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What's your thought on Marvel's outspoken Vice-President?
Old fart

Total retard but still better than Jim Do-Nothing Lee.
"It's fun when we make fans angry, that means sales"
>deletes all social media when they get angry with HIM
Looks like an older Linkara
>b-but DC is worse, right guys?
He's a fucking retard working for a retarded company. Hopefully he dies soon.
Is that Old Man Linkara?
I'm starting to wonder if he was put on the X-books to either make him quit or make him inadvertently give the higher-ups a reason to remove him
I have respect for him. Unlike alot of folks at Marvel I really think he does care about letting writers do the work, but I think from the ashes has kind of shown his weakness in terms of adapting to a new era of comics.

Like alot of Marvel they are just kinda happy if books sell well enough to keep the company floating and sees that as a success instead of pushing for more. I do really appreciate him trying to be more open to fans then most editors.

Kinda reminds me of the dad character in Public Domain a bit
No, he's just taking control of even more books. He's almost editor of every marvel franchise now.
If he had the will to go to the gym 3x a week and lose the gut, I might respect him a little. Same with Al Ewing although he mentioned wanting to get fit for hot guys.
/co/ would be so much better if folks actually tried to learn what goes on in the industry instead of just repeating what other dumbasses say
Had no idea Linkara liked Ultraman
From the Ashes is just a placeholder status quo. The comics higher-ups get their marching orders from Marvel Studios and Feige has said they are moving into the mutant era of the MCU. The comics will have to comply but they also have no clue what the MCU mutant status quo would be like, except that it obviously won't be Krakoa. So they introduced From the Ashes to be a kind of filler status quo before the MCu gets their shit worked out and that can be translated into the comics like they did with a lot of previous stuff.

This is just the wait for the other shoe to drop.
I think FTA is him following the directive of higher ups, this is just padding space for a couple years till the MCU begins making real moves toward their own X-men
le ebin fedoraman
Hack who failed upwards and has never done anything worthy of respect
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His decisions are cancerous and his whiny mouthing off to fans damages the brand. He doesn't understand the characters and should've gotten the Didio treatment years ago. The outstanding success of the Ultimate Spider-Man comic is proof he should be out the door, it's everything he campaigned against and her only allowed it because he expected it to fail and wanted to shut fans up.
he basically plans to wait out everyone else to he can become EiC of Marvel.
He's been trying for 30 years. He's not getting it now. I don't think he even has a single writing credit.
Do you need to be a writer/artist to qualify to be an EiC?
the Shogun was a writer and Qusada was an artist but I'm not sure Alonso previous work was
yeah Alonso wasn't a creator but he was very tight with Quesada. Brevoort has been there since BEFORE Quesada and still not managed to suck up enough to rise in the ranks. So I think he's fucked.
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Holy shit, Linkara looks old as fuck now!
>I don't think he even has a single writing credit.

He does have a lot of writing credits
He's obviously shit.
I think he should finally retire
About what?
They should reset the entire universe to be MCU shit already
Is he, though?
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Hack faggot that ran the comic side of Marlel to the ground with the shitty "status quo-changing events" grift.
The Lightbringer doth return
Fuck him.
I hate him so much
Why are so many comic book creators LITERAL fedora autists?
>deletes all social media when they get angry with HIM
Did something happen? He's seemed a lot more scared of getting X-Men fandom angry at him compared with how he's gleefully made Spider-Man and Avengers fans angry. Not because X-Men fandom is a cult full of obsessive schizos, but because all the metaphor and allegory stuff is a minefield of things that Marvel could unwittingly do that get people angry enough to get him cancelled.
>"It's fun when we make fans angry, that means sales"
>The year is 2024 and everyone pirates out of spite
>Proceeds to go full retard with the QR-code-for-final-page bullshit

How Brevoort manages to keep a job with brain dead ideas is beyond me.
Brevoort has been at Marvel since the early 90s, if he ever had a shot at being EiC, it was probably the time Alonso got picked instead of him. Then when Cebulski got picked be the next EiC it must have been obvious even to him that it was never going to happen.

He's probably in the twilight of his Marvel career by now, and like >>144639088 and >>144639127 said, his time on X-Men is probably just about keeping things running smoothly until they have new movies they can copy, but the X-Men books have been a toxic dumpster fire for so long that if he can actually somehow fix them, it's one last achievement in his career, if he can't fix them nobody's going to hold it against him because nobody could fix them now. This is not a prediction, it's a spoiler: he doesn't fix the X-Men.
I just hope nobody else at Marvel or anywhere else starts copying this awful idea. Pages that only exist digitally really screws over people who actually buy physical copies of the books, while it's barely a minor inconvenience to the pirates.

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