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Came back from seeing this slop... so, some of the jokes involving Logan & Void-Avengers were legit funny, some acting bits with Emma Corrin's Cassandra Nova were interesting (in the beginning she played it similar to McAvoy's mischievous cheekiness in "First Class" + chewing the scenery in a good way... until they turned her into a typical MCU non-villain) the pulsating score by Rob Simonsen (when it wasn't overtaken by the crappy 80's music overload) was enjoyable, the sequence with vibrant visual depictions of the comic-accurate Wolverines (while brief) had a better stylistic flavor to it than the entirety of the desert-heavy Mad Max rip-off.

But overall, it was a shameless corporate exploitation of nostalgia (filled with senseless violence) & a waste of a proper team-up (25 years to see Jacked Man in the friggin suit & you never get any proper well-lit & well-shot action scenes with it because the director is a tasteless hack with no understanding of the camerawork + style + film language - so that shit looks better in all the stupid promo art than in the actual 'movie') that never made sense from a storyline/narrative pov & was headlined by one annoying cunt of an 'actor' (to paraphrase Tommy Lee Jones, I simply cannot sanction Reynolds' buffoonery & being forced to be invested into his 'arc' while trying to stomach his incompetence & ego complex as a viewer was a struggle).

If anyone's up for a discussion of this messy quipfest of a non-film or Q/A, I'm up for it.
sure you have Marvel
how disney/feige let shawn levy direct d3 after free guy is beyond me and i really wish if they do white eyes for the wolverine mask again that they just use white contact lenses instead of cg eyes
also how did x23 come back from the void?
Doesn't Wade wish her back at the end? He asks the black lady to save them.
Agreed, Logan's cowl in most of the scenes looked really fake (almost like a CG afterthought as opposed to something tangible & real) & on the same level of visual awfulness as Thor's helmet in "Love & Thunder".

Regarding your question: it is, like most of the things in the film, is never explained or elaborated on. She's just, randomly there, & that's the end somehow.
im still confused tho whether or not logan takes place in the same timeline as the deadpool movies
The thing is: the wish never gets granted because sacrifices & what happens in each Universe are there for a reason, not to be changed or tampered with. Real confusingly mind-scratching stuff...
They did the Michael Keaton Batman thing from the Flash: where it feels like he could be from those '89/'92 films but what happens in the actual storyline contradicts what we witnessed in that duology, so Keaton is more akin to a variant Batman who shares some similarities with the Tim Burton films but, ultimately, should be viewed as a different iteration of the character.
Logan does, which is weird because it takes place in the future. What I'm confused about is Jackman. He is now in the MCU. Wtf are they gonna do with him? For God's sake, it's time we move on.
They're going to team him up with Tobey's Spider-Man & then erase/kill him (& other cinematic OG Avengers/Mutants) for good in Secret Wars prior to MCU's X-Men reboot.
see i thought that if logan also died in the deadpool timeline that it wouldve been like in logan except it happened earlier. either that or wolverine is still alive in the deadpool movies and deapdool just knows about it from the tva or fourth wall breaks
secret wars
I forgot about Secret Wars. True.
nvm he couldnt have been alive in it unless this takes place before logan
Logan's cowl being an afterthought is a misfire
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Absolutely! They hyped it up so much in the promos & merch (where it looked decent) but shit the bed really hard when it came time to presenting it on screen & it felt as a CGI add-on. Plus, their reasoning for Logan not putting on the cowl throughout the entirety of the film was absolutely ridiculous.

Also, we could take away even more points from that incompetent Levy director for not thinking of the obvious - putting the freaking cowl on Logan in the Todd McFarlane homage mini-clip.
i wonder if cavill wolverine wouldve met daredevil if ben affleck signed up for this
They would've done it. His former wife taking a dig at him in that hideout scene was definitely related to the fact that in the original planning stages of the film, DD was supposed to be a part of Void Avengers but knowing our Dunkin Donuts guy as we do + his '03 experience, he didn't want to be in the capeshit in that kinda 'cameo' capacity.
if this movie doesn't make 600 million they're done with X-Men
yeah even tho he was on set for the movie lol
on the set of the movie*
Feige & co. are really satisfied with '97 animated revival + the mutants are a big part of MCU's Secret Wars plans, so they will probably give it a fair chance regardless of how well this flick does.
how does this movie impact the MCU going forward?
any big changes?
It doesn't impact it in the slightest, really. The film's main goal is to introduce Wolverine, Colossus, X-23 & Deadpool from the Fox-verse as active players into whatever will transpire down the line in MCU's Secret Wars.
Jesus Christ WHY. The guy said almost ten years ago he was getting too old for this shit and now he’s going even longer?? Why did this fucking movie even need to be a multiverse/MCUbullshit movie anyway? If this was just a Deadpool/Wolverine team up movie I’d be first in line at the theater but shoving in multiverse shit immediately killed all interest for this movie. Here’s my pitch, okay, on how I would’ve done this shit
>Deadpool stumbles on something and needs Wolverine’s help
>the X-Men have broken up because of something I dunno and Wolverine is all depressed and shit and is the reluctant hero
>the thing Deadpool stumbled on ended up being a lot bigger deal and the OG X-Men (Marsden Cyclops, Famke Grey, Storm Berry, hell maybe even Kelsey Beast) team up with Deadpool and Wolverine to stop the threat
>they win, reform the X-Men, Deadpool finds some sort of happiness and has a happily ever after
>FoX-Men gets a nice send off, Deadpool gets a trilogy, MCU can move on with reboot instead of bullshit nostalgia pandering that’ll end up hurting them more than helping
This makes much more sense than whatever the 'film' was trying to say.
What was there reasoning anyway?

Also was the Cowl even real or CGI?
If it was the latter, then it'd better be the former in any future appearances.
ah, he will be 100% back
don't worry
hugh jackman's wolverine will be in the mcu?
the only big change is that we are back into mcu early slop levels, not woke slop. so tons of fun and what I believe was one scene from the next avengers movie
Like, Logan needed a 'big battle moment, a moment of personal redemption' type of goofy explanation. He could've put that shit on at ANY point prior to that finale.

It looked totally CG in all of the shots (the most noticeable offense was done in the underground scene where he's shirtless, because they clearly shot it with Hugh's face being visible & then digitally applied the cowl on) & felt fake as fuck (like Ben Affleck's CG cowl in the Flash or Hemsworth's gold helmet in "Love & Thunder").
anyone that talks about or refers to the music as a score is a fucking shill and a faggot for using pulsating as an adjective. fucking faggot.
it was really nice seeing channing tatum so eager and happy to be finally playing gambit. he really put a lot of effort. and that I really liked

all in all, if you're not a hipocritic "movie critic" and like wolverine, deadpool, x-men and other fox-era movies, you'll sure have fun
Seems to be the case but it's a bit unclear because his timeline is now saved (but it's not the one where most of MCU events took place) & yet he interacts with the Happy Hogan that we know (Favreau) & really, really wants to be an Avenger.
I'm actually okay with the personal redemption explanation. But you also make a very good point.

Well that's a bummer. At least Ben Affleck's Cowl in the Flash was an actual Cowl as seen by behind the scenes pics, unlike Thor's Helmet.
mcu earth is not the same as fox-earth from where wade comes. his timeline is saved because he found another anchor in the new logan. and will probably be an avenger in the next avengers movie and have his scene with thor
That's all I'm looking for, a fun time. And for it to better than Dark Phoenix.
if you like the deadpool movies and miss the early slop of the mcu, you'll have a really good time
See, when you put it like that it becomes easier to comprehend. The movie went full ret-d with those explanations.
I quite enjoy the Deadpool Movie so I'll have a good time seeing it this friday with my dad.
I found it really easy to understand. the movie is not hat complicated, is just a really good theme park ride
I watched with my dad too. he quite like the super-hero flicks and was pissed how they made it bad with those woke flops. but it was funny how he didn't quite understand the first half because of the references from loki tv series
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this was my favorite wolverine variant only by the fact that I'm probably the only one who recognized him
Until his 90s!
The timeline gets erased in reverse (around when X-23 is older, that's why she is alredy in the void)
Just saw it. I have but one question what's even the point of doing costume acurate Gambit when you're not doing the black&red eyes?
That shit bugged the fuck outta me as well + he looks a bit too bloated in some moments! I'm sure when this film goes digital, some fan with CG skills will fix it & it will look seamless but... it was on the director of the film to not fuck this up (fans shouldn't be asked to fix things for those who got paid to direct & present this crap to the public) & he did (in a world where you have the graphics + contact lenses, it's a grievous sin not to fully commit to the proper visual representation in a film that paid a proper visual homage to a lot of iconic comic book looks).
>score by Rob Simonsen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awPPG4E5Qh0 - some tracks on the soundtrack feel very inspired by the Black Panther Goransson score & Pemberton did on the Spider-Verse flicks.
I just really really hope they keep Reynolds away from the X-Men proper. Every time I start to get a little excited or interested in this I remember he's the anchor and just deflate.
for real! thought that the film would be evenly split between Wolverine & Deadpool (which would make Wade's antics more tolerable) but there was so much Reynolds (wasn't even funny, felt self-masturbatory with no wit attached to it) in this b1tch that it was an instant turn off vibe-wise & having 100's of them showing up in the 3rd act felt like an AI-generated nonsense/slaughterhouse.
that was deadpool
The void is a clear ripoff of the Limbo from Grant Morrison’s Animal Man
Also Gambit’s costume looked great but Channing Tatum looked awkward in it somehow.
Logan’s mask looked terrible in some shots and good in others. Overall the movie is just fine with some cute references for us nerds, but Reynolds has truly overstayed his welcome. He gives me the same vibes as The Rock where he tries way too hard to be likeable when in reality he’s a corporate soulless shell, at least Jackman still tries to give a real performance even in this capeshit.
Also the whole Juggernaut ‘s helmet cancelling Cassandra’s powers didn’t make any sense.
>Also the whole Juggernaut ‘s helmet cancelling Cassandra’s powers didn’t make any sense.
How? Juggernaut's helmet blocking telepathic attacks has been a thing for decades. The real issue is suddenly playing it up now when Juggernaut's never been around long enough for it to come into play before.
Did anyone ever tried to put it on Charles’ head and make him not a telepath? Besides it looked like it was acting like some sort of kryptonite, it also made her not regenerate. Then again, i love Morrison’s X-men as much as the next guy but i still have no idea what Cassandra’s powers actually are
Kek holy shit. Pseud central. Not enough child rape, jewish allegories, and sex scenes for you?
It was a banger
>Ben Affleck's CG cowl in The Flash
I agree with everything else but god damn am I sick of you dumbass not doing the 30 seconds of googling to see the set images from that movie
The director's cut of '03 is kino. I really don't know why people refuse to watch it. It's one of my favorite Affleck films
Logan DID take place in the future. Thing is, we already caught up to that future since that movie took place in the early 2020s.
Most of the people who have seen the movie so far are actual third-worlders. Don't expect genuinely intelligent discussion of this until at earliest this weekend.
It's pretty funny how the trailers gave away how cheesy the movie would be. Desperate marketing for a desperate film.
The cowl's lame anyway. This superhero shit's passe. It was "cool" for a while, but now it's just lame ass nerd crap again like it used to be. You want a Wolverine movie? Have him killing dudes in his wife beater again. No one wants the leather or spandex on his ass.
I unironically prefer it over the show. Better Kingpin, better vibe and better costume. The red suit in the show looked like ass. I'd have liked it if they either kept the black one or just made a red version of that instead. The Ninja mask look always looks dope. Plus, it looks better on his head.
this is a decent baseline, I’m also up for a straight adapation of a simple teamup like Good Bad and the Ugly.
Snipes the once and always king
X-23 survived, and the others more likely did too
The 2 Deadpool Vs Wolverine fights were fun. The car fight was epic. Pretty much everything else is forgettable. And I thought we were actually going to see a Hulk fight?
But Logan is the same timeline as Deadpool
So does that mean Logan already happened?
Then why the fuck Deadpool and pal still alive?
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So, without spoilers... is this film really that bad?
To me it just felt like the previous two, so the question is if you liked those or are expecting something different.
I really enjoyed the first one. The second one wasn't bad, but something was off. However, I really liked how they made Cable.
Eh, closer to the second one, some things to enjoy but depending on how jaded you are you will like it more or less.
I'm surprised they didn't bring Vinnie Jones back
The opening fight, the car fight and the lifield joke were great. Every thing else was fine.

Wish Chris Evans was in the film longer. Easily the highlight.
i wish they referenced legion
I am in love with you...
I remember walking out of seeing Daredevil in theaters and saying to myself "Holy shit. They made Daredevil cool." Fast forward 10 years and now all of a sudden, everyone hates it. Never made sense to me.
Same thing happened to Ang Lee's Hulk. Sincerity is lost
They tried, he said no because he's just too old to do that suit and makeup anymore
I think Ang Lee Hulk has some pacing issues and a somewhat anticlimactic ending.
>the OG X-Men (Marsden Cyclops, Famke Grey, Storm Berry, hell maybe even Kelsey Beast)

First problem: budget

>Wolverine is all depressed and shit and is the reluctant hero

But thats literally what happened. Hell, its possible the Logan in this movie was an earlier version of the 2017 Logan movie. (To explain, Logan dies in 2029 in that movie, Deadpool's events are between 2016 to 2024) So, by time wimey BS reasoning, Deadpool got the ideal depressed Logan for the BS he wanted to pull off.

>bullshit nostalgia pandering
They're just going to keep doing it. They'll never stop.

>MCU can move on with reboot
They really should. They honestly should. But rebooting is going to be hard as hell. They still have unresolved storylines, including Sam Wilson Cap. And Shang Chi. Yes, you can just all "throw them into the metaphorical void", but thats the pussy way out. Hell, the movie illustrated this.
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I don't know what to think about it really. The first half is hilarious and made me think it was going to be a great movie but at some point it falls off hard. It was not a script worth bringing Hugh Jackman back for and its sort of insulting that he's giving a real performance in what is essentially a farce.

It's like 3/5 and heavily drug down by the last 3rd of the movie. The first two were much better and actually had soul.
>it falls off hard.

I feel its the ending. Its like there was some other ending intended for the movie, than the MCU started to falter with the Marvels, the Eternals, Quantumania and whatever the fuck Secret Invasion was supposed to be. I think Deadpool was really supposed to be introduced into the MCU, but this retconned ending of "a happy ending for Logan and Laura in a restored FoXMCU ending" may be the Marvel attempt to say "let them have their happy ending, we're just going to reboot everything in a few years."
Deadpool isn't a mutant, but a mutate.
i think the ending wouldve been better if instead of cassandra trying to destroy all universes it was logan and wade fighting paradox leaving him to the void to be with cassandra. also the deadpool corps fight i feel like wouldve been better earlier but idk
What's there to reboot? The superhero genre's over. All anyone wants is Batman and Spider-Man again like the old days.
No dude. Even I never went to see "Hulk" in theaters. It looked as stupid then as it does now.
Looks like the camrip is out.
>The superhero genre's over.

Dumbass retarded take. Everybody said this shit back in 1987 with Superman 4. Than Batman 1989 happened. They said that with Batman & Robin in 1997. Then Blade 1998 and X-men 2000 happened. They said it of Wolverine Origins in 2009. Then the fucking MCU really got started with the triple whammy of Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America. Every time you say "the superhero genre's over", it comes back.

>All anyone wants is Batman and Spider-Man

Perhaps. But Iron Man 2008 proved that people would be interested in a new hero. The same for the X-men, back in 2000. People don't only justc are for "muh Batman bin Suparman n Spidey" they also will be interested in the other heroes IF they tell good stories. Hell, Invincible has threads because people give a shit.
It's been out. I watched it around 4AM EST. Damn CAMS are so much better then they were back in the 2000s... You zoomers are spoiled.
History and culture works in cycles, my guy. And now the culture doesn't want superheroes anymore. Sane shit happened decades ago, and it'll happen again decades later.
We're in uncharted territory anon. Real life is starting to take over real peoples lives.
It's mostly since before CAMs were mostly sold on the street with a video recorder with a shirt covering it up mostly, now everything is done on Iphones.
Iron Man had balls and was barely cape-like. Just a guy in a mech suit blowing terrorists to bits. That shit's badass. When you go too far with the superhero shit, you'll look lame. People can only accept certain shit at certain levels.
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I know why, silly. I've been here since the 80s. It's just nice is all.
After watching the CAM though, AFTER I watched a shitload of spoilers on X.cum, I noticed something. Those fucking spoilers all were cleverly edited. So either multiple countries have multiple versions of the film, or the studio themselves released those spoilers, looking like cams to maybe raise some hype? Very strange.
>History and culture works in cycles, my guy
I'm not disagree with you. I'm just saying-

>And now the culture doesn't want superheroes anymore
- the cycle repeats itself AFTER TWO FUCKING YEARS. I showed you the examples, note the time lapse. And I know you'll say

>its all about videogames now
And what have we got? Mario? Sonic? Yeah, just those two. Has any other video game movie "really" worked out? Boy, I'm sure that Borderlands movie is going to make money. And where's that second detective pikachu movie?

and what else you got?

>muh anime

Okay, maybe there's an argument there. But not everything was One Piece. Lets not forget we have a lot of shitty live action anime adaptations. Superheroes will keep being made because people like superheroes. Just like how isekai is a thing in /a/. Its escapism, its fantasy. Even the wokeness will be toned down once people realize people want the fantasy, and not so much the social issues.
It's not kino it's a passable guilty pleasure for fans of the comics and people into y2k slop.
I like DD, I like Colin Farrell as Bullseye, I really like the black Kingpin, I like music like NERD being in the movie, but it's not kino at all lmao.
People call anything kino nowadays
To be fair - the MCU actually downplayed the whole magic/fantasy angle at the start. It was a very groudned science-based setting (even Thor said their the Asgardian magic was their own unique science). It didnt go full on comic book crazy until Ultron and Thor Ragnarok. But I do think they might start to tone it down if they try to reboot. Who knows - gen A is fickle. I mean, Hollywood is trying to court fucking skibidi toilet of all the fucking things.>>144637908 But I'm pretty sure THIS will go the way of the emoji movie and baby shark.
Hulk is a good movie that people underestimate cause it doesn't feel like capeshit slop
Daredevil is bad capeshit slop that people hate on cause they read it was bad but it's as bad as most marvel movies that people enjoy if not better and most people would like it if they saw it now .back then it was compared to Spider-Man and X-men
Anticlimactic?? Watch it again
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Looks like shit!
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Daredevil was the first super-hero movie that actually showed the hero AFTER the fighting and the damage it was causing to their body. At the time, I remember thinking that was a cool add and told me the writers had a firm grip on the source material.
I would say capeshit as we know it is over until Superman by James Gunn comes out and he will probably bring a different style to capeshit movies and then they'll try to copy that and make more garbage and maybe some good movies

My feeling is the next 10 years Marvel won't come up with anything decent and DC will run the game
This will be the biggest /tv/ meme since Bane and Maskposting. I can see it now.
>All anyone wants is Batman and Spider-Man again like the old days.

Hell naw, the reason DC succks in the movie side is because they never took advantage of anyone except Supermand and Batman related characters while you had companies interested in doing shit with Marvel characters so we ended up with things like Blade trilogy, X-men trilogy, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Punisher, etc.

I just dont want to see the same cape imbecile, i want a good variety of it and with a proper writing which is what Marvel is lacking currently
It's just a detail that doesn't make the movie good
Nigga, I didn't even bring up games and anime. You putting words in my mouth.
How old were you when you saw it in theaters may I ask?
>almost the entirety of /co/ and /tv/ expected a masterpiece from Marvel's Family Guy
You assume Superman will be a hit and not flop like their recent fare.
I really don't understand how The Void works....like at all.
Is this movie Deadpool 2 decent or The Flash type garbage

Wanna see it today but if it's The Flash tier it's
The Flash was kino kill yourself
Imagine Otherworld in Dragon Ball, but for anything non-canon.
If I was doing X-Men, I'd do it like Chronicle and Push. No costumes and no aliens. Grounded universe.
Its somewhere inbetween. It's worth a watch since you're in to this kind of stuff though for sure.
It's a James Gunn movie not a random DC movie
The Batman was cool and didn't feel like anything else in dc movies
Also starting a new universe with James Gunn basically controlling everything means he's gonna have more freedom in his own movies and can do what he wants. He's not my favourite type of director but compared to the average guys doing capeshit he's a genius
So at this point calling a movie kino simply means "I liked it"
>Also starting a new universe with James Gunn basically controlling everything means he's gonna have more freedom in his own movies and can do what he wants
Yeah and? Doesn't mean people are gonna want to see that shit on a global scale. Movies need to hit it big world wide to make their money back and more. Gotta know what appeals to the masses globally to do that.
where does this movie rank among other live-action multiverse capeshit
>No Way Home
>Multiverse of Madness
>The Flash
I didn't watch it in theatres I watched it on tv when I was 9
Love DoFP wolvie
Rest in piss, Marvel Future Fight
No, I actually loved The Flash. It's literally a 2deep4u movie that filtered billions of people. If you judge films by how much money they make and on cultural bandwagon reaction, you're not actually forming your own original opinion.
No way home
Culture's changing so Hollywood and whatever alternatives will have to produce shit that normal people wanna watch to survive. They gotta adapt. So Gunn WILL be dealing with competition when the time comes.
>Doesn't mean people are gonna want to see that shit on a global scale.
Yes it does cause people will go watch a Superman movie even if my mom directed it, and James Gunn isn't just some good director that knows how to make good movies but fumbles on the opportunity of making a big Superman blockbusters with basically total creative freedom and the opportunity to create a huge franchise with it. He knows how to play it and how to use to story to reach the right mass appeal.
As if he didn't do this already with Guardians of the Galaxy. Gunn literally knows how to appeal to the masses better than any director out there right now.
You talk like he's a Sam Raimi or a James Wan being stuck doing a garbage blockbuster just for money without having the ability to do what they want. He's literally deciding how the DC movies are gonna be like so he can do whatever he wants
Read Animal Man by Grant Morrison. Not only does it explain the void, but it's a great fucking read
That's a big IF, but I agree.
Spidey > Strange > Deadpool > Flash

Strange and Deadpool are pretty equal though to me.
Who cares bout creative freedom, my guy? What makes this shit successful is how it does at the box office. If it flops, it's fucked.
yeah I judged the movie by watching it and it's trash. whatever the fuck you yapped about is so low IQ tho that it makes sense you loved that shit. And you even feel special for liking it lmao
So basically, the canon ending to all of the FOX stuff like Daredevil, X-Men, Punisher, and Fantastic Four is that eventually a time traveling multiverse person showed up and banished them to a desert where they would eventually be eaten by a 500 foot tall lion made of fire.

God I hate multiverse shit
Guardians wasn't a superhero movie. It's about a group of mercs having adventures in space. Very accessible to most.
ok so you're a low IQ dummy. I'll never get why people like you go online to share opinions like why would you even waste the time roleplaying as a person with a brain just play videogames
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Anyone else feel like the whole "universes center around a single person as an anchor and if they die then it results in their decay and eventual death" was setup for Secret Wars?

Feels like they're going to reveal that Tony or Steve was the anchor of the main MCU universe and their death is going to lead to its destruction down the line
This. I never gave a fuck about the Guardians of the fucking Galaxy at all during the 80s or 90s. I thought the movie was going to be absolute shit. Then it came out and I was floored. Part 3 was pretty much shit though...
If your logic made sense people would go watch any movie about a group of mercs having adventures in space but they don't and studios don't make them. It's a successful movie cause James Gunn made the right movie and people were already gonna see it cause it's Marvel
It's not important if they're superheroes or not what matters is who makes the movie
confirmed low-IQ brainlet brown skin. discarded.
Marvel wasn't even an unstoppable juggernaut when the first GOTG came out. Most people were expecting it to fail until that first trailer came out and it actually looked really fun.
Nigga, the box office is what matters. Only nerds care bout that creative freedom shit. As if that determines the quality of the movie. Not every idea from the guy's gonna be a good one. Dude can go full retard without the checks and balances to rein him back in. These guys are only human after all.
Maybe, but the multiverse stuff is played up for meta jokes and characters I think it's dumb to ponder on the affects to the wider multiverse lore. It's a self contained story, not really movie bait cameos, the post credits scene doesn't even allude a future project
>MCU does Multiverse story
>"slop! dis is cringe, nigga..."
>90s cartoon does the same thing
Any mention of Domino or Weasel?
>studios don't make them
Because they're stupid and out of touch. You think execs actually know what they're doing? They don't. They're just as dumb as everybody else.
>It's a self contained story, not really movie bait cameos, the post credits scene doesn't even allude a future project
I actually respected that the credits were just an unironic farewell tribute to all the Fox Marvel movies (even the bad ones).

The message of the film does seem to go against Deadpool joining the MCU, he's now fine staying and living with his friends in his own universe.
Yes it was you faggot. Were you born in 2008? If you didn't know the first phase of MCU movies blew up Hollywood you have to be either third-world, an actual retard, or like 15 years old.
Shut up already, nigger.
Only Iron-Man and Avengers were impactful, the rest of Phasr 1 were kind of mid and relative successes.
How many posts is this goblin american negroid zoomer going to spam? You clearly are too young to have seen just how cultural pull all those first few movies had.
He's right though. Why you being stupid?
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You should OD on fent just like your real superhero!
Anon, I was there, and in my 20s. The first batch all got mixed reviews except Iron Man. Avengers came, we all came all over it. Then Iron Man 2 came out, and sucked. Then Iron Man 3. And Thor 2 was very lackluster. I enjoyed Captain America, but it also got mixed reviews.
Superheroes are lame and gay. That shit's for kids.
Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: Winter Soldier solidified the MCU as quality. Then the cracks started to show with the forced inclusion of Captain Marvel.
Stop LARPing and samefagging, nigger
Cap didn't hit it big until Winter Soldier came out. By then, they got rid of that shitty suit he had in Avengers.
do not matter, we're talking about box office.
The success of movies like that is part of the reason reviews basically became irrelevant but word of mouth is what made or broke movies.
You would be correct in that there was some lack of hype around 2013-2016 when Phase 2 disappointed in some ways, but those movies still made a ton of money.
Different anons, dumbass.
>We finally get Nova
>It's not the New Warriors guy but a bald lady
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I love that my favorite was mentioned I love 84.
It wasn't unstoppable but it was after Avengers which was one of the biggest movies back then and literally made people care about superheroes.
You had the first gay ass tumblr ass yaois with marvel superheroes because dweeb bitches that never cared about western comics and capeshit were into them.
As I said why put up this whole roleplay to look like you're a thinking person with opinions. It's like you're here to build the idea that you're a person. It's unnecessary bro you're low IQ just enjoy being dumb and playing videogames
>. Avengers came, we all came all over it. Then Iron Man 2 came out, and sucked. Then Iron Man 3
Iron Man 2 came out after Avengers?
shut the fuck up retard lmao
No one cared that the movie sucked Avengers made the MCU the biggest thing in movies regardless
>Um?? No nigga
>smacks lips
>You should take yo honky ass and watch NOPE
Iron Man 2 took Ant-Man's spot when Edgar Wright was taking too long with it. It's why Wasp wasn't in Avengers.
Cap 1 was good up until Steve returns to the camp with all the soldiers rescued. The final scene was great though.
Iron Man 2 came out before Avengers dummy
No shit, that's what I said.
Do you think some people will actually get angry over the opening scene? I think Logan is pretty revered amongst nerds. It was so blatantly over the top disrespectful I found it hilarious though.
It's just a pile of bones, I did find it amusing how even the TVA were offended by it.

is best Marvel (dissney) film since Infinity war.
Visual effects are slop but not as slop as previous films
last act is just OKish
but overall a good film, it really delivers if you like comicbooks.


not seeing enough about that wolverine tragedy
cassandra nova felts a bit undelwheling BUT overall a good villain.

woke (coexist from 2004) and homosexual stuff is all over the place BUT is not strong negative stuff
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>Pyro can beat Human Torch
Are mutants generally more powerful against "normal" supes that share the same or similar abilities?
>woke (coexist from 2004) and homosexual stuff is all over the place BUT is not strong negative stuff
It's very "adult comedy" style of gay rep though. Like the TVA tailor molesting Deadpool or the fat TVA desk guy being turned on by Deadpool's ass and Wolverine's abs. DP also warns that they'll piss off the woke mob for beinf ableist when Cassandra stands up from Charles' wheelchair during her intro.
I just want to know why Pyro shot Nova instead of flaming her
totally agree withh you anon, the film really deliever. And also works as end of the first deadpool trilogy.

I bought age of apocalypse in 2003 spanish comicbook edition. And weapon-x is my fav wolverine too.
It's not the real Logan just a multiverse variant
That was the actual OG Logan's skeleton, the variant is the Wolverine we follow in DP3.
Maybe they ran out of money.
When I was a kid Pyro was my favorite X-Men character. In like 2003 while in elementary school I even used Pyro as my yahoo messenger name. So it was cool to see him again even though he didnt really do much and died like a bitch.
>Hell, its possible the Logan in this movie was an earlier version of the 2017 Logan movie. (To explain, Logan dies in 2029 in that movie, Deadpool's events are between 2016 to 2024) So, by time wimey BS reasoning, Deadpool got the ideal depressed Logan for the BS he wanted to pull off.
That can't be, aside from this Wolverine and his X-Men wearing their original costumes (at least it was implied, Logan says Scott wanted him to wear it) which FoX-Men never did. D&W Wolverine also knows about the Avengers, which means they existed in his universe.
He was a weasel in the original movies and he died a weasel in the new one.
I'm not arguing with you. 3rd grade me just thought the ability to sling fire was really really cool. They probably only had him in this one for the Human Torch gag though.
He had more screentime than I thought, he was also a glowie for the TVA. I assumed he betrayed Cassandra Nova because they mention that she killed Magneto
Not at all. Johnny Storm should've went Nova and burnt Pyro to ashes. But... It was funny to watch...
Also, the X-Men movies already established that Pyro can only manipulate fire. He can not create it. Which means, how the fuck was he absorbing Johnny Storms fire? Makes no fucking sense.
>Also, the X-Men movies already established that Pyro can only manipulate fire. He can not create it. Which means, how the fuck was he absorbing Johnny Storms fire?
You just said it yourself, he manipulated Johnny's fire and drained it from him
The X-Men is the king when it comes to bullshit power creep.

Someone post that "can learn any language" to "can understand the universe" comic.
I feel like Henry Cavill completely cucked whoever ends up playing Wolverine in the MCU because he was so jacked and badass looking its going to be incredibly difficult to top.
Surprised by the restraint this film showed, was expecting them to go all out or gratuitous with the cameos. The biggest were Cavill/Blade/X-23, one of which was already spoiled by the trailer and the other only appeared for five seconds. The rest were literally just minor characters or literal extras.
That decay takes thousands of year, and nothing says their can only ever be one anchor. Is a metaphor for franchises anyway, stories only live for a moment as their being told. When you finish a book, you say goodbye to that world.
Whn are they going to release the Like a Prayer remix from the climax? That actually sounded great but it's not in any of the sountrack listings
>Johnny Storm should've went Nova and burnt Pyro to ashes

Without Sue to contain it he would have killed everyone including himself.
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Speaking of Cypher, whatever became of his mirror universe death-by-snu-snu wife that he got during X of Swords? Is she still around?
I don't know why either. But I'd be delighted to watch it.

I liked those 2 films quite a lot.

I'm really not that jaded. I quite enjoyed both Deadpool films.

I'm surprised they didn't try to bring Kelly Hu back or Ray Park unless the latter did actually return.

It certainly does and the pacing especially is what really holds it back in my opinion.
Toad and Lady Deathstrike are in the movie.
They're basically extras though, I didn't even know Ray Park reprised his role until just a while ago. Blade going up against Toad was kind of cool though
What comics should I read after watching the movie?
It's The Flash without digital necromancy
Wouldn't be surprised if the ending was the result of all of that and was done as a reshoot.

Now that's a rabbit hole I didn't expect. Very strange indeed.

The MCU not going full comic book crazy until it was well established was a very wise decision.

It looks fine to me.

Weren't the Fox Films originally grounded until Days of Future Past though? I like the grounded universe approach but how would differentiate it from the pre DOFP Fox movies?

I'm planning to watch it with my dad tomorrow afternoon.

I think he'll have competition right out of the gate.

If they don't know the tone of the Deadpool, they might.

Yeah probably, still cool he came back though.

Maybe when it hits Digital?
Drained it where?!?!? He can't absorb it! At most he might be able to deflect it. AT MOST. Lazy writing.
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A scholar?
>Weren't the Fox Films originally grounded until Days of Future Past though? I like the grounded universe approach but how would differentiate it from the pre DOFP Fox movies
DOFP was actually the most grounded X-Men movie, at least in tone barring Logan. Most of the franchise are very goofy dumb comic book movies.
It's Deadpool 2 but replace Cable with Wolverine and Vanessa/Russel with the universe.
it took place in 2029 retard we're still five years off
Don't think about the X-Men timeline, that shit is dangerous to comprehend. Just assume that the Deadpool movies take place in their own little bubble because they're supposed to be comedies where continuity is thrown away at the expense of jokes.
When the TVA says that Logan dying is what's killing Wade's timeline, just contextualize it as a meta-joke about the FoX-Men franchise slowly dying without Hugh Jackman.
I am just saying there is nothing else that captivates audiences like capeshit. MAYBE fantasy. Or Space epics. But theres no new good space epic. And holltwopd ghouls retreat to Tolkien & Rowling instead of trying out unfilmed books. Audience claim to be tired of superheroes, but they will lap up the next big capeshit turd
I find it the opposite, first act is decent, second act felt pretty underwhelming for what was supposed to be a fanservice cameo romp, but the third act tied the whole thing up as a Deadpool movie first and foremost which I really liked.
Rogue drained the fires Pyro created in X2.
I miss when I could joke about how X-Men movies' are just as bad as Texas Chainsaw Massacre when it comes to timeline bullshit.
It's worse now.
>we're just going to reboot everything in a few years.

Kevin Feige literally said it's not happening anytime soon.
It's always been worse, I marathoned the films in preparation for Deadpool 3 and the continuity issues were constantly fucking with me throughout.
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Current rumor is that with mutants now apparently being involved in every MCU project in some way from now on, Avengers 5 went from "Kang Dynasty" to "Avengers vs X-Men" and the multiverse stuff is being shelved until Secret Wars
>mutants now apparently being involved in every MCU project in some way from now on

>Avengers 5 went from "Kang Dynasty" to "Avengers vs X-Men"
Not confirmed, sounds unlikely.

>multiverse stuff is being shelved until Secret Wars
Obviously false.
>Obviously false
I dunno, what other upcoming MCU projects are going to deal with the multiverse aside from presumably Dr. Strange 3 and Secret Wars? Feige also said we are now in the "mutant era", which makes me suspect they've pivoted to renaming the current arc as the Mutant Saga.
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Manlet Wolverine is never EVER happening in movies after this.
>what other upcoming MCU projects are going to deal with the multiverse

Fantastic Four, Spider-Man 4 if Sony got their way, Shang-Chi 2.

>Feige also said we are now in the "mutant era", which makes me suspect they've pivoted to renaming the current arc as the Mutant Saga.
That's just cope. If we get a Mutant Saga, it will be after the Multiverse Saga concludes.
Only the most hardcore Wolverine fans who believe he needs to win all the time and be the best. Most would just find Deadpool using the claws really neat.
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For what it's worth, these are the two actors I've seen rumored for MCU Wolverine once Jackman re-retires.

First is Paul Mescal, who is starring in Gladiator 2 later this year.
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And next is Brandon Sklenar from Yellowstone.
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and the final one is Danny Devito, from Hercules
Honestly it feels like the comic fans who know all the versions of Deadpool and Wolverine are going to get the most mileage out of this movie than the ones coming in expecting more crossover cameos.
Just watched the movie a few hours ago, I was expecting it to be a bridge to connect the Fox movies and the MCU and it felt more like an homage/swan song to the Fox movie and the non-MCU marvelverse, which isn't bad by itself.

I also don't really feel DP and Wolverine are guaranteed to get into the MCU , with the whole message to not aim so high and enjoy what you have.

Now, is there any decent camrip where I can rewatch the opening scene?
So, how hard does this rip into Disney/MCU? /tv/ seems split on it.
Deadpool flat out says that the MCU is in a rough patch and calls them out on bringing back Hugh Jackman to try and save them. The nice Deadpool sheepishly says he thinks the MCU has been on the upswing since Endgame and we're supposed to laugh at his opinion because he's a joke character.
It calls out on the multiverse stuff being done to death and plays on certain aspects of Captain America jokingly, but nothing too offensive or critical

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I want another Blade movie with Snipes dammit
Also I liked the montage of comic book wolverines
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Had Me a good laugh at this.
I want to fuck Cassandra Nova
I want her to skullfuck me
With or without brainfingering?
we really don't need a MANLET wolverine, just a wolverine that's the same height as tom holland who himself looks like a manlet

but quite frankly, after seeing cavillrine, I just want him to be the next one
Okay, watch the Feige interview yourself. Those are his words kek
Flash was convoluted as fuck
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>With or without brainfingering?
>who himself looks like a manlet
*is a manlet
It's cope to interpret that as them pivoting away from the Multiverse Saga, especially when this is a Multiverse movie.
Another Balde movie with Snipes would be awesome, especially if it uses the original plot of Blade: Trinity which was gonna be going to be set in a post-apocalyptic future, with Blade trying to protect the last remnants of humanity from the vampires who had taken over the planet.

That would be the perfect 4th Blade Movie
easily a 700 million movie. all you need to do is make cool action scenes. you don't even need a script
>It looks fine to me.
This, so what if it looks stiff and unnatural, we've been waiting all these years for it, so it's pretty freakin' epic to me
Samurai Deadpool or Nicepool said that post Endgame MCU is as good as pre Endgame abdomen everyone look at him as if he was an idiot.
nicepool is basically woke media and it was pretty funny
NGL he seemed like a pretty chill dude
indeed, but the assholeness of prime deadpool is just something you can't dismiss. even his comic counterpart miss this today and it's quite gross how he is just a nice clown now
When the TVA prunes a timeline, or something/someone from a timeline, it looks like they flat out vaporize it, but it's actually teleported to the Void, which is essentially the end of time, where they're left to rot and eventually be eaten by Alioth (who was previously seen in Season 1 of Loki, as Deadpool mentions).
The First Avenger main issue is the second act but then it slowly recovers during the third act.
Its the movie that makes you like Steve while The Avengers makes youd espite it and prefer Stark instead
Wade literally has a speech about how everyone is sick of all the multiverse bullshit because it's just not working and how it's just been miss after miss for Disney since Endgame.
What it surprises me is how EW video recap of the first two movies has Reynolds and Jackman acknowledges Gina Carano's Angel Dust while completely ignoring T. J. Miller Weasel

>everyone is sick of all the multiverse bullshit

Yet the post-Endgame's biggest hits were all Multiverse-themed.
So, was this in Deadpool's universe?

I couldn't make it past 2 minutes.
I don't like breaking the 4th wall crap.
I don't like Ryan Reynolds, he isn't funny.
I don't want to hear songs everyone knows.
The colors are muted and everything is very fake/ugly/shiny.
I cannot imagine being a big enough faggot to sit through this crap.
The opening was horrible/predictable.
I get it already and that'll be enough of that.
Obvious bait
Sure, but for every No Way Home or Deadpool & Wolverine, there's a Multiverse of Madness or a anything Kang-related.
Multiverse of Madness is still the second highest grossing post-Endgame movie (soon to be third because D&W will surpass it).
>happily ever after

MCU seems allergic to that kind of open ended ending. Either a character is leading to another appearance down the line or they're killed off because their contract is over. No middle ground. At this point there's almost as many dead characters as alive ones, including many who were deleted by Thanos and restored only to die in their next appearance anyway.
>Blade trying to protect the last remnants of humanity from the vampires who had taken over the planet.
Wasn't that the original ending to the first one?
Every Texas Chainsaw sequel is a sequel to the first one and nothing else.
What's with Hollywood and 2029? Kyle Reese fucks off to the past in that year. Alex Murphy bites the dust that year too.
Capeshit's been failing, my guy. Gotta retire the superhero shit and just make them regular action movies.
>Capeshit's been failing, my guy.

You keep saying this, yet the movies generally keep making money.
Which movies?
I took my mom and we had a great time. It was part pantomime, part 90s gross out comedy first, superhero movie second. The cameos and jokes were on point. Anyone that didn’t like it went in taking it too seriously. First time I’ve had fun watching a superhero movie in a long while.
2 is a straight sequel, so not much fuckery here. At least not until/if All-American Massacre will be found, though I'm not counting on that happening any time soon.
3 is somehow both a sequel to 1 and has nods to 2 in a "don't think too hard about it" way
I have now idea what Next Generation even supposed to be.
You have Leatherface which is a prequel to TCM1 and 3D which is a sequel to 1 and somehow manages to contradict it and each other at times.
And 2022.
It's not X-Men but still pretty fucked.
I hate this fucking "franchise". Should've stayed a standalone.
Love the original Daredevil movie, never understand where any of the hate came from. Speaking of came, I have lost billions of potential progeny to Jennifer Garner in that movie. She just wasn't as hot in her standalone movie. I'm glad that they put her in that original costume in D&W, now I get to relive all that cooming again, but with the added bonus of her being a MILF now.
to it and 1
True, but that's mainly because the marketing made it seem like it was going to be a much bigger and more important movie than it actually ended up being. I don't think anyone actually LIKES Multiverse of Madness. The only things it's known for are ruining Wanda, whom everyone loved up until that point, and brutally murdering Reed Richards and Charles Xavier.
Funniest bits?
”Avengers Assemble!”
”Its like Loki season one episode 5”
”The Proposal”

Best bit?
”I was born ready.”
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Speak for yourself. Multiverse of Madness was based. Fuck Raimiseethers.
>Fuck Raimiseethers.
Try again. I love Sam Raimi. But ruining a beloved character is ruining a beloved character, no matter whose ass is in the director's chair.
holy cringe
>the marketing made it seem like it was going to be a much bigger and more important movie than it actually ended up being
That's demonstrably not true.

>I don't think anyone actually LIKES Multiverse of Madness.
A look at the audience scores will prove you wrong.
"Fox killed him off, but Disney brought him back! They're gonna have him doing this 'til he's 90!"
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom both overperformed just last year, and on the TV side of things Loki had strong numbers and Echo also overperformed.
you can't like Raimi and that movie at the same time
>ruining a beloved character

It all comes down to Wandafags seething in the end.
I wanted a Raimi's Doctor Strange movie.
Not "all this terrible modern trash like America Chavez and Bendis' stories with a side of nostalgiabaiting: featuring Doctor Strange"
Are you one of those schixos who insist Raimi didn't actually direct the movie?
>Funniest bits?
The montage of trying to find a good logan
Guardians isn't a superhero movie. They're mercs having adventures in space.
>Echo also overperformed.
Fuck no it didnt.
it's a superhero movie
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>Guardians isn't a superhero movie
When was the last time we had an actual superhero movie, especially from Marvel.? With the emphasis on "hero".
Just cause it's Marvel, doesn't mean it's superheroes. Blade's Marvel and he ain't no superhero.
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>Marvel's ECHO bucked the downward trend of superhero entertainment. It debuted number one on both Disney+ and Hulu, and also had a halo effect for Marvel: DAREDEVIL seasons 1 and 2, HAWKEYE and PUNISHER season 1 received major audience bumps, according to insiders.

We always knew Weasel would be dead to the Deadpool films, but it's definitely weird that they didn't even hint at Domino. I can't imagine Zazie Beetz wouldn't have come back, either.
Strange sucked and Spidey was all fanservice, no substance.

For me it goes Deadpool > Spidey > Strange >>> Power Gap >>> Flash
Bus left the theater, thought it was alright. I really wish I didn't have so much shit spoiled by you faggots before watching it I need to learn my lesson already. I'll never forgive/tv/ for spoiling blade Cavill and x23
this scene had the theatre dying
>Spidey was all fanservice, no substance

You want to gas up Deadpool & Wolverine, and this is your argument?
It's not weird when you remember Domino's redesign was directly responsible for a stunt woman's death. There's no way they'd be able to bring her back without bringing that dark cloud along with them.
And you believe them? This shit ain't making any money.
Can I go on a little unrelated rant here, since you brought this series up?
Echo is the most forgettable Marvel show ever.
It's not even eliciting the "I hope these hack retards never get a job in the industry ever again" reaction out of me like She-Hulk did.
It's definition of what kids today call "mid".
I can barely remember anything about it other than the retarded magical powers at the end and only because that stuck out because it clashed with the "gritty crime drama like muh Netflix shows" feel this show desperately wanted to ape.
Deadpool and Wolverine had some actual pathos, good acting from Hugh and made the relationship between the two leads seem real.
Ah, yes, the good old "I don't like it so it's not true" cope.
No one cares about that except racists on 4chan who are like "see, this is why black people shouldn't be allowed to exist in films"
So did the Spider-Man.
Spider-Man felt like it was made by a team of marketing execs, Deadpool and Wolverine felt like it had some actual heart behind it.
These companies lie about their numbers all the time. The reality is that streaming isn't profitable so they boost their numbers to keep the investors in their pocket.
kek no
It's weird that Cable only got a mention. I thought I remember Feige saying they were going to keep Josh Brolin as Cable going forward.
Can't go wrong with a dash of "it's all a conspiracy."
No marvel superhero is an actual superhero
I think they're saving him for Deadpool 3.
Wasn't Josh Brolin busy with that shitty Amazon ranch show
This shit got found out a while ago, dude. It ain't a conspiracy.
Post-screening glow is a helluva drug.
you just have shit taste faggot, hope the industry doesn't listen to your dumb ass
Don't start talking about post-screening glow like Spider-Man had anything going for it besides "OH SHIT IT'S THE GUY FROM THE OLD ONES! OH SHIT IT'S THE OTHER GUY FROM THE OLD ONES! OH SHIT IT'S THAT GUY FROM THE OLD ONES!"
Cassandra's actress was cute and as someone who very recently developed a fetish for british accents I got excited when she called paradox a naughty boy. Dear God I want a British woman to call me a naughty boy so bad bros
>she will never finger your brain with her pretty pink fingernails while calling you a dirty boy and mocking you for your aroused thoughts
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Let's simulate that feel
>"you are a naughty boy"
>X-Men farewell set to green day
I'm not crying, you're crying
I was surprised by how genuine and heartfelt the movie was. The Honda Odyssey scene, especially, was surprisingly raw for an MCU film
Ant-Man 3
Just left the theater. While I enjoyed it I can't help but agree with some anons the earlier parts feel cohesive and great at some point I'm not sure where but the movie begins to feel like a clusterfuck and not as ...I don't know what to call it but it doesn't work as well as the first half or so. But overall I still had fun
Was it Kelly hu? It looked like it wasn't
3rd act was definitely the weakest and felt the most like your standard by-the-numbers MCU dreck, while the first two acts felt much more cohesive, poignant and focused on the inherent charm of the dynamic between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds.
Definitely not Kelly Hu. I spotted The Russian from The Punisher, Bullseye from Daredevil, Lady Deathstrike from X2 and Callisto from X3 among others, but I don't think any of them were played by their original actors.
I agree, although I had fun watching the pure action that was the 3rd act.
There's no way that was Kelly Hu and we didn't get a big "Look, kids, it's Kelly Hu!" close up or moment with Logan.
Yeah, it definitely felt more earned than anything in Spider-Man: No Way Home or Multiverse of Madness because we had what almost felt like a real fucking movie leading up to and interspersed with the fanservice.
do you get a good look at Dafne Keen's ass?
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So was Wade dying in Thor's arms just a joke they forgot to give a payoff to, or was that meant as set up for the next Avengers movie?
I'm 20
MoM is such a fucking disappointment that I can't even express how much that movie made me sad.
100% meant for the next Avengers movie.
I imagine it's just a joke they could turn into the running gag of Deadpool fantasising about Thor whenever he woke up in the film, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they ended up actually doing something with it in the future. The fact that it just used repurposed archival footage would suggest it's just a gag, though.
looks like a cheap halloween costume.
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>It actually fucking was
no way
it felt more like an homage/swan song to the Fox movie and the non-MCU marvelverse
That's what it literally was since day 1 bro.
Deadpool 3 is now the only story ever where Johnny doesn't curbstomp Pyro.
I doubt the idea of Johnny losing to him wasn't Evan's.
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>Chris Evans comes back
>They all but imply he's Captain America
>Jumps down and gets ready to fight alongside Deadpool and Wolverine
I don't care what you guys say, that shit was hilarious
Funny how the current lore about the Fantastic Four power in the comics makes possible for a Johnny isolated in the Void to lose to Pyro.
Johnny using Reed as a plot device to explain sci-fi was a really good touch too.
what else is Hugh even doing now? since the greatest showman and that one weird sci fi flick he did
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I know it's not cool to like MCU films anymore, but I honestly feel like this one had so much soul in it
>The end credits scene with Johnny ranting about Cassandra Nova using the exact phrasing Deadpool did and saying he could quote him on it
>The added humour of bringing the MCU's ultimate good boy back just to have him say the most crass, offensive things imaginable
Dude is rich, hot, famous and 50-something. Probably just wants to spend most of his time chilling and enjoying his massive wealth.
>I know it's not cool to like MCU films anymore
It never was. But the moment things turned into shit was the moment the critics started liking it and we didn't. Now, at least in Deadpool and Wolverine, things are back to "normal".
Depends if this film does week expect mutants sooner
kinda disappointed they didnt give Laura a suit. like she shouldnt have had a full costume but something that while regular clothes were fully implying one of her costumes.
It doesn't really look right to me. Logan's cowl requires a larger jawline.
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wait what
So black pants and a black tank top, basically?
I'm surprised he has the white eyes. Do they, like, move like Deadpool's? That'd be kinda weird since Logan's usually treated a little more seriously than Wade, but this IS a Deadpool film.
So if I understand this correctly Hulk is just a 2 second cameo, and we don't see him fight Wolverine?
>Hulk is just a 2 second cameo, and we don't see him fight Wolverine
From what I recall, they do move, but nowhere near as much as Deadpool's do.
Indeed, but the first Wolverine movie in the MCU will be Wolverine vs Hulk, allegedly already into production.
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I just got back from the movie as well. I made a thread about it but a nice Anon directed me to this thread.
Overall if Deadpool 1 and 2 are 9/10s then Deadpool and Wolverine is a great 8.7/10. The multiverse stuff really does drag the movie down a bit lower than the first two but it's still a good time.
I say it's peak.
>Feige & co. are really satisfied with '97 animated revival
That shit flopped nobody saw it
Would that still be Hugh?
>Source: Just believe me
So it is comic book accurate wolverine in the MCU?
I doubt it. Now I'm betting in Cavill as being the 616 MCU Wolverine. But Hugh will be back to the next 2 Avengers movie.
You have shit taste and you're a faggot >>144659878
I was a little disappointed there was no appearance from Mobius and Miss Minutes. Like I was fine with B-15/Verity doing most of the "Loki" cameo work, but I thought Mobius could've at least shown up at the end when the TVA arrests Paradox, and Miss Minutes could've easily cameo'd literally anywhere once Verity started showing up, even just doing something in the background without dialogue.
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What are the odds Wolverine's mask and critical response to it will further encourage Marvel Studios to start pumping out more comic accurate costumes? Because it appears they're keeping the New Red & Blue Spidey suit for his next sequel too.

What are some remaining characters that desperately need that makeover? Because my mind is going towards Thor. Hemsworth publicly regrets Love & Thunder, and I could see him really pushing for at least one more Thor film to at least go out on top.
putting comic accurate costumes is a easy way to make the nerd movie goer happy. it doesn't even need to fit right, it just needs to be cool. I believe the x-men movies in the future will have them all using colorful costumes
>Because it appears they're keeping the New Red & Blue Spidey suit for his next sequel too.
I would fucking hope so. They haven't even done anything with it yet.
They'll probably give him another temporary costume in the sequel for merchandise but I may have seen a post/image from a Marvel Studios creative director that implies that they'll have it stick around a bit longer. Kinda like how the FFH red/black suit got some use in NWH
stopped reading, it's fucking deadpool retard, you expected shakespeare, kys
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>putting comic accurate costumes is a easy way to make the nerd movie goer happy. it doesn't even need to fit right, it just needs to be cool.
Kinda like how Endgame Captain America and Iron Man pretty much started pulling more comic design details into their sendoff/finale suits. Cap got his mail armor, and Tony got more muscle fitting armor complete with gloves/boots thanks to coloring. I just wish Thor had that same treatment instead of the fat remix he got of his Infinity War suit. Even that failed Avengers game had an okay mix of real/classic. At least that Thor wore his damn helmet too. Maybe Chris Hemsworth will suck it up next time.
Ant-Man just needs to go back to the first or third suit and he's gold
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best viewing experience ever (front row seats): 'you're a big guy, Logan.' / "FOR YOU?!"
i dont care what you niggers say, seeing snipes again as blade made me cum and the music was kino
We had a glimpse of Thor comic outfit in the worst movie, and that's it. Hope he uses before Hemsworth get recast.
I lost my shit so hard at that scene
>They'll probably give him another temporary costume in the sequel for merchandise
Sure, MCU heroes always get a new suit for toy reasons, but they always get to wear the previous suit for the first half of the movie first. If Disney gave us the most comic accurate Spider suit yet and all it got to do was a blurry swinging over a Christmas tree, that'd be fucking stupid, even for Disney.
its just a meta-joke about how hollywood execs cant conceive a xmen movie without wolverine
>It never was.

Are you seriously that delusional.
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A&W suit for sure. Ironic that his Quantumania suit has the iconic circular chest logo, yet is easily the worst.
I'd be fine if it was pick related. Or can we do better?
I'm sure the new red & blue is here to stay as the standard. Even Cap had consistency for the most part.
Seriously? We had a bunch of retards in phase 1 and 2 saying that Marvel movies was stupid and slop and we still liked it. What delusion are you talking about? Marvel never even won a oscar and we never cared.
>I'd be fine if it was pick related. Or can we do better?
We can do better.
It was most certainly "cool" to like the MCU here up until Black Panther, and out there up until Endgame.
So how does it connect to the greater MCU? Do any main MCU characters cameo?
It was, between us. Not between the "movie critics".
so is it just me or was it a little retarded that Cassandra went from ok im cool with you deadpool and wolverine to again wanting to wreck shit? also she gets shot tons of times and then as soon as the helmet comes off, boom she's good again despite still being bleeding. am i supposed to believe that shes using psychic shit to heal fatal gut bullet wounds ?
Bro, what? Every MCU movie got good reviews and fresh scores until Eternals. It was only after Endgame that the discourse that MCU isn't cinema began and critics began turning on it.
happy hogan is the only mainline mcu character that shows up
>Deadpool visits Earth-616 to ask for a spot on the Avengers but Happy Hogan turns him down.
>The TVA is heavily involved, as you know, and Wade references the Avengers throughout.
>The concept of "anchor beings" is introduced, and that will be important going forward

Otherwise it's fairly self-contained.
she was tricking them, anon.
Critics were dicksucking MCU non-stop ever since Avengers.
Iron Fist was literally the first crack even though Jessica Jones was also pure shit, it got dicksucked too.
It's curious how pre-Endgame when the public opinion was favorable, the MCU brand elevated the weaker entries to at the very least "okay." Now that the discourse has shifted, it seems everything is labeled a miss despite most of the post-Endgame entries doing alright critically/commercially.
How are you this dense she only let them go back to the Universe because she was planning to destroy it anyway.
She was never good. She kind of played them and, at the same time, being honorable.
No Way Home is a way worse movie than Deadpool & Wolverine. It's a worse multiverse take, it's also a worse nostalgiabait
>How are you this dense
i guess my boner from her accent distracted me. or maybe she used mind control on me
The 5 minutes the Spider-men spent talking with each other was a good example of what we could've gotten.
D&W did it better, NWH felt neutered
She was just being nice one time since they saved her life, she wasn't redeemed.
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Jackman looked excellent as AoA Weapon X.
>aren't you a comicbook accurate little chump!
The only ones hating the MCU up through Endgame were terminally jelly DCfags and "auteur" Directors like Scorcese who couldn't score massive budgets for mediocrities like Irishman.

And by time the MCU reached the Filler-Phase and started to stumble, the DC stuff had completely flushed itself down the shitter and become Morbin'-tier.
Paradox says it happens in the future, even though it was doctored from Loki's pretend death in Dark World, so Secret Wars, I guess.
Anon it doesn't have to look like a cheap Halloween costume. We can throw some gold on the boots though
No fucking way, that movie got the multiverse bullshit out of the way so we could focus on three Peters ASAP and it was nicely and genuinely executed, D&W is entangled in the worst MCU multiverse bullshit and doesn't even use it for anything.
Other way around, Deadpool and Wolverine is made for soifacing, Spider-Man got it out of the way in one scene and then focused on how the Peters would realistically interact in that scenario
I did not care for the humiliation of the Human Torch which just seems to boil down to 'haha fox movies suck' even though the MCU is responsible for the Eternals.
Eternals is fine art compared to Fant4stic.
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Are we getting one anon autistically claiming this movie ruined Johnny Storm for normies just like the one who claims Multiverse of Madness ruined Reed and Xavier?
It's Johnny Storm, he's allowed to be a punching bag
They should give a warning that this might give you a fetish for bald women.
Deadpool himself is Fox.
Did you not notice that everyone in the Void was Fox (or in the case of Blade, New Line)?
The idea wasn't to say "Fox movies suck", you missed where the whole point (explicitly stated by Blade and Elektra) to give the Fox timeline characters an enjoyable ending - a legacy. It was irreverent and gory due to Deadpool's involvement, but it wasn't meant to say that these movies are stupid. It's just Deadpool lampooning them. It's about as much of an "attack" on the franchise as Spaceballs was to Star Wars, Star Trek and Alien.
Johnny was the highlight of the movie, now I'm regretting we'll never get a young Chris Evans foulmouth Human Torch as the regular Johnny
You are slightly too late. The answer is: He has already revealed himself.

Too late, Karen Gillan as Nebula and behind the scenes already did that for me.
Not a fetish but I did want to fuck a bald girl for the first time ever
>Did anyone ever tried to put it on Charles’ head and make him not a telepath?
We just got a variation of that in the finale of X-men 97, with Magneto's helmet being forced onto Xavier.
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I will never understand why some anons are so sensitive to Multiverse doubles getting killed off, either for stakes or for laughs.
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>Did anyone ever tried to put it on Charles’ head and make him not a telepath?
Magneto's helmet at the very least has sat on his head a few times.
Because anons are autistic? I don't care what happens to variants.
Because until "the real" versions are introduced, these ARE the MCU versions of these characters. So it's a simple matter of "Beloved character _____ has finally joined the MCU! ...oh." Usually combined with brutal, bloody murder.
>no X-23 vs Deathstrike fight
What a wasted opportunity.
It's just not that interesting given the tradeoff and it's extremely predictable
>until "the real" versions are introduced, these ARE the MCU versions of these characters.

That's inane reasoning
>it's extremely predictable
I figured X-23 was safe, but I was stunned that Blade, Elektra, and Gambit didn't die.
What is the tradeoff, mind you?
Weren't they devoured by Alioth?
They are the real versions of the Fox characters, but they are explictly from pruned timelines. Their fate was always to eventually be consumed by Alioth. By showing up inside the Void, you already knew their home was gone. Wolverine and Deadpool were the only ones that still had a place to return to, but Deadpool's was crumbling (over a very long period of time).
Thanos being hit in the groin would've been much funnier
I watched it, I enjoyed it. It probably went on for about 20 mins too long. Maybe 30 mins. They didn't give Cassandra Nova enough time. I watched it after I saw articles of 'IT'S GOTTEN WORSE CRITIC REVIEWS THAN THE FLASH' and I watched it and it was so much better and pretty sure its RT was at 80% or some shit. Oh and I didn't pay. I went to Port Royale if you catch my drift. They didn't need the first fight scene between Deadpool and Wolverine, they should have just done the Honda scene and that would have probably made the film better.
They were. They didn't mind it because it was their eventual fate anyway and to them it was only important that D&W made it out to tell everyone of their story. Only Laura was saved.
Nope, all wrong, she genuinely let them go and had no intentions of destroying their universes until she found out Paradox betrayed her, it just makes no sense and is a waste of a nice moment and character
I thought so too, but Wade explicitly asks B-15/Verity to rescue them from the Void and "get them home." It's why X-23 is with the party at Wade's place at the end.
insane nitpick but i didnt like how johnny storms fantastic four suit had mcu waist lines
Should've killed her too. Nobody actually cares about or likes this shitty character anyway.
But you said they didn't die, did you mean they didn't die gruesomely on screen for a joke?

Since when does the TVA have the ability to bring back things Alioth eats, isn't the whole point that he deletes you on a conceptual level
Why are none of you faggots talking about Blade?
>she genuinely let them go and had no intentions of destroying their universes until she found out Paradox betrayed her, it just makes no sense and is a waste of a nice moment and character
This. As soon as Pyro spills the beans her motive changes to
>find the time ripper
>turn it on all timelines
>continue ruling the Void
She already felt at home there and the betrayal pushed her over the edge to no longer seek coexistence across dimensions.
Plenty are talking about Blade. There are 17 hits when you crtl+F for him.
some mothertruckers are always trying to iceskate uphill
>Since when does
Apparently, he didn't eat them, or else they wouldn't have been able to rescue Laura. I guess he just made a dive for Logan and Wade, and then fucked off, or the others were just able to escape. It's not like it's impossible. Almost everyone escapes every time Alioth attacks.
I was unclear why Alioth never tried to enter Ant-Man's skull and go after Cassandra. Or why it doesn't devour the skeleton. It's not like the corpse provided any shelter otherwise, she allowed part of her own goons being eaten the first time Alioth attacked.
What was the after credits scene, I watched the cam version so it didn’t show any credits and I’m not gonna see it in theaters for at least a week probably longer.
People forget that you need to be tied down for Alioth to eat someone since he is such a clumsy retard.
Johnny actually saying all the nasty shit about Cassandra that Wade said he did
Deadpool enters the TVA to pull up footage of Johnny badmouthing Cassandra Nova on the way to Lang Falls, using the exact words Deadpool seemingly put in his mouth and ending it with "And I don't care whether she tears of all my skin and makes me pop like a blood balloon, and you can quote me on that!"
Then Deadpool says "gotcha, fuckface!" and switches off the film.
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Because some motherfuckers are still trying to ice skate uphill.
Everything about the TVA, the Void, and Alioth sucks in general and sucks especially hard in this movie.

Should've just been Deadpool and Wolverine going through universes because they stole a sling ring or something but ideally I'd remove the multiverse altogether and just have Wade summoned to a Wolverine's universe for a grounded adventure. If you absolutely need all the cameos just have that universe be the shared home of Chris Johnny, Blade, Elektra, etc and have no one but Deadpool acknowledge the multiverse.
no way home is such a nothing fucking film
Blade, Elektra, Gambit, Human Torch, Blake were great. No bad points. Blake Lovely Ladypool was hot as fuck and I wanna see the what Nova actress looks like with hair
it's just a gag to recreate the famous claw reflection comic cover and it was cool
It's literally the only good capeshit multiverse to date, that's not saying much but it's the only one that's not actively offensive
big respect to them for giving Channing Tat-yum that opportunity
And he made it worth it.
What was good about it? What was good about it besides "OH MY GOD REMEMBER THOSE GUYS?"
If they don't get him for Gambit in the MCU it'll be a crime
Nope, the TVA has been pruning universes besides the "sacred timeline" for aeons, of course the Fox, Universal and New Line incarnations of characters were dumped into the Void, so this movie showed them doing something with their pityful existence there.

>Emma-Louise Corrin[1] (born 13 December 1995) is an English actor. They[a] portrayed Diana, Princess of Wales in the fourth season of the Netflix historical drama The Crown (2020), for which they won a Golden Globe and were nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award. They have since starred in the 2022 romantic drama films My Policeman and Lady Chatterley's Lover, and in the 2023 thriller miniseries A Murder at the End of the World.


>In July 2021, Corrin came out as queer and in July 2022 added "they/them" pronouns to their Instagram account.[15] They later discussed identifying as non-binary in an interview with The New York Times.[16]
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>Nova actress looks like with hair
No you don't. She's a butch lesbian, so she doesn't have normal hair outside of roles and even then....
It had good character interactions, good action scenes, and a solid character arc for the title character.
>She's a butch lesbian, so she doesn't have normal hair outside of roles and even then....
They are a nonbinary person in the acting business in a relationship with a person assigned female at birth of sapphic persuasion.
so a bunch of nothing but fanservice? Got it.

>solid character arc
what arc?
channing tatum mightve aged out of the role already
there's literally no way - this was just their way of throwing him a bone
I find it kind of funny how there was all this theorizing on who was playing Lady Deadpool and then the mask never comes off
I wasn't paying attention, was it said in the credits?
If you're going to do the gimmick of acting in bad faith, take it to /tv/ and don't shit up this thread. Threads where faggots like you go
and people go
>No it isn't
and you go
and people explain why it isn't and the response is
Just is tedious as fuck. There is probably at least half a dozen threads on /tv/ for it right now you can go jerk yourself over hating something you've not seen.
He lost everything, faced intense hardship but managed to learn and come back stronger, sacrificing what little he had left for the greater good.
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Blake Lively, who, as you know, played a lot of DC characters.
Best part of the movie right here.

my favorite theory was that it was going to be grace randolph also its ryan reynolds wife
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It was Ryan Reynolds' girlfriend, Blake Lively.
Because the "REMEMBER THOSE GUYS" shit was a scene each and then they actively partook in the plot in a meaningful way (barring the CGI villains).

The entire point of multiverses is crossover between existing versions of a character that otherwise couldn't logically cross over with themselves, and NWH is the only multiverse movie that did that without reducing the previous characters to jokes or brief cameos. Tobey and Andrew get to be the stars and teach Tom, Willem gets to be the best villain ever again, Tobey and Alfred's Peter and Otto get a nice reunion, Andrew's Peter gets to redeem himself for failing to save Gwen, Tom gets to finally reach the Spider-Man level everyone's been asking for.

It gets the characters, has great emotional scenes (Norman lost in FEAST and May's death feel like MCU top 10 for me), provides lots of closure, doesn't get lost in multiverse bullshit or meta/irony garabage, good action scenes and visuals, the OST was noticeable for the first time, and overall it doesn't feel like a massively wasted opportunity.

I'll give you that, but I still think the movie is paper-thin and largely uninteresting, carried predominantly by the hype and spectacle of "OMG ALL THE SPIDER-MANS" and that Peter's arc is both tertiary and not overly interesting. I mean, all it really did was reset him to what fans have been clamouring for, which, again, reads as shallow fan service.
Oh I only ever saw her in A Simple Favor, I didn't know they were dating
That's fun though, better than the people thinking it would be Taylor Swift for whatever reason.
Ha thanks for letting know I appreciate that.
wait is that the fucking age of apocalypse wolverine? holy shit
He's 44, Ryan Reynolds is 47
>what fans have been clamouring for, which, again, reads as shallow fan service

Are you sure you like Deadpool & Wolverine?
>Ladypool recently had a kid
>It was Deadpools kid
I see what you did there
Banger when Blades comes in
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When will someone have the balls to make a full movie like this
Ryan Reynolds has a youthful face anyway, but as Deadpool he either wears Freddy Krueger prosthetics or a mask. He'll be able to get away with it for ages.
yes, yes it is. did not expect that!
I just want you to admit that No Way Home isn't better than it, because it isn't.
ryan reynolds started playing wolverine almost 10 years ago also isnt gambit supposed to be in his 20s-30s?
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This looked better than the main suit
1000% true

shit looks fire
Well, not even the comics had the balls. This is a recreation of Uncanny X-Men 251's cover. In the actual issue, neither does Logan have nails driven through his palms, nor is the cross sat on a mountain of skulls (literally Calvary). He's just chained to a significantly smaller cross on a farm by Donald Pierce and then Jubilee comes and unties him.

fuuuuuuuck that's the goddamn best wolverine has ever looked onscreen

jesus christ
tbf that's mostly just because of how hard the brown suit is in general
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Eh, I still prefer the yellow. Bet you this and Hulk will be announced as Hot Toys within a year too
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Oh shit I just realized Cavillrine reloads his claws, I was too distracted by him even appearing to notice in the theater
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This is what I hope the MCU Wolverine would look like.
oh yeah that was intentional
Whether you validate what I'm saying or not, Spider-Man No Way Home was a nothing film carried by fanservice and you only really give a shit because it was for you.
what did he say before Hulk smacked him?
Now I want him dressed in the brown suit.
I’m happy that Blade, Elektra and Gambit didn’t die during the battle
"I'm Marvel Jesus you dull creature..." then smash.
Can we keep Henry Cavill? Could they? Would he?
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>The realization that Johnny was probably as bitter and angry and vulgar and "I don't give a fuck" as he was because Susan, Ben, and Reed were all dead.
i mean they probably did since only x-23 made it back

alioth probably snacked em up
True. Her surviving confused me since they didn’t the rest.
I doubt they won't be back in Secret Wars.
He's been living in a wasteland hiding from a sentient cloud that wants to erase him for years. Everyone is bitter and vulgar down there. Of course, the death of the other F4 plays a part in that, but the situation by itself is terrible.
Ambiguos enough to just say they probably lived. After all it goes with Deadpool asking the ATV lady to help them.
>GiAnt-Man actually died by unrelated causes to the void and even his corpse irradiated by Pym Particles protects him of cosmic bullshit like Alioth
I kneel
Blade says there's only been one Blade ever. Guess they forgot about Sticky Fingaz.
Laura is from the same reality as Deadpool, just from the future. Wolverine is the only cross-timeline transplant. So if the others lived and if they still had universes to return to (or near-replacements thanks to the multiverse being existent again), then they were put there.
Wade said "We left some good people back in the Void. Can you do something for them?" Blade, Elektra, and Gambit were from other universes/timelines, they wouldn't have been in the X-Men/Deadpool universe after going home. Laura may have been from the future, but it was the same universe.
Laura was weirdly downplayed, they treated her like one of those actors that outgrew their role or stopped being able to act since they last appeared so they stick them in the background as a token appearance but don't let them speak or act
There are no orange slices in the void. Being Giant-Man is very taxing.
I prefer to assume that they all made it back but just went their separate ways while X-23 obviously stuck around the X-Men side of things. After all, Deadpool said people, not person.
I don't agree, of all the cameos she had the most substantive scene with jackman by the fire.
They didn't. Neither did they forget the upcoming Blade. Deadpool looks straight at the camera and raises an eyebrow at the audience as Blade says it.
Gosh, multiverses are confusing. Well, it was at least nice to see them. Especially Gambit
there are better choices imo but cavill as captain britain could work. wonder man couldve been cool too but hes already taken
they should have had both blades on opposite sides
I thought they got some random lookalike to be Blade but it's actually Wesley Snipes, what the hell, didn't look or sound like him
I tought all the cameos were really good. They had lines and time to shine. And even a really good action scene. I was afraid of Deadpool 2 repeating itself but they even lived.
Cavill as Wolverine would be easy money to Marvel. He would easily be the flagship character in X-Men and the future crossovers. I really doubt they won't let him stay in the role. They're already producing a Wolverine vs Hulk movie, and I bet he will be the Wolverine.
Yeah that one scene was good but apart from that it didn't really feel like they were setting her up to be the MCU Laura

No I agree, I just thought Laura herself would be closer to Logan in importance than just slightly more important than Elektra
Hugh looked cool as shit as the Age of Apocalypse Wolverine. Didn't think that would ever translate well to live action but it did.
Should've, maybe, but the SAG-Aftra strike prevented a lot of cameos.
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To be fair, he’s 61 and probably lost some weight with age. He still kicked ass… or least his stunt double did.
>Mishears "retired" as "retarded"

>"I don't like you!"
>"You never did."
Made me smile
It's been almost 30 years, anon.
My favorite Hugh variant. It was brutally well done.
pretty sure they could've gotten sticky fingaz. we ain't talkin michael fassbender or some shit here.
>If Live action Wolverine had been a manlet he would have never been as popular as he is
Blackest pill to swallow
I don't get the retarded line aside from being politically incorrect.
holy fucking shit short ass hugh jackman is funny as hell
>Did you stick the landing?
>Yes you did, yes you did, you comic accurate short king!
>Vanessa: "You don't care about anything but yourself, Wade! You have to care! You need to care about something bigger! About something more than yourself! You need to make a difference!"
>Me: "Wasn't that the entire point of Deadpool 2...?"
Yeah but Hugh still kinda looks and sounds like he did in the first X-Men despite that
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I smiled when he said the line
just finished it. the movie had alot of potential but they dropped the ball pretty bad. i dont want to watch it a second time.
It was a simple "He misunderstood Deadpool because of Deadpool's bad impression of him" joke, anon.
I read it as a joke about some of the weird bullshit Wesley Snipes would misinterpret and get upset about on the set of Blade Trinity
How did Reynolds not do a short Hannibal King cameo? Surely he must have and it was just lost in the edit.
i dont think the mcu wants to focus their xmen as much on wolverine plus id rather have someone in their 30s playing him to make him aging slowly more convincing
The point was that he wasn't there for her and got down so bad into depression and needing to belong that he forgot about Vanessa being the point altogether. And by the end he regained his confidence.
yeah i think the reason you're seeing rumors of hulk vs wolverine is that wolverine isn't going to be in the x-men movies at first
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So which one do you think is dead?
Ah so I got it. Thanks anons
i swear media literacy is fucking dead if people can't grasp simple elementary level storytelling shit in comic books movies like this

i weep for what would happen if they watched a real movie
dude I doubt they won't use wolverine (the ip) as a cash cow after this movie lol
The sacred timeline bullshit feels so masturbatory in this movie
They SHOULD buy Henry and convince him to stick around. Dude did get fucked
All of them are dead. The Bernthal Punisher is the only one with a chance to return because he's connected to the MCU Daredevil.
I wouldn't be so rude but yeah, I found it really easy to understand by the end.
Cavil as Wolverine is just a copy paste of Jackman. They need someone very different in the role for the next iteration.
Hugh carried this movie hard, Wolverine and Deadpool should work without every word out of Deadpool's mouth being some shitty meta joke full of swearing
>They need someone very different in the role for the next iteration.
almost got me
It's weird. As "Loki" heavy the movie is, what with the TVA and Alioth and Verity and even the same 'reality turning into spaghetti' effect from "Loki" Season 2, I was surprised they didn't go even further with it. I get that Loki himself probably wouldn't have noticed until Cassandra actually started destroying timelines, but no cameos from anyone other than Verity? Really?
first one will probably be a cameo at most but i cant see wolverine not being in the ones after that
yeah he will be in secret wars too probably but i just dont think cavill will play him in the mcu
feige literally mentioned this
Disagree. Henry can take the character where he wants, and he’s a familiar face people like. Take the hand motions he did for example, that could be his signature thing
What the fuck does that mean
i think they're saying the don't want another huge muscle bound guy as wolverine and want a different take with it
>Take the hand motions he did for example, that could be his signature thing
Imagine the upgrade.
Reynolds should be the main producer of the X-Movies in the MCU.
>Take the hand motions he did for example, that could be his signature thing
that was definitely a reference to his fight scene in Mission Impossible, right?
The next Wolverine needs to be rough and offputting, not someone that every woman in the audience wants to jump at first sight.
Appears to be. Was that like a meme before or something? Because it really works as a motion to dispatch the claws. Should he wear a brown costume?
Anon…Logan has fucked at least half of Asia. Women like his short hairy ass
>Was that like a meme before or something?
It made all the ladies wet and all the guys want to be him when the trailer dropped
It's Hollywood, anon. Give up. Wolverine is going to be a macho heartthrob and there's nothing you can do about it.
Would Henry wear a mask?
no doubt. reynolds proved that even with his face covered everyone knows he is the one delivering and likes him for it
it's really a stupid rhetoric to have to show your own face in a role
Cavill is enough of an irl nerd like Ryan Reynolds and Karl Urban that I can see him committing
he was fine not showing his face in shazam so probably
forgot about the fact that he's a massive nerd
Isn't this movie Deadpool 3?
It's the third Deadpool solo film, sure, but would you put it past them to call the fourth Deadpool 3 just to fuck with you?
No, they've stated that this is it's own thing and that there's still a Deadpool 3
Did they shoot Owen Wilson and not use it, or was his involvement just a false rumor?
They said Tom Hiddleston was going to appear in this movie.
Well if they shot Owen Wilson, he can't be in a movie, now can he? But no, seriously, I'm wondering the same thing. I thought they confirmed that Mobius and Miss Minutes were in this movie YEARS ago.
the owen wilson stuff was just those clickbait scoopsters throwing shit at the wall like daniel radcliffe, ian mckellan, patrick stewart. etc
they might have just dropped it from the movie like how they dropped the original foxmen and kang showing up
It's a long shot, but did they make a "Changing the Heirarchy of The DC Universe" joke in there?
I forget the exact wording, but yeah, they did. Wade says he's going to do that to the MCU when he's first at the TVA.

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