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/uh/ - Unfiction Horror general #115
Late Night Edition
Previous Thread: >>67589022
Recommended List:

>What is Unfiction
Unfiction is a form of storytelling that utilizes varying measures of interaction, immersion, or multimedia asserting in some way that it is not fiction and thus is presented in ways not typically used for storytelling.
This includes ARGs, Analog / Digital Horror, Chaotic Fiction, Pseudofiction, "This Game I Found", Immersive Narratives and other types of online storytelling.

Talk and discuss about new clues and videos from any projects you found or are following. Post art and lust after characters and their monsters. Discuss and brainstorm any unfiction ideas you have.
OP Feature: Tales From the Gas Station
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Email: unrelentinghorrors@hotmail.com
Channel: youtube.com/@unrelentinghorrors

A mass collaborative project for /uh/ posters to make a unfiction channel.
Send a video to the above email and it should be reviewed within 2 days. Once approved, it will be uploaded to the channel.
1. No gore, slurs, porn, shit that will get the channel/video taken down immediately.
2. Try to keep submitted videos between a minute to thirty minutes.
3. You can reference other projects, but try to be original
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Buckshot Roulette ARG

Timeline Synopsis.
Steam release contained an email and a website.
Email code key was 'The Shutdown' (said in the phone call) encoded with a specific AES site (gillmeister).
At this time its unknown how the poem is related to the password but the connection is confirmed, and is biblical in nature.

>(https://youtu.be/h_tyGlvtgok) [Embed] REMEMBER AUG 05 1998
Same date as Carbon Steel, in-game email sent on that date below.
Highlighted contract that was in the base game, connected to the AFRAID? mirror
>cupio dissolvi
"I wish to be dissolved" Philippians 1:23–4 (religious suicidal thoughts?)

>2 Chronicles 26:15
Binary on the steam phone trading card, the phone item can see into the future
>Cassette grid

>aci maladetto lupo
Or 'Taci, maladetto lupo!' found in the 2mil announcement newsletter translates to 'Shut up, accursed wolf!', further reference to Dante's Divine Comedy, AKA shit we already knew what the password related to.

Password elements.
>It IS between 4 and 20 characters.
>May contain the word 'and' / '&' due to the voicemail icon on the 1 button
>Phone number substitution maybe in play and thus is only made up of letters up to 'V'
>May end in '#' or '123' given what was said in the phone call.
There are times a Temp password has been set up to discourage brute forcing so try old attempts if you believe they are valid enough.
New Jack-O’-Lantern
Date or password, who knows.
Which /uh/boys would watch Sneako, Andrew Tate, and Adin Ross?
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>Henry actually survived
>Humanized and not a floating testicle with hands
Not my Dealer
New C&D

C-NCS01, “Everyone, everyone.” See: C-DDGM06 | 1 Word

C-NCS02, “Face of our Family.” See: C-NCS01 | 1 Word

C-NCS03, “Friend by familial name.” See: C-NCS02 | 1 Word

CD-NCS04, “Storybook Limbo.” See: C-NCS03 | Knowledge | 4 Words
Wait what the hell OP forget the unsolved CAD, what's the holdup?

>C-DDGM03, “Musleo.” Animal Trivia | 2 Words

>C-DDGM04, “Maria's misfortune.” Research | 3 Words

>C-DDGM05, “Bit of a Leap, A Welshman's turn of the century Silver useful for serving cheese and crackers.” Antiques Trivia | 1 Word

>C-DDGM06, “Joy.” See: C-DDGM05 | 4 Words
DDGM03 and 04 are from Hoffmann's story.

C-DDGM03, Mus = Mouse, Leo = Lion, Lions are often referred to as Kings
>Mouse King

C-DDGM04, Marie/Maria/Clara, the main character of the Nutcracker, kicks off the story by cutting her arm with glass... "If any one of my good readers has ever had the misfortune to cut himself with glass, he knows how it hurts, and how long a time it takes to heal."
>Cut by glass
/uh/non. But, only because he thinks it would make him cooler.
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/uh/non isn't looking to be cool though, he's looking to be scary.
Jonah Whitman
Brian Stells
Charlie Willer
Nick Reynolds
But those are the scariest men you can learn from
He’s naturally terrifying to be around
Maisie and Nebula hot make out session
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>naturally terrifying to be around
Isn't it a running gag in these threads that all of his attempts to scare people fail?
He eats people and repeatedly scares the hoes away
He wouldn't scare me away :-P
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Nia > Lacey
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>scares the hoes away
Not from what I've seen
I guess that really depends on the person. Most people here? Nah, we are too desensitized. In /uh/non’s universe? People around him seem to be either unnerved or unbothered. I guess when you share a universe with time travelers, killer statues, and no clipping at any minute, “people” don’t scare you as much.
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In being a lil shorty short maybe.
Dunno about that, but we dont have the best selection of who the eye witness can be
Fuck Lacey
Fuck Nia
Fuck Nebula & Quasar
Fuck Evan Meyers
Alex Kralie beats em all
Actually that gives me an idea
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Short Alex Kralie story
>And how is this gonna stop the Operator sickness?
>The what now?
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Nina > Nia Lacey
Alex Kralie > Nebula, Quasar, Lacey, Nia, Nina, Evan Meyers and Gabby
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It either fails or the person gets horny, no in-between.
Need more shot/uh/.
She's a fighter!
I can fix him
They should make babies
if evan released a sex tape of him railing the women behind the scenes of everymanhybrid i'd watch ALL OF IT
/uh/non sticking his weird tenta penis in a sneaky woman under the guise of it being a puzzle
Faggot, Alex Kralie is here
Pleasu do not make me think dirty thoughts at 2 am
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jay erotica i wroten
This is a fetish believe it or not
he could eat me to be honest
/uh/-non Posing with Nia & Lacey for a photo.
I think tricking /uh/non into tentacling you under the guise you have a puzzle or clue inside you is a great way to be torn apart, and not in the sexy way.
Could've gone over it once to spell check a few thing but pretty good.
New DevsJournals
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Still need some tuning
>Not in the sexy way
Speak for yourself
You've done
>Alex Kralie
>Jenny Letterson
What's next? Jamie? Nebula? Violet?
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I need more /uh/non greens
/uh/non needs to eat his greens
New Field Studies Institute
He has a special diet of meat and bones. Greens will literally kill him.
What about sweets? I want to give him chocolates.
Juno food should be fine. Only one way to find out…
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He should be fine, its pl/uh/shon you don't want to give sweets to
I’ve seen him bark and walk on all fours with a leash around his neck before, I think chocolate would kill him.
I think you’re mistaking him for Quasar.
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Cant imagine why they would.
Inside that costume, Me.
Gabby, Mona Lanius, Lia, and Celeste on girls night out
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Think there's gonna be any "clues" in the unsorted horror collection? The divided square symbol was used in the Buckshot Royale teaser.
Bringing BSR ARG up how viable would it be to just start inputting various sentences from Dante’s divine comedy with no rhyme or reason at this point?
Better yet BSR ARG needed a SQL Injection 5 months ago.
Big pl/uh/shon or an /uh/non costume?
Would give coffee to pl/uh/shon
BBC Lacey
>Grey skin
Thats Stalker / UNC
The world may never know.
Bbc fags lose yet again
Trailhead for the creator of ROUTEBACKHOME's new project, promises to be highly interactive.
so does having sex with any other horror character yet it doesn't stop anyone
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Paranormal videos, now in smell-o-vision.
He takes the head off and it’s a slightly smaller pl/uh/shnon
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>12 4 890 - /
Bunch of green lines later in the video would appear to underline characters here
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This may be a dumb question, but has anyone ever put the NAQ soundtrack videos through a spectrograph?
I tried, no results.
I didn't put every single one through but a few key ones.
Including the title we got the whole keyboard base set there.
you would usually know if a spectrogram is involved by sound alone but even to test I do not have the broadband to do so.
Bit off topic but we know (most likely) Agentpman1 and AK_Kaiju are working on NaQ and FTF right now. Which one do you think will drop first.
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>Disc 2
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Made a new template for y'all to use, have fun
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Definitely what's going on, camera moved a bunch but what I got was
>ayg3 (L/Z)N[ ^ ](o/P)e^
Where's the Gregg tier for those that can endanger existence itself?
You missed a frame
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Tried /cpg/, no use. What's the best creepypasta books?
How To Exit Your Body: and Other Strange Tales
The Harmburger Files
Cold thin air (has Borrasca)
Stolen Tongues
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Odd, fixed it up and looks to be a YouTube link by length but it doesn't work
You motherfucker >>67706553 that is a 'g'! not a '9'
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>Demon back thing from WBH
>New video starts wth a delicious detailed Nia back
Its all coming together.
I still don't get what's going on in this image. Is a tentacle monster sucking on his dick? Are the tentacles his dick itself? Are they just around his dick?
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Given that and the subject its ether after WBH or whatever happened before WBH.
His intestine tentacles are censoring his dick, can’t give a view like that away for free you know.
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The mannequin could also be a representative of dolly given the eye placement of the two and the disfigurement they both got going.
>the Mom first referenced and now this mannequin
That video is the gift that keeps on giving
Nia has a cock?
So this guy is a drug dealer but for paranormal videos? Cool.
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>FTF 5 (Unconfirmed)
>Imigrantes Road 3
>CC season 2
>Walten Files 4
>Bugbo 5
We eating good
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Imagine slowly going up and down her bony back with your fingers
That sounds like heaven desu.
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How fucked are you in this universe?
since this place is full of PRUDES when it comes to /uh/non
draw someone gently hugging /uh/non himself. Would he like it? would he hate it? would he kill you over it? artist's choice
Like every other mysterious figure in ICS I'm making a total leap and saying the mannequin is the dad.
Dang, not just prudes but PRUDES? Harsh, Anon, harsh.
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Got the playlists done, if anyone wants to compile them and get them stream ready
Not as fucked compared to other universes but still pretty fucked.
Is this like Monument Mythos but with a vtuber?
why is evan such a sex beast
Got it, Harmburger Files may be hard to get. I also have Vol. 1 of Cold Thin Air abd and Vol.2 (the one that has Borrasca) is on the way.
Having your OC in an ICS video as a cameo of sorts would be cool
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Why is /uh/non such a sex beast
I'm assuming you're talking about /uh/non? I feel like NoSleep666 is enough of a mysterious persona that they could be anywhere, including browsing/lurking here.
It has tits.
It is possible, but considering how crazy some people are /uh/non wont make a cameo appearance
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choose your suicide squad team (you have $500)
Yeah, that's obvious. It would be funny if they snuck a Lacey reference in but they want their identity hidden.
With Lacey, it’s like a bomb. If the creator references Lacey, people will not be happy.

Hopefully when the ICS series ends, then there will be room for some Lacey and other OCs.

Hell, I don’t think ICS will end, but rather have multiple phases.
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He isn't, /uh/non is a pure boy
New psychworld
Not totally out of the question considering those shoes but extremely unlikely.
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More of a funky cold war newscast, with a vtuber.
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New Alex's Wonderful House of Horrors!
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You already got your comfort art.
I want more.
New Field Studies Institute
That being said, which will be the first (popular) series to reference something here? My bets on NAQ.
If that's the amount of attention a project needs to be considered popular we already had the Chainmailchasers creators drop fake leaks here and directly mention us a few times.
New Alex Archives
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gentlemen when i release my hit analog horror series the los pollos hermanos tapes (featuring hit villain ghost fring) i expect 20 videos up within a day with titles like "this BREAKING BAD analog horror series nearly scared me to death" or "the unrelenting existential horror of the los pollos hermanos tapes"
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Gargoyle theory?
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Gargoyle theory.
No set captions this time, though its a no brainer that this is still T. Chemical
A Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul analog horror would unironically be kino though.
Chainmailchasers once again showing why it is the GOAT
So some company (T. Chemical) is catfishing a guy into sending them drawings of some reason and elsewhere some guys were attacked in the woods.
Drawings are also now in order with the last on being not 65 but 56 per the captions.
You've heard of Smiledog now get ready for Smilewall.
Knocking is such a cheap move but it always works.
Its essentially a less obnoxious jumpscare
Yes the series made by a gross tranny who hates us for not validating his fetish.
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Wouldn't directly reference us if that was the case.
Damn, she really is skin and bones.
That was before he sperged out.
Benjamin Franklin head ass
Its clearly looking over the wall, not apart of it.
Skin optional
This project really needs a better microphone, everything else hits just the right spots.
S2 has gotta be soon, it’s been a while since the teaser.
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>Crack / Hole in a wall
>Over the wall
Given the 'Hollow Birds" title something is gonna fly over it.
Requesting Nia and Dolly from I Can't Sleep playing with a huge Lego set.
Midwest Angelica reupload
New Mackenzie's Learning Lodge
New CAD batch

C-WUW01, “IV as opposed to IIII in MDCCCLIX.” Research | 2 Words

C-WUW04, “4, 5, and 6.” Knowledge | 3 Words
>C-WUW04, “4, 5, and 6.” Knowledge | 3 Words
Its the TrCAD! aw son of a bitch..;
Julius Jericho Joy
New Soulbrine
>New Parts
>Same Soul
Possession? Egh.
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Might be aiming for a October release, you know spooky month and everything.
No Ben is Chris Chan.
Gronala looks more like George Washington.
Why are troons so prominent in horror communities?
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Cipher or complete gibberish?
>I can't sleep
>Alex Kansas
>Alex Kister
>Charlie Willer
>Stan Frederick
Sure seems like a lot
Project did do a Halloween update before with the site orphan page search.
Doubt there's a set release, more of when its done it done kinda deal.
This isn't a reupload, a ton of new shit has been added.
Wanna say gibberish but that repeating f3%d$A( is setting my schizo neurons off.
NaQ has yet to reach the level of popularity needed for a youtuber to do an analysis video about it.
New ValleyOfHanger
Sorry I didn't know /uh/non hug art existed
What /uh/ character would listen to this?
>“IV as opposed to IIII in MDCCCLIX.”
IV as well as being 4 is the start of IVPPITER - Jupiter - God which is why some clocks replace it with IIII and with 'On the Origin of Species' being released in 1859 there's a good connection here, but I cant find anything to fit the letter / word count.
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Only the certified unction /o/ guy
That’s fine, we could use some more.
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/uh/non is aroace
Half of those creators aren't trans and I'm pretty sure 1 or 2 of them hate them or are at least critical of the movement.
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All of em are trans, are you out of the loop?
>are you out of the loop?
Maybe. But I still think it's a bit of a stretch to say someone like UrbanSPOOK would be pro-trans when they're apart of the problem of horror becoming sanitized.
Why do people want to fuck him then
Idk how ICS is trans. I guess the creator is a guy and the protagonist is a girl so that somehow makes the creator trans?
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How could people not?
tentacle dick
s-so pretty…
It’s a game of cat and mouse. Even when the other party is not interested. The disinterest is appealing to people.
Been slowly getting the Jane fic for the creepydate series finished, just about to start writing the sex scene
In the meantime, what would be the hardest fic I could write in terms of the character choice? Like if I were to write a fic about the Boiled One for the series, would there be a harder character to do as a challenge?
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I'd imagine the sentient planet with a hatred for all life would be harder.
>one day in the dark, silent solor system
>”This planet. It displeases me.”
>Destroys planet and all of its inhabitants.
People want what they can't have.
Thank you very much for reminding me I need to put this on the writing list
Is the MFP going to be the "woman" itself or would it be a dating location with a spooky gal that takes over the date?
How does the planet communicate with us? Depending on the answer, it could be doable
I wish they would want to fuck ME
Which /uh/ character are you going to do after making the Momo and Mal0 chapters
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The Iris communicates in three ways
1. Through cryptic riddles in meat infected technology
2. Through various monsters and messengers it sends down from Neptune
3. Through prophies of doom in peoples dreams
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Anyone seen the drb0sch Fallout New Vegas unfiction series? Kinda old now but I got through watching it and I think most of it is dope as a sort of decent into pure hell while playing on gnostic themes.

Only part of it I really am not into is the who AU "this is secretly Van Buren where Bethesda never brought Black Isle, feels kind of a weird idea to me. I prefer it just being a digital decent into hell.
The MFP has had no described sex as of yet (though personal opinion is they haven't explored far down enough to see) but does have sex baths inside it so the later would be closer to canon.
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We've been following it as of the more recent uploads and yeah its great, there are a lot of ways to interpret the series with how much to throws out from the somewhat sane cut content, multiplayer, van buren, house didn't stop the bombs theories to Phil Tippett's Mad God, real CSI brainwashing, colliding realities and every copy of new vegas is personalized.

At that point its pick whatever suits your taste.
I'm probably going to slip in an /uh/ character after I do Jane, been thinking of doing the Boiled One after a friend suggested it
>Meat-infected technology
Oh you make this too easy
Gotcha, it'll be a date location then
Who would be a good fit for this place?
I watched it a week or so ago, I really enjoyed my time with the series so far
I like the general theory idea is that its Mr. House's own personal hell and the player character accidentally got his way into it
Honestly my favourite stuff has been past the pit. I love the details that have been brought up for the most part and clearly there is so much effort been put into it. I do hope one day they release the maps just so we can actually get in there ourselves and explore. I have a soft spot for decent style horror where an individual just keeps going down layers and layers of unmappable, unreal worlds.
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>Who would be a good fit for this place?
A pit that contains a mysterious horror? Its a match made in heaven.
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There are a lot of characters that would not be out of place in the flesh pit but I think Lia is one of the few that would actually want to visit it.
>MFP has had no described sex as of yet
It is heavily implied to be female thanks to the very same sex baths being "Amniotic fluid" AKA fetus liquid.
ooo, perhaps you go on a date with ted and he convinces you to properly explore the MFP, guiding you through the tight passages to see some cool sights and THAT'S when freaky sex happens
also a good alternative, for those who want the self-insert pov person to be a guy instead of a woman
one must fuck the pit to escape it...
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sarah trills & thomas snyder smut
Finally, Thomas Snyder gets some pussy.
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The park itself admits its not true amniotic fluid, just that it makes people horny for some reason.
Which is your favorite crack pairing?
Lesly/Dealer is fun
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Loaded Deck, has the advantage of being officially acknowledged
These grownass adults acting like teenagers with the barely 19 year old acting as their mom.
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yeah i admit my writing for the story sucked absolute ass
im planning to get much better at writing though so i will release maybe one more before lurking again
Which one are those again?
Superhero Confic Pair, Air Cannon and Cactus Man!
I NEED cute funny astrology black girl and cute funny alien girl
The 30 year old virgins and their teenage CSA survivor guardian is a very funny dynamic.
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Name their band
He can be scary and cool
i think it would be but it should be like a true-crime documentary series about the rise and fall of heisenberg's empire
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turn on the subtitles
My boy
>Tries to solve codes; Gets sexually assaulted.
Yeah that's about the gist of it.
Nia better be a damn good singer if her name is standing out that much.
very smoochable
recommended videos and/or series if i enjoyed obscure security system?
>My Chemical Rapemance
>The Rapeatles
>Rapetly Crue
>Rape Day
>Rape Bizkit
>The Raping Pumpkins
Our boy
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Do anyone else find it interesting that the (in-universe) developers of Nebula and Quasar didn't implement any cutscene for the Bad Ending? Could it be that Thomas Synder originally had a cutscene for it but it was deemed to horrific so they removed it with just a spooky message instead?
New British Cryptids (1974)
No, mine! None of you can have him.
I assume some of the cut dialogue is referencing that possibly removed cutscene.
Bad ending is Nebula death?

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