre, and color scheme. She IS art, in a sense. Lacey is vapid and shallow - a concept first. What if le cute cartoon girl but LE SPOOKY. There is no greater consideration for art or design beyond that which is why she clashes so poorly with Nia.
Well said, ICS is just better off as its own series with its own charm, no need to ship it with a cheap series like Lacey games.
Yeah but niaceyanon barely draws any naq (or anything that doesn't involve Nia or Lacey for that matter, hence the name) and here he says he isn't the guy https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67394594/#67491408 though I suppose he could just be bullshitting. Still I don't think it's him.
You could even apply that logic to the series they come from. ICS feels likes it's trying to be something more then just "nostalgia slop". Lacey games feels like its just pandering to people who didn't even live through that time.
Here, this booru should have everything you're looking for.
I agree , i don't hate lacey but i get why people don't want to see her be alot when they mostly came for nia and her series in this thread.
You always beg for art for this underage shit, fuck off
I decided to look it up and apparently Red Snow is about as old as ICS is, that being 3 years and Pretty blood as a whole has existed for 7 years but only in 2023 was when it gained a following.
It doesn't change up the fact that following is filled with unironic roblox kiddos, so therefore anyone who wants to bring up that thing here is either.
A: An underage
B: A fur diaper pedophile
So which one is it with you huh?
It didn't really have a following or get talked about until a bunch of FNF kids latched onto it. Supposedly all the talk about it here directly spawned off from the /vg/ general for it.
If the Anon that uploads to the booru is around this post needs to be tagged Long Horse. That's the name of the monster Nia's with.
That would explain the massive autism
Now I need art of her meeting Donald Duck. The Abandoned by Disney version
If you thought they were annoying here then you would loathe them back when they were contained in /funkg/. Nobody absolutely NOBODY liked those fuckers yet they kept posting their shit.
I don't get it, why don't they just stick to a discord like most other cringe underage fandoms?
shilling, of course
also because since pretty blood comes from newgrounds and /funkg/ is """""TECHNICALLY"""" a newgrounds general too because of friday night funkin's origins and a red snow mod that never was finished then it counted as "on-topic"
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i remember when some anon requested me to draw some Lacey, and tried to sell me it as the new Nia. i watched some stuff and i felt the same as watching Walten Files, some shit ass creepy spoopy stuff with no cohesion and a very lame art direction. Derivative shit with no value.
since then i've refused to draw Lacey.
Based Niachad rejecting the Laceyshitters
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it's less of being a chad and more of Lacey not appealing to me personally. i feel Lacey could work in concept, but is in execution when it goes in a direction i personally don't vibe with, they jus try too hard to be the next analog horror shill. I Can't Sleep goes way beyond that and pretty sure they don't even try to fit in that particular demo.
But hey, if anyone like Lacey, good for them, i guess. But i personally don't.
good. Fuck Lacey niggers
"Trust me man, this chicks gonna be the next big thing. This one got raped AND she's psycho! The kiddies are gonna love it!"
>i watched some stuff and i felt the same as watching Walten Files, some shit ass creepy spoopy stuff with no cohesion and a very lame art direction. Derivative shit with no value.
Yeah, that's pretty much the thing with that kinda "genre", once you watch one of them, you've basically watched them all.
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I think the issue with Lacey is that the creator, ghosttundra, is a person of the modern world. A they/them bpd woman who loves "horror" but doesn't want to feel too uncomfortable.
Fucking lmao
Has anyone ever tried to make a Nebula and Quasar thread on /co/?
yes, but it's way more obscure than ICS, Angel Hare and Lacey as a series so it got way less attention, as far as I can remember there were few popping up from time to time, and only one has ever reached the bump limit
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Being honest here, I personally liked Pretty Blood as a whole, despite all of its roughness and flaws. It has a certain charm to it that I find appealing to me.
It has more of an unique identity and clear vision than Lacey for sure tho.
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Jamie is the new Nia
>It has more of an unique identity and clear vision than Lacey
...Which isn't exactly a high bar to pass.
this but replace elma with Jamie Monroe
State your age now
>these threads are now a /trash/ colony
It's over
Then lets go back on course and speculate or want to be expanded in i can't sleep.
I don't believe you
It's just Hello Kitty fanfic written by an edgelord
Still more genuine than Lacey
It's like comparing turds, what does it matter?
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Both of you are dumb
Guys... I just REALLY want to kiss, hug and cuddle with Nia. Is that so much to FUCKING ASK???
ah yes because Lacey wasn't made by a InkBunny user like your stuff is, right?
>Pretty Blood invading the thread
>Lacey invading the thread
Now this is invading the thread
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Post requests then. Let's see what we can draw up.
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They both look dumb too
The /uh/fags should stay in their place. This isn't a /uh/ shill thread.
To be fair, Pretty Blood has no mysteries to them, as opposed to ICS and Lacey; where you spend hours putting together a narrative meaning like DHMIS.
Can't sleep but stuck in a nightmare
It has potential, especially when it comes to world building; just a shame that it went the way of FNF where edgy teens made a community around it with their FlipaClips.
You're missing the point. This is an ICS thread. Post ICS content.
This is the only colored version of nia I like, would be nice to see more like this
Good luck trying to reason with a Period Blood retard
I think they're just taking shelter from horrorfag.
Don't care they need to fuck off
>144627719 proves otherwise
No I think that's another one. He seems more concerned about shilling than grooming.
I wanna see nia in a salmon suit
they are just fun to pair together nothing more
an account that been privated due to teens.
More concerned about those retards trying to spread their edgy Hello Kitty shit everywhere like this thread when they're clearly not wanted. It's like a particularly virulent strain of autism the way this one dude doesn't take the hint.
Requesting wholesome art of Dolly winning a large plushie.
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you mean in 4chan in general as there's no place to discuss this on. Face it, you hate it because of the Youtube bots shilling an otherwise mature series to little tykes and now they're exposed to said edge to the point that the creator have to private both his porn account and discord server just to save face from being an accidental groomer.
I hate it because of insufferable retards like you plus shit is fucking dumb if you don't get an erection over furry gore.
Same can be said about FnF and it got a general on /vg/.
Because the discord was locked thanks to an influx of underage FnF fans.
Go make a new discord then instead of trying to latch onto other threads
plus there's wasn't much content to go off of, outside of some fan works.
Plus there are fewer porn to post in trash to the point that we have to post in the Chibi furry thread instead.
Just how many other threads are you retards trying to parasitize off of?
Until that fucker gave us Red Blood 2 (which should be soon enough) tough shit.
you shouldn't always assume in absolutes anon.
also please stop infighting in the insomnia thread.
Can we go back to talking about ICS?
its horrorfag's fault i tell you, or someone pretending being him which is stupid and gay.
>I'm gonna be an off topic faggot on other threads because my babyfur creator doesn't release slop fast enough
How can someone be this retarded?
nigger, you had a thread for your shit before, but since no one of you wanted to keep it afloat it died in a day alone. try to make it again and see if you can keep it up longer so you don't bother anyone else by being a parasite leech who cant stand in its own legs.
Nia doing this dance with Dolly and her Mom.
safe horror
Goodnight Nia Ill see you tomorrow
Requesting Nia in Warhammer 40k.
We need to bring back the Nia anchors. Anyway, requesting Dolly getting excited about headshots in vidya.
Human Dolly holding a doll Nia
Now I need Dolly getting her ass beat because someone caught her playing Call of Duty
Nia beating up Lacey sound good?
and also kicking Elma is the face
Yeah I wanna see that dyke fucking bleed to death
Oh come on that's too far. the little critter's already suffered enough.
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Silksong but awesome
You made this just now? Nice.
literally who?
Yeah, i keep bending Nia's design into other things.
Also this thread needs actual content. Some anons here need to just fuck off.
Punch or kick?

I'm having her beat up, not cut up.
also a slap like that one zootopia comic panel meme
if elma is getting kicked then it would make sense that Lacey is getting punched
We're never getting Silksong. Good art though.
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Alright, /co/. How do your prefer your (canon) Nia?
Right turning into left when zooming out
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just waking up.
What was your newgrounds again?
You drew this?
nuh uh
she must be turned into a vegetable
Ooooooo badass
I say the normal emo nia since she would hang out alot more.
haven't used it in a while, so i don't see any point to share it.
I wanted to see your older drawings and the name of it is escaping me, so please?
i don't like self promotion desu
Sorry but thanks. Thats right, Seab it was.
Do you take reqs or just do your own thing?
Evening /co/! What's for dinner?
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forgot pic
I thought it would more this would be like a domestic abuse kind of thing
Man, Lacey can’t catch a break.
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Its called tough love.
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only if she has solid black eyes
NTA but it is one guy pushing it
the drawfags draw them together for (YOU)s and I don't blame them since they could do whatever the hell they want

It could be worse. Look at the SCP foundation
You are literally causing her to overtake the discussion dude
We should be talking about whether or not Nia's sudden change where she is talking and what that means for future videos considering that it has been a while since Mutter came out
Who drew?

Why would you do that? Nia is too cute for that kind of bullshit
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Oh fuck you dude. Seriously leave that shit for the other thread. I bet you don't even like nia, you just posted to get a rise out of me. Seriously go fuck yourself

What is your opinion on batshit crazy Russian fashion designer artists who I can't post because most of her work is about mutilation, guro and insect eating alebeit in very fashionable clothing?
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What ever happened to the black hooded dude? I thought he was supposed to be the main villain but he hasn't appeared in a video in a while and no one really talks about him anymore. What's up with that?
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quick nia smut i wrote in a few minutes
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We got Cloak now
>didnt wash her hands and still went to work
gross nia
Nia buried in a pile of plushies with only her face sticking out.
Nia is loli coded because of body size and furry coded due to her nose shape.
Thanks. That guy has a great art style.
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>loli coded
That ain't good.
I know.
It's great.
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Spooky O_o
no idea. It was some drawfren on the draw thread
What mascot platformer would nia like the most. I wanna say rayman
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Okay, maybe Lacey is alright.
Woke up
Chose violence
this! And I mean that a 100% by a 1000%
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Fuck off
Fuck on
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I say he's been sidelined to focus on the Mom (and her family) for a change of pace and from the looks of it, it's paying off well so don't expect seeing him again for a while, maybe.
What will they get up to?
Who the fuck is the oompa loompa on the right?
i swear every person who used the term "loli coded" needs a hard disks inspection day.
Laceyfags are still attaching themselves to ICS threads like cockroaches I see
>the drawfags draw them together for (YOU)s and I don't blame them since they could do whatever the hell they want
Don't care, don't stick your nose and push your garbage ships in threads that are not related about it, artists who barge in ICS threads and spam their shit are annoying.
Ain't my fault there's tons of art of the two together.
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They won't be going away anytime soon so the best you can do is ignore them, I guess.
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(you) are giving them attention. ignore 'em.
Also, post actual Nia/ICS stuff.
It is your fault that you keep posting them though, if for whatever reason you have to at least post the cheesecake ones.
Oh hey, I know one of those artists personally!
I try not to hold it against them but jesus christ, lacey is so fucking derivative and BORING, I stopped watching after like, the petshop video.
It genuinely doesn't interest me, hell, even ics is getting a bit boring for me since nosleep literally posts once in a blue moon now.
(And also cause of certain undesirables shitting up an entire community on discord)
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I suggest you turn your attention to "Nebula and Quasar" now
Have the undesirables also gotten to this?
If it's popular, yes.
>waaa i can't enjoy anything because retards also enjoy it
People like you are a part of the problem.
NTA, but NaQ doesn't seem like mindless slop to me, it has genuine effort put into it and the kayfabe.
Shit maybe you're right, I mean I can just ignore all the horseshit, the gems are right in front of me....
If it wasn't discovered (like from a doc or something) then it's free from babs.
What is this? It looks like a Dreamcast game
What kind of books would nia read normally (the necronomicon doesn't counts)
>And also cause of certain undesirables shitting up an entire community on discord
This has to be the most homosexual reason to hate anything. Stop using Discord, faggot.
Are these scans or pictures? You need them in better quality. Nice trad.
>he actually kicked out elma just to include another literal who that he liked more
disgraceful faggot
Wait Wait.
>Nia = James
>Lacey = Jessie
>Elma = Meowth
>Jamie = Wobbuffet
It all add ups.
We lost most of the artists huh?
Yeah, the only active one is a self-centered asshat who has a holier-than-thou personality and rarely accept requests.
You have literally said this exact same sentence word for word.
Probably plays Mario a lot with Dolly.
There was never that many to begin with, they come and go as they please and drop content when they can.
I can see that not gonna lie
Cope more, Jamie Monroe is here to stay
Jamie Monroe
No, i will not draw Lacey, accept it.
Will you draw Jamie?
cringe back to the garbage pile with you
morning anon! What's for breakfast?
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oh but I hate Pepsi...
Dr.pepper or mug then?
I think he's talking about the /uh/tard
what happened to these threads? I just opened this and it's flooded with some unrelated shit?
You guys have hope that Nia will make it this year into Ms. /co/? She almost made it to the roster last time, and she was able to reach top 8 in Tag Team.
You're not him because he draws Niacey a lot, along with a shitty OC.
/trash/ bullshit
After all the mess in the these I believe the support for her will drop considerably
Requesting Dolly with Hulk hands.
i have a theory that nia is the spirit of a girl who is already dead and right now she's suffering torments in an area of hell that is similar to earth which is why we see buildings and other modern stuff
What zero videos do to a mf
That is the plot of Demonophobia
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>Will you draw Jamie?
Odd request but okay. Good use for my lunch break time.
I'm less than optimistic about Ms. /co/ in general because it's become such a autistic mess that I think she's better off not qualifying.
There's too many normie choices for her to stand a chance, I expect it to be the samey tier characters.
>was able to reach top 8 in Tag Team.
Yeah but that’s only thanks to the Laceyshitter pumping out OC for Nia and the pink bitch, and even with that their matches were extremely close.
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Luv my girls <<<33
I have a mighty need to see Dolly and Nia dressed up as Mario and Luigi.
She would probably read a collection of Edgar Allen Poe's work.
>laceyfags invading the thread
>prettybloodfags invading the thread
>jthmfags invading the thread
>naqfags invading the thread
>nancyfags invading the thread
>anxietyfags invading the thread
>gabbyfags invading the thread
>coffinromanticfags invading the thread
what's the next shitty ass series to force it's way here? the sharten files?
(you) are not helping. Post actual ICS content instead of complaining about it.
Murphy & Mitzi
I prefer saying "adjacent". Sounds much less twittery.
>this will be ics threads in 2025
>whinyfags invading the thread.
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Hows about you post/draw/talk about Nia instead?
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She a cutie
Whats the deal with foxy boxing? I know it's a popular fetish but I get footfags and Brap fags more.
its legal females in distress
You can just say it's /trash/ tourists
It's just diet ryona
There we go. Now it clicks. I understand now.
really? qrd? how'd you meet them, what are they like, what do you guys talk about, that sorta thing
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People still don't know how to use that word right. That's specially when the guy dominates the woman, get it right.
sounds like a you problem. have better shit to discuss
I like your draws anon. I can't quite get a read if you take legit reqs or not (funny joke here tho).
Nia spotted in the wild
I'll take mug
Lacey weirdo just keep shitting up thread. Along with a bunch of topics fags. Not much we can do really =_=
kek. I like this
Back to niggerhell with you
cheese pizza, right?
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Omg hiiiii
>Free Goth
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They're all free.
ouuugh, i need a big pizza.
>No more malls around me to collect goth girls from

We're so fucking back. I think.
Mmmmm yes, what a delicious nothing burger
Well there goes a reason to make another thread, I think.
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looks like a real eye
Findings from the /trash/ thread
>Demon back thing from WBH7 referenced
>The mannequin and Dolly share the same shadowy eye placement with the left one covered
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>more canon naked nia
Jesus christ i never realised nia was THAT boney ngl
Girl needs a hamburger.
>hmmm I really shouldn't stick my penis in there HOWEVER....
haha yeah, I get so used to seeing the fan art versions of her in these threads, I forget how skinny she actually is
yeah, it was another low-effort video but it did show Nia's bony booty so it gets a 9/10 from me
She needs full meal with a soda
And possibly a toy with the meal.
i put on a Hewlett Packard Deskjet 935C windows driver CD and tell her a new Vomir wall just dropped. whether i am lying or not is impossible to determine and functionally irrelevant.
A lil doodle of nia late night gaming
The seemly real photo of Nia's back kinda nerving.
what's she playing bros?
She's definitely playing some American McGee's Alice
bewbs too big
is no one updating the booru?
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New Patreon pic
Now draw her eating a big messy burger pretty please
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she mad skinny

Not only that but that's exactly what you would see it you fucked nia doggy style
>I have a mighty need to see Dolly and Nia dressed up as Mario and Luigi.
Seems like a good way to leave this thread for me. Cya in the next one~
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its from her diet of nothing but cigs and energy drinks
Desayuno de campeones, zoomer edition.
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I wasn't expecting a change in artstyle, I'll give 'em that.
>nothing burger
No wonder she looks like that if that's what she's been eating her whole life, lol
Lmao nice
>I wasn't expecting a change in artstyle
it gave me _Boisvert vibes, i dig that ngl
Nia loves African food!
What would be the next giant step on the channel artsryle?
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Nia becoming 3D (real)
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Puppets, of course!
why is this bitch always sad
i'm gonna force feed her assorted poptarts until she breaks a smile
>why is this bitch always sad
>doesn't know

I wanna feel every bone in her body when I rape her lovingly
If there's one thing I miss from the 2000s, it's the majority of humanity not being fucking morbidly obese.

So is the real eye to imply that something is looking through the demon torso?
goodnight QT

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