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Ah, this gives me some serious nostalgia for Old Spoony...
Such a shame what happened to him.
A true classic
This part of the comic actually has a bit of history behind it: see, when The Ultimate Warrior was the top guy for a hot minute, he was rude to a kid after a show. Trouble was, that kid was the son of someone Vince did business with, and Warrior was made to do a public apology on a TV taping.

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Oh look, the comic is now black & white! I'm sure this is just an artistic decision, and nothing to do with Warrior being unprofessional as all get out!
The tragic part? A washed-up professional wrestler turning into an international assassin is an amazing story.
yeah no it isn't. come on.
Surprise! There was no #5, this little vanity project crashed and burned due to nobody wanting to get Warrior's stink on them.

I'm kind of in awe how all the text is just stream-of-consciousness gibberish. He's either really dedicated to the bit or his brain's cooked.
Oh, his brain was 210% cooked.

I think it's a mix of both, a lot of wrestlers get way too into their gimmicks to the detriment of their personal lives but Warrior was at the top of the industry in a time where he'd be loaded on roids and coke and lord knows what else. Looking at his later years he clearly had some degree of awareness about himself and the character but there was always that vague line between reality and fiction
what is that white fluid SUPPOSED to be?
Seems like someone doesn't have the Warrior mentality, quite sad.
Warrior also refused to see a kid with cancer. He really disliked children
For a guy that hate fags, his comic was really gay
Warrior tried to carny Vince into buying a million copies of his comic but it didn't work

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