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For anyone who remembers my What If? storytimes from last year, don't worry - I've pared things down to the stuff that's ACTUALLY SoP-worthy
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Also, please be aware that 4chan is being real fucking retarded for some reason, so things may not progress as smoothly as I wish.
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I thought the original What If was generally well regarded, no?
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No run is completely perfect. Besides, this was the inspiration for Jason Aaron's run on Thor, which should be justification by itself.
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>Besides, this was the inspiration for Jason Aaron's run on Thor
Ah, right.
Carry on then
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Now, let us move swiftly onto What If? v2
You'd better get used to all the Wolverwank - it was a real mainstay in What If? as Spider-Man getting killed.
Who doesn't love a good old bit of Wolverwank?
Your storytimes last year weren't even that bad. So far this year you'd posted actual shit. Now you're back to posting stuff that is nowhere near SoP worthy.
Minifig has highly questionable judgement about what is or is not Storytime of Pain caliber.
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Not doing your case any favors. This issue is better than it has any right to be given the creative team.
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>Jim Valentino
>Rob Liefeld

Yeah, you'd think this shit would be a fucking disaster. It's really not.

There's very little of the early What If? v2 that's actually BAD.

Now the post-DeFalco chunk of the run on the other hand... You might have a case there. (Though to be fair this applies to Marvel in general.)
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Now, the first story in this issue is one of the best What If?s ever told...
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... good job I'm only covering the second one, then!
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Is this the only where Reed smacks a hoe?
At least th art is good
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Now you're getting into some actually bad comics.
You know? Thordis would have been the ideal Marvel's version of Wonder Woman.
Who tf is shard??
This might be the stupidest ending to any issue of What If?, and that's saying something
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To be fair, Wolverine dies a lot in What ifs too. I'd dare say he and Spider-Man are tied in how many times.
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Liefeld drew feet!?
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I'm as shocked as you are.
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In all seriousness, the inker probably did it for him.
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Oh dear god...
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Well, so much for v2.
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We limp now towards v3, which was mostly Bendis stories iirc
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God, the fucking ego on this bald prick.
Anyway, time for 00s Claremont at his most mediocre.
pretty solid choices so far.
I'd like to think I learned a few lessons from my overzealousness last year...

OK, now we're into actual proper shit.
Good news: I've only got one more What If? thread for this week.

Bad news: I still have one more What If? thread for this week.

He did the thing!
The base concept matches, but the execution was awful.
Bad timing. Or maybe good timing, I'm not sure.

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