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I'm 100% certain this book will completely fall apart the moment Peach Momoko moves on
Variants are evil and are killing capeshit.
Yeah probably

But they could also relaunch it and follow a different cast in a different country and bring in the Japanese girls as guest stars
Well yeah, it's entirely her baby and her art is the entire appeal.
This isn't a variant, moron.
Gotta hope it lasts then if you're a fan. I remember the last time I became invested in something different, it ended with Tom Taylor ruining everything...
Just think of her run as one complete story and ignore anything after.
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Yeah for sure. I just hope it's a nice long run.
Me too anon, me too…

This is 100 percent what I plan on doing. Dropping it off my pull if I ever see her off of it in the solicits. Frankly I don’t give a fuck about the ultimate universe at all I’m just here for momoko
That’s assuming that this universe is meant to last beyond this confrontation with the Maker everything is leading to. Barely anything happens in an issue as is, she’s probably locked in for 24 issues
That level of stupidity is more of something I'd expect from DC
I'm honestly amazed she has been getting this all out on time without any delay. I'm loving the ride too but I'm only in it because I love Peach's art.
>are killing capeshit.
I have to agree. Because why are there so many fucking variants for one issue. When they SHOULD be used for later comic issues
>she’s probably locked in for 24 issues
>6 issues make up 1 arc
>So we'll be having 6 story arcs
>it ended with Tom Taylor ruining everything...
Laura Kinney?
Jon kent?
Dick Grayson?

Man’s got a list of characters he’s destroyed and fandoms he’s fucked over.
the opposite is true, but ok. more options, more to buy/sell/collect, more artists getting their work attached to more books. publishers/distributors/shops all selling more books. but i guess more = bad in your mind. cant enjoy a superhero story if there's various different covers.
finally someone said it, although anonymously. just like with scottie young. people are buying it for the cover and only pretending like the story is better than it actually is. the opposite can also be said im sure. people will ignore or refuse to acknowledge a good story because the art is ass.

dunk a turd in gold and some stupid asshole will wear it around their neck.
im impressed. especially because she does it traditionally and not digitally. she went from doing a handful of variants to doing the main covers for multiple books. shes ascended to Alex Ross levels of professionalism. just an absolute machine. and thats the reward they get for all their hard work and practice. good for her, unlike whats his name tracing other people's art or whatever. but she has genuine style and deserves the success and attention shes gotten.

I feel like that’s not an uncommon opinion? Like it’s going to be near impossible following Hickman on USM too
They could and it would probably be the wisest but the big appeal of the Book is Peach's art.

I plan on doing that as well. Although I do like the Ultimate Spider-Man series.

It is truly remarkable how Peach keeps pumping her art out on time.
Yeah, that was obvious from the start. The book is entirely propped up by Peach's experience living in Japan and being Japanese. No one at Marvel can replicate it.
Once she goes, the book is gonna have to be a completely different thing. And maybe thats the goal. Something completely off-pace for Marvel to get eyes on the book, then move into something more standard after Peach.
>especially because she does it traditionally and not digitally.
I didn't know that. Thats pretty impressive in this day and age.
I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm not an X-Men fan at all but this has been such a strange, slow moving and expanding story. It feels like a breath of fresh air compared to everything else. It's the only book at Marvel I'm reading. Peach has been doing a bang up job. She has a killer work ethic.
>just like with scottie young. people are buying it for the cover and only pretending like the story is better than it actually is.
That’s not what I said at all. I love the comic. I said I’m only here for momoko. She writes and draws the comic anon. Let me guess, you’re this retard: >>144628239 who seems to think this is a variant?
Is Baldie japanese Cassandra Nova?

He won't be as anime influenced but he could absolutely pull off the same water color painterly look.
>publishers/distributors/shops all selling more books.
Not him but we literally saw LCS' get pissed at Marvel for flooding them with variants they can't even sell
I like how every Ultimate books are unique.
Spider-man is a classic comic book with action and drama, X-men is a sort of SOL/superhero mix that only Peach can create, BP is political drama and Ultimates is 100% fast paced action.
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And only one of them has motorcycles
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Yeah but consider: big Janet.
Ultimate Janet will always be based
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My ideal Ultimates team from the original universe.
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My Dead Ultimates team.
Going to add Harry Osborn Hobgoblin.
Still salty nothing ever came from that Janet as Jocasta tease from Ultimatum.

Still salty the Ultimate Cap series with Brian Hitch never happened.
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I really, really like Janet being the grounding rod for Hank. You can do some interesting things with that dynamic.
>I'm 100% certain this book will completely fall apart the moment Peach Momoko moves on
Probably, yes.

I see way too many of these comic runs that get some attention because somebody is trying something novel, but then they just keep running and shove yet another capeshit author in their place, and the quality immediately takes a nosedive. They're hoping to keep people reading with the original stuff and then try hope they don't notice the change in quality.

>Just think of her run as one complete story and ignore anything after.
This. You can't force them to keep making good products, but you can just take the good ones they do produce and leave once the quality drops. Hopefully they'll make a trade paperback of the Momoko arc so people can just by that and forget whatever comes after it.
>this guy again
Good. Stories are meant to end. If Momoko leaves it with its main plot points all wrapped up, that's the good ending.
This, obviously.
Just have to hope she can tell her whole story and not have her legs cut off from under her.
Need her to run Maker the fuck over
>Doesn't use her mutant powers, just runs him over with his bike, killing him instantly
So, what happen after Maker is unleashed? Phase 2?
Some people think the universe dies when he is defeated
What if he win?
Oh you're right. 4 story arcs my
The underground superhero betting market collapses
Might be better off for them to have a definitive end point and go out on a high note rather than doing what they did with Krakoa and keep it going until they run it into the ground
I still place get my coins on the lolis. Not being engineered by Iron Lad make them a wild card.
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I wonder what her role will be? I can't see her being a true antagonist for any real length of time, she clearly has a disdain and dislike for the cult. But having two tasers on the team is probably redundant (granted, that never stops X-Writers and their OMEGA LEVEL TELEPATH fetish
>But having two tasers on the team is probably redundant (granted, that never stops X-Writers and their OMEGA LEVEL TELEPATH fetish
I was thinking this too because why create Mei if you're just going to allegedly put surge on the team.
Iron Kang and Doom's minds are btfo seeing this
"All we needed was a motorcycle."
Doom would probably go insane at the idea that he could overlook something
Nah, its Reed under there.
So was the maker
jezzus mate it's such a basic ass manga plot, how can you even say this?
did you every read anything that is not big 2?
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If they haven't seen it before, it's new to them. Better to help them expand their horizons rather than shut them in, I always say
How many manga deal with cults made of superpowered loonies?
shit nigger, it's webcomic tier. character drama with jap pacing, it even apes the most generic manga beats ie: le distant jap salary man to showcase perfectly how momoko is not even from the jap comics scene and there's a reaon she only used to draw pin ups

it reeks of the typical coomer-in-denial type that is deeply ashamed of buying things with his dick so they pretend what they consume is top notch and get behind the cuteness to pretend it's not about oogling at girls. i understand reading it if it tickles your dick, but holy shit don't pretend it's good.

most shonen, but it's clear the loonies are just there to fill up space while momoko keeps drawing turn of the 2010s tokyo urban fashion girls while acting all mysterious.
A definitive end point for Earth-6160 would be way better off for them then what happened with Krakoa.

I concur.
>Maker is defeated
>Doom fund the Future Foundation
>Everyone is alive and happy
>"My name is Tony Stark, I am Iron Man..."
>"....And this is my origin"
Not gonna lie, I stopped reading two words in.
I like that.
I read plenty. Not much manga though. Not sure what Peach did to make you seethe this much.
Why are some people mad at UXM? Isn't it a reboot of the original "Teenagers with superpowers comes together and make a team" premise?
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Their favorite mutants aren't there, it's not connected to the other stories, and it's "too slow" are the main gripes we see. Some say, because Nico is in it that it should be a Runaways book instead (despite nobody running away)
Earth-2 probably
X-fags are eternally mad about something. You can't make them happy.
I wonder who is going to be the surprise 6th member just kidding, its Rogue isn't it?
Glob Herman
Would be so based. If Peach locked in
>(despite nobody running away)
I think Mei is the only Runaway of the group
I don't think she ran away from home yet.

She's still attending High School and her powers activated when they were still in Middle School

So unless the Schools never contacted her parents or required a home address, she's probably just living a really awkward life at home
I find it being so disconnected and the speed of it's pacing to some extent as postives.

I like that the premise is the original "Teenagers with Superpowers come together and make a team" without any baggage from previous stories. It feels refreshing.
he could fulfill the classic American child role, and live with Grandma
The whole thing reads like a shallow read on the premise of X-Men. “Teens with powers coming together to form a team” isn’t something that’s owned by X-Men. Hell Teen Titans, Young Avengers and Champions can also be summed up with that. Even the outcast angle feels shallow. While traditionally the X-Men represent the aspect of being an outcast because of the way you were born, in UXM, they’re outcasts just cuz the plot says so. Personally I’m not a fan because the whole thing just feels like the most basic reading of X-Men themes while just trying to be a horror manga
It’s not perfect, but it’s not the complete waste of time that is Ultimate Black Panther. I just read the latest issue of that and literally nothing happened.
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>but it’s not the complete waste of time that is Ultimate Black Panther
UBP is NOT a waste of time.
My LCS doesn't even carry it...
It's for girls.
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I'm not a girl?
So sorry to hear that
Then you're gay.
It's complete shit
They could lean more into stuff like her having superspeed which I don't think was ever fully explored in favor of making her a glorified bugzapper in later stories.
Also not true, and I don't like you coming onto me like that
I mean, she EAT electricity, so she is more or less a hard counter to Mei.
I don't swing that way, bro. But you do you.
Not to me. It's also because this is my first black Panther comic that I'm following.
>Panel where Surge is eating a power line like licorice
I did like that was a highlight of her powers in Mutant Academy. Being the teams speedster
What's the ultimate book for today?
I finished reading it. It was straight, but much like this months Ultimate X-Men, I thought there would be more in the issue.
So THAT's why there is no storytime.
Un fucking fortunately. And I hate that's the case
This is already trash.
/co/ can't handle the BBC (Beefy Big Cat)
I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, but it honestly baffles me just how divisive this book is. You have people who adore this book and swear up and down on how great it is. You have people who will tell you that this book is an atrocity, that this book is sacrilege and goes against everything that an Xbook stands for
You're right. This issue had fight between Black Panther and Moon Knight. Wish the fight was longer though
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I took it upon myself over here >>144644317
Thanks anon. Just bought copy today

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