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Summer, a word for hot and fun times, just like Sari Sumdac herself! Such a sunshine of a girl to rejoice for.
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Sariways Sundays!
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Both are valid fits.
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Allright, let’s do this one more time...

This is Sari Sumdac, techno-organic at birth and cute at everything she does, even the most crazy deeds, and boy, crazy, crazy was last week...
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A board blackout and green goblins bringing her to the brink...

But, that won’t stop the support to her!
Anyway, are you excited for is coming from the hands of studio Trigger?
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Trigger is bringing back a familiar face in full action and guess who.
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What are our chances to see Sariin this animation by Trigger? even if it was a small cameo.
I mean, it is not a secret at Trigger thay love Transformers, so expecting to see Sari again shouldn't be far fetched, they've done it before...

Did you see her?
>It's the little details.

Now Trigger has the chance to not to rely on cute references like this.
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>Such a cute yet mischievous cinammon roll you are, yes you are.
Sideways Sundays Septemberways Sundays
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This from last time, these animations are pretty much ready for next week. How do they look?
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Could they be improved?
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>The perfect toyline doesn't exis...
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>Yeah, Bee, let the little witch stuff to Sari, she's the one who actually looks cute in it.
damn that's cringe
>Nothing out the ordinary from your tipical con.
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>It's summertime
>Everybody's having a fun time with Sari
>Everybody but Ratchet, who seems to be allergic to fun... they'll agree on something eventually
You need to point me in the direction of the con where they dressing up as Nudist Beach Panda rn
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Ummm over there?
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>Where does that hasty bee go, bumbling all over the place?
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>To pay a visit to her best human friend, a gal that sums da Craziests adventures.
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Here a small update. This should look really cool when it's done, what ya think?
Bee is suddenly distracted
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Oh no, he didn't... he's grounded, you know it kek
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So I kinda feel like this should just be treated as a general Transformers thread at this point.
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so dumped directly to >>>/trash/
I kinda want better for Sari than that but all she gets is horny posts now.

At the very least I just look at these as Animated generals.
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>Sari... she could be your pretty fallen angel...
>She could be your your very little witch...
>Or, she could be the very key to destiny beyond the stars!
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Got you a little teaser
The lack of good pregnant Sari art is criminal
I... I don't know what would qualify as "good pregnant art" of her, to be honest lel, regardless of the quantity out there.
Sounds like a (You) problem, my guy
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Is this Bleedman art?
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Speaking of Trigger, there was this Transformers reference festival of a show, Gridman. I don't think there was ever spotted a Sari reference in there, or was it? espeacially a Sari from Shattered Glass, which is what that show is built of.
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In a show where every character is a human version of some SG transformer character, what would represent Sari the best in that anime?
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>Not diggin'
>You know the word...
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>He kitty now
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>Sorry oldman, we're too cool to hear anything with our glasses on.
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>Not their first time...
>Nor be their last...
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>No one can't resist her!
>Praise the cyber lady!
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>Sutaruskirimu b-baka!!
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>Blacky wanna dance too
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>Sari will snuggle every single one of them like no other and they'll have no option but surrender to her love
Come to mamma!
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>Because her love is just too big
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Hows has her boob milk tasted since she's a photo form? Do her boobs have glands? Remember that Soundwave hurt her boobs?
>Do her boobs have glands?
They're very organic for what that blow she received can tell, yes. About taste, it should rich like any other, although, like her mysterious self, it's up to discussion; I like to think she can switch the kind she can produce: from normal milk, to an energon fluid, to a mix of both?
>Soundwave hurt her boobs

Wait, when was that? Does she really hurt?
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>Does she really hurt?
Poor babygirl got it badly when she was looking into Soundwave's lair
And you assume that her boobs hurt?
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Me? no, her gestures say it all
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>Soundwave's face when he found out all the internet found out he did Sari a big ouchie on her very sensitive area
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>"Yeah, that’s better. Now make something funny, make me a cute laugh" -Sari
Besides, more than once Animated paid homage to them, so would be nice if they waved back.
Sari or Miko?
>In today's episode of SSSSGridman SuperGirl Sari Sumdac Sunday Gridman
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Ummh... a diffic-SARI, the cutest hottie, YES!
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And this is too
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>Girls, girls, you don't need to put yourselves to test, we know what matters above all not being miko, lol besides, it's clear who's best Sari, duh

captcha: TADAT
Bitches, please.
Why she would complain, she's a good second place, behind Sari lmao
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Could she change consciously the taste of her own milk? Say she eats a chocolate bar, could she make chocolate milk out of it?
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>Valvarad face
So he's a Vegeta tier gigajobber?
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>And so our heroes went through a great and exciting anime adventure which can't describe you because it would be too much for a cheap board like this...
>Thereafter the boys put their differences aside and were getting along at last
>But wait, as neither of both have noticed... WHERE IS SARI?
dun dun dun
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This must be the first time she knows how it felt to have boobs, very sensitive meat.
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Yeah. Things must have happened so quickly following her even quicker yet drastic grow sprout, I bet she barely got play with her boobs in her own terms by christmas to know better.
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With this one pretty much done, and given the time gap, I've started a new one. How's it looking?
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All of Season 4 would have been Sari showing off her new cyberjubblies to Lickety-Split and making all the fembots on Cybertron jelly of her abundant energon reservoirs.
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Got another art? With accurate art style?
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>on-model horny art
what did anon mean by this?
>Each step a small jiggle make the fembots on Cybertron turn their heads over her, they mur “disgusting” but they really wonder “how does she do it? ”
>Nevertheless, Sari move them, so happy of herself.
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Was gonna ask the same heh
Not horny, just Sari with on model art, touching her boobs in discomfort
Oh, you mean something like this? those aren't her hands tho
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